Applications MIB (ap-apps.mib)

The Apps mib (ap-apps.mib) contains tables related ENUM, DNS, DoS threshold and STIR statistics and states.

apAppsENUMServerStatusTable Table

The following table all configured ENUM servers' status.

MIB Object Description

Numbered table entry.

The name of the enum-config element that contains this ENUM server.


The internet address type of this ENUM server.

The IP address of this ENUM server.

The status of this ENUM server.


The following table all configured ENUM servers' status.

MIB Object Description

An entry designed to hold the status of a single DNS server

The name of the dns interface that contains this dns server.


The internet address type of this DNS server.

The IP address of this DNS server.

The status of this DNS server.

apAppsStirMIBObjects Table

The apAppsStirMIBObjects is an object that consists of all the STIR-related tables. This table collects and assembles all STIR/SHAKEN MIB data for presentation using SNMP.

Tables within the apAppsStirMIBObjects ( table include:

  • apAppsStirServerTable (, which references:
    • apAppsStirServerEntry
    • apStirServerIndex
    • apStirServerName
  • apAppsStirStatsTable (, which references:
    • apAppsStirStatsEntry
    • apStirStatsServerIndex
    • apCounterStatsType
    • apStirServerStats
    • apStirStatsType
  • apAppsStirAgentTable (, which references:
    • apAppsStirAgentEntry
    • apStirAgentIndex
    • apStirAgentName
  • apAppsStirAgentStatsTable (, which references:
    • apAppsStirAgentStatsEntry
    • apStirStatsAgentIndex
    • apCounterStatsAgentType
    • apStirAgentStatsType
    • apStirAgentStats
  • apAppsStirSipInterfaceTable (, which references:
    • apAppsStirSipInterfaceEntry
    • apStirSipInterfaceIndex
    • apStirSipInterfaceName
  • apAppsStirSipInterfaceStatsTable (, which references:
    • apAppsStirSipInterfaceStatsEntry
    • apStirStatsSipInterfaceIndex
    • apCounterStatsSipInterfaceType
    • apStirSipInterfaceStatsType
    • apStirSipInterfaceStats
  • apAppsStirRealmTable (, which references:
    • apAppsStirRealmEntry
    • apStirRealmIndex
    • apStirRealmName
  • apAppsStirRealmStatsTable (, which references:
    • apAppsStirRealmStatsEntry
    • apStirStatsRealmIndex
    • apCounterStatsRealmType
    • apStirRealmStatsType
    • apStirRealmStats
  • apAppsStirSystemStatsTable ( , which references:
    • apAppsStirSystemStatsEntry
    • apCounterStatsSystemType
    • apStirSystemStatsType
    • apStirSystemStats


The following table collects information on all configured STIR servers' status. The apStirServerStats reference is the name for all apAppsStirServerStatsTable stats elements.

The apAppsStirServerStatsTable uses three variables to specify each object, as follows:

  • The first index is the stir server index. This component of the SNMP table uses the config-object ID the system creates when you create the object. The STI server labels are contained in OID APAPPS-MIB::apStirServerName.
  • The second index/dimension is an enumeration of the counter Types, including:
    • recent = 1
    • total = 2
    • permax = 3
  • The third index/dimension is the statsType. There are 14 values for the statsType, which correspond to the statistics names.

For example, the tabular object apStirServerStats instance that has an OID of the form apStirServerStats.x.y.12, where:

  • apStirServerStats is;
  • x is the stir server's object ID/index;
  • y is the ApCounterStatsType (recent (1), total (2), or permax (3)
  • 12 is the data category, (In this example, "ServerUnreachable")
MIB Object Object ID + (except apStirServerName) Description
apStirServerName Server name as configured on the SBC
apStirServerStats.recent.asQueries 1.1 Recent queries made to the named AS server
apStirServerStats.recent.asSuccessResponses 1.2 Recent successful responses received from the named AS server
apStirServerStats.recent.asFailResponses 1.3 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server
apStirServerStats.recent.asFailServiceException 1.4 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception
apStirServerStats.recent.asFailPolicyException 1.5 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception
apStirServerStats.recent.vsQueries 1.6 Recent queries made to the named VS server
apStirServerStats.recent.vsSuccessResponses 1.7 Recent successful responses received from the named VS server
apStirServerStats.recent.vsFailResponses 1.8 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server
apStirServerStats.recent.vsSuccessVerification 1.9 Recent successful verifications received from the named VS server
apStirServerStats.recent.vsFailVerification 1.10 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure
apStirServerStats.recent.vsFailServiceException 1.11 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception
apStirServerStats.recent.vsFailPolicyException 1.12 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception
apStirServerStats.recent.serverUnreachable 1.13 Number of times a server could not e reached within the recent window. 2.1 Total queries made to the named AS server 2.2 Total successful responses received from the named AS server 2.3 Total failed responses received from the named AS server 2.4 Total failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception 2.5 Total failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception 2.6 Total queries made to the named VS server 2.7 Total successful responses received from the named VS server 2.8 Total failed responses received from the named VS server 2.9 Total successful verifications received from the named VS server 2.10 Total failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure 2.11 Total failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception 2.12 Total failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception 2.13 Total number of times a server could not be reached.
apStirServerStats.permax.asQueries 3.1 Permax queries made to the named AS server
apStirServerStats.permax.asSuccessResponses 3.2 Permax successful responses received from the named AS server
apStirServerStats.permax.asFailResponses 3.3 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server
apStirServerStats.permax.asFailServiceException 3.4 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception
apStirServerStats.permax.asFailPolicyException 3.5 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception
apStirServerStats.permax.vsQueries 3.6 Permax queries made to the named VS server
apStirServerStats.permax.vsSuccessResponses 3.7 Permax successful responses received from the named VS server
apStirServerStats.permax.vsFailResponses 3.8 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server
apStirServerStats.permax.vsSuccessVerification 3.9 Permax successful responses received from the named VS server
apStirServerStats.permax.vsFailVerification 3.10 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server
apStirServerStats.permax.vsFailServiceException .3.11 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception
apStirServerStats.permax.vsFailPolicyException 3.12 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception
apStirServerStats.permax.serverUnreachable 3.13 Permax number of times a server could not be reached.


