Configuring Routing

This section explains how to configure routing on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.

Configuration Prerequisite

You should have already configured the realms for your environment before you configure the routing elements. You need to know the realm identifier when configuring session agents and local policy.

You can use an asterisk (*) when the session agent exists in multiple realms.

Configuration Order

Recommended order of configuration:

  • realm
  • session agent
  • session agent group
  • local policy

Routing Configuration

You can enable, then configure, individual constraints that are applied to the sessions sent to the session agent. These constraints can be used to regulate session activity with the session agent. In general, session control constraints are used for session agent groups or SIP proxies outside or at the edge of a network. Some individual constraints, such as maximum sessions and maximum outbound sessions are not applicable to core proxies because they are transaction stateful, instead of session stateful. Other constraints, such as maximum burst rate, burst rate window, maximum sustained rate, and sustained rate are applicable to core routing proxies.

Configuring Session Agents

To configure session agents:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the system-level configuration elements.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type session-agent and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(session-router)# session-agent
  4. host-name—Enter the name of the host associated with the session agent in either hostname or FQDN format, or as an IP address.

    If you enter the host name as an IP address, you do not have to enter an IP address in the optional IP address parameter. If you enter the host name in FQDN format, and you want to specify an IP address, enter it in the optional IP address parameter. Otherwise you can leave the IP address parameter blank to allow a DNS query to resolve the host name.

    If the initial DNS query for the session agent fails to get back any addresses, the session agent is put out-of-service. When session agent is pinged, the DNS query is repeated. The ping message is not sent until the DNS query gets back one or more IP addresses. After the query receives some addresses, the ping message is sent. The session agent remains out of service until one of the addresses responds.


    The value you enter here must be unique to this session agent. No two session agents can have the same hostname.

    The hostnames established in the session agent populate the corresponding fields in other elements.

  5. ip-address—Optional. Enter the IP address for the hostname you entered in FQDN format if you want to specify the IP address. Otherwise, you can leave this parameter blank to allow a DNS query to resolve the host name.
  6. port—Enter the number of the port associated with this session agent. Available values include:
    • zero (0)—If you enter zero (0), the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will not initiate communication with this session agent (although it will accept calls).

    • 1025 through 65535

      The default value is 5060.


      If the transport method value is TCP, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will initiate communication on that port of the session agent.
  7. state—Enable or disable the session agent by configuring the state. By default, the session agent is enabled.
    • enabled | disabled

  8. app-protocol—Enter the protocol on which you want to send the message. The default value is SIP. Available values are:
    • SIP | H.323

  9. app-type—If configuring H.323, indicate whether the application type is a gateway or a gatekeeper. Available values include:
    • H.323-GW—gateway

    • H.323-GK—gatekeeper

  10. transport-method—Indicate the IP protocol to use (transport method) to communicate with the session agent. UDP is the default value. The following protocols are supported:
    • UDP—Each UDP header carries both a source port identifier and destination port identifier, allowing high-level protocols to target specific applications and services among hosts.

    • UDP+TCP—Initial transport method of UDP, followed by a subsequent transport method of TCP if and when a failure or timeout occurs in response to a UDP INVITE. If this transport method is selected, then INVITEs are always sent via UDP as long as a response is received.

    • DynamicTCP—Dynamic TCP connections are the transport method for this session agent. A new connection must be established for each session originating outbound from the SBC to the session agent. This connection is torn down at the end of a session.

    • StaticTCP—Static TCP connections are the transport method for this session agent. Once a connection is established, it will remain and not be torn down.

    • StaticSCTP—SCTP is used as the transport method.

    • DynamicTLS—Dynamic TLS connections are the transport method for this session agent. A new connection must be established for each session originating outbound from the SBC to the session agent. This connection is torn down at the end of a session.

    • StaticTLS—Static TLS connections are the transport method for this session agent. Once a connection is established, it will remain and not be torn down.

    • ANY—support all transport methods .

  11. realm-id—Optional. Indicate the ID of the realm in which the session agent resides.

