Additional Controls on CDR Population

By default, the SBC does not populate CDRs with call information that ingress translation-rules and ISUP precedence values may change. This can present problems in environments where you use translation-rules to perform number normalization and the CDR fields are expected to be normalized. Also by default, the SBC populates CDRs prior to SIP-SIPI interworking. You can configure the SBC to include this non-default information in CDRs using the sip-config option late-cdr-population.

SBC can manipulate the following SIP header through session-translation:

  • User part of To Header
  • User part of Request-URI
  • User part of From Header
  • User part of Diversion Headers
  • User part of P-Asserted-Id headers
  • User part of History-Info headers

When configured, the SBC populates the following attributes with the values derived after ingress session-translation manipulation in CDRs.

  • Calling-Station-Id
  • Called-Station-Id
  • Acme-P-Asserted-ID
  • Acme-SIP-Diversion
  • Acme-History-Info
  • Acme-Primary-Routing-Number


If you have configured the accounting-config's generate-start parameter to INVITE, the SBC does not include ISUP precedence changes in the START CDR. Set generate-start to OK to include this information.

Set the options parameter by typing options, a space, the option name late-cdr-population with a plus sign in front of it, and then press Enter.

ORACLE(sip-config)# options + late-cdr-population

Header Population in CDRs

By default, the SBC does not populate CDRs with all diversion header values. You can set the multiple-diversion-header-for-accounting option in the sip-config to update the Diversion CDR field with all the Diversion headers present in SIP message. This option can be used in conjunction with the late-cdr-population option.

ORACLE(sip-config)# options + multiple-diversion-header-for-accounting

Header Integrity in CDRs

By default, the SBC may truncate diversion and history-info headers during insertion into CDRs. This is because the default CDR field character length is 246 characters. You can set the cdr-attr-size-limit option in the sip-config to ensure that no diversion and history-info CDR field are truncated.

When enabled, this option behaves differently for diversion and history-info headers:

  • For diversion, the SBC removes the last headers
  • For history-info, the SBC removes the first headers

This option can be used in conjunction with the multiple-diversion-header-for-accounting option.

ORACLE(sip-config)# options + cdr-attr-size-limit

If you type an option without the plus sign, you overwrite any previously configured options. Prepend new options with a plus sign, as shown in the previous example, to add new options to an options list.