Stream Control Transfer Protocol Overview

The Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) was originally designed by the Signaling Transport (SIGTRAN) group of IETF for Signalling System 7 (SS7) transport over IP-based networks. It is a reliable transport protocol operating on top of an unreliable connectionless service, such as IP. It provides acknowledged, error-free, non-duplicated transfer of messages through the use of checksums, sequence numbers, and selective retransmission mechanism.

SCTP is designed to allow applications, represented as endpoints, communicate in a reliable manner, and so is similar to TCP. In fact, it has inherited much of its behavior from TCP, such as association (an SCTP peer-to-peer connection) setup, congestion control and packet-loss detection algorithms. Data delivery, however, is significantly different. SCTP delivers discrete application messages within multiple logical streams within the context of a single association. This approach to data delivery is more flexible than the single byte-stream used by TCP, as messages can be ordered, unordered or even unreliable within the same association.

SCTP Packets

SCTP packets consist of a common header and one or more chunks, each of which serves a specific purpose.

  • DATA chunk — carries user data
  • INIT chunk — initiates an association between SCTP endpoints
  • INIT ACK chunk — acknowledges association establishment
  • SACK chunk — acknowledges received DATA chunks and informs the peer endpoint of gaps in the received subsequences of DATA chunks
  • HEARTBEAT chunk — tests the reachability of an SCTP endpoint
  • HEARTBEAT ACK chunk — acknowledges reception of a HEARTBEAT chunk
  • ABORT chunk — forces an immediate close of an association
  • SHUTDOWN chunk — initiates a graceful close of an association
  • SHUTDOWN ACK chunk — acknowledges reception of a SHUTDOWN chunk
  • ERROR chunk — reports various error conditions
  • COOKIE ECHO chunk — used during the association establishment process
  • COOKIE ACK chunk — acknowledges reception of a COOKIE ECHO chunk
  • SHUTDOWN COMPLETE chunk — completes a graceful association close

SCTP Terminology

This section defines some terms commonly found in SCTP standards and documentation.

SCTP Association

is a connection between SCTP endpoints. An SCTP association is uniquely identified by the transport addresses used by the endpoints in the association. An SCTP association can be represented as a pair of SCTP endpoints, for example, assoc = { [IPv4Addr : PORT1], [IPv4Addr1, IPv4Addr2: PORT2]}.

Only one association can be established between any two SCTP endpoints.

SCTP Endpoint

is a sender or receiver of SCTP packets. An SCTP endpoint may have one or more IP address but it always has one and only one SCTP port number. An SCTP endpoint can be represented as a list of SCTP transport addresses with the same port, for example, endpoint = [IPv6Addr, IPv6Addr: PORT].

An SCTP endpoint may have multiple associations.


is the route taken by the SCTP packets sent by one SCTP endpoint to a specific destination transport address or its peer SCTP endpoint. Sending to different destination transport addresses does not necessarily guarantee separate routes.

SCTP Primary Path

is the default destination source address, the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the association initiator. For retransmissions however, another active path may be selected, if one is available.

SCTP Stream

is a unidirectional logical channel established between two associated SCTP endpoints. SCTP distinguishes different streams of messages within one SCTP association. SCTP makes no correlation between an inbound and outbound stream.

SCTP Transport Address

is the combination of an SCTP port and an IP address. For the current release, the IP address portion of an SCTP Transport Address must be a routable, unicast IPv4 or IPv6 address.

An SCTP transport address binds to a single SCTP endpoint.

SCTP Message Flow

Before peer SCTP users (commonly called endpoints) can send data to each other, an association (an SCTP connection) must be established between the endpoints. During the association establishment process a cookie mechanism is employed to provide protection against security attacks. The following figure shows a sample SCTP association establishment message flow.

This image shows a sample SCTP association establishment message flow and is described below.

Endpoint1 initiates the association by sending Endpoint2 an SCTP packet that contains an INIT chunk, which can include one or more IP addresses used by the initiating endpoint. Endpoint2 acknowledges the initiation of an SCTP association with an SCTP packet that contains an INIT_ACK chunk. This chunk can also include one or more IP addresses at used by the responding endpoint.

