MIME Support

You can manipulate MIME types in SIP message bodies. You can manipulate the body of SIP messages or a specific content type and you can change the MIME attachment of a specific type within the body by using regular expressions. You search for a particular string and the replacement of all matches for that type using a find-replace-all action.


The find-replace-all action can consume more system resources than other HMR types of action. Use this powerful action type only when another action cannot perform the type of manipulation you require.

Manipulating MIME Attachments

Set the action type to find-replace-all to modify MIME attachments.

To manipulate a particular portion of the MIME attachment, for example when removing a certain attribute within the Content-Type of application/sdp, the OCSBC needs to search the content multiple times because:

  • SDP can have more than one media line
  • The SIP message body can contain more than one application/sdp.

When the action type is find-replace-all, the OCSBC treats the match-value as a regular expression and binds the comparison-type to pattern-rule, even if comparison-type is set to some other value. This type of action is both a comparison and action: for each regular expression match within the supplied string, the OCSBC substitutes the new value for that match.

Use subgroups to replace portions of the regular expression rather than the entire matched expression. The subgroup replacement syntax is formed by adding the string [[:n:]] to the end of the regular expression—where n is a number between 0 and 9. For example, setting the following parameters
        action                      find-replace-all
        match-value                 sip:(user)@host[[:1:]]
        new-value                   bob
creates a new rule to replace only the user portion of the URI that searches for the regular expression and replaces all instances of the user subgroup with the value bob.
Setting the following parameters
        action                      find-replace-all
        match-value                 0
        new-value                   1
creates a new rule to recursively replace all the 0 digits in a telephone number with 1. With this rule the user portion of a URI—or for any other string—with a value 1-781-308-4400 would be replaced as 1-781-318-4411.

If you leave the new-value parameter blank for find-replace-all, the OCSBC replaces the matched sub-group with an empty string—an equivalent of deleting the sub-group match. You can also replace empty sub-groups, which is like inserting a value within the second sub-group match. For example, user()@host.com[[:1:]] with a configured new-value _bob yields user_bob@host.com.

Setting find-replace-all disables the following parameter-type values: uri-param-name, uri-header-name, and header-param-name. These values are unusable because the OCSBC only uses case-sensitive matches for the match-value to find the parameter name within the URI. Since it can only be found by exact match, the OCSBC does not support finding and replacing that parameter.

About the MIME Value Type

To modify the MIME attachment, the OCSBC supports a mime value for the type parameter in the element rules. You can only use the mime type value against a specific header, which in this case is Content (abbreviated as c).

When you set the element rule type to mime, you must also set a value for the parameter-name. This step is a requirement because it sets the content-type the OCSBC manipulates in a specific part of the MIME attachment. You cannot leave this parameter blank; the OCSBC does not let you save the configuration if you do. When you use the store action on a multi-part MIME attachment that has different attachment types, the OCSBC stores the final instance of the content-type because it does not support storing multiple instances of element rule stored values.

If you do not know the specific content type, which means the OCSBC will find the match value, you can use the asterisk * as a wildcard with the parameter-name. (You cannot, however, set partial content types, for example, application/*.) The OCSBC then loops through the MIME attachment's content types.

MIME manipulation does not support manipulating headers in the individual MIME attachments. For example, the OCSBC cannot modify the Content-Type given a portion of a message body like this one:

Content-Type: application/sdp
o=use1 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 10000 RTP/AVP 8
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000/1

SIP Message-Body Separator Normalization

The stripPreambleCrlf option normalizes CLRF message-body separators.

The OCSBC supports MIME attachments — up to a maximum payload size of 64KB — and has the ability to allow more than the required two CRLFs between the SIP message headers and the multipart body’s first boundary. The first two CRLFs that appear in all SIP messages signify the end of the SIP header and the separation of the header and body of the message, respectively. Sometimes additional extraneous CRLFs can appear within the preamble before any text.

The OCSBC works by forwarding received SIP messages regardless of whether they contain two or more CRLFs. Although three or more CRLFs are legal, some SIP devices do not accept more than two.

To ensure all SIP devices accept messages from the OCSBC, strip all CRLFs located at the beginning of the preamble before the appearance of any text, ensuring that there are no more than two CRLFs between the end of the last header and the beginning of the body within a SIP message. Enable this feature by adding the new stripPreambleCrlf option to the global SIP configuration.

To enable the stripping of CRLFs in the preamble:

  1. Access the sip-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-config
  2. options—Set the options parameter by typing options, a Space, the option name stripPreambleCrlf with a plus sign.
    ORACLE(sip-config)# options +stripPreambleCrlf

    In order to append the new options to the global SIP configuration’s options list, you must prepend the new option with a plus sign. If you type the option without the plus sign, you will overwrite any previously configured options.

  3. Save and activate your configuration.

Configuring MIME Support

To enable MIME support, set the action configuration element to find-replace-all at both the header-rules level and element-rules level. Set the type configuration element to mime at the element-rules level.

  1. Access the header-rules configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-manipulation
    ORACLE(sip-manipulation)# header-rules
  2. action—Enter find-replace-all.
    ORACLE(sip-header-rules)# action find-replace-all
  3. Navigate to the element-rules configuration element.
    ORACLE(sip-header-rules)# element-rules
  4. action—Enter find-replace-all.
    ORACLE(sip-element-rules)# action find-replace-all
  5. type—Enter mime.
    ORACLE(sip-element-rules)# type mime
  6. Save and activate your configuration.


You can apply HMRs on ISDN user party (ISUP) binary bodies. Using the same logic and mechanisms applied to SIP header elements, HMR for SIP-ISUP manipulates ISUP parameter fields and ISUP message parts. You create MIME rules that manipulate targeted body parts of a SIP message.

MIME Rules Overview

MIME rules operate much the same way that SIP header rules do. You can set parameters in the MIME rules that the OCSBC uses to match against specific SIP methods and message types. The system compares the search criteria against the body or body parts using the type of comparison you choose. You can pick the kind of manipulation that suits your needs; the OCSBC then takes action with matching and new values to change the SIP message.