    The realm ID identifies the realm for sessions coming from or going to this session agent. For requests coming from this session agent, the realm ID identifies the ingress realm. For requests being sent to this session agent, the realm ID identifies the egress realm. In a Oracle Communications Session Border Controller, when the ingress and egress realms are different, the media flows must be steered between the realms.

    • no value: the egress realm is used unless the local policy dictates otherwise

    • asterisk (*): keep the egress realm based on the Request URI


      The realm ID you enter here must match the valid identifier value entered when you configured the realm.
  12. description—Optional. Enter a descriptive name for this session agent.
  13. carriers—Optional. Add the carriers list to restrict the set of carriers used for sessions originating from this session agent.

    Carrier names are arbitrary names that can represent specific service providers or traditional PSTN telephone service providers (for sessions delivered to gateways). They are global in scope, especially if they are exchanged in TRIP. Therefore, the definition of these carriers is beyond the scope of this documentation.

    You could create a list using carrier codes already defined in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP); or those defined by the local telephone number or carrier naming authority in another country.


    If this list is empty, any carrier is allowed. If it is not empty, only local policies that reference one or more of the carriers in this list will be applied to requests coming from this session agent.
  14. constraints—Enable this parameter to indicate that the individual constraints you configure in the next step are applied to the sessions sent to the session agent. Retain the default value of disabled if you do not want to apply the individual constraints. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled


      In general, session control constraints are used for SAGs or SIP proxies outside or at the edge of a network.
  15. Enter values for the individual constraints you want applied to the sessions sent to this session agent. The following table lists the available constraints along with a brief description and available values.
  16. req-uri-carrier-mode—SIP only. Set whether you want the selected carrier (determined by a value in the local policy) added to the outgoing message by configuring the request uri carrier mode parameter.

    You can set this parameter to let the system perform simple digit translation on calls sent to gateways. A 3-digit prefix is inserted in front of the telephone number (the Request-URI) that the gateway will use to select a trunk group. Most often, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller needs to insert the carrier code into the signaling message that it sends on.

    The default value is none. The following lists the available modes.

    • none—Carrier information will not be added to the outgoing message.

    • uri-param—Adds a parameter to the Request-URI. For example, cic-XXX.

    • prefix—Adds the carrier code as a prefix to the telephone number in the Request-URI (in the same manner as PSTN).

  17. proxy-mode—SIP only. Indicate the proxy mode to use when a SIP request arrives from this session agent.

    If this field is empty (upon initial runtime or upgrade), it’s value is set to the value of the SIP configuration’s proxy mode by default. If no proxy mode value was entered for the SIP configuration, the default for this field is proxy.

    The following are valid proxy modes:

    • proxy—If the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller is a Session Router, the system will proxy the request coming from the session agent and maintain the session and dialog state. If the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller is a Session Director, the system behaves as a B2BUA when forwarding the request.

    • redirect—The system sends a SIP 3xx reDIRECT response with contacts (found in the local policy) to the previous hop.

  18. redirect-action—SIP only. Indicate the action you want the SIP proxy to take when it receives a Redirect (3XX) response from the session agent.

    If the response comes from a session agent and this field is empty (upon initial runtime or upgrade), the redirect action will be recurse. If no session agent is found (for example, if a message comes from an anonymous user agent), the redirect action is set to proxy. If the Redirect (3xx) response does not have any Contact header, the response will be sent back to the previous hop.

    The following table lists the available proxy actions along with a brief description

    • proxy—The SIP proxy passes the response back to the previous hop; based on the pfoxy mode of the original request.

    • recurse—The SIP proxy serially sends the original request to the list of contacts in the Contact header of the response (in the order in which the contacts are listed in the response). For example, if the first one fails, the request will be send to the second, and so on until the request succeeds or the last contact in the Contact header has been tried.

    • Recurse-305-only—Recurses on the Contacts only in a 305 response.
  19. loose-routing—SIP only. Enable this parameter if you want to use loose routing (as opposed to strict routing). The default is enabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

      When the SIP NAT route home proxy parameter is enabled, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller looks for a session agent that matches the home proxy address and checks the loose routing value. If loose routing is enabled, a Route header is included in the outgoing request in accordance with RFC 3261. If loose routing is disabled, the Route header is not included in the outgoing request (in accordance with strict routing procedures defined in RFC 2543).

