Feature Entitlements

You enable the features that you purchased from Oracle, either by self-provisioning using the setup entitlements command, or installing a license key at the system, license configuration element.

This release uses the following self-provisioned entitlements and license keys to enable features.

The following table lists the features you enable with the setup entitlements command.

Feature Type
Accounting boolean
Admin Security boolean
ANSSI R226 Compliance boolean
BFD boolean
IMS-AKA Endpoints Integer
IPSec Trunking Sessions Integer
IPv4 - IPv6 Interworking boolean
IWF (SIP-H323) boolean
Load Balancing boolean
MSRP B2BUA Sessions Integer
Policy Server boolean
Quality of Service boolean
Routing boolean
SIPREC Session Recording boolean
SRTP Sessions Integer
Transcode Codec AMR Capacity Integer
Transcode Codec AMRWB Capacity Integer
Transcode Codec EVRC Capacity Integer
Transcode Codec EVRCB Capacity Integer
Transcode Codec EVS Capacity Integer
Transcode Codec OPUS Capacity Integer
Transcode Codec SILK Capacity Integer
TSCF Tunnels Integer
The following table lists the features you enable by installing a license key at the system, license configuration element. Request license keys at the License Codes website at http://www.oracle.com/us/support/licensecodes/acme-packet/index.html.
Feature Type
Lawful Intercept boolean
R226 SIPREC boolean