Using the delete action on a multi-part MIME string reduces a number of bodies down to one and the SIP message remains a multi-part MIME message with only one body part (and thereby avoids the header conflicting with the message itself).

Identifying a MIME Rule

You identify the MIME rule by using a content type that refers to the specific body part on which to operate. For example, given a SIP Content-Type header with the value multipart/mixed;boundary=unique-boundary-1, you would enter a content type value of application/sdp to specifically manipulate the SDP portion of the SIP message. The OCSBC knows automatically if it is operating on SIP messages with single or multiple body parts, and the content type applies to both kinds. When making its comparison, the OCSBC matches the content type of the body without regard to case (case insensitive), ignoring any header parameters.

Both for making comparisons against the body part and for new/replacement values, the OCSBC treats the match and new values you set for a MIME rule as ASCII strings. A MIME rule operating on a binary body part yields an improper conversion of a new value with respect to the binary body part.

About MIME Rules

MIME rules (set up in the ACLI mime-rules configuration) operate much the same way that SIP header rules do. You can set parameters in the MIME rules that the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller uses to match against specific SIP methods and message types. The system compares the search criteria against the body or body parts using the type of comparison you choose. Offering a variety of selection, you can pick kind of manipulation that suits your needs; the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller then takes action with matching and new values to change the SIP message.


when you use the delete action on a multi-part MIME string that reduces a number of bodies down to one, the SIP message remains a multi-part MIME message with only one body part (and thereby avoids the header conflicting with the message itself).

You identify the MIMe rule by configuring a content type that refers to the specific body part on which to operate. For example, given a SIP Content-Type header with the value multipart/mixed;boundary=unique-boundary-1, you would enter a content-type value of application/sdp to manipulate specifically on the SDP portion of the SIP message. The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller knows automatically if it is operating on SIP messages with single or multiple body parts, and the content-type setting applies to both kinds. And when making its comparison, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller matches the content-type of the body with regard to case (case insensitive), ignoring any header parameters.

Both for making comparisons against the body part and for new/replacement values, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller treats the match and new values you set for a MIME rule as ASCII strings. Therefor, a mime rule operating on a binary body part will yield an improper conversion of a new value with respect to the binary body part.

Within MIME rules, you configure MIME headers, which operate on the specific headers in the match body part of the SIP message. The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller uses the MIME header name to run a string comparison to match the specific header in the message’s body part.

Using these rules, you can also manipulate the preamble—or the SIP message text that follows the headers but precedes the body separator. To do so, enter the keyword @preamble for the content type parameter in the MIME rule. Likewise you can manipulate the epilogue—or the text that follows the last body part after the last separator—using the keyword @epilogue.

Note that the ACLI limits character entries to 255 characters before the return character must be entered, but MIME parts can easily exceed this 255-character size. So you might need to enter a value larger that 255 characters. To do so, you start your entry (in the match-value or new-value parameters) with a plus sign (+). The plus sign instructs the system to add the string after it to the pre-existing match or new value. For the new-value parameter, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller checks the value immediately for validity. Be sure that when you are appending values to a new-value that the entire expression is valid at each point where strings are appended.

MIME Rules Configuration

This section shows you how to configure MIME rules and MIME headers.

To configure MIME rules:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-manipulation and press Enter. If you are adding this feature to an existing configuration, then remember you must select the configuration you want to edit.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-manipulation
  4. Type mime-rules and press Enter.
    ORACLE(sip-manipulation)# mime-rules
  5. name—Enter a name for this MIME rule. This parameter is required and has no default.
  6. content-type—Enter the content type for this MIME rule. This value refers to the specific body part in the SIP message body that is to be manipulated. For example, given a SIP Content-Type header with the value multipart/mixed;boundary=unique-boundary-1, you would enter a content-type value of application/sdp to manipulate specifically on the SDP portion of the SIP message.

    To manipulate the SIP preamble or epilogue, enter the keyword @preamble or keyword @epilogue.

  7. action—Choose the type of action you want to be performed: none, add, delete, manipulate, store, sip-manip, and find-replace-all. These are the same actions you can select when configuring SIP header manipulation. The default is none.
  8. comparison-type—Enter the way that you want body part of the SIP message to be compared. This choice dictates how the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller processes the match rules against the SIP header. the default is case-sensitive. The valid values are: case-sensitive, case-insensitive, boolean, refer-case-sensitive, refer-case-insensitive, and pattern-rule.
  9. msg-type—Enter the SIP message type on which you want the MIME rules to be performed. Valid values are any, request, and reply. The default value is any.
  10. methods—Enter the list of SIP methods to which the MIME rules applies. There is no default for this parameter.
  11. match-value—Enter the value to match against the body part in the SIP message. This is where you can enter values to match using regular expression values. Your entries can contain Boolean operators.
  12. new-value—When the action parameter is set to add or to manipulate, enter the new value that you want to substitute.

    To configure MIME headers for performing HMR operations on specific headers in the matched body part of the SIP message:

  13. Follows Steps 1 through 4 above.
  14. Type mime-header-rules and press Enter.
    ORACLE(sip-mime-rules)# mime-header-rules
  15. name—Enter a name for this MIME header rule. This parameter is required and has no default.
  16. mime-header—Enter the value to be used for comparison with the specific header in the body part of the SIP message. There is no default for this parameter.
  17. action—Choose the type of action you want to be performed: none, add, delete, manipulate, store, sip-manip, and find-replace-all. The default is none.
  18. comparison-type—Enter the way that you want the header in the body part of the SIP message to be compared. This choice dictates how the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller processes the match rules against the SIP header. the default is case-sensitive. The valid values are: case-sensitive, case-insensitive, boolean, refer-case-sensitive, refer-case-insensitive, and pattern-rule.
  19. match-value—Enter the value to match against the header in the body part of the SIP message. This is where you can enter values to match using regular expression values. Your entries can contain Boolean operators.
  20. new-value—When the action parameter is set to add or to manipulate, enter the new value that you want to substitute.
  21. Save your work.

