
Here are some common tasks that you might want to perform using the Session Border Controller (SBC) REST API.

Task More Information
Replace the TLS Certificate on a Virtual SBC. Replace the TLS Certificate
Assign an IP address and change the Target Name of your SBC. Modify the Boot Parameters
Save, verify, and activate your SBC's configuration. Save, Verify, and Activate the Configuration
Set the Hostname of your SBC. Set the Hostname
Create the sip-config element with default attributes. Create the Default sip-config Element
Create the media-manager element with default attributes. Create the Default media-manager Element
Configure Physical Interfaces. Configure Physical Interfaces
Configure Network Interfaces. Configure Network Interfaces
Configure Realms. Configure Realms
Configure a SIP Interface. Configure a SIP Interface
Monitor the CPU usage of your SBC. Monitor CPU
Working with KPIs. Retrieve KPIs