Local File System

The file system consists of 2 essential volumes and 1 or more user-defined volumes.

Acme Packet engineered systems maintain /boot and /code partitions that are each 2 GB. These volumes are located on the same internal 4GB flash drives. Once a storage device is installed in the system, the /opt and /opt/crash volumes are moved there.

With SFTP, only the local admin account can read, write, and list the contents of the /boot directory. If other supplementary administrators need to upload boot images with SFTP, they can upload to the /code/images directory.

  • /opt is located on the first system partition and is always 8 GB. Although it can be used for many purposes, it is primarily intended for core dumps, log files, CDRs, and HDR data.
  • /opt/crash is located on the second system partition. It appears as just /crash. It is the remainder of the storage device with an 8GB minimum. /opt/crash is used for crash files.

Default Paths

The show platform paths command displays the default paths for system files. For example:

ORACLE# show platform paths
Filesystem paths
boot            : /boot/
code            : /code/
base            : /opt/
crash           : /opt/crash
logs            : /opt/logs/
tar config      : /code/config/
gz config       : /code/gzConfig/
backups         : /code/bkups/
import          : /code/imports/
temp            : /opt/tmp/
collect         : /opt/collect/
running ver     : /code/runVer.dat
config ver      : /code/configVer.dat
running data    : /opt/running/
editing data    : /opt/data/
SPL files       : /code/spl/
SPL bytecode    : /opt/spl/