      The loose routing value is also checked when the local policy’s next hop value matches a session agent. If loose routing is set to enabled, the outgoing request retains the original Request-URI and Route header with the next hop address.

  20. send-media-session—SIP only. Enable this parameter if you want to include a media session description (for example, SDP) in the INVITE or REINVITE message sent by the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. Setting this field to disabled prevents the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller from establishing flows for that INVITE message.

    The default is enabled. Valid values are:

    • enabled | disabled


      Only set send media session to disabled for a session agent that always redirects requests. It returns an error or 3xx response instead of forwarding an INVITE message. In addition, do not disable send media session on session agents that support SIP-to-H.323 IWF call flows. This can cause call failure.
  21. response-map—Optional and for SIP only. Enter the name of the response map to use for this session agent. The mappings in each SIP response map is associated with a corresponding session agent. You can also configure this value for individual SIP interfaces.
  22. ping-method—SIP only. Indicate the SIP message/method to use to ping a session agent. The ping confirms whether the session agent is in service. If this field is left empty, no session agent will be pinged.

    Setting this field value to the OPTIONS method might produce a lengthy response from certain session agents and could potentially cause performance degradation on your Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.

  23. ping-interval—SIP only. Indicate how often you want to ping a session agent by configuring the ping interval parameter. Enter the number of seconds you want the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to wait between pings to this session agent. The default value is 0. The valid range is:
    • Minimum: 0

    • Maximum: 999999999

      The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller only sends the ping if no SIP transactions (have occurred to/from the session agent within the time period you enter here.

  24. trunk-group—Enter up to 500 trunk groups to use with this single session agent. Because of the high number of trunk groups you can enter, the ACLI provides enhanced editing mechanisms for this parameter:
    • You use a plus sign (+) to add single or multiple trunk groups to the session agent’s list.

      When you add a single trunk group, simply use the plus sign (+) in front of the trunk group name and context. Do not use a Space between the plus sign and the trunk group name and context.

      For example, you might have already configured a list of trunk groups with the following entries: tgrpA:contextA, tgrpB:contextB, and tgrpC:contextC. To add tgrp1:context1, you would make the following entry:

      ORACLE(session-agent)# trunk-group +tgrp1:context1

      Your list would then contain all four trunk groups.

      When you add multiple trunk groups, simply enclose your entry in quotation marks () or in parentheses (()). While you put spaces between the trunk group name and context entries, you do not use spaces with the plus sign, parentheses or quotation marks.

      ORACLE(session-agent)# trunk-group +tgrp1:context1 tgrp2:context2 tgrp3:context3
    • You use a minus sign (-) to delete single or multiple trunk groups from the session agent’s list.

      When you remove a single trunk group, simply use the minus sign (-) in front of the trunk group name and context. Do not use a Space between the minus sign and the trunk group name and context.

      For example, you might have already configured a list of trunk groups with the following entries: tgrpA:contextA, tgrpB:contextB, tgrpC:contextC, and tgrp1:context1. To delete tgrp1:context1 from the list, you would make the following entry:

      ORACLE(session-agent)# trunk-group -tgrp1:context1

      Your list would then contain: tgrpA:contextA, tgrpB:contextB, and tgrpC:contextC.

      When you add multiple trunk groups, simple enclose your entry in quotation marks () or in parentheses (()). While you put spaces between the trunk group name and context entries, you do not use spaces with the plus sign, parentheses or quotation marks.

      ORACLE(session-agent)# trunk-group -tgrp1:context1 tgrp2:context2
    • You overwrite (replace) the entire list of a session agent’s trunk groups by entering a list that does not use either the plus (+) or the minus (-) sign syntax.