The following table collects information on all configured STIR session agents status. The apAppsStirAgentStats reference is the name for all apAppsStirAgentStatsTable stats elements.

The apAppsStirAgentStatsTable uses three variables to specify each object, as follows:

  • The first index is the stir session agent index. This component of the SNMP table uses the config-object ID the system creates when you create the object. The STI agent labels are contained in OID APAPPS-MIB::apStirAgentName.
  • The second index/dimension is an enumeration of the counter Types, including:
    • recent = 1
    • total = 2
    • permax = 3
  • The third index/dimension is the statsType. There are 12 values for the statsType, which correspond to the statistics names.
For example, the tabular object apAppsStirAgentStats instance that has an OID of the form apAppsStirAgentStats.x.y.12, where:
  • apStirAgentStats is;
  • x is the stir sesion agent's object ID/index;
  • y is the ApCounterStatsType (recent (1), total (2), or permax (3)
  • 12 is the data category, (In this example "ServerUnreachable")
MIB Object Object ID + (except apStirAgentName) Description
apStirAgentName Session-agent hostname name as configured on the SBC
apStirAgentStats.recent.asQueries 1.1 Recent queries made to the named AS server
apStirAgentStats.recent.asSuccessResponses 1.2 Recent successful responses received from the named AS server
apStirAgentStats.recent.asFailResponses 1.3 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server
apStirAgentStats.recent.asFailServiceException 1.4 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception
apStirAgentStats.recent.asFailPolicyException 1.5 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception
apStirAgentStats.recent.vsQueries 1.6 Recent queries made to the named VS server
apStirAgentStats.recent.vsSuccessResponses 1.7 Recent successful responses received from the named VS server
apStirAgentStats.recent.vsFailResponses 1.8 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server
apStirAgentStats.recent.vsSuccessVerification 1.9 Recent successful verifications received from the named VS server
apStirAgentStats.recent.vsFailVerification 1.10 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure
apStirAgentStats.recent.vsFailServiceException 1.11 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception
apStirAgentStats.recent.vsFailPolicyException 1.12 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception 2.1 Recent queries made to the named AS server 2.2 Total successful responses received from the named AS server 2.3 Total failed responses received from the named AS server 2.4 Total failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception 2.5 Total failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception 2.6 Total queries made to the named VS server 2.7 Total successful responses received from the named VS server 2.8 Total failed responses received from the named VS server 2.9 Total successful verifications received from the named VS server 2.10 Total failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure 2.11 Total failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception 2.12 Total failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception
apStirAgentStats.permax.asQueries 3.1 Permax queries made to the named AS server
apStirAgentStats.permax.asSuccessResponses 3.2 Permax successful responses received from the named AS server
apStirAgentStats.permax.asFailResponses 3.3 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server
apStirAgentStats.permax.asFailServiceException 3.4 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception
apStirAgentStats.permax.asFailPolicyException 3.5 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception
apStirAgentStats.permax.vsQueries 3.6 Permax queries made to the named VS server
apStirAgentStats.permax.vsSuccessResponses 3.7 Permax successful responses received from the named VS server
apStirAgentStats.permax.vsFailResponses 3.8 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server
apStirAgentStats.permax.vsSuccessVerification 3.9 Recent successful verifications received from the named VS server
apStirAgentStats.permax.vsFailVerification 3.10 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure
apStirAgentStats.permax.vsFailServiceException .3.11 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception
apStirAgentStats.permax.vsFailPolicyException 3.12 permax failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception


The following table collects information on all configured sip-interface status. The apStirSipInterfaceStats reference is the name for all apAppsStirSipInterfaceStatsTable stats elements.