Working with MIME Rules

Within MIME rules, you configure MIME headers that operate on the specific headers in the match body part of the SIP message. The OCSBC uses the MIME header name to run a string comparison to match the specific header in the message's body part.

Using these rules, you can also manipulate the preamble or the SIP message text that follows the headers but precedes the body separator. To do so, enter the keyword @preamble for the content type parameter in the MIME rule. Likewise you can manipulate the epilogue or the text that follows the last body part after the last separator using the keyword @epilogue.

The ACLI limits character entries to 255 characters before the return character must be entered. MIME parts can easily exceed this 255-character size, so you might need to enter a value larger that 255 characters. To do so, you start your entry with a plus sign +. The plus sign instructs the system to add the string after it to the pre-existing match or new value. For the new-value parameter, the OCSBC checks the value immediately for validity. Be sure that when you are appending values to a new-value that the entire expression is valid at each point where strings are appended.

MIME ISUP Manipulation

ISUP message can be carried in SIP messages through either a standard body or through a multipart MIME encoded body. While ANSI and ITU are the two major groups, each contains many specific variants. To facilitate instances where two sides of a call use different versions, the OCSBC supports interworking between the following SIP ISUP formats: ANSI, ITU, ETSI-356 (an ITU variant), and GR-317 (an ANSI variant). To do so, the OCSBC can move, delete, and add parameters to various sections of the message.

The ISUP message version is determined by either the content type of the SIP message or the MIME content-type. Messages that contain an unknown ISUP format pass through the OCSBC untouched. You can perform HMR operations on SIP ISUP binary bodies (MIME ISUP).


Custom formats are not supported.
Within mime-isup-rule, isup-param-rule, the format field instructs the OCSBC how to encode and decode the current string. The field options are hexascii, binary-ascii, ascii-string, bcd, and number-param.
  • hex-ascii—the OCSBC will decode the ISUP param string from its binary value in the SIP message into a string of hexadecimal ASCII (as seen in Wireshark) before applying the match-value. It will convert the resolved new-value from hex-ascii into binary into the message. For example, if the received ISUP param was the binary of 0x010a, it will convert it into the string 010a, and then apply the match-value. If the regex pattern is ^01 then it would match, as would 0a$ and ^010a$. If the new-value is 010b, then it will encode it into the binary 0x010b. Since this is done after resolving the new-value. The new-value can reference a previously stored value as long as it is hex-ascii format.
  • binary-ascii— the OCSBC will decode the ISUP param string from its binary value in the SIP message into a string of ones and zeros representing the individual bits. It will convert the new-value as long as it's ones and zeros within the param. For example, if the received ISUP param was the binary 0x010a, it will convert it into the string 0000000100001010, and then apply the match-value. If the regex pattern is ^.......(.) or ^.{7}(.) then in both cases it will store the 8th bit value in $1. In this manner, the user can check, get, or set individual bits in parameters. The new-value can be a string, reference a stored value, or be a concatenation of them as long as it is ones and zeros after being resolved.
  • ascii-string—the OCSBC will decode the ISUP param string from its binary value in the SIP message into an ASCII string based on the ASCII specification and convert the new-value back. For example, if the received ISUP param was the binary 0x4849, it will convert it into the string HI, and then apply the match-value.
  • bcd—the OCSBC will decode the ISUP param string from its binary value in the SIP message into digits using the BCD variant of ISUP. For example, if the received ISUP param was the binary 0x0123, it will convert it to the string 0123 and then apply the match-value.
  • number-param—the OCSBC will decode the ISUP param string from its binary value in the SIP message into a string representation of an E.164 phone number. The ISUP param must be in a number formatted parameter like Calling Party Number or Called Party Number. The OCSBC treats the ISUP parameter as one of the common number parameter formats: the OCSBC will automatically decode the correct number of digits based on the odd/even bit in the parameter, and add a leading + based on the Nature of Address (NoA) field being E.164 international. Similarly, when the OCSBC converts the new-value back into the ISUP parameter, it will set the odd/even bit correctly, and set the NoA field based on the existence of the leading + character. The string applied to match-value thus looks the same as an element-rule of type phone-number (i.e. +12125551212). Since this format is specific to ISUP parameters, it can only be used in isup-param-rule.

Adding an ISUP Body to a SIP Message

Unlike the MIME manipulation you can use by setting the SIP header rules accordingly, you can add MIME parts to SIP messages using the MIME rules configuration.

You can configure a SIP header manipulation to add an ISUP body to a SIP message. and the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller adds them after any SDP parts if they are present. You can add an ISUP body to a SIP message in two ways:

  • You can create a mime-isup-rule with the action type set to add, and enter the entire body in string hexadecimal form in the new-value parameter.
  • You can leave the new-value parameter empty at the mime-isup-rule level and create an add rule for an isup-param-rule.

    In this case, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller creates the corresponding ISUP message based on the isup-msg-type value and supply all of the parameters with their default values. Since the isup-msg-type takes a list of values as a valid entry, for this case it only uses the first one. However, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller ignores the isup-msg-type value if you set the new-value parameter. And the isup-param-rule, if configured, overwrite the default value or add a new parameter based on the defined parameter type.

    It is also possible that you might supply a new-value both at the mime-isup-rule level and at the isup-param-rule level. If you do, the new-value entry from the mime-isup-rule is parsed into an ISUP object and the isup-param-rule operates on that object.

MIME ISUP Manipulation Configuration

This section shows you how to configure MIME ISUP manipulation.

