
The account-config configuration element allows you to set the location where accounting messages are sent.


Enter the hostname of this SBC; must be set to “localhost” or the accounting configuration will not work properly. Entries are in FQDN format.
  • Default: Localhost name
Enter the UDP port number from which RADIUS messages are sent
  • Default: 1813
  • Values: Min: 1025 / Max: 65535
Select the strategy used to select the current accounting server
  • Default: Hunt
  • Values:
    • hunt—Selects accounting servers in the order in which they are listed
    • failover—Uses first and subsequent servers in accounting server list until a failure is received from that server
    • roundrobin—Selects accounting server in order, distributing the selection of each accounting server evenly over time
    • fastestrtt—Selects accounting server with the fastest RTT observed during transactions with the servers
    • fewestpending—Selects accounting server with the fewest number of unacknowledged accounting messages
Set the type of message protocol type for accounting CDRs.
  • Default: radius
  • Values: radius | diameter
Enable or disable the accounting system
  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enter the time in seconds the SBC continues to send each accounting message
  • Default: 60
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 4294967295
Enter the number of accounting messages held in message waiting queue before a failover situation status is enacted
  • Default: 100
  • Values: Min: 1/ Max: 4096
Enable the SBC to transmit accounting message information at the close of a session only. Setting this parameter to disabled tells the SBC to transmit accounting information at the start of a session (Start), during the session (Interim), and at the close of a session (Stop).
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Select the type of SIP event that triggers the SBC to transmit a RADIUS Start message
  • Default: ok
  • Values:
    • none—RADIUS Start message is not generated
    • ""—When two quotation marks are entered next to each other (empty), behavior is identical to none value
    • start—RADIUS Start message should not be generated
    • invite—RADIUS Start message is generated once a SIP session INVITE is received
    • ok—RADIUS Start message is generated an OK message in response to an INVITE is received
SBC to transmit a RADIUS Interim message
  • Default: reinvite-response
  • Values:
    • OK—RADIUS Start message is generated when an OK message is received in response to an INVITE
    • Reinvite—RADIUS Interim message is generated when a SIP session reINVITE message is received
    • Reinvite-Response—RADIUS Interim message is generated when a SIP session reINVITE is received and the system responds to it
    • Reinvite-Cancel—RADIUS Interim message is generated when a SIP session reINVITE is received, and the Reinvite is cancelled before the SBC responds to it
    • Unsuccessful-Attempt—RADIUS Interim message is generated when a session set-up attempt from a preference-ordered list of next-hop destinations is unsuccessful. This can happen when a local policy lookup, LRT lookup, ENUM query response, or SIP redirect returns a preference-ordered list of next-hop destinations. The interim message contains: the destination IP address, the disconnect reason, a timestamp for the failure, and the number that was called
    • Egress-Invite—Sends additional Interim message is generated when applicable VoLTE and WiFi INVITEs egress the system
Enter one or more valid events that prompt creation of an Event record. Current valid values are register and local-register. Multiple values are entered enclosed in parenthesis and separated by spaces.
  • Default:
  • Values: register | local-register | message
Enable or disable the output of comma-delimited CDRs
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enter the path in which to save the comma-delimited CDR file. The default path is /opt/cdr. Do not use the /opt/logs directory. You cannot set this parameter to the /code or /boot directories.
Set the maximum file size in bytes for each CDR file
  • Default: 1000000
  • Values: Min: 1000000 / Max: 100000000
Set the maximum number of files to store on the SBC. The parameter's value range is from 0 to unlimited. The user should consider the max-file-size setting and available space to specify this value.
  • Default: 5
When enabled, the system assigns a 9 digit file sequence number to append to a CDR file.
  • Default: disabled
  • enabled
Enable or disable compression of CDR files; when enabled, comma-delimited CDR files are zipped on the backup device to maximize storage space
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Set the time in minutes that the SBC rotates the CDR files; the SBC will overwrite the oldest file first
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 2147483647
Enable or disable the raising of an alarm when CDR files are deleted due to lack of space.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enable or disable the FTP push feature
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled


This parameter is deprecated and is only used if no account-config > push-receiver configuration element has been defined. All new push receivers must be defined in the account-config > push-receiver configuration element.
Enter the IP address for the FTP server used with the FTP push feature.


