SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib)

The following table describes the SNMP Get query names for the SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib).

The apSipMIBGeneralObjects object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: + Description
apSipSecInterfaceTotalRegistrations .1.1 Total number of registrations on all secondary SIP interfaces.
apSipSecInterfaceRegThreshold .1.2 The maximum threshold for registrations on all secondary SIP interfaces. If this threshold is exceeded, an alarm is raised.
apSipSecInterfaceClearThreshold .1.3 The threshold for registrations on all secondary SIP interfaces to clear an alarm.
apSipVideoCallsActive .2.1 Total number of Active Video Calls
apSipAudioCallsActive .2.2 Total number of Active Audio Calls
apSipSRVCCStatsTotalSuccess .3.1 Total successful SRVCC HO
apSipSRVCCStatsTotalFailed .3.2 Total failed SRVCC HO
apSipSRVCCStatsTotalCallsAfterAnswer .3.3 Total calls subjected to SRVCC after answer
apSipSRVCCStatsAfterAnswerSuccess .3.4 Total successful SRVCC HO after answer
apSipSRVCCStatsAfterAnswerFailed .3.5 Total failed SRVCC HO after answer
apSipSRVCCStatsTotalCallsDuringAlerting .3.6 Total calls subjected to SRVCC during alerting.
apSipSRVCCStatsDuringAlertingSuccess .3.7 Total successful SRVCC HO during alerting.
apSipSRVCCStatsDuringAlertingFailed .3.8 Total failed SRVCC HO during alerting.
apSipSRVCCStatsAtcfCancel .3.9 Total ATCF cancellations
apSipSRVCCStatsEmergencySuccess .3.10 Total successful SRVCC HO for Emergency calls
apSipSRVCCStatsEmergencyFailed .3.11 Total failed SRVCC HO for Emergency calls
apSipSRVCCStatsEatfCancel .3.12 Total EATF Cancellations
apSipSRVCCStatsTotalCallsDuringPreAlerting .3.13

Total calls subjected to SRVCC during pre-alerting

apSipSRVCCStatsDuringPreAlertingSuccess .3.14

Total successful SRVCC HO during pre-alerting

apSipSRVCCStatsDuringPreAlertingFailed .3.15

Total failed SRVCC HO during pre-alerting

apSipStatsActiveSubscriptionsRegEvt 4.1 Number of Active Reg Event Subscriptions in the SBC.
apSipStatsPerMaxSubscriptionsRegEvt 4.2 Lifetime PerMax Reg Event Subscriptions count in the SBC.
apSipStatsMaximumActiveSubscriptionsRegEvt 4.3 Count of Lifetime Maximum Active Reg Event Subscriptions in the SBC
apSipStatsTotalSubscriptionsRegEvt 4.4 Count of Lifetime Total Reg Event Subscriptions in the SBC.
Object Group Object Name Description
Object group in ap-sip.mib apSipSecInterfaceRegObjectsGroup





(apSipObjectGroups 1)

Object group to monitor registrations for secondary SIP interfaces.
Object in ap-sip.mib apSipSecInterfaceTotalRegistrations

(apSipSecInterfaceObjects 1)

Total number of registration on all secondary SIP interfaces.
Object in ap-sip.mib apSipSecInterfaceRegThreshold

(apSipSecInterfaceObjects 2)

The max threshold for registrations on all secondary interfaces beyond which a trap is generated.
Object in ap-sip.mib apSipSecInterfaceClearThreshold

(apSipSecInterfaceObjects 3)

The threshold for registrations on all secondary SIP interfaces below which a clear trap is generated.
Object group in ap-sip.mib apSipRegEvtSubStatsObjects

(apSipMIBGeneralObjects 4)

Object group to monitor registration event subscriptions in the SBC.

MSRP Objects for SNMP

GET Query Name Object ID: + Description
apSipMSRPFdTableSize 1

The number of entries in the MSRP File Descriptor Table. The actual object counter on physical platforms is 32-bit long while on virtual platforms it is 64-bit.

apSipMSRPSessionIdTableSize 2

The number of entries in the MSRP Session-Id table.

apSipMSRPActiveSessions 3

The number of total Active MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPMaxActiveSessions 4

The number of max active MSRP sessions.

apSipMSRPEstablishedSessions 5

Total number of MSRP Established Sessions.

apSipMSRPProvisionedSessions 6

Total number of MSRP Provisioned Sessions.

apSipMSRPFinishedSessions 7

Total number of MSRP Finished Sessions.

apSipMSRPAcceptedConnections 8

Total number of Accepted Connections in MSRP sessions.

