The P-Acme-Playback Header

You can configure the SBC to generate RTP media on a media flow when a request or response contains the P-Acme-Playback header after media setup is complete. You can configure this playback on a realm-config, sip-interface, or session-agent with either media generation method.

The P-Acme-Playback header can be included, along with the file format, by the endpoint in any request or response. When the SBC receives a header, it starts or stops the media, based on the header's parameters. By default, the SBC stops playback on any final response.

The syntax of the header, including all of its possible parameters, is:

P-Acme-Playback: <start|stop>[;media=<media file name>][;duration=<ms-value|once|continuous>]

Header Element Description
<start|stop> Required

Defines starting and stopping playback.

  • start: starts playback
  • stop: stops playback
[;media=<media-name>] Optional

Defines the name of the playback configuration to play. If unspecified, the playback configuration that was triggered by the header will play.

[;duration=<ms-value|once|continuous>] Optional

Defines the duration of playback. If unspecified, the value will be taken from the playback-config that was triggered.

  • ms-value: time value in milliseconds
  • once: plays playback media one time
  • continuous: loops the playback media
[;direction=<originator|terminator|both>] Optional

Defines the direction from which to play media. If unspecified, playback will begin in the realm, session agent, or SIP interface from which the header was received.

  • originator: plays in the west flow (original caller)
  • terminator: plays in the east flow (original callee)
  • both: plays in both directions
[;stop-on-final-resp=<true|false>] Optional

Defines whether or not to stop playing media upon the final response. If unspecified, this parameter is true.

  • true: stops playback automatically on a final response
  • false: stop only after a stop header is received or media terminated


Play back trigger playback-on-header does not work with other triggers like 180-force, 183.