This parameter is deprecated and is only used if no account-config > push-receiver configuration element has been defined. All new push receivers must be defined in the account-config > push-receiver configuration element.
Set the TCP port on the FTP server to use with the FTP push feature
  • Default: 21
  • Values: Min: 1 / Max: 65535


This parameter is deprecated and is only used if no account-config > push-receiver configuration element has been defined. All new push receivers must be defined in the account-config > push-receiver configuration element.
Enter the username the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will use to log in to the FTP server.


This parameter is deprecated and is only used if no account-config > push-receiver configuration element has been defined. All new push receivers must be defined in the account-config > push-receiver configuration element.
Enter the password the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will use to log in to the FTP server.


This parameter is deprecated and is only used if no account-config > push-receiver configuration element has been defined. All new push receivers must be defined in the account-config > push-receiver configuration element.
Enter the file path the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will use to work in on the FTP server.


This parameter is deprecated and is only used if no account-config > push-receiver configuration element has been defined. All new push receivers must be defined in the account-config > push-receiver configuration element.
Set the strategy for the SBC to use when selecting from multiple push receivers.
  • Default: hunt
  • Values:
    • hunt—The SBC selects the push receiver from the available list according to the priority level
    • failover—The SBC selects the push receiver based on priority level and continues to use that same push receiver until it fails over
    • roundrobin—The SBC selects push receivers systematically one after another, balancing the load among all responsive push receivers
    • fastestrtt—The SBC selects the push receiver based on best average throughput. For this situation, throughput is the number of bytes transferred divided by the response time. The system uses a running average of the five most recent throughput values to accommodate for network load fluctuations


This parameter is deprecated and is only used if no account-config > push-receiver configuration element has been defined. All new push receivers must be defined in the account-config > push-receiver configuration element.
Set the time interval used to generate periodic interim records during a session
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 2147483647
A space separated field comprising interim stats correlation ID.
  • Default: none
  • Values: none | calling | called | session
Access the account-server subelement
Enable or disable the redundant storage of comma-delimited CDR files. The standby-push value ensures consistent and accurate CDR collection in the event of a failover.
  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled | standby-push
Enable or disable the prevention of duplicate accounting attributes
  • Default: 120
  • Values: Min: 1 / Max: 4096


This parameter is deprecated and is only used if no account-config > push-receiver configuration element has been defined. All new push receivers must be defined in the account-config > push-receiver configuration element.

Enable this parameter to prevent the SBC from duplicating attributes in the accounting records it generates. This duplication can be caused, for example, by multiple media sessions within the context of a call. Retaining the default (disabled) allows the SBC to include duplicate attributes in RADIUS, Diameter and Local accounting records. This can result in attribute placement and counts that are less consistent.

  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enter the range of accounting attributes to include in CDRs. A blank field means this feature is turned off and all attributes are included.
Enable or disable the guarantees placement of attributes in CSV files used for local CDR storage and FTP push
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Access the push-receiver subelement.
Sets the message queue sizefor both RADIUS and Diameter accounting interfaces.
  • Default: 5000
  • Values: 5000-150000
Value to substitute in the extension portion of the Service-Context-ID AVP value. This value can be any string.
Value to substitute in the MNC.MCC portion of the Service-Context-ID AVP value. This value must follow the NUM1.NUM2 format.
Value to substitute in the release portion of the Service-Context-ID AVP value. This value can be any number>=1.
The range of Acme-specific AVP’s to include in ACR messages.
The maximum number of times that the SBC can resend an ACR for a session.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: 0 - 4
The time in seconds for the SBC to wait before resending an ACR for a session.
  • Default: 10
  • Values: 5 - 20


account-configis an element of the session-router path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is. configure terminal, and then session-router, and then account-config.


This is a single instance configuration element.