STIR/SHAKEN Client Statistics

The SBC provides standard tools to evaluate, track and troubleshoot client operations. You obtain applicable statistics from the ACLI, with information separated between AS and VS server interactions. The output includes period and lifetime monitoring spans. You can also configure the SBC to provide these statistics using SNMP, HDR and REST. In addition to the above, the SBC enhances applicable CDRs to include calling party authentication information.


There are no system-wide totals for server-wide statistics or KPIs via ACLI, SNMP, HDR or REST. You can calculate this by adding the stats from all the servers

ACLI Command Data

The SBC provides applicable global and per-server statistics from the ACLI:

  • Successful requests and responses—Based on receipt of a 200 OK.
  • Unsuccessful requests and responses
  • Successful and unsuccessful verifications
  • Policy exceptions
  • Service exceptions
  • The presence and absence of a SIP Identity header in INVITEs

You display this information at the ACLI using the show stir command, appending it with its arguments to further specify the desired information.

sbc# show stir stats        
Name: stirServer1
STIR/SHAKEN Statistics                      ---- Lifetime ----
                                         Recent    Total    PerMax
STI-AS Queries                              0        0        0
STI-AS Success Responses                   0        0        0
STI-AS Unsuccessful Responses              0        0        0
STI-VS INVITEs with Identity Header        0        0        0
STI-VS INVITEs without Identity Header     0        0        0
STI-VS Queries                              0        0        0
STI-VS Success Responses                    0        0        0
STI-VS Unsuccessful Responses              0        0        0
STI-VS Failed Verification                 0        0        0
STI-VS Service Exception                   0        0        0
STI-VS Policy Exception                    0        0        0
STI Server Unreachable                     0        0        0

Name: stirServer2
STIR/SHAKEN Statistics                       ---- Lifetime ---- 
                                          Recent    Total   PerMax
STI-AS Queries                               0        0        0
STI-AS Success Responses                    0        0        0   
STI-AS Unsuccessful Responses               0        0        0  
STI-VS INVITEs with Identity Header         0        0        0
STI-VS INVITEs without Identity Header      0        0        0
STI-VS Queries                              0        0        0
STI-VS Success Responses                    0        0        0
STI-VS Unsuccessful Responses               0        0        0
STI-VS Failed Verification                  0        0        0
STI-VS Service Exception                    0        0        0
STI-VS Policy Exception                     0        0        0
STI Server Unreachable                      0        0        0


SNMP based STI server statistics are available per server.

The STI server labels are contained in OID APAPPS-MIB::apStirServerName. The OID of each sti-server is the same ID as the config object instance. So, the SNMP table does not start from 0, but from the config-object ID. The entries below present the beginning of a walk of two servers, named stirServer1 and stirServer2, using the reference numbers 80 and 99.

  • APAPPS-MIB::apStirServerName.80 = STRING: stirServer1
  • APAPPS-MIB::apStirServerName.99 = STRING: stirServer2

Each SBC assigns its own reference number, also referred to as config number, sequentially from 0. These numbers serve only as labels.

The format for STIR OIDs is:

  • Root label—APAPPS-MIB::apStirServerStats
  • The Instance OID (sti-server)
  • The type of statistics, including recent, total and permax
  • The type of statistics, including asQueries and vsQueries

Examples of two SNMP OIDs, with one value set to 5 and the other to 50, include:

  • APAPPS-MIB::apStirServerStats.80.recent.asQueries = Gauge32: 5
  • APAPPS-MIB::apStirServerStats.80.recent.asSuccessResponses = Gauge32: 50

Applicable indexes and data category OIDs include:

  • — apAppsStirServerTable Stir Server table
  • — apStirServerIndex Server Index Object (Index)
  • — apStirServerName Server Name Object
  • — apAppsStirStatsTable Stats Table
  • — apStirStatsServerIndex stats server index Objec (Index)
  • — apCounterStatsType Stats counter type Object (Index)
  • — apStirStatsType Stats type Object (Index)
  • — apStirServerStats Stats Object

See the SBC MIB Reference Guide for further detail about SNMP function, configuration, and STIR OID detail.

HDR Data

HDR based STI server statistics are available on a per server basis.

You can use the stir-stats HDR group to collect STIR stats. As with all HDR groups, you can configure dynamic collection or collect manually using the request collection start command. See the SBC HDR Resource Guide for further detail about HDR function, configuration, and STIR object detail.

Once the collector is running, the SBC generates /opt/collect/stir-stats. The content includes:
  • TimeStamp
  • STI-Server
  • AS Queries
  • AS Success Responses
  • AS Fail Responses
  • AS Fail Service Exception
  • AS Fail Policy Exception
  • VS Queries
  • VS Success Responses
  • VS Fail Responses
  • VS Fail Verification
  • VS Fail Service Exception
  • VS Fail Policy Exception


When you enable verification requests, you can access REST KPI data via the REST MMI based statistics collection. REST based STI server statistics are available on a per-server basis.


There are no system-wide total KPIs. You can calculate this by adding the stats from all the servers.
          Discovery: /rest/v1.1/statistics/kpiTypes?type=stirStats<?xml
          version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><response>  
              <name>Get STIR/SHAKEN Client information</name>    
                 <description>STIR Server Name</description>       

The SBC generates per server REST KPIs that are self documented.


The stiServerName KPI is a string with metric type 'name'. All others are integer gauges.