Applications MIB (ap-apps.mib)

The Apps mib (ap-apps.mib) contains tables related ENUM, DNS, DoS threshold and STIR statistics and states.

apAppsENUMServerStatusTable Table

The following table all configured ENUM servers' status.

MIB Object Object ID + Description
apAppsENUMServerStatusEntry .1 Numbered table entry.
apAppsENUMConfigName .1.1

The name of the enum-config element that contains this ENUM server.

apAppsENUMServerInetAddressType .1.2 The internet address type of this ENUM server.
apAppsENUMServerInetAddress .1.3 The IP address of this ENUM server.
apAppsENUMServerStatus .1.4 The status of this ENUM server.


The following table all configured ENUM servers' status.

MIB Object Object ID + Description
apAppsDnsServerInterfaceName .1

The name of the dns interface that contains this dns server.

apAppsDnsServerInetAddressType .1.2 The internet address type of this DNS server.
apAppsDnsServerInetAddress .1.3 The IP address of this DNS server.
apAppsDnsServerStatus .1.4 The status of this DNS server.

apAppsStirMIBObjects Table

The following table collects information on all configured STIR servers' status. The apStirServerStats reference is the name for all apAppsStirServerStatsTable stats elements.

The apAppsStirServerStatsTable uses three variables to specify each object, as follows:

  • The first index is the stir server index. This component of the SNMP table uses the config-object ID the system creates when you create the object. The STI server labels are contained in OID APAPPS-MIB::apStirServerName.
  • The second index/dimension is an enumeration of the counter Types, including:
    • recent = 1
    • total = 2
    • permax = 3
  • The third index/dimension is the statsType. There are 12 values for the statsType, which correspond to the statistics names.
For example, the tabular object apStirServerStats instance that has an OID of the form apStirServerStats.x.y.12, where:
  • apStirServerStats is;
  • x is the stir server's object ID/index;
  • y is the ApCounterStatsType (recent (1), total (2), or permax (3)
  • 12 is the data category, Server Unreachable
MIB Object Object ID + Description
apStirServerName .1. Server name as configured on the SBC
apStirServerStats.recent.asQueries .1.1 Recent queries made to the named AS server
apStirServerStats.recent.asSuccessResponses .1.2 Recent successful responses received from the named AS server
apStirServerStats.recent.asFailResponses .1.3 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server
apStirServerStats.recent.asFailServiceException .1.4 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception
apStirServerStats.recent.asFailPolicyException .1.5 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception
apStirServerStats.recent.vsQueries .1.6 Recent queries made to the named VS server
apStirServerStats.recent.vsSuccessResponses .1.7 Recent successful responses received from the named VS server
apStirServerStats.recent.vsFailResponses .1.8 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server
apStirServerStats.recent.vsFailVerification .1.9 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure
apStirServerStats.recent.vsFailServiceException .1.10 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception
apStirServerStats.recent.vsFailPolicyException .1.11 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception
apStirServerStats.recent.ServerUnreachable .1.12 .2.1 Recent queries made to the named AS server .2.2 Total successful responses received from the named AS server .2.3 Total failed responses received from the named AS server .2.4 Total failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception .2.5 Total failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception .2.6 Total queries made to the named VS server .2.7 Total successful responses received from the named VS server .2.8 Total failed responses received from the named VS server .2.9 Total failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure .2.10 Total failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception .2.11 Total failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception .2.12  
apStirServerStats.permax.asQueries .3.1 Permax queries made to the named AS server
apStirServerStats.permax.asSuccessResponses .3.2 Permax successful responses received from the named AS server
apStirServerStats.permax.asFailResponses .3.3 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server
apStirServerStats.permax.asFailServiceException .3.4 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception
apStirServerStats.permax.asFailPolicyException .3.5 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception
apStirServerStats.permax.vsQueries .3.6 Permax queries made to the named VS server
apStirServerStats.permax.vsSuccessResponses .3.7 Permax successful responses received from the named VS server
apStirServerStats.permax.vsFailResponses .3.8 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server
apStirServerStats.permax.vsFailVerification .3.9 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure
apStirServerStats.permax.vsFailServiceException .3.10 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception
apStirServerStats.permax.vsFailPolicyException .3.11 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception
apStirServerStats.permax.ServerUnreachable .3.12