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-manipulation and press Enter. If you are adding this feature to an existing configuration, then remember you must select the configuration you want to edit.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-manipulation
  4. Type mime-isup-rules and press Enter.
    ORACLE(sip-manipulation)# mime-isup-rules
  5. name—Enter a name for this MIME ISUP rule. This parameter is required and has no default.
  6. content-type—Enter the content type for this MIME rule. This value refers to the specific body part in the SIP message body that is to be manipulated. For example, given a SIP Content-Type header with the value multipart/mixed;boundary=unique-boundary-1, you would enter a content-type value of application/sdp to manipulate specifically on the SDP portion of the SIP message.

    To manipulate the SIP preamble or epilogue, enter the keyword @preamble or keyword @epilogue.

  7. action—Choose the type of action you want to be performed: none, add, delete, manipulate, store, sip-manip, and find-replace-all. These are the same actions you can select when configuring SIP header manipulation. The default is none.
  8. comparison-type—Enter the way that you want body part of the SIP message to be compared. This choice dictates how the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller processes the match rules against the SIP header. the default is case-sensitive. The valid values are: case-sensitive, case-insensitive, boolean, refer-case-sensitive, refer-case-insensitive, and pattern-rule.
  9. msg-type—Enter the SIP message type on which you want the MIME rules to be performed. Valid values are any, request, and reply. The default value is any.
  10. methods—Enter the list of SIP methods to which the MIME rules applies. There is no default for this parameter.
  11. match-value—Enter the value to match against the body part in the SIP message. This is where you can enter values to match using regular expression values. Your entries can contain Boolean operators.
  12. new-value—When the action parameter is set to add or to manipulate, enter the new value that you want to substitute.
  13. isup-spec—Specify how the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller is to parse the binary body; valid values are the enumerated type. The values for this parameter are these SIP ISUP formats:
    • ANSI-2000 (default)—Corresponding to ANSI T1.113-2000

    • ITU-99—Corresponding to ITU Q.763

  14. isup-msg-type—Identify the specific ISUP message types (such as IAM and ACM) on which to operate. The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller uses with the msg-type parameter (which identifies the SIP message) in the matching process. You enter values in this parameters as a list of numbers rather than as an enumerated value because of the large number of ISUP message type, and the range is between 0 and 255. There is no default for this parameter.
  15. mime-header—Enter the value to be used for comparison with the specific header in the body part of the SIP message. There is no default for this parameter.

    To configure ISUP parameters rules:

  16. Follows Steps 1 through 4 above.
  17. Type isup-parameter-rules and press Enter.
    ORACLE(sip-mime-isup-rules)# isup-param-rules
  18. name—Enter a name for this ISUP parameter rule. This parameter is required and has no default.
  19. mime-header—Enter the value to be used for comparison with the specific header in the body part of the SIP message. There is no default for this parameter.
  20. action—Choose the type of action you want to be performed: none, add, delete, manipulate, store, sip-manip, and find-replace-all. The default is none.
  21. comparison-type—Enter the way that you want the header in the body part of the SIP message to be compared. This choice dictates how the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller processes the match rules against the SIP header. the default is case-sensitive. The valid values are: case-sensitive, case-insensitive, boolean, refer-case-sensitive, refer-case-insensitive, and pattern-rule.
  22. match-value—Enter the value to match against the header in the body part of the SIP message. This is where you can enter values to match using regular expression values. Your entries can contain Boolean operators.
  23. new-value—When the action parameter is set to add or to manipulate, enter the new value that you want to substitute.
  24. parameter-type—Using ISUP parameter mapping, enter which of the ISUP parameters on which your want to perform manipulation. This parameter takes values between 0 and 255, and you must know the correct ISUP mapping value for your entry. The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller calculates the offset and location of this parameter in the body. Note that the value returned from the body does not the type or length, only the parameter value. For example, a parameter-type value of 4 acts on the Called Party Number parameter value.
  25. parameter-format—Enter how you want to convert specific parameter to a string representation of that value. Valid values for parameter-format are: number-param, hex-ascii (default), binary-ascii, ascii-string, and bcd. Both match and new values are encoded and decoded by the designated parameter-format type. In this regard, the match-value decodes the parameters and the new-value encodes the ASCII string into the respective binary format.
  26. Save your work.

Configuration Example

This section provides an example of a SIP manipulation configuration that shows MIME rules and MIME ISUP rules.

        name                           manip
                name                           headerRule1
                header-name                    Date
                action                         add
                comparison-type                case-sensitive
                msg-type                       reply
                        name                           elemRule1
                        type                           header-value
                        action                         add
                        match-val-type                 any
                        comparison-type                case-sensitive
                        new-value                      "August 19, 1967"
                name                           mimeRule1
                Content-Type                   application/SDP
                action                         manipulate
                comparison-type                case-sensitive
                msg-type                       request
                        name                           mimeHeaderRule1
                        mime-header-name               Content-Disposition
                        action                         add
comparison-type                case-sensitive
                        new-value                      "signal; handling=required"
                name                           mimeRule1
                content-type                   application/ISUP
                action                         manipulate
                comparison-type                case-sensitive
                msg-type                       request
                methods                        INVITE
                isup-spec                      {ansi00, itu-92}
                isup-msg-type                  0 (0-256 IAM, ACM, etc.)
                        name                           mimeHeaderRule1
                        mime-header-name               Content-Disposition
                        action                         add
                        comparison-type                case-sensitive
                        new-value                      "signal; handling=optional"
                        name                           isupRule1
                        parameter-type                 # {0-256 specific type)
                        parameter-format               {number-parameter, hex, binary, ascii, bcd}
                        action                         add
                        comparison-type                case-sensitive
                        new-value                      "signal; handling=optional"

Header Manipulation Rules for SDP

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller supports SIP header and parameter manipulation rules for four types of SIP message contents:

  • headers
  • elements within headers
  • ASCII-encoded Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) bodies
  • binary-encoded MIME ISDN User Part (ISUP) bodies

While Session Description Protocol (SDP) offers and answers can be manipulated in a fashion similar to ASCII-encoded MIME, such manipulation is primitive in that it lacks the ability to operate at the SDP session- and media-levels.

