
The translation-rules element creates unique sets of translation rules to apply to calling and called party numbers. The fields within this element specify the type of translation to be performed, the addition for deletion to be made, and where in the address that change should be made.


Enter the identifier or name for this translation rule. This field is required.
Select the address translation type to be performed
  • Default: none
  • Values:
    • add—Adds a character or string of characters to the address
    • delete—Deletes a character or string of characters from the address
    • replace—Replaces a character or string of characters within the address
    • none—Translation rule is disabled
Enter the string to be added during address translation to the original address. The value in this field should always be a real value; i.e., this field should not be populated with at-signs (@) or dollar-signs ($).
When the type is set to replace, this field is used in conjunction with the delete-string value. The value specified in the delete-string field is deleted and the value specified in the add-string field is inserted. If no value is specified in the delete-string field and the type field is set to replace, then nothing will be inserted into the address.
  • Default: blank string
Enter the location in the original address where the string specified in the add-string value is inserted. This value is the character position starting at 0 to insert the add-string value.
When a dollar-sign ($) is used for the add-index, it appends the add-string to the end of the number. This is represented by “999999999” when a show is performed.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 999999999

This parameter is not used when type is set to replace.

Enter the string to be deleted from the original address during address translation. Unspecified characters are denoted by the at-sign symbol (@).
When the type is set to replace, this value is used in conjunction with the add-string value. The value specified in delete-string is deleted and the value specified in add-string is inserted. If no value is specified in the delete-string parameter and the type field is set to replace, then nothing will be inserted into the address.
  • Default: blank string
Enter the character position at which to begin looking for a match of the value of delete-string. Use 0 to start looking for a match at the beginning of the string.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 999999999


translation-rulesis an element under the session-router path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure terminal , and then session-router , and then translation-rules.


You can delete unspecified characters from an original address by using the at-sign (@). 
This is a multiple instance configuration element.