apSipMSRPConnectedConnections 9

Total number of Connected Connections in MSRP sessions.

apSipMSRPReleasedConnections 10

Total number of Released Connections in MSRP sessions.

apSipMSRPStreamRequestReceived 11

Total number of Stream Requests Received in MSRP sessions.

apSipMSRPStreamRequestSent 12

Total number of stream Requests Sent in MSRP sessions.

apSipMSRPStreamResponseReceived 13

Total number of Stream Responses Received in MSRP sessions.

apSipMSRPStreamResponseSent 14

Total number of Stream Responses Sent in MSRP sessions.

apSipMSRPGlobalBufferedData 15

Current Global Buffer Data size for MSRP sessions.

apSipMSRPFlowAdd 16

Total number of MSRP Nat Flows Added.

apSipMSRPFlowDelete 17

Total number of MSRP Nat Flows Deleted.

apSipMSRPFailedSessionsCannotRoute 18 Total number of Failed MSRP Sessions due to No Session Route Failure.
apSipMSRPFailedSessionsCannotConnect 19 Total number of Failed MSRP Sessions that can not connect.
apSipMSRPFailedSessionsFingerprintMismatch 20 Total number of Falied MSRP Sessions due to Fingerprint Mismatches.
apSipMSRPFailedMessagesCannotBeSent 21 Total number of Message Send Failures in MSRP sessions.
apSipMSRPFailedMessagesMalformed 22 Total number of Malformed Messages Received in MSRP sessions.
apSipMSRPSendQFullEvents 23 Total number of TCP Send-Q Full Events in MSRP sessions.
apSipMSRPSendQCongestedEvents 24 Total number of TCP Send-Q Congested Events in MSRP sessions.
apSipMSRPSendQCongestionRelievedEvents 25 Total number of TCP Send-Q Relieved Events in MSRP sessions.
apSipMSRPStreamErrorNoTransId 26 Total number of No Trans-Id Stream Errors in MSRP sessions.
apSipMSRPStreamErrorNoMsgType 27 Total number of No Message Type Stream Errors in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPStreamErrorNoByteLength 28 Total number of No Byte Length stream Errors in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPBufferLimitExceeded 29 Total number of Buffer Limit Exceeded Errors in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPFailedConnectionInit 30 Total number of Connection Attempts Failed in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPSessReprovMismatch 31 Total number of Session Reprovision Mismatches.
apSipMSRPTcpListenErrors 32 Total number of TCP Listen Errors in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPTcpConnectError 33 Total number of TCP Connect Errors in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPTcpError 34 Total number of TCP Errors in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNoFromHeaderSessionID 35 Total number of FROM Header without a session-id in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNoFromHeader 36 Total number of Messages without FROM Header in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPFromHdrAddrParseError 37 Total number of FROM Header Parse errors in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNoFromHdrAddr 38 Total number of FROM Header with no Address in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNoFromHdrPort 39 Total number of FROM Header with no port in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNoFromHdrAuthority 40 Total number of From Header with no Authority in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPFromHdrSrvMismatch 41 Total number of FROM Header service type mismatches in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPSendFailNoDestFd 42 Total number of send failures due to No Destination File Descriptor found in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPSendFailedNoDstSession 43 Total number of send failures due to No Destination Session found in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNoToHeaderSessionID 44 Total number of TO Headers without a session-id in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNoToHeader 45 Total number of Messages without TO Header in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPToHdrAddrParseError 46 Total number of TO Headers Parse errors in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNoToHdrAddr 47 Total number of TO Headers with no Address in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNoToHdrPort 48 Total number of TO Headers with no port in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNoToHdrAuthority 49 Total number of TO Headers with no Authority in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPToHdrSrvMismatch 50 Total number of TO Header service type mismatches in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNoDestFdEntry 51 Total number of No Destination File Descriptor Entry Errors in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPTcpSendFailure 52 Total number of TCP Send Failures in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPFdTableInsertErrorCollision 53 Total number of Insert Collisions errors in File Descriptor Table.
apSipMSRPFdTableInsertErrorNoData 54 Total number of No Data Insert Errors in File Descriptor Table.
apSipMSRPFdTableInsertErrorMemory 55 Total number of Memory Insert Errors in File Descriptor Table.
apSipMSRPFdTableInsertErrorMaxHops 56 Total number of Max Hops Insert Errors in File Descriptor Table.
apSipMSRPFdTableInsertErrorBad 57 Total number of Bad Insert Errors in File Descriptor Table.
apSipMSRPSessionTableInsertErrorCollision 58 Total number of Insert Collisions Errors in Session Table.
apSipMSRPSessionTableInsertErrorNoData 59 Total number of No Data Insert Errors in Session Table.