Both the INIT chuck (issued by the initiator) and INIT ACK chunk (issued by the responder) specify the number of outbound streams supported by the association, as well as the maximum inbound streams accepted from the other endpoint.

Association establishment is completed by a COOKIE ECHO/COOKIE ACK exchange that specifies a cookie value used in all subsequent DATA exchanges.

Once an association is successfully established, an SCTP endpoint can send unidirectional data streams using SCTP packets that contain DATA chunks. The recipient endpoint acknowledges with an SCTP packet containing a SACK chunk.

SCTP monitors endpoint reachability by periodically sending SCTP packets that contain HEARTBEAT chunks. The recipient endpoint acknowledges receipt, and confirms availability, with an SCTP packet containing a HEARBEAT ACK chunk.

Either SCTP endpoint can initiate a graceful association close with an SCTP packet that contains a SHUTDOWN chunk. The recipient endpoint acknowledges with an SCTP packet containing a SHUTDOWN ACK chunk. The initiating endpoint concludes the graceful close with an SCTP packet that contains a SHUTDOWN COMPLETE chunk.

This image shows the initiating endpoint concluding the graceful close wiht an SCTP packet that contains a SHUTDOWN COMPLETE chunk.

Congestion Control

SCTP congestion control mechanism is similar to that provided by TCP, and includes slow start, congestion avoidance, and fast retransmit. In SCTP, the initial congestion window ( cwnd ) is set to the double of the maximum transmission unit (MTU) while in TCP, it is usually set to one MTU. In SCTP, cwnd increases based on the number of acknowledged bytes, rather than the number of acknowledgements in TCP. The larger initial cwnd and the more aggressive cwnd adjustment provided by SCTP result in a larger average congestion window and, hence, better throughput performance than TCP.


SCTP supports streams as depicted in the following figure which depicts an SCTP association that supports three streams.

This image depicts an SCTP association that supports three streams, Stream 0 and Stream n initiating with Endpoint2 and Stream 1 initiating with Endpoint1.

The multiple stream mechanism is designed to solve the head-of-the-line blocking problem of TCP. Therefore, messages from different multiplexed flows do not block one another.

A stream can be thought of as a sub-layer between the transport layer and the upper layer. SCTP supports multiple logical streams to improve data transmission throughput. As shown in the above figure, SCTP allows multiple unidirectional streams within an association. This multiplexing/de-multiplexing capability is called multi-streaming and it is achieved by introducing a field called Stream Identifier contained in every DATA chunk) that is used to differentiate segments in different streams.

SIP transactions are mapped into SCTP streams as described in Section 5.1 of RFC 4168. In what it describes as the simplest way, the RFC suggests (keyword SHOULD) that all SIP messages be transmitted via Stream 0 with the U bit set to 1.

On the transmit side, the current SCTP implementation follows the RFC 4168 recommendation. On the receiving side, a SIP entity must be prepared to receive SIP messages over any stream.

Delivery Modes

SCTP supports two delivery modes, ordered and unordered . Delivery mode is specified by the U bit in the DATA chunk header — if the bit is clear (0), ordered delivery is specified; if the bit is set (1), unordered delivery is specified.

Within a stream, an SCTP endpoint must deliver ordered DATA chunks (received with the U bit set to 0) to the upper layer protocol according to the order of their Stream Sequence Number . Like the U bit, the Stream Sequence Number is a field within the DATA chunk header, and serves to identify the chunk’s position with the message stream. If DATA chunks arrive out of order of their Stream Sequence Number, the endpoint must delay delivery to the upper layer protocol until they are reordered and complete.

Unordered DATA chunks (received with the U bit set to 1) are processed differently. When an SCTP endpoint receives an unordered DATA chunk, it must bypass the ordering mechanism and immediately deliver the data to the upper layer protocol (after reassembly if the user data is fragmented by the sender). As a consequence, the Stream Sequence Number field in an unordered DATA chunk has no significance. The sender can fill it with arbitrary value, but the receiver must ignore any value in field.

When an endpoint receives a DATA chunk with the U flag set to 1, it must bypass the ordering mechanism and immediately deliver the data to the upper layer (after reassembly if the user data is fragmented by the data sender).

Unordered delivery provides an effective way of transmitting out-of-band data in a given stream. Note also, a stream can be used as an unordered stream by simply setting the U bit to 1 in all DATA chunks sent through that stream.


