
The surrogate-agent configuration element allows you to configure the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller for surrogate registration. This feature lets the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller explicitly register on behalf of Internet Protocol Branch Exchange (IP-PBX).


Enter the registrar’s hostname to be used in the Request-URI of the REGISTER request
Enter the user portion of the Address of Record
Enable or disable this surrogate agent
  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enter the name of the realm where the surrogate agent resides
Describe the surrogate agent. This parameter is optional.
Enter the domain or IP address of the IP-PBX, which is used to determine whether it is different than the one used by the registrar. This parameter is optional.
Enter the next hop to this surrogate agent


Even though the customer-next-hop field allows specification of a SAG or FQDN, the functionality will only support these values if they resolve to a single IP address. Multiple IP addresses, via SAG, NAPTR, SRV, or DNS record lookup, are not allowed.
Enter the hostname to be used in the Contact-URI sent in the REGISTER request. This should always point to the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. If specifying a IP address, use the egress interface’s address. If there is a SIP NAT on the registrar’s side, use the home address in the SIP NAT.
Enter the user part of the Contact-URI that the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller generates
Enter the password to be used for this agent
Enter the expire time in seconds to be used in the REGISTER
  • Default: 600,000 (1 week)
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 999999999
Specify whether the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller needs to replace the Contact in the requests coming from the surrogate agent
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enable or disable requests coming from the surrogate agent being routed to the registrar if they are not explicitly addressed to the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller
  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enter the number of registrations to do on behalf of this IP-PBX
  • Default: 1
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 999999999
Enter the authentication user name you want to use for the surrogate agent
Enter the number of times to attempt registration; a 0 value means registration attempts are unlimited
  • Default: 3
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 10
Enter the amount of time in seconds to wait before reattempting registration
  • Default: 300
  • Values: Min: 10 / Max: 3600
Enter the number of registrations to do on behalf of this IP-PBX
  • Default: 1
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 999999999
Enter the registration mode.
  • Default: automatic
  • Values:
    • automatic - Send automatically
    • triggered - Send upon trigger from Private Branch Exchange.
Enter the maximum time in seconds without any traffic from corresponding Private Branch Exchange. This is valid only if registered-mode is triggered.
  • Default: 30
  • Values: Min: 5 / Max: 300
Specifies the response by the SBC to the Private Branch Exchange on detecting a failure.
  • Default: 503
  • Values:
    • 503 - Response for core network failure.
    • dropresponse - No response sent to Private Branch Exchange for core network failure.
Can contain a list of IP address/prefixes that specify the source addressing of endpoints for which the system can authenticate calls using this surrogate-agent. Valid entries include any number of IP addresses and IP address prefixes in the format <ip>/<subnet>. If you set multiple values, separate them with a space and enclose them with parenthesis (). Addressing can be IPv4, IPv6 or a combination of both.
  • Default: Empty
  • Values: List of entries
Enter non-standard options or features


surrogate-agent is an element under the session-router path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure terminal , and then session-router , and then surrogate-agent.