
The static-flow element sets preconfigured flows that allow a specific class of traffic to pass through the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller unrestricted.


Enter the ingress realm or interface source of packets to match for static flow translation. This in-realm-id field value must correspond to a valid identifier field entry in a realm-config. This is a required field. Entries in this field must follow the Name Format.
Provide a brief description of this static-flow configuration object.
Enter the incoming source IP address and port of packets to match for static flow translation. IP address of matches any source address. Port 0 matches packets received on any port. The port value has no impact on system operation if either ICMP or ALL is the selected protocol. The in-source parameter takes the format: in-source <ip-address>[:<port>]
  • Default:
  • Values: Port: Min: 0 / Max: 65535

This parameter accepts an IPv6 value.

Enter the incoming destination IP address and port of packets to match for static-flow translation. An IP address of matches any source address. Port 0 matches packets received on any port. The port value has no impact on system operation if either ICMP or ALL is the selected protocol. The in-destination parameter takes the format: in-destination <ip-address>[:<port>]
  • Default:
  • Values: Port: Min: 0 / Max: 65535

This parameter accepts an IPv6 value.

Enter the egress realm or interface source of packets to match for static flow translation. This out-realm-id field value must be a valid identifier for a configured realm. This required entry must follow the Name Format.
Enter the outgoing source IP address and port of packets to translate to for static flow translation. IP address of translates to any source address. Port 0 translates to packets sent on any port. The port value has no impact on system operation if either ICMP or ALL is the selected protocol. The out-source parameter takes the format: out-source <ip-address>[:<port>]
  • Default:
  • Values: Port: Min: 0 / Max: 65535

This parameter accepts an IPv6 value.

Enter the outgoing destination IP address and port of packets to translate to for static-flow translation. An IP address of matches any source address. Port 0 translates to packets sent on any port. The port value has no impact on system operation if either ICMP or ALL is the selected protocol. The out-destination parameter takes the format: out-destination <ip-address>[:<port>]
  • Default:
  • Values: Port: Min: 0 / Max: 65535

This parameter accepts an IPv6 value.

Select the protocol for this static-flow. The protocol selected must match the protocol in the IP header. The protocol remains the same for the inbound and outbound sides of the packet flow.
  • Default: UDP
  • Values:
    • UDP—UDP used for this static-flow element
    • TCP—TCP used for this static-flow element
    • ICMP—ICMP used for this static-flow element
    • ALL—Static-flow element can accept flows via any of the available protocols.
Select the type of NAT ALG to use
  • Default: none
  • Values:
    • none—No dynamic ALG functionality
    • NAPT—Configure as NAPT ALG
    • TFTP—Configure as TFTP ALG
This parameter is unsupported.
Enter the internal starting ALG ephemeral port
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 1025 / Max: 65535
Enter the internal ending ALG ephemeral port
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 1025 / Max: 65535
Enter the time limit for a flow, measured in seconds
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 999999999
Enter the initial flow guard timer, measured in seconds
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 999999999
Enter the subsequent flow guard timer, measured in seconds
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 999999999


static-flow is an element under the media-manager path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure terminal , and then media-manager , and then static-flow.


This is a multiple instance configuration element.