Create and Deploy on Oracle VM Manager

This section provides detail on deploying Oracle Communications Session Delivery products in an Oracle Virtual Machine environment and assumes Oracle VM Manager 3.4.2. The section also assumes the user understands deployment in these environments and that the majority of deployment tasks, from hardware installation and startup to VM resource and management setup, is complete.

For information on Oracle OVM, including server and manager documentation, refer to the following links. The bottom link opens the page specifically to Oracle OVM version 3.4.2.

Once hardware, VM resources and VM management are in place, the user prepares the VM management environment. High level steps include:

  • Discover Oracle VM Servers
  • Discover Storage (File Server or SAN)
  • Create a Virtual Machine Network
  • Create a Server Pool
  • Create a Storage Repository


The following procedure describes a typical deployment. The system may display different screens, depending on the deployment.

Oracle Communications Session Delivery product-specific setup steps include the following.

  • Add Resources to Storage Repository
    • Import an assembly
    • Import a virtual machine template (from the assembly)
  • Create a virtual machine from a template
  • Configure processing resources
  • Assign Networks
  • Specify Boot Order
  • Connect to the console
  • Start your virtual machine

Use the Oracle VM Manager to deploy your VMs. Browsing the manager displays the management application, with tabs across the top for VM Manager configuration and display, and two panes providing access to controls and components for specific VM management.

Follow the steps below to deploy your VM(s):

  1. From the Oracle VM Manager application Home page, navigate to the Repositories tab.
  2. Click the Virtual Appliances folder on the left pane, then click the download icon from the center pane.
    Oracle VM Manager displays the Import Virtual Appliance dialog.
  3. Type the URL, either the HTTP or the FTP server, of your .ova appliance into the Virtual Appliance download location text box.
  4. Check the Create VM checkbox.
  5. Select the server pool to which your new machine belongs from the Server Pool dropdown.
  6. Click OK.
    Oracle VM manager creates your Virtual Machine.
  7. Select VM Files folder on the left pane and verify the file is present.
  8. Select the Servers and VMs tab and select the server pool.
  9. Click on the Perspective drop down menu and select Virtual Machines.
  10. Right click on the Virtual Machine and select Edit.
  11. Edit your VM to configure the desired CPU, memory and core resources. Consider the following settings:
    • Operating System - Oracle Linux 7
    • Domain Type - XEN HVM PV Drivers
    • Memory - Set according to your deployment (defaults to 8G)
    • Processors - Set according to your deployment (defaults to 4)
  12. Open the Networks tab to manage your networks using the Network drop-down selection box. OVM does not display MAC addresses until the user applies the configuration.
    The SBC enumerates and binds network interfaces in the order presented by the hypervisor to the virtual machine. If it presents 3 or less interfaces, the bind order is wancom0, s0p0, s1p0. If it presents more than 3 interfaces, the bind order is:
    1. wancom0
    2. wancom1
    3. wancom2
    4. spare
    5. s0p0
    6. s1p0
    7. s0p1
    8. s1p1
    If your hypervisor randomly allocates addresses for network interfaces, the interface order at the hypervisor does not necessarily match that at the SBC. You can use the interface-mapping show command to determine the MAC address to interface order, and if necessary, adjust it using the interface-mapping swap command.
  13. If you want to increase the default disk size, click the Disks tab and the pencil icon to set a larger disk size.
    Do not decrease disk size.
  14. Click the Boot Order tab and ensure that Disk is the first (or only) option in the boot order list.
  15. Click OK.
    The system applies your settings to your VM.
  16. Click the Console icon from the menu bar.
    Oracle VM Manager displays a terminal screen with the serial CLI operational.
  17. Highlight the target and click the Start button.
    Oracle VM Manager starts your VM, displaying the startup sequence and, ultimately, providing ACLI access in the console.