SIP Call Tear Down Due to Media Guard Timer Expiration

When a SIP call is torn down by the OCSBC due to media timers expiring, the following standard and VS attributes and their corresponding values will appear in the CDR stop message:

CDR Output

The following CDR AVPs must be observed in the same CDR.

Acct-Terminate-Cause = Idle-Timeout
h323-disconnect-cause = "6"
Acme-Disconnect-Initiator = 3


  • Acct-Terminate-Cause = Idle-Timeout: This standard RADIUS AVP indicates the call was ended due to a timer expiring.
  • h323-disconnect-cause = "6": This VSA AVP indicates the call was ended due to a timeout.
  • Acme-Disconnect-Initiator = 3: This VSA AVP indicates the call disconnect was initiated internally from the OCSBC, and not from an endpoint or due to an unknown reason.