DIAMETER Rf Charging Failure & Recovery Detection

The OCSBC can detected and resport when the DIAMETER Rf interface has failed and when it has recovered.

  • Transport failure detection—The OCSBC sends SNMP traps to the configured management systems when a Diameter Rf Charging transport failure has been detected. If multiple transport failures have been detected, an SNMP trap is sent for each failure.
  • Transport recovery detection—When a Diameter Rf Charging CCF has recovered and is back in service, an SNMP trap notification is sent by the OCSBC to the configured management systems notifying of that event.

Associated Traps

SNMP traps will be sent to the configured management system(s) when a transport failure or recovery is detected:

  • apDiameterAcctSrvrDownTrap will be sent if OCSBC can't connect to a configured Diameter Accounting Server after reboot
  • apDiameterAcctSrvrDownTrap will be sent if OCSBC loses connection to a configured Diameter Accounting Server during normal operations
  • apDiameterAcctSrvrUpTrap will be sent if OCSBC regains connection to a configured Diameter Accounting Server after a previous connection loss

The following varbinds are defined for the above traps:

  • apDiamAcctSrvrHostName—This object will contain account-server hostname.
  • apDiamAcctSrvrIPPort—This object will contain account-server IP address (which is the same as the hostname since we don't support FQDN for the account-server hostname) and port number in the following format: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:PORT.
  • apDiamAcctSrvrOriginRealm—This object will contain the origin realm, which is a concatenation of the account-server realm and suffix in the following format:

[ account-server realm][ account-server suffix]

  • apDiamAcctSrvrOriginHostName—This object will contain the origin host name, which is a concatenation of the accounting-config host name, account-server realm and account-server suffix in the following format:

[accounting-config host name].[ account-server realm][ account-server suffix]

  • apDiamAcctSrvrTransportType—This object will contain the transport type. At this time only the TCP transport type is supported