sip-interface > sip-ports

The sip-ports subelement indicates the ports on which the SIP proxy or B2BUA will listen for connections.


Enter the IP address of the host associated with the sip-port entry
An IPV6 address is valid for this parameter.
Enter the port number for this sip-port
  • Default: 5060
  • Values: Min: 1025 / Max: 65535
Select the transport protocol associated for this sip-port
  • Default: UDP
  • Values:
    • TCP
    • UDP
    • TLS
    • SCTP
Enter one or more IP addresses that are multihomed on this SIP Interface, for use with SCTP. Multiple IP addresses are entered in parentheses, separated by spaces.
Select the type of anonymous connection from session agents allowed.


This parameter is only visible with appropriate licensing.
Select the type of anonymous connection from session agents allowed.
  • Default: all
  • Values:
    • all—Allow all anonymous connections
    • agents-only—Only requests from session agents allowed
    • realm-prefix—Session agents and address matching realm prefix
    • registered—Session agents and registered endpoints (REGISTER allowed from any endpoint)
    • register-prefix—All connects from SAs that match agents-only, realm-prefix, and registered agents
Enter the name value for the IMS-AKA profile configuration to use for a SIP port


sip-ports is a subelement is under the sip-config element. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure terminal , and then session-router , and then sip-interface , and then sip-ports.


There must be at least one sip-port entry configured within the sip-config and there can be as many entries as necessary for the sip-port. This is a multiple instance configuration element.