Configuring Diameter-based CLF

SIP Interface Configuration

In the following configuration examples, we assume that your baseline configuration passes SIP traffic, with the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller in the role of an Access Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. In this example, you will configure additions to the ream configuration and the new external policy server configuration.

SIP Interface Configuration for CLF Support

To configure the SIP interface configuration for CLF support:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the session-related configurations.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-interface and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(media-manager)# sip-interface
  4. Type select and the number of the pre-configured sip interface you want to configure for CLF. This should be the ingress SIP interface for
    ORACLE(sip-interface)# select 1
  5. ext-policy-svr—Set this parameter to the same name as the External Policy Server configured that you configured for the CLF server.
  6. default-location-string—Set this parameter to the default location string you want inserted into a P-Access-Network-Info header for when the CLF server does not return a unique location string.
  7. Save your work using the ACLI done command.

External Policy Server Configuration

To configure the external policy server for use with a CLF:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type media-manager and press Enter to access the media-related configurations.
    ORACLE(configure)# media-manager
  3. Type ext-policy-server and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(media-manager)# ext-policy-server
  4. name—Set this parameter to an applicable name for this CLF instance of the external policy server. The value of this parameter will be entered in the SIP interface configuration element to reference this CLF.
  5. state—Set this parameter to enabled to enable this CLF. The default value is enabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  6. operation-type—Set this parameter to admission-control for the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to communicate with a CLF. The default value is disabled.
  7. protocol—Set this parameter to DIAMETER to connect with a CLF via the DIAMETER protocol.
  8. address—Set this parameter to the IP address or FQDN of the CLF.
  9. port—Set this parameter to the port which the CLF uses for Diameter transactions. Port 3868 is the default Diameter port. (The default value is 80.) The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—65535

  10. realm—Set this parameter to the realm where the CLF exists.
  11. permit-conn-down—Enable or disable the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s ability to permit calls if there is no connection to the external policy server. The default value is disabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  12. permit-on-reject—Change this parameter to enabled if you want the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to forward the session on at a best-effort. Leave this parameter set to disabled (default), if you want the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to deny the session on attempts to revert to the previously-requested bandwidth. (The default value is disabled.) Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  13. disconnect-on-timeout—Disable this parameter to prevent timeouts triggered by Gate-Set or Gate-Delete message sequences between the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller and a policy server from tearing down their connection. Retaining the default (enabled) allows all timeouts to tear down and re-establish the TCP connection. The valid values are:
    • Default enabled

    • enabled | disabled

  14. product-name—Enter text string that describes the vendor-assigned name for the CLF. This parameter is required.
  15. application-mode—Enter the type of interface you want to use. Your choices are: Rq, Rx, Gq, e2, and none.
  16. application-id—Enter a numeric application ID that describes the interface used to communicate with the CLF. The default value is zero (0). For the e2 CLF reference point, the application id is 16777231.
  17. framed-ip-addr-encoding—Enter the format of the Frame-IP-Address (AVP 8) value in Diameter messages. The default value is octet-string. The valid values are:
    • ascii-string—Example:

    • octet-string—Example: 0xC0A80A01

  18. dest-realm-format—Enter the format you want to use for the Destination-Realm AVP. The default value is user_with_realm. The valid values are:
    • user_with_realm | user_only | realm_only

  19. ingress-realm-location—Set this parameter to configure the child realm or its parent for the Address-Realm in the Globally-Unique-Address AVP in Diameter UDR messages that the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller sends to the policy server. There are two choices:
    • realm-in (default)—This setting means that the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will use the same realm on which the REGISTRATION request arrived.
    • sip-interface—This setting means that the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will use the realm associated with the SIP interface on which the REGISTRATION request arrived.

    • diam-address-realm—For the e2 interface, this value enables configurable Address-Realm AVPs. This setting points the system to the associated realm from which it will learn Address-Realm AVP information. The default is realm-in.

      Remember to set the diam-e2-address-realm parameter in the realm this parameter points to.

  20. user-name-mode—Determines how the User-Name AVP is constructed. Used primarily with e2 based CLF functionality. There are four choices.
    • none—the system does not include the User-Name AVP in any UDRs (default)

    • endpoint-ip—IP address of the registering endpoint is sent as the payload for the User-Name AVP

    • public-id—SIP-URI portion of the TO header from the register message is sent as the payload for the User-Name AVP

    • auth-user—Username attribute of the Authorization header from the register is sent as the payload for the User-Name AVP; if there is no authorization header, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will not consult the CLF and will forward the registration message

  21. domain-name-suffix—Enter the suffix you want to use for Origin-Realm and Origin-Host AVPs that have a payload string constructed as a domain name Your value can be any string, to which the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will prepend with a dot if you do not include one. The default value is .com.
  22. gate-spec-mask—With this parameter, you can configure the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to use a mask comprised entirely of zeros (0). The default value is 255. This parameter sets the value to use for the COPs pkt-mm-3 interface. This interface maintains a persistent TCP connection to the external policy server, even without repsonses to requests for bandwidth. This permits calls to traverse the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller even though the external policy server either fails to respond, or rejects the session.
    • Default 255

    • Values Min: 0 / Max: 255

  23. allow-srv-proxy—Set to enabled in order to include the proxy bit in the header. The presense of the proxy bit allows the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to tell the external policy server whether it wants the main server to handle the Diameter message, or if it is okay to proxy it to another server on the network (disabled). The default is enabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  24. reserve-incomplete—Set this parameter to enabled if you want the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to send a message to the CLF that does not include the endpoint’s true port number. A value of 0 will be used for the port number. The default value is enabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  25. watchdog-ka-timer—Enter the interval in seconds of Oracle Communications Session Border Controller-initiated watchdog/keep-alive messages. Valid values range between 0 and 65535 seconds.
  26. trans-expires—Set the amount of time, in seconds, that the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller waits before performing an expiration if a Diameter base protocol transaction does not occur. The default value is 15 seconds. Valid values range between 1 and 15.
  27. Save your work using the ACLI done command.

CLF Debugging

A new argument has been added to the show command for viewing CLF statistics. From the user prompt, type show ext-clf-svr.

ORACLE# show ext-clf-svr
EBM Status                 -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                 Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Client Trans          0       0       0          0       0       0
Server Trans          0       0       0          0       0       0
Sockets               0       0       0          0       0       0
Connections           0       0       0          0       0       0
                           ---- Lifetime ----
                    Recent      Total  PerMax
CLF Requests             0          0       0
CLF Admits               0          0       0
CLF Errors               0          0       0
CLF Rejects              0          0       0
CLF Expires              0          0       0
CLFD Errors              0          0       0

Retrieve the CLF statistics in the log.embd file.