Storage Expansion Module Monitoring

Low Disk Space Warning

The OCSBC can initiate an alarm and an SNMP trap when a volume reaches a configured threshold of remaining free disk space, configured as a percentage of volume. You can configure multiple alarms, each with increasing severity that indicate less free disk space.

Low Disk Space Threshold Alarm

The low disk space threshold alarm is configured in alarm threshold configuration element. It is non-health affecting. The threshold alarm appears as follows:

SYSTEM# display-alarms
1 alarms to show
ID      Task    Severity        First Occurred          Last Occurred
131142  547896076       4       2009-08-25 13:36:26     2009-08-25 13:36:26
Count   Description
1       Volume /misc space used 81% is over major threshold of 80%.

Low Disk Space Threshold SNMP Trap

For any threshold reached, an SNMP trap will be sent to all configured trap-receivers. The apSysMgmtStorageSpaceAvailThresholdTrap trap contains the following information:

  • VolumeName—name of the volume where a threshold was exceeded
  • CurrentValue—current percentage of disk space value that is exceeding one of the thresholds.
  • MinorThreshold—configured minor threshold for this volume, if none then this is 0.
  • MajorThreshold—configured major threshold for this volume, if none then this is 0.
  • CriticalThreshold—configured critical threshold for this volume, if none then this is 0.

ACLI Configuration and Examples

To configure alarm thresholds for monitoring free disk space:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type system and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# system
  3. Type system-config and press Enter.
    ORACLE(system)# system-config
  4. Type select and press Enter.
    ORACLE(system-config)# select
  5. Type alarm-threshold and press Enter.
    ORACLE(system-config)# alarm-threshold

    The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.

  6. type—Set this parameter to space to create an alarm based on reduced free disk space.
  7. volume—Set this parameter to the volume name you wish to monitor. Generally this string should be the same as the file-path parameter located in the account-config.
  8. severity—Enter the severity level of this alarm. Valid severity values are MINOR, MAJOR, and CRITICAL.
  9. value—Enter the percent of resource (type) in use that triggers the configured alarm (severity).
  10. Save your work.
  11. Repeat this procedure to configure multiple alarm thresholds.

    The following example reflects what a major and critical alarm would look like:

                    type                           space
                    volume                         /opt
                    severity                       major
                    value                          80
                    type                           space
                    volume                         /misc
                    severity                       critical
                    value                          90

Local CDR File Delete Warning

You can configure the OCSBC to initiate an alarm and send an SNMP trap when the oldest local CDR file was deleted under fault conditions. This feature is enabled with the file delete alarm parameter.

The OCSBC deletes a local CDR file in the following three cases:

  1. After the local CDR file has been successfully transferred to a push receiver
  2. The number of local CDR files exceed the limit configured in the account-config, max-files parameter
  3. No free disk space remains on the partition where the local CDR files are written: account-config, file-path

    If a local CDR file is deleted after it was successfully uploaded to a push receiver, no fault is triggered because this is standard, expected operation. But if a local CDR file is deleted for case 2 or 3 above, it is considered a fault condition initiating an alarm and SNMP trap.

Local CDR File Delete Alarm

The CDR file delete alarm is configured in account config configuration element by enabling the file-delete-alarm parameter. This is a minor severity alarm and is non-health affecting. This alarm has no clearing condition and must be manually cleared.

Local CDR File Delete SNMP Trap

Under the same circumstances that cause a CDR file delete alarm, an SNMP trap will be sent to all configured trap-receivers. The apSysMgmtCdrFileDeleteTrap trap contains the following information:

  • File Name—name of the file that was deleted

Querying Storage Space

You can monitor currently used and remaining storage space on the Storage Expansion Module by ACLI, SNMP MIB, and HDR collection group.


To view the total disk space used percentage remaining with the ACLI, use the show space hard-drive command. For example:

SYSTEM# show space hard-disk
/sys: 19695716352/19695749120 bytes (99%) remaining
/local: 19693335040/19693367808 bytes (99%) remaining
/logs: 19693335040/19693367808 bytes (99%) remaining
/misc: 19693335040/19693367808 bytes (99%) remaining


The check-space-remaining hard-disk command is identical to the show space hard-disk command.

Unmounting The Storage Expansion Module

This section explains the ACLI unmount hard-disk command, which—as its name indicates—unmounts the storage expansion module. This command should only be run when you plan to shut down the system. You issue this command to ensure the integrity of the disk when you power off the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller using the power switch. If you do not run the command and use the power switch to power down the system, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller runs a checkdisk on the module the next time the system boots. The checkdisk lasts one to two minutes.

Note that once you run the unmount hard-disk command, any application configuration set to use a module partition will no longer work. The only way to regain access is to reboot or power cycle the system.

ACLI Instructions and Examples

To ensure the storage expansion module’s integrity when powering down the system (using the power switch), use the unmount hard-disk command:

ORACLE# unmount hard-disk


The following MIB Objects are available to query the amount of remaining drive space.

Name OID MIB Description
apSysStorageSpaceTable APSYSMGMT-MIB The total percentage space available on the drive/partitions.
apSysStorageSpaceTable         OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF ApSysStorageSpaceEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS          current
                "A table to hold the total space and available space
                per volume arranged into rows, and indexed by the
                volume name.
                These are all read only."
        ::=  { apSysMgmtMIBGeneralObjects 23 }
apSysStorageSpaceEntry         OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          ApSysStorageSpaceEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS          current
                "A table entry designed to hold storage space data, on a
                single volume"
        INDEX { apSysVolumeName }
        ::= { apSysStorageSpaceTable 1 }
ApSysStorageSpaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        apSysVolumeName                                 DisplayString,
        apSysVolumeTotalSpace                           Unsigned32,
        apSysVolumeAvailSpace                           Unsigned32,
apSysVolumeName              OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  obsolete
                "The name of the volume"
        ::= {apSysStorageSpaceEntry 1}
apSysVolumeTotalSpace           OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Unsigned32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  obsolete
                "The total size of the volume, in bytes"
        ::= {apSysStorageSpaceEntry 2}
apSysVolumeAvailSpace           OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Unsigned32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  obsolete
                "The total space available on the volume, in bytes"
        ::= {apSysStorageSpaceEntry 3}


Historical Data Record statistics are available that track the amount of storage space available on each Storage Expansion Module partition. At each collect interval, space consumption statistics are gathered for every partition. The Storage Space collect group, configured as space, contains these statistics. The contents of this Storage Space group are:

  • TimeStamp
  • Partition
  • Space used
  • Space available