  25. ping-in-service-response-codes—SIP only. Enter the list of response codes that keep a session agent in service when they appear in its response to the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s ping request. The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller takes the session agent out of service should a response code be used that does not appear on this list. Default is none.
  26. out-service-response-codes—SIP only. Enter the list defines the response codes that take a session agent out of service when they appear in its response to the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s ping request or any in-dialog creating request (such as an INVITE, SUBSCRIBE, etc.). The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller ignores this list if an in-service list exists.
  27. options—Optional. You can add your own features and/or parameters by using the options parameter. You enter a comma-separated list of either or both of the following:
    • feature=<value feature>

    For example:

    You can include the original address in the SIP message from the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to the proxy in the Via header parameter by entering the following option:


    The original parameter is included in the Via of the requests sent to the session agent. The via origin feature can take a value that is the parameter name to include in the Via. If the value is not specified for via origin, the parameter name is origin.


    If the feature value itself is a comma-separated list, enclose it within quotation marks.
  28. media-profiles—Optional and for H.323 only. You can enter a list of media profiles to open logical channels when starting an outgoing call as a Fast Start H.323 call.

    Values you enter here must start with either an alphabetical character from A through Z (A-Za-z) or with an underscore (_). After the first character, each list entry can contain any combination of alphabetical or numerical characters (0-9A-Za-z), as well as the period (.), the dash (-), and the underscore (_). For example, netnet_mediaprofile1.

    You can enter 1 to 24 characters.


    The values you enter here must correspond to a valid name you entered when you configure the media profile.
  29. in-translationid—Optional. Enter the In Translation ID for a configured session translation (group of address translation rules with a single ID) if you want to apply session translation to incoming traffic.
  30. out-translationid—Optional. Enter the Out Translation ID for a configured session translation (group of address translation rules with a single ID) if you want to apply session translation to outgoing traffic.

    Address translations attached to session agents take precedence over address translations attached to realms. If no address translation is applied to a session agent, then the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will use the address translation applied to a realm. If an address translation is applied to both a realm and session agent, the translation attached to the session agent will apply. If the applicable session agent and realm have no associated translations, then the addresses will remain in their original forms and no address translations will be performed.

  31. trust-me—Indicate whether this session agent is a trusted source, which the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller checks when it receives a message to determine if the source is trusted. The default value is disabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

    The following example shows a session agent with an IP address used for the hostname.

            port                           5060
            state                          enabled
            app-protocol                   SIP
            transport-method               UDP
            realm-id                       realm-1
            description                    englab
            constraints                    disabled
            max-sessions                   355
    max-inbound-sessions           4
            max-outbound-sessions          355
            max-burst-rate                 0
            max-inbound-burst-rate         10
            max-outbound-burst-rate        1
            max-sustain-rate               3000
            max-inbound-sustain-rate       0
            max-outbound-sustain-rate      0
            min-seizures                   5
            min-asr                        0 time-to-resume                 60
            ttr-no-response                0
            in-service-period              30
            burst-rate-window              60
            sustain-rate-window            3600
            req-uri-carrier-mode           None
            proxy-mode                     Proxy
            redirect-action                Recurse
            loose-routing                  enabled
            send-media-session             enabled
            ping-interval                  0
            trust-me                       disabled
            li-trust-me                    disabled
            max-register-sustain-rate      0
  32. static-tcp-source-port—If using TCP or TLS transport, you may need to specify the source port of the SBC. If so, use the static-tcp-source-port parameter to specify the port that the SBC uses as a source port while making an outbound TCP connection to that session agent.
    Some environments do not support ephemeral port assignment and require that the SBC use a fixed/static TCP port to make a connection to a session-agent. Configuring this parameter allows the SBC to make connections to those session agents using the specified port number.
    ORACLE(session-agent)# static-tcp-source-port 5061
    • Values: 0 is default
    • Min: 1025 / Max: 65535

      The system performs error checking on your values and prevents you from entering an invalid port number. Enabling this feature requires that you reboot the SBC.

