Behavioral Changes

The following information documents the behavioral changes to the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (OCSBC) in this software release.

Minimum Signaling Core Requirement

The minimum number of signaling cores for a vSBC is changed to 2. The exceptions to this requirement are deployments on the Acme Packet 1100 and small footprint deployments.


TLS1.0 is no longer advertised by default during session negotiation when the tls-version parameter is set to compatibility. To advertise TLS1.0 during session negotiation, navigate to the security-config element and set the options parameter to +sslmin=tls1.0. Note that the current default is TLSv1.2.

ORACLE(security-config)# options +sslmin=tls1.0

Licensing IPSec / TLS / SRTP / IMS-AKA on vSBC

For new configurations on virtual platforms, you must enter a license key that enables certain encryption-oriented features before setting entitlements. See: Encryption for Virtual SBC for more information.

VNF Licensing

The S-Cz8.2.0 release reverts to the pre-S-Cz8.1.0 behavior where VNF once again requires a license key. (The S-Cz8.1.0 release did not require a license key for VNF.)

Lawful Intercept Customers

Refer to the topic about new images files for LI customers only: Image Files for LI Customers.

HMR Regex Matching Changes

The PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expression) engine was updated in 8.1 and consequently the match-value value of \, is no longer valid. In previous releases, the PCRE engine used \, to match any character, including a NUL character. The newer PCRE engine does not support \,.

Separate from the PCRE, the SBC supports the non-standard \,+ to match one or more characters, including NUL characters. If your HMR rule for 8.0 or earlier depends on \, (for example, \,*), use either the standard .* to match any character zero or more times, excluding NUL characters, or use \,+ to match any character, including NUL characters, one or more times.