The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller supports IP Media Subsystem-Authentication and Key Agreement (IMS-AKA).

Defined in 3GPPr7 (specifications in TS 33.203 and call flows in TS 24.228), IMS-AKA can be used as a framework for authentication and for securing the signaling path between a UE and the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (when the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller is acting as a P-CSCF or as a B2BUA) across the Gm interface.

In addition, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s serving as an IMS-AKA termination point is valuable because it allows IMS-AKA use behind by multiple endpoints sitting behind a NAT device. IMS-AKA support also works when there are no NAT devices between endpoints and the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller acting as a P-CSCF, and when the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller sits behind a third-party P-CSCF. In addition, you can use IMS-AKA when the endpoint uses SIP UDP.


IMS-AKA use assumes that you have installed the appropriate IPSec module on your SBC, or that it has come from Oracle with those modules pre-installed. IMS-AKA will not work without this hardware.

IMS-AKA deployments require an activated network-parameters element configured with the options shown below.

options                         atcp-rxmt-count=2

In addition, your configuration must have SIP registration caching enabled.

IMS-AKA Socket Cleanup

To ensure that the SBC properly removes idle IMS-AKA sockets, you can set the cleanup-inactive-imsaka-tcp-socket option. This option generates the cleanup logic when you also set the inactivity-conn-timer on the access side sip-interface. When you configure this option, the SBC:

  • Increments idle connection timer of the core side registration expiry value for sip service sockets that are TCP, are created with an IMS-AKA profile, and are not expecting more data.

    Sets the idle connection timer for the 5060 unsecured TCP socket, the secure inbound TCP socket, and the secure outbound TCP socket for IMS-AKA to the core side reg-expiry value plus the value you configured in the inactivity-conn-timer parameter.

  • Resets this inactivity time every time it has a Send or Recv event on the SipService socket.
  • Disconnects the service socket when it detects no activity for that amount of time.

The refreshRegForward Option

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller provides a the user with a means of ignoring its registration refresh half-life timer, and send all applicable registration refreshes received via IMS-AKA to the core for authentication.

By default, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller uses its half-life function and attempts to manage registration refreshes prior to half-life expiry without forwarding the refresh to the core. The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller sends registration refreshes that arrive after the half-life expiry to the core.

The user changes this behavior by setting the refreshRegForward in the applicable IMS-AKA profile to as follows.

ORACLE(ims-aka-profile)# options +refreshRegForward

When this option is set, the system forwards every refresh registration to the IMS core regardless of the half-life timer's status.


The ACLI show sipd endpoint-ip command is updated to show the IMS-AKA parameters corresponding to each endpoint. The display shows the algorithms used, the ports used, and the security parameter indexes (SPIs) used.

In addition, the show sa stats command now shows the security associations information for IMS-AKA.


The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (SBC) supports DDoS protection for IMS-AKA. This can be enabled on the realm interface for the access network when the access-control-trust-level configuration element is set to low or medium.

The SBC's DDoS protection for IMS-AKA is identical to regular DDoS protection except for the following:
  • The SBC installs two dynamic trusted flows in its network processor (NP) as soon as the user agent client (UAC) completes registration with a 200 OK.

    Because both flows are trusted, this ensures that the signaling from authenticated IMS-AKA endpoints will not be dropped even during a DDoS attack.

  • Rather than installing multiple flows for different protocols, the SBC installs two protocol-aware flows. One flow covers the TCP and UDP traffic from or to the endpoint client port; the other flow covers the TCP traffic from or to the endpoint server port. This allows the SBC to avoid size limitations in the NAT endpoint tables.
    Depicts the OCSBC supporting IMS-AKA via protocol aware flows.
As with other trusted flows, the SBC enforces the configured thresholds:
  • invalid-signal-threshold
  • maximum-signal-threshold
  • deny-period
  • cac-failure-threshold
  • untrust-cac-failure-threshold
  • wait-time-for-invalid-threshold (if the IDS feature is enabled)

ACLI Instructions and Examples

You enable IMS-AKA by configuring the following:

  • An IMS-AKA profile
  • Certain parameters in the global IPSec configuration
  • Certain parameters in the SIP interface, and in the SIP interface’s SIP port

Setting Up an IMS-AKA Profile

An IMS-AKA profile establishes the client and server ports to be protected, and it defines lists of encryption and authentication algorithms the profile supports. You can configure multiple IMS-AKA profiles, which are uniquely identified by their names.