apSipMSRPSessionTableInsertErrorMemory 60 Total number of Memory Insert Errors in Session Table.
apSipMSRPSessionTableInsertErrorMaxHops 61 Total number of Max Hops Insert Errors in Session Table.
apSipMSRPSessionTableInsertErrorBad 62 Total number of Bad Insert Errors in Session Table.
apSipMSRPFlowToSessionTableInsertError 63 Total number of Insert Errors in Flow-To-Session Table.
apSipMSRPNumPreProvSessions 64 Total number of PreProvisioned Sessions in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNumPreProvMessages 65 Total number of PreProvision RX Messages in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPConnectionStateNoSession 66 Total number of Sockets in Initial State in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPConnectionStateListening 67 Total number of Sockets in Listening State in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPConnectionStatePending 68 Total number of Sockets in Pending State in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPConnectionStateConnecting 69 Total number of Sockets in Connecting State in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPConnectionStateConnected 70 Total number of Sockets in Connected State in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPConnectionStateEstablished 71 Total number of Sockets in Established State in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPConnectionStateFinished 72 Total number of Sockets in Finished State in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPConnectionStateReleased 73 Total number of Sockets in Released State in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPUnqualifiedConnections 74 Total number of Sockets in Unqualified Status in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPSessionStateNone 75 Total number of Sessions in Initial State.
apSipMSRPSessionStateListening 76 Total number of Sessions in Listening State.
apSipMSRPSessionStatePreProvisioned 77 Total number of Sessions in Pre-Provisioned State.
apSipMSRPSessionStateProvisioned 78 Total number of Sessions in Provisioned State.
apSipMSRPSessionStateEstablished 79 Total number of Sessions in Established State.
apSipMSRPSessionStateFinished 80 Total number of Sessions in Finished State.
apSipMSRPClosedFdTableSize 81 Closed FD Table Size.
apSipMSRPClosedFdTableInsertErrors 82 Total number of Insert Errors in Closed File Descriptor Table.
apSipMSRPNumFdForcedReleases 83 Total number of Forced Release File Descriptor in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNumForcedReleasedListenFdNotFound 84 Total number of Forced Release Listen File Descriptor Not Found in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNumForcedReleasedForkedFdNotFound 85 Total number of Forced Release Forked File Descriptor Not Found in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPNumListenFdForcedReleased 86 Total number of Forced Release Listen File Descriptor in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPRequestBytesReceived 87 Total number of Request Bytes Received in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPRequestBytesSent 88 Total number of Request Bytes Sent in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPResponseBytesReceived 89 Total number of Response Bytes Received in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPResponseBytesSent 90 Total number of Response Bytes Sent in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPUnqualifiedClose 91 Total number of Unqualified Closes in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPUnconnectedClose 92 Total number of File Descriptor did not get any connection in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPAcceptErrorClose 93 Total number of Accept Error Closes in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPPreProvisionClose 94 Total number of Pre-provision Closes in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPReadErrorClose 95 Total number of Read Error Closes in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPStreamErrorClose 96 Total number of Stream Error Closes in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPBufferClose 97 Total number of Buffer Error Closes in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPReleaseNotificationFailures 98 Total number of Release Notification send failures.
apSipMSRPReleaseNotificationUnsentNoId 99 Total number of Unsent Release Notifications due to No session ID.
apSipMSRPReleaseNotificationUnsentNoFd 100 Total number of Unsent Release Notifications due to invalid File Descriptor.
apSipMSRPReleaseNotificationUnsentNoListenFd 101 Total number of Unsent Release Notifications due to No Listen File Descriptor.
apSipMSRPAcceptedConnectionsCema 102 Total number of CEMA Accepted Connections.
apSipMSRPConnectedConnectionsCema 103 Total number of CEMA Connected Connections.
apSipMSRPActiveCemaSessions 104 Total number of Active CEMA Sessions.
apSipMSRPEstablishedSessionsSessmatch 105 Total number of Established Sessmatch Sessions.
apSipMSRPProvisionedSessionsSessmatch 106 Total number of Provisioned Sessmatch Sessions.
apSipMSRPActiveSessmatchSessions 107 Total number of Active Sessmatch Sessions.
apSipMSRPMessageFromHost 108 Total number of Messages Received from Host in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPMessageToHost 109 Total number of Messages Sent to Host in MSRP Sessions.
apSipMSRPMessageToHostFail 110 Total number of Messages Sent to Host Failed in MSRP sessions.