In addition, the system supports a variant of Header Manipulation Rules (HMR) operating on ASCII-encoded SDP bodies, with specific element types for descriptors at both the session-level and media-level, and the ability to apply similar logic to SDP message parts as is done for SIP header elements.

The configuration object, mime-sdp-rules, under sip-manipulation specifically addresses the manipulation of SDP parts in SIP messages. Just as existing header-rules are used to manipulate specific headers of a SIP message, mime-sdp-rules will be used to manipulate the SDP specific mime-attachment of a SIP message.

SDP Manipulation

mime-sdp-rules function in a similar fashion as header-rules. They provide

  • parameters used to match against specific SIP methods and/or message types
  • parameters used to match and manipulate all or specified parts of an SDP offer or answer
  • a means of comparing search strings or expressions against the entire SDP
  • different action types to allow varying forms of manipulation

Since only a single SDP can exist within a SIP message, users need not specify a content-type parameter as is necessary for a mime-rule. A mime-sdp-rule operates on the single SDP within the SIP message. If no SDP exists with the message, one can be added. If the message already contains a mime attachment, adding SDP results in a multipart message.

All manipulations performed against all or parts of the SDP are treated as UTF-8 ASCII encoded text. At the parent-level (mime-sdp-rule) the match-value and new-value parameters execute against the entire SDP as a single string.

An add action only succeeds in the absence of SDP because a message is allowed only a single SDP offer or answer. A delete operation at the mime-sdp-rule level will remove the SDP entirely.

Note that on an inbound sip-manipulation, SDP manipulations interact with the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller codec-policy. SDP manipulations also interact with codec reordering and media setup. It is very possible to make changes to the SDP such that the call can not be setup due to invalid media parameters, or settings that will affect the ability to transcode the call. Consequently, user manipulation of the SDP can prove risky, and should be approached with appropriate caution.

Three configuration-objects, sdp-session-rule, sdp-media-rule, and mime-header-rule, exist under the mime-sdp-rule. These objects provide finer grained control of manipulating parts of the SDP.


An sdp-session-rule groups all SDP descriptors, up until the first media line, into a single entity, thus allowing the user to perform manipulation operations on a session-specific portion of the SDP.

Like the mime-sdp-rule, all match-value and new-value operations performed at this level are executed against the entire session group as a complete string. Given the sample SDP below, if an sdp-session-rule is configured, the match-value and new-values operate only on the designated portion.

        o=mhandley 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4
        s=SDP Seminar
        i=A Seminar on the session description protocol
        e=mjh@isi.edu (Mark Handley)
        c=IN IP4
        t=2873397496 2873404696
        m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0
        m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31
        m=application 32416 udp wb

Nested under the sdp-session-rule configuration object is an sdp-line-rule object, the object that identifies individual descriptors within the SDP. The types of descriptors used at the sdp-session-rule level are v, o, s, i, u, e, p, c, b, t, r, z, k, and a, the descriptors specific to the entire session description.

This level of granularity affords the user a very simple way to making subtle changes to the session portion of the SDP. For instance, it is very common to have to change the connection line at the session level.

The add and delete actions perform no operation at the sdp-session-rule level.


An sdp-media-rule groups all of the descriptors that are associated with a specific media-type into single entity, thus allowing the user to perform manipulation operations on a media-specific portion of the SDP. For example, a user can construct an sdp-media-rule to change an attribute of the audio media type.

Like a mime-sdp-rule, all match-value and new-value operations performed at this level are executed against the entire media-group as a complete string. Given the sample SDP below, if a media-level-descriptor is configured to operate against the application group, the match-value and new-values would operate only on designated portion.

        o=mhandley 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4
        s=SDP Seminar
        i=A Seminar on the session description protocol
        e=mjh@isi.edu (Mark Handley)
        c=IN IP4
t=2873397496 2873404696
        m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0
        m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31
        m=application 32416 udp wb

A configuration parameter media-type is used to specify the media group on which to operate. It contains all of the descriptors including the m-line up to the next m-line. This parameter is a string field and must match the media-type exactly as it appears within the SDP. The special media-type media can be used to refer to all media types. This is particularly useful when performing an add operation, when the user wants to add a media section between the first and second medias, but does not know what media type they are. Otherwise, during an add operation, the media section would be added before the specified media-type (if no index parameter was provided).

The types of descriptors used at the sdp-media-rule level are m, i, c, b, k, and a, the descriptors specific to the media description.

This level of granularity affords the user a very simple way to making subtle changes to the media portion of the SDP. For instance, it is very common to have to change the name of an audio format (for example G729 converted to g729b), or to add attributes specific to a certain media-type.

The index operator is supported for the media-type parameter (for example, media-type audio[1]). Like header rules, if no index is supplied, this means operate on all media-types that match the given name. For specifying specific media-types, the non-discrete indices are also supported (for example, ^ - last). Adding a media-type, without any index supplied indicates that the media should be added at the beginning. The special media-type media uses the index as an absolute index to all media sections, while a specific media-type will index relative to that given media type.

For sdp-media-rules set to an action of add where the media-type is set to media, the actual media type is obtained from the new-value, or more specifically, the string after m= and before the first space.