You apply an IMS-AKA profile to a SIP port configuration using the name.

To configure an IMS-AKA profile:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type security and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# security
  3. Type ims-aka-profile and press Enter.
    ORACLE(system)# ims-aka-profile
  4. name—Enter the name you want to give this IMS-AKA profile. This is the value you will use to apply the profile to a SIP port configuration. This parameter is required, and it has no default value.
  5. protected-server-port—Enter the port number of the protected server port, which is the port on which the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller receives protected messages. The protected server port should not overlap with the port range defined in the steering ports configuration using the same IP address and the SIP interface. If there is overlap, the NAT table entry for the steering port used in a call will prevent SIP messages from reaching the system’s host processor.

    This parameter defaults to 0, which disables the function associated with the parameter. The valid range for values is 1025 to 65535.

  6. protected-client-port—Enter the port number of the protected client port, which is the port on which the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller sends out protected messages. Like the protected server port, the protected client port should not overlap with the port range defined in the steering ports configuration using the same IP address and the SIP interface. If there is overlap, the NAT table entry for the steering port used in a call will prevent SIP messages from reaching the system’s host processor.

    This parameter defaults to 0, which disables the function associated with the parameter. The valid range for values is 1025 to 65535.

  7. encr-alg-list—Enter the list of encryption algorithms. You enter more than one value by separating the algorithms by <Spaces> and enclosing all values in quotations marks:
    ORACLE(ims-aka-profile)# encr-alg-list "aes-cbc null"

    This parameter defaults to the following three values: aes-cbc, des-ede3-cbc, and null.

  8. auth-alg-list—Enter the list of authentication algorithms. You enter more than one value by separating the algorithms by <Spaces> and enclosing all values in quotations marks:
    ORACLE(ims-aka-profile)# auth-alg-list "hmac-sha-1-96 hmac-md5-96"

    This parameter defaults to hmac-sha-1-96.

Setting Up an IPSec Profile for IMS-AKA Use

Using the global IPSec configuration, you establish the parameters governing system-wide IPSec functions and behavior. This configuration also contains parameters required for IMS-AKA support. The IPSec global configuration is a single instance element, meaning there is one for the whole system.

To configure the global IPSec parameters that apply to IMS-AKA:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type security and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# security
  3. Type ipsec and press Enter.
    ORACLE(system)# ipsec
  4. Type ipsec-global-config and press Enter. If you are editing a pre-existing IPsec global configuration, then you need to select the configuration before attempting to edit it.
    ORACLE(system)# ipsec-global-config
  5. red-ipsec-port—Specify the port on which the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller should listen for redundancy IPSec synchronization messages. The default is 1994, and valid values are in the range from 1025 to 65535.
  6. red-max-trans—Enter the maximum number of redundancy transactions to retain on the active. The default is 10000, and valid values range up to a 999999999 maximum.
  7. red-sync-start-time—Enter the time in milliseconds before the system starts to send redundancy synchronization requests. The default is 5000, and valid values range up to a 999999999 maximum.
  8. red-sync-comp-time—Enter the time in milliseconds to define the timeout for subsequent synchronization requests once redundancy synchronization has completed. The default is 1000, and valid values range up to a 999999999 maximum.

Enabling IMS-AKA Support for a SIP Interface

To enable IMS-AKA for a SIP interface, you must set the sec-agree-feature parameter to enabled.

To enable IMS-AKA for a SIP interface:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-interface and press Enter. If you are adding this feature to a pre-existing SIP interface, you need to select and edit that configuration.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-interface
  4. sec-agree-feature—Change this parameter to enabled if you want to use IMS-AKA on this SIP interface. By default, this parameter is disabled.

Applying an IMS-AKA Profile to a SIP Port

The final step in setting up IMS-AKA support is to apply an IMS-AKA profile to a SIP port. Enter the name value from the IMS-AKA profile you want to apply in the SIP port’s ims-aka-profile parameter.

To apply an IMS-AKA profile to a SIP port:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-interface and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-interface
  4. Type sip-interface and press Enter. If you are adding this feature to a pre-existing SIP port, you need to select and edit that configuration.
    ORACLE(session-interface)# sip-ports
  5. ims-aka-profile—Enter the name value for the IMS-AKA profile configuration you want applied to this SIP port. This parameter has no default.
  6. Save and activate your configuration.