STIR/SHAKEN Attributes

This table lists and describes the STIR/SHAKEN attributes and includes attribute name, attribute description, attribute value, attribute value type, and messages.

Attribute Name Attribute Description Attribute Value Attribute Value Type Messages

This AVP indicates that the SBC has sent the signing request to the STI-AS and received a response. Values for this AVP mean:

  • 1— The SBC has signed the INVITE.
  • 0—The SBC has not signed the INVITE.
  • 2—Signing is not applicable for the INVITE.
249, extension 11 String



Acme-Stir-Signed-Request-Exception-Id This AVP indicates that the SBC did not sign the INVITE because of a failure response from the STI-AS. It includes the ATIS defined service and policy exception id (e.g. SVC4000, SVC4001, POL4050). Potential values are in the table below. 249, extension 12 String




This AVP indicates that the SBC has sent the verification request to the STI-VS and received a response. Values for this AVP mean:

  • 1— The SBC has verified the request.
  • 0—The SBC has not signed verified the request.
  • 2—Request verification is not applicable for the call.
249, extension 13 String




Acme-Stir-Verification-Request-Exception-Id This AVP indicates that the SBC did not verify the request because of a failure response from the STI-VS. It includes the ATIS defined service and policy exception id (e.g. SVC4000, SVC4001, POL4050). Potential values are in the table below. 249, extension 14 String




Stir-VS-Verstat The SBC populates this AVP with the verstat values the SBC includes in the SIP INVITE following the Stir Shaken trigger. Potential values include TN-Validation-Passed, TN-Validation-Failed or No-TN-Validation 249, extension 15 String




Stir-VS-Reason The SBC populates this AVP with received reason information. 249, extension 16 String




STIR/SHAKEN attributes are embedded under one extended Radius AVP.

  • type = 26 (vendor-specific)
  • length = ...
  • vendor-id = 9148 (acme)
  • vendor-type = 249 (extended-attributes)
  • vendor-length = ...
  • vendor-data = { x-attr-type (16-bit), x-attr-len (16-bit), x-attr-data (variable) }

An example of an AVP presenting the Acme-Stir-Signed-Request attribute indicating the SBC has signed the INVITE appears as follows:

x-attr-type = 1 (Acme-Stir-Signed-Request) [1 byte]
x-attr-len = … [1 byte] 
x-attr-data = { version[1 byte], Acme-Stir-Signed-Request [depending on length]} 

ATIS Defined Service and Policy Exception Codes

This table lists the potential ATIS defined service and policy exception codes that can be provided using the Stir-Signed-Request-Exception-Id or Stir-Verified-Request-Exception-Id AVP.

Exception ID Exception Text HTTP Status Code
SVC4000 Missing request body 400
SVC4001 Missing mandatory parameter ‘%1’ 400
SVC4002 Requested response body type ‘%1’is not supported 406
SVC4003 Requested resource was not found 404
SVC4004 Unsupported request body type, expected ‘%1’ 415
SVC4005 Invalid ‘%1’ parameter value: %2 400
SVC4006 Failed to parse received message body: %1 400
SVC4007 Missing mandatory Content-Length header 411 411
POL4050 Method not allowed 405
POL5000 Internal Server Error. Please try again later 500