Given the following SDP:

        o=mhandley 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4
        c=IN IP4
        t=2873397496 2873404696
        m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0
        m=audio 48324 RTP/AVP 8
        m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31

With the sdp-media-rule:

        name                       smr
        media-type                 audio[1]
        action                     manipulate
        comparison-type            case-sensitive
        new-value                  "m=audio 1234 RTP/AVP 8 16"

This rule operates on the 2nd audio line, changing the port and adding another codec, resulting in the SDP:

        o=mhandley 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4
        c=IN IP4
        t=2873397496 2873404696
        m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0
        m=audio 1234 RTP/AVP 8 16
        m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31

The following rule, however:

        name                       smr
        media-type                 media[1]
        action                     add
        comparison-type            case-sensitive
        new-value                  "m=video 1234 RTP/AVP 45"

adds a new video media-type at the 2nd position of all media-lines, resulting in the SDP:

        o=mhandley 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4
        c=IN IP4
        t=2873397496 2873404696
        m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0
        m=video 1234 RTP/AVP 45
        m=audio 48324 RTP/AVP 8
        m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31

Unlike header-rules, sdp descriptors are not added in the order in which they are configured. Instead they are added to the SDP adhering to the grammar defined by RFC 4566 (as is shown below).

      Session description
         v=  (protocol version)
         o=  (originator and session identifier)
         s=  (session name)
         i=* (session information)
         u=* (URI of description)
         e=* (email address)
         p=* (phone number)
            c=* (connection information -- not required if included in
              all media)
         b=* (zero or more bandwidth information lines)
         One or more time descriptions ("t=" and "r=" lines; see
         z=* (time zone adjustments)
         k=* (encryption key)
         a=* (zero or more session attribute lines)
         Zero or more media descriptions (see below)

      Time description
         t=  (time the session is active)
         r=* (zero or more repeat times)

      Media description, if present
         m=  (media name and transport address)
         i=* (media title)
         c=* (connection information -- optional if included at
              session level)
         b=* (zero or more bandwidth information lines)
         k=* (encryption key)
         a=* (zero or more media attribute lines)

* after the equal sign denotes an optional descriptor.

This hierarchy is enforced meaning that if you configure a rule which adds a session name descriptor followed by a rule which adds a version descriptor, the SDP will be created with the version descriptor first, followed by the session name.

The only validation that will occur is the prevention of adding duplicate values. In much the same way that header-rules prevents the user from adding multiple To headers, the descriptor rule will not allow the user to add multiple descriptors; unless multiple descriptors are allowed, as is in the case of b, t, r and a.

There exists a parameter type under the sdp-line-rule object that allows the user to specify the specific line on which to perform the operation. For example: v, o, s, i, u, e, p, c, b, t, r, z, k, a, and m. Details on these types can be found in RFC 4566.

For those descriptors, of which there may exist zero or more (b, t, r, and a) entries, indexing grammar may be used to reference the specific instance of that attribute. This indexing grammar is consistent with that of header-rules for referring to multiple headers of the same type.

Given the example SDP below:

        o=mhandley 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4
        s=SDP Seminar
        i=A Seminar on the session description protocol
        e=mjh@isi.edu (Mark Handley)
        c=IN IP4
        t=2873397496 2873404696
        r=604800 3600 0 90000
        r=7d 1h 0 25h
        m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0
        m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31
        m=application 32416 udp wb

and the following sdp-line-rule:

           name                 removeRepeatInterval
           type                 r[1]
           action               delete

The rule removeRepeatInterval removes the second repeat interval descriptor within the SDP.

The behavior of all SDP rules follow the same behavior of all manipulation rules in that they are executed in the order in which they are configured and that each rule executes on the resultant of the previous rule.

Each descriptor follows its own grammar and rules depending on the type specified. The values of the descriptor are evaluated at runtime since the new-values themselves are evaluated at runtime. At this time no validation of the grammar for each of the types is performed. The user is responsible for properly formatting each of the descriptors according to their specifications.

For instance, the version (v) descriptor can be removed from the SDP but leaving all descriptors for that SDP, causing the SDP to become invalid. This is consistent with the way header-rules operate, in that there is no validation for the specific headers once they have been manipulated through HMR.

Regular Expression Interpolation

An interpolated regular expression is a regular expression that is compiled and evaluated at runtime. Today all regular expressions are compiled at configuration time in order to improve performance. There are cases where a regular expression is determined dynamically from data within a SIP message. In these circumstances the regular expression is unknown until the time of execution.

In order to have a regular expression be interpolated at runtime, it must be contained within a set of {}. An interpolated expression can have any number of regular expressions and strings appended together. Any characters to the left or right of the curly braces will be appended to the value within the curly braces. The curly braces are effectively two operators treated as one (interpolate the value contained within and then concatenate the values to the left and right of the curly braces). If the comparison-type is set to pattern-rule and the match-value contains a value that matches the grammar below, then it will be treated as an interpolated expression.


The example below demonstrates using a user defined variable within a regular expression of another rule at runtime.


        name                           someRule
        type                           header-value
        action                         replace
        comparison-type                pattern-rule
        match-value                    ^sip:{$rule1.$0}@(.+)$
        new-value                      sip:bob@company.com

If the value of $rule1.$0 evaluates to alice then it will successfully match against the string sip:alice@comcast.net. An interpolated expression can be as simple as “{$rule1.$0}” or as complex as ^sip:{rule1.$0}@{$rule2[1].$2}$. It is not possible to interpolate a normal regular expression since the grammar will not allow the user to enter such an expression. Only variables can be contained with the curly braces.

The resultant of interpolated expressions can be stored in user defined variables. Given the same example from above, if the rule someRule was referenced by another rule, the value of sip:alice@comcast.net would be stored within that rule.

Interpolation only makes a single pass at interpolation, but does so every time the Rule executes. In other words, if the Rule is applied to the Route header, it will interpolate again for each Route header instance. What this means is that the value within the curly braces will only be evaluated once. For instance, if the value {$someRule.$1} evaluates to {$foobar.$2} the OCSBC will treat $foobar.$2 as a literal string which it will compile as a regular expression. The OCSBC will not recursively attempt to evaluate $foobar.$2, even if it was a valid user defined variable.

Interpolated regular expressions will evaluate to TRUE if and only if both the regular expression itself can be compiled and it successfully matches against the compared string.