Call control applications for carrier-grade service require highly reliable communication with no single point of failure. SCTP can assist carriers with its multi-homing capabilities. By providing different paths through the network over separate and diverse means, the goal of no single point of failure is more easily attained.

SCTP built-in support for multi-homed hosts allows a single SCTP association to run across multiple links or paths, hence achieving link/path redundancy. With this capability, and SCTP association can be made to achieve fast failover from one link/path to another with little interruption to the data transfer service.

Multi-homing enables an SCTP host to establish an association with another SCTP host over multiple interfaces identified by different IP addresses. With specific regard to the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller these IP addresses need not be assigned to the same phy-interface, or to the same physical Network Interface Unit.

If the SCTP nodes and the according IP network are configured in such a way that traffic from one node to another travels on physically different paths if different destination IP address are used, associations become tolerant against physical network failures and other problems of that kind.

An endpoint can choose an optimal or suitable path towards a multi-homed destination. This capability increases fault tolerance. When one of the paths fails, SCTP can still choose another path to replace the previous one. Data is always sent over the primary path if it is available. If the primary path becomes unreachable, data is migrated to a different, affiliated address — thus providing a level of fault tolerance. Network failures that render one interface of a server unavailable do not necessarily result in service loss. In order to achieve real fault resilient communication between two SCTP endpoints, the maximization of the diversity of the round-trip data paths between the two endpoints is encouraged.

Multi-Homing and Path Diversity

As previously explained, when a peer is multi-homed, SCTP can automatically switch the subsequent data transmission to an alternative address. However, using multi-homed endpoints with SCTP does not automatically guarantee resilient communications. One must also design the intervening network(s) properly.

To achieve fault resilient communication between two SCTP endpoints, one of the keys is to maximize the diversity of the round-trip data paths between the two endpoints. Under an ideal situation, one can make the assumption that every destination address of the peer will result in a different, separate path towards the peer. Whether this can be achieved in practice depends entirely on a combination of factors that include path diversity, multiple connectivity, and the routing protocols that glue the network together. In a normally designed network, the paths may not be diverse, but there may be multiple connectivity between two hosts so that a single link failure will not fail an association.

In an ideal arrangement, if the data transport to one of the destination addresses (which corresponds to one particular path) fails, the data sender can migrate the data traffic to other remaining destination address(es) (that is, other paths) within the SCTP association.

Monitoring Failure Detection and Recovery

When an SCTP association is established, a single destination address is selected as the primary destination address and all new data is sent to that primary address by default. This means that the behavior of a multi-homed SCTP association when there are no network losses is similar to behavior of a TCP connection. Alternate, or secondary, destination addresses are only used for redundancy purposes, either to retransmit lost packets or when the primary destination address cannot be reached.

A failover to an alternate destination is performed when the SCTP sender cannot elicit an acknowledgement — either a SACK for a DATA chunk, or a HEARTBEAT ACK for a HEARTBEAT chunk — for a configurable consecutive number of transmissions. The SCTP sender maintains an error-counter is maintained for each destination address and if this counter exceeds a threshold (normally six), the address is marked as inactive, and taken out of service. If the primary destination address is marked as inactive, all data is then switched to a secondary address to complete the failover.

If no data has been sent to an address for a specified time, that endpoint is considered to be idle and a HEARTBEAT packet is transmitted to it. The endpoint is expected to respond to the HEARTBEAT immediately with a HEARTBEAT ACK. As well as monitoring the status of destination addresses, the HEARTBEAT is used to obtain RTT measurements on idle paths. The primary address becomes active again if it responds to a heartbeat.

The number of events where heartbeats were not acknowledged within a certain time, or retransmission events occurred is counted on a per association basis, and if a certain limit is exceeded, the peer endpoint is considered unreachable, and the association is closed.

The threshold for detecting an endpoint failure and the threshold for detecting a failure of a specific IP addresses of the endpoint are independent of each other. Each parameter can be separately configured by the SCTP user. Careless configuration of these protocol parameters can lead the association onto the dormant state in which all the destination addresses of the peer are found unreachable while the peer still remains in the reachable state. This is because the overall retransmission counter for the peer is still below the set threshold for detecting the peer failure.