Session Agent Group Configuration

To configure session agent groups:

  1. Access the session-agent-group configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# session-group
  2. group-name—Enter a unique name for the session agent group in Name format.
  3. description—Optional. Enter descriptive information about the session agent group.
  4. state—Enable or disable the session agent group on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. The default value is enabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  5. application-protocol—Indicate the signaling protocol you want to use with the session agent group. The default value is SIP. The valid values are:
    • SIP | H.323

  6. strategy—Indicate the session agent allocation strategy you want to use. The strategy you chose selects the session agents that will be made available by this session agent group. The default value is hunt. The valid values are:
    • hunt—Selects session agents in the order in which they are listed. For example, if the first agent is online, working, and has not exceeded defined constraints, all traffic is sent to the first agent. If the first agent is offline or if it exceeds a defined constraint, the second agent is selected. If the first and second agents are offline or exceed defined constraints, the third agent is selected. And so on through the list of session agents.

    • roundrobin—Selects each session agent in the order in which they are listed in the destination list, selecting each agent in turn, one per session.

    • leastbusy—Selects the session agent that has the fewest number of sessions relative to the maximum sessions constraint (for example, lowest percent busy) of the session agent element. The Least Busy Calculation is the result of dividing the number of active calls for a session agent by the max-sessions parameter within the session-agent element configuration. If the default max-session parameter value issued for a session agent (0), the result of the Least Busy Calculation will be 0. The Least Busy SAG Strategy will route a session to the session agent with the lowest resulting Least Busy Calculation percentage. If multiple session agents have the lowest percentage, the foremost session agent in the Session Agent Group dest parameter will be used.

    • propdist—Based on programmed, constrained session limits, the Proportional Distribution strategy proportionally distributes the traffic among all of the available session agents. Sessions are distributed among session agents based on the max-outbound-sessions value in each session agent. The sum of max-outbound-sessions for every session-agent within a session group equates to 100% and the max-outbound-sessions value for each session-agent represents a % that total. Sessions are proportionally allocated to session agents based on their individual session agent max-outbound-sessions value, as a % of the total max-outbound-sessions for the group.

    • lowsusrate—The Lowest Sustained Rate strategy routes to the session agent with the lowest sustained rate of session initiations/invitations (based on observed sustained session request rate).

  7. destination—Identify the destinations (session agents) available for use by this session agent group.

    A value you enter here must be a valid IP address or hostname for a configured session agent.

  8. trunk-groupEnter trunk group names and trunk group contexts to match in either IPTEL or custom format. If left blank, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller uses the trunk group in the realm for this session agent group. Multiple entries are surrounded in parentheses and separated from each other with spaces.

    Entries for this list must one of the following formats: trgp:context or trgp.context.

  9. sag-recursion—Enable this parameter if you want to use SIP SAG recursion for this SAG. The default value is disabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  10. stop-sag-recurse—Enter the list of SIP response codes that terminate all further recursions, including those external to the SAG. Upon receiving one of the specified response codes, such as 401 unauthorized, or upon generating one of the specified response codes internally, such as 408 timeout, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller returns a final response to the UAC and stops trying to route the message. This includes not attempting to contact higher-cost SAs.
    You can enter the response codes as a comma-separated list or as response code ranges.
  11. Type done to save your configuration.

SAG Matching for LRT and ENUM

When this feature is enabled and a match is found, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller uses the matching SAG for routing. When there is no match for the SAG, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller processes the result as it would have if this feature had not been enabled: either matching to a session agent hostname, or performing a DNS query to resolve it.

Note that you set the state of this feature in the SIP configuration.

To configure a SAG for ENUM or LRT matching:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the signaling-level configuration elements.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-config and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-config

    If you are adding support for this feature to a pre-existing SIP configuration, then you must select (using the ACLI select command) that configuration to edit it.

  4. enum-sag-match—Set this parameter to enabled so the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will match session agent group (SAG) names with the hostname portion in the naming authority pointer (NAPTR) from an ENUM query or LRT next-hop entry. The default value is disabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  5. Save and activate your configuration.

Configuring Local Policy

To configure local policy:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET(configure)# session-router
  3. Type local-policy and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ACMEPACKET(session-router)# local-policy
  4. from-address—Indicate the originating address information by entering a From address value. You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard to indicate this policy can be used with all originating addresses.

    You can also use complete or partial E.164 addresses (strings that contain telephone keypad characters) here. Number matching works from left to right. Formats include the following:

    • SIP From address

    • FQDNs

    • IP addresses

    • H.323 CallingPartyAddress

      The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller also supports the asterisk as part of the From address you configure in your local policies.