You cannot use both interpolated expressions and number quantifiers like {3,5} in the same match-value. When interpolated expressions are evaluated, the brackets around the number quantifiers will be removed, leaving the literal string 3,5. For example, if $someRule.$1 resolves to a literal string 101, then a match-value of ^[0-9]{3,5} RTP.* {$someRule.$1} will resolve to ^[0-9]3,5 RTP.* 101, which will not match any number 3 to 5 times.

Regular Expressions as Boolean Expressions

Regular expressions can be used as boolean expressions today if they are the only value being compared against a string, as is shown in the case below.

        name                           someMimeRule
        content-type                   application/text
        action                         replace
        comparison-type                pattern-rule
        match-value                    ^every good boy .*
        new-value                      every good girl does fine
However, regular expressions can not be used in conjunction with other boolean expressions to form more complex boolean expressions, as is shown below.

     name                      someMimeRule
     content-type              application/text
     action                    replace
     comparison-type           boolean
     match-value               $someRule & ^every good boy .*
     new-value                 every good girl does fine

There are many cases where the user has the need to compare some value as a regular expression in conjunction with another stored value. It is possible to perform this behavior today, however it requires an extra step in first storing the value with the regular expression, followed by another Manipulation Rule which compares the two boolean expressions together (e.g. $someRule & $someMimeRule).

In order to simplify the configuration of some sip-manipulations and to make them more efficient this functionality is being added.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to just use the example as is shown above. The problem is there are many characters that are commonly used in regular expressions that would confuse the HMR expression parser (such as $, and +). Therefore delimiting characters need to be used to separate the regular expression from the other parts of the expression.

To treat a regular expression as a boolean expression, it needs to be enclosed within the value $REGEX(<expression>,<compare_string>=$ORIGINAL); where <expression> is the regular expression to be evaluated. <compare_string> is the string to compare against the regular expression. This second argument to the function is defaulted to $ORIGINAL which is the value of the of the specific Manipulation Rule object. It can be overridden to be any other value the user desires.

The proper configuration for the example above to use regular expressions as boolean expressions is

        name             someMimeRule
        content-type     application/text
        action           replace
        comparison-type  boolean
        match-value      $someRule & $REGEX(“^every good boy .*”)
        new-value        every good girl does fine

It is also possible to use expressions as arguments to the $REGEX function. These expressions will in turn be evaluated prior to executing the $REGEX function. A more complex example is illustrated below.

        name              checkPAU
        header-name       request-uri
        action            reject
        comparison-type   boolean
        match-value       (!$REGEX($rule1[0],$FROM_USER))&
        msg-type          request
        new-value         403:Forbidden
        methods           INVITE,SUBSCRIBE,MESSAGE,PUBLISH,
                          OPTIONS, REFER

It should be noted that when using $REGEX() in a boolean expression, the result of that expression is not stored in the user variable. The comparison-type must be set to pattern-rule in order to store the result of a regular expression.

The arguments to the $REGEX() function are interpolated by default. This is the case since the arguments themselves must be evaluated at runtime. The following example is also valid.

        name                someMimeRule
        content-type        application/text
        action              replace
        comparison-type     boolean
        match-value         $someRule & $REGEX(“^every good
                            {$rule1[0].$0} .*”)

Moving Manipulation Rules

You can move rules within any manipulation-rule container. Any manipulation rule that contains sub-rules offers the ACLI command move <from index> <to index>. For example, given the order and list of rules below:

1. rule1

2. rule2

3. rule3

4. rule4

You can move rule3 to position 1 by executing move 3 1. The resulting order is: rule3, rule1, rule2, rule4. A move operation causes a shift (or insert before) for all other rules. When you move a rule from the top or middle to the bottom, the system shifts all rules above the bottom up to the position of the rule that you moved. When you move a rule from the bottom or middle to the top, the system shifts all rules below down to the position of the rule that you moved. Positions start from 1.

A valid from-index and to-index are required to be supplied as arguments to the move action. If you enter a range that is out of bounds for either the from-index or to-index, the ACLI informs you that the command did not execute and the reason.

If you create an invalid sip-manipulation by incorrectly ordering the manipulation rules, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller validates the rules at configuration time and treats them as invalid prior to runtime. This may or may not affect the outcome of the sip-manipulation as a configured rule may not perform any operation if it refers to a rule that has yet to be executed. It is your responsibility to reorder the remaining rules in order to make the sip-manipulation valid again.

Note that rules of a different type at the same level are all part of the same list. Header-rules, mime-rules, mime-isup-rules, and mime-sdp-rules all share the same configuration level under sip-manipulation. When selecting a move from-index and to-index for a header-rule, you must take into consideration the location of all other rules at the same level because the move is relative to all rules at that level. The move is not relative to the particular rule you selected (for example, the header-rule).

Because the list of rules at any one level can be lengthy, you can issue the move command one argument at a time, providing you with the ability to select indices. For example, typing move without any arguments displays the list of all the rules at that level. After selecting an appropriate index, the system prompts you with a to-index location based on the same list provided.

For Example:

ORACLE(sip-mime-sdp-rules)# move
select a rule to move

1: msr sdp-type=any; action=none; match-value=; msg-type=any

2: addFoo header-name=Foo; action=none; match-value=; msg-type=any

3: addBar header-name=Bar; action=none; match-value=; msg-type=any

selection: 2
destination: 1
Rule moved from position 2 to position 1

Rule Nesting and Management

There will be cases where the user wants to take a stored value from the SDP and place it in a SIP header, and vice-versa. All header-rules, element-rules, mime-rules, mime-isup-rules, isup-param-rules, mime-header-rules and mime-sdp-rules are inherited from a Manipulation Rule. A Sip Manipulation is of type Manipulation which contains a list of Manipulation Rules. Each Manipulation Rule can itself contain a list of Manipulation Rules. Therefore when configuring manipulation rules, they will be saved in the order which they have been configured. This is different from the way other configuration objects are configured. Essentially, the user has the option of configuring which type of object they want and when they are done, it gets added to the end of the sip-manipulation, such that order is preserved. This will mean that any Manipulation Rule at the same level can not share the same name. For example, names of header-rules can’t be the same as any of the mime-sdp-rule ones or mime-isup-rule. This allows the user to reference stored values from one rule type in another at the same level.

