Revision History

The following table provides the revision history for this document.

Date Description
June 2020
  • Initial Release
December 2020
  • Updates ifIndex description with mapping information.
April 2021
  • Adds content for S-Cz8.4.0p5.
December 2021
  • Adds content for S-Cz8.4.0p8.
  • Adds the apSysCurrentEndptsDenied object to the system management MIB.
  • Adds a note clarifying that policy-server configuration changes do not generate traps and alarms.
February 2022
  • Adds a note clarifying that policy-server configuration changes do not generate traps and alarms.
  • Updates examples of included-list and excluded-list in the Specify SNMPv3 View Access to a MIB section.
March 2022
  • Updates enable-snmp-auth-traps in the Enabling Administrative Trap Types section.
June 2022
  • Updates apSysMgmt Traps (ap-smgmt.mib) in the Enterprise Traps section.
February 2023
  • Updates ap-env-monitor.mib to include temperature ranges 3900/3950/4900.