      This means that for the from-address parameters of a local policy configuration, you can enter values in which an asterisk appears and match them accordingly. You might enter a value that resemble the following example:

    • 123*456


    After entering the from-address value, the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager automatically saves it to the configuration when exiting from local policy.
  5. to-address—Indicate the destination address by entering a To address value. You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard to indicate all this policy can be used for any destination address.

    You can also use E.164 addresses (strings that contain telephone keypad characters) here. Number matching works from left to right. Formats include the following:

    • SIP Request-URI

    • FQDNs

    • IP addresses

    • H.323 CalledPartyAddress

      The system also supports the asterisk as part of the To address you configure in your local policies.

      This means that for the to-address parameters of a local policy configuration, you can enter values in which an asterisk appears and match them accordingly. You might enter a value that resembles the following example:

    • 123*456


    After entering the to-address value, the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager automatically saves it to the configuration when exiting from local policy.
  6. source-realm—Enter the realm, or list of realms, you want the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to use to determine how to route traffic. This list identifies from what realm traffic is coming and is used for routing by ingress realm by the local policy.

    You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard to indicate this local policy can be used with all realms. The default value is *.Or you can enter a value that corresponds to the identifier of an already configured realm. Formats include the following:

    • realm ID

    • customer name

    • peer name

    • subdomain name

    • VPN identifier

  7. activate-time—Set the time you want the local policy to be activated using the following syntax:
    yyyy:mm:dd hh:mm:ss
  8. deactivate-time—Set the time you want the local policy to be deactivated using the following syntax:
    yyyy:mm:dd hh:mm:ss
  9. state—Indicate whether you want the local policy to be enabled or disabled on the system. The default value is enabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  10. policy-attribute—Configure local policy attributes by following steps 8 through 21.
  11. next-hop—Identify the next signaling host by entering the next hop value. You can use the following as next hops:
    • IPv4 address or IPv6 address of a specific endpoint

    • Hostname or IPv4 address or IPv6 address of a configured session agent

    • Group name of a configured session agent group


      The group name of a configured session agent group must be prefixed with SAG:

      For example:


      next-hop SAG:appserver


      next-hop lrt:routetable


      next-hop enum:lerg

      You can also configure a next hop that has an address of, thereby creating a null route. Different from not having a local policy configured (which would trigger Oracle Communications Session Border Controller local policy recursion), this terminates local policy recursion and immediately fails the request. In these cases, the system responds a request with a 404 Not Found.

  12. realm—Identify the egress realm (the realm used to reach the next hop) if the system must send requests out from a specific realm.

    The value you enter here must correspond to a valid identifier you enter when you configured the realm. If you do not enter a value here, and the next hop is a session agent, the realm identified in the session agent configuration is used for egress. In H.323, the next hop address is matched against the realm’s address prefix to determine the realm.

  13. replace-uri—Indicate whether you want to replace the Request-URI in outgoing SIP requests with the next hop value.
  14. carrier—Optional. Enter the name of the carrier associated with this route. The value you enter here must match one or more of the carrier names in the session agent configuration.

    Entries in carrier fields can be from 1 to 24 characters in length and can consist of any alphabetical character (Aa-Zz), numerical character (0-9), or punctuation mark (! ” # $ % ^ & * ( ) + - = < > ? ‘ | { } [ ] @ / \ ‘ ~ , . _ : ; ) or any combination of alphabetical characters, numerical characters, or punctuation marks. For example, both 1-0288 and acme_carrier are valid carrier field formats.

  15. start-time—Indicate the time of day (from the exact minute specified) the local policy attributes go into effect. Enter only numerical characters (0-9) and follow the 4-digit military time format. For example:

    The default value of 0000 implies that the defined policy attributes can be considered in effect any time after 00:00:00. The valid range is:

    • Minimum—0000

    • Maximum—2400

  16. end-time—Indicate the time of day (from the exact minute specified) the local policy attributes are no longer in effect. Enter only numerical characters (0-9) and follow the 4-digit military time format. For example:

    The default value of 2400 implies that the defined policy attributes can be considered in effect any time before midnight. The valid range is:

    • Minimum—0000

    • Maximum—2400

  17. days-of-week—Enter any combination of days of the week (plus holidays) you want the local policy attributes to be in effect. You must enter at least one day or holiday here. A holiday entry must correspond with a configured holiday established in the Session Router.