ACLI Configuration Examples

The following eight sections provide sample SDP manipulations.

Remove SDP
        name                      stripSdp
        description               remove SDP from SIP message
                name                   sdpStrip
                msg-type               request
                methods                INVITE
                action                 delete
                comparison-type        case-sensitive
Remove Video from SDP
        name                        stripVideo
        description                 strip video codecs from SIP
                name                   stripVideo
                msg-type               request
                methods                INVITE
                action                 manipulate
                comparison-type        case-sensitive
                        name              removeVideo
                        media-type        video
                        action            delete
                        comparison-type   case-sensitive
        name                      addSdp
        description               add an entire SDP if one does 
                                  not exist
                name                   addSdp
                msg-type               request
                methods                INVITE
                action                 add
                comparison-type        case-sensitive
                new-value              “v=0\r\no=mhandley 
2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4 “+$LOCAL_IP+”\r\ns=SDP Seminar\r\ni=A 
Seminar on the session description protocol\r\nu=http: 
(Mark Handley)\r\nc=IN IP4 “+$LOCAL_IP+”\r\nt=2873397496 
2873404696\r\na=recvonly\r\nm=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0\r\n”
Manipulate Contacts

This rule changes the contact in the SDP to the value contained in the Contact header.

        name                           changeSdpContact
        description                    changes the contact in the SDP to the value of the contact header
                name                           storeContact
                header-name                    Contact
                action                         store
                comparison-type                pattern-rule
                msg-type                       request
                methods                        INVITE
                        name                           storeHost
                        type                           uri-host
                        action                         store
                        match-val-type                 ip
                        comparison-type                pattern-rule
                name                           changeConnection
                msg-type                       request
                methods                        INVITE
                action                         manipulate
                comparison-type                case-sensitive
                        name                   changeCLine
                        action                 manipulate
                        comparison-type        case-sensitive
                           name               updateConnection
                           type               c
                           action             replace
                           comparison-type    case-sensitive
                           match-value        $storeContact.$storeHost
                           new-value          $storeContact.$storeHost.$0
Remove a Codec

This rule changes the contact in the SDP to the value contained in the Contact header.

        name                           removeCodec
        description                    remove G711 codec if it exists
                name                           removeCodec
                msg-type                       request
                methods                        INVITE
                action                         manipulate
                comparison-type                case-sensitive
                        name                       removeG711
                        media-type                 audio
                        action                     manipulate
                        comparison-type            case-sensitive
                                name                   remove711
                                type                   m
                                action                 replace
                                comparison-type        pattern-rule
                                match-value            ^(audio [0-9]
                                                       {1,5} RTP.*)( [07]
                                new-value              $1+$3
                                name                   stripAttr
                                type                   a
                                action                 delete
                                comparison-type        pattern-rule
                                match-value            ^(rtpmap|fmtp):
Change Codec
        name                           convertCodec
        description                    changeG711toG729
                name                           changeCodec
                msg-type                       request
                methods                        INVITE
                action                         manipulate
                comparison-type                case-sensitive
                        name                     change711to729
                        media-type               audio
                        action                   manipulate
                        comparison-type          case-sensitive
                                name                 change711
                                type                 m
                                action               replace
                                comparison-type      pattern-rule
                                match-value          ^(audio [0-9]{4,5} 
                                                     RTP/AVP.*)( 0)(.*)$
new-value            $1+” 18”+$3
                                name                 stripAttr
                                type                 a
                                action               delete
                                comparison-type      pattern-rule
                                match-value          ^rtpmap:0 PCMU/
                                name                 addAttr
                                type                 a
                                action               add
                                comparison-type      boolean
                                match-value          $change711to729. 
                                new-value            rtpmap:18 G729/8000
Remove Last Codec and Change Port
        name                           removeLastCodec
        description                    remove the last codec
                name                           removeLastCodec
                msg-type                       request
                methods                        INVITE
                action                         manipulate
                comparison-type                case-sensitive
                        name                      removeLast
                        media-type                audio
                        action                    manipulate
                        comparison-type           case-sensitive
                                name                   isLastCodec
                                type                   m
                                action                 store
                                comparison-type        pattern-rule
                                match-value            ^(audio )([0-9]{4,
                                                       5})( RTP/AVP 
                                name                   changePort
                                type                   m
                                action                 replace
                                comparison-type        boolean
                                match-value            $removeLastCodec.
                                new-value              $removeLastCodec.
Remove Codec with Dynamic Payload
    name                        removeAMR
    description                 remove the AMR and AMR-WB dynamic codecs
        name                        sdpAMR
        msg-type                    request
        methods                     INVITE
        action                      manipulate
        comparison-type             case-sensitive
            name                        mediaAMR
            media-type                  audio
            action                      manipulate
            comparison-type             case-sensitive
                name                        isAMR
                type                        a
                action                      delete
                comparison-type             pattern-rule
                match-value                 ^rtpmap:([0-9]{2,3}) AMR\/
            name                        mediaIsAMR
            media-type                  audio
            action                      manipulate
            comparison-type             boolean
            match-value                 $sdpAMR.$mediaAMR.$isAMR[~]
                name                        delFmtpAMR
                type                        a
                action                      delete
                comparison-type             pattern-rule
                match-value                 ^fmtp:({$sdpAMR.$mediaAMR.$isAMR[~].$1})
                name                        delAMRcodec
                type                        m
                action                      find-replace-all
                comparison-type             pattern-rule
                match-value                 ^(audio [0-9]+ RTP.*) {$sdpAMR.$mediaAMR.$isAMR[~].$1}(.*)$
                new-value                   $1+$2