    The default is U-S. The valid values are:

    • U (Sunday)

    • M (Monday)

    • T (Tuesday(

    • W (Wednesday)

    • R (Thursday)

    • F (Friday)

    • S (Saturday)

    • H (Holiday)

      You can enter a range of values separated by a hyphen, for example U-S. And you can enter multiple values separated by commas, for example M,W,F. You cannot use spaces as separators.

  18. cost—Enter a cost value that acts as a unitless representation of the cost of a route relative to other routes reaching the same destination (To address). This value is used as a way of ranking policy attributes.

    The default value is zero (0). The valid values are:

    • minimum—zero (0)

    • maximum—999999999

  19. app-protocol—Enter the signaling protocol to use when sending messages to the next hop. The valid values are:
    • H.323 | SIP

  20. state—Indicate whether you want to enable or disable the local policy. The default value is enabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  21. media-profiles—Configure a list of media profiles if you want the local policy to route SIP and H.323 traffic by the codecs specified in the SDP. The list of media profiles entered here are matched against the SDP included in SIP or H.323 requests and the next hop is selected by codec.

    The values in this list are matched against the rtpmap attribute of passed SDP, and preference weight for route selection is based on the order in which the matching payload type appears in the SDP’s media (m=) line.

    For example when the following SDP arrives:

    m=audio 1234 RTP/AVP 0 8 18

    that contains the following attributes that correspond to three configured local policies with the same cost:

    • a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000

    • a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000

    • a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000

      the following route selection action occurs:

      The local policy route that corresponds to the a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 attribute is selected because the payload type of 0 in the attribute line matches the first payload type of 0 listed in the m= line. The codec value of PCMU indicated in this selected attribute is used to find the local policy with the media profiles attribute that includes PCMU in the list.

      Because the value you enter here is matched against the codec values included in the actual passed SDP, it must correspond to accepted industry-standard codec values.

      The following example shows a local policy with a next hop value of the session agent group called gw-sag2.

              source-realm                   *
              activate-time                  2005-01-20 20:30:00
              deactivate-time                N/A
              state                          enabled
              last-modified-date             2005-01-10 00:36:29
              next-hop                       SAG:gw-sag2
              replace-uri                    enabled
              start-time                     0000
              end-time                       2400
              days-of-week                   U-S
              cost                           0
              state                          enabled

Local Policy Matching for Parent Realms

For SIP and H.323, you can configure the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to use the parent realm for routing purposes even when the source realm for an incoming message is a child realm.

With this feature disabled (default), the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller uses the specific source realm to perform a local policy look-up. When the source realm is a child realm and any relevant local policies are configured with the parent realm, there will be no matches and the local policy look-up will fail. To avoid this issue and ensure successful look-ups, you must configure multiple local policies if you want to use a configuration with nested realms.

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller examines the source realm to determine if it is a parent realm with any child realms when you enable this feature. If the parent, source realm does have child realms, then the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller creates local policy entries for the parent and all of its child realms. This operation is transparent and can save time during the configuration process.

It is possible, then, for a local policy look-up to match the same child realm in two ways:

  • Through a match via the parent realm
  • Through a direct match for a local policy configured with that specific child realm

In such a case, the child realm must have different costs for each type of match to avoid collisions.

This feature is enabled on a global basis in the session router configuration. Because it applies system-wide, all source realms will use this form of matching when enabled.

To enable local policy matching for parent realms:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the signaling-related configurations.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# session-router
  4. match-lp-source-parent-realms—If you want the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to perform local policy realm matching based on the parent realm (so that there are local policy entries for parent and child realms), set this parameter to enabled. The default value is disabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

    ORACLE(session-router-config)# match-lp-src-parent-realms enabled
  5. Save and activate your configuration.