The apAppsStirSipInterfaceStatsTable uses three variables to specify each object, as follows:

  • The first index is the sip-interface index. This component of the SNMP table uses the config-object ID the system creates when you create the object. The STI server labels are contained in OID APAPPS-MIB::apStirSipInterfaceName.
  • The second index/dimension is an enumeration of the counter Types, including:
    • recent = 1
    • total = 2
    • permax = 3
  • The third index/dimension is the statsType. There are 12 values for the statsType, which correspond to the statistics names.
For example, the tabular object apStirSipInterfaceStats instance that has an OID of the form apAppsStirSipInterfaceStats.x.y.12, where:
  • apStirSipInterfaceStats is;
  • x is the sip-interface's object ID/index;
  • y is the ApCounterStatsType (recent (1), total (2), or permax (3)
  • 12 is the data category, (In this example "ServerUnreachable")
MIB Object Object ID + (except apStirSipInterfaceName) Description
apStirSipInterfaceName Server name as configured on the SBC
apStirSipInterfaceStats.recent.asQueries 1.1 Recent queries made to the named AS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.recent.asSuccessResponses 1.2 Recent successful responses received from the named AS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.recent.asFailResponses 1.3 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.recent.asFailServiceException 1.4 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception
apStirSipInterfaceStats.recent.asFailPolicyException 1.5 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception
apStirSipInterfaceStats.recent.vsQueries 1.6 Recent queries made to the named VS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.recent.vsSuccessResponses 1.7 Recent successful responses received from the named VS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.recent.vsFailResponses 1.8 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.recent.vsSuccessVerification 1.9 Recent successful verifications received from the named VS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.recent.vsFailVerification 1.10 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure
apStirSipInterfaceStats.recent.vsFailServiceException 1.11 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception
apStirSipInterfaceStats.recent.vsFailPolicyException 1.12 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception 2.1 Recent queries made to the named AS server 2.2 Total successful responses received from the named AS server 2.3 Total failed responses received from the named AS server 2.4 Total failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception 2.5 Total failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception 2.6 Total queries made to the named VS server 2.7 Total successful responses received from the named VS server 2.8 Total failed responses received from the named VS server 2.9 Total successful verifications received from the named VS server 2.10 Total failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure 2.11 Total failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception 2.12 Total failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception
apStirSipInterfaceStats.permax.asQueries 3.1 Permax queries made to the named AS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.permax.asSuccessResponses 3.2 Permax successful responses received from the named AS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.permax.asFailResponses 3.3 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.permax.asFailServiceException 3.4 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception
apStirSipInterfaceStats.permax.asFailPolicyException 3.5 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception
apStirSipInterfaceStats.permax.vsQueries 3.6 Permax queries made to the named VS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.permax.vsSuccessResponses 3.7 Permax successful responses received from the named VS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.permax.vsFailResponses 3.8 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.permax.vsSuccessVerification 3.9 Permax successful verifications received from the named VS server
apStirSipInterfaceStats.permax.vsFailVerification 3.10 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure
apStirSipInterfaceStats.permax.vsFailServiceException .3.11 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception
apStirSipInterfaceStats.permax.vsFailPolicyException 3.12 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception


The following table collects information on all configured STIR realm' status. The apRealmServerStats reference is the name for all apAppsStirRealmStatsTable stats elements.

The apAppsStirRealmStatsTable uses three variables to specify each object, as follows:

  • The first index is the realm index. This component of the SNMP table uses the config-object ID the system creates when you create the object. The STI server labels are contained in OID APAPPS-MIB::apStirRealmName.
  • The second index/dimension is an enumeration of the counter Types, including:
    • recent = 1
    • total = 2
    • permax = 3
  • The third index/dimension is the statsType. There are 12 values for the statsType, which correspond to the statistics names.
For example, the tabular object apAppsRealmServerStats instance that has an OID of the form apAppsRealmServerStats.x.y.12, where:
  • apAppsRealmServerStats is;
  • x is the realm's object ID/index;
  • y is the ApCounterStatsType (recent (1), total (2), or permax (3)
  • 12 is the data category, (In this example "ServerUnreachable")
MIB Object Object ID + (except apRealmName) Description
apStirRealmName Server name as configured on the SBC
apStirRealmStats.recent.asQueries 1.1 Recent queries made to the named AS server
apStirRealmStats.recent.asSuccessResponses 1.2 Recent successful responses received from the named AS server
apStirRealmStats.recent.asFailResponses 1.3 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server
apStirRealmStats.recent.asFailServiceException 1.4 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception
apStirRealmStats.recent.asFailPolicyException 1.5 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception
apStirRealmStats.recent.vsQueries 1.6 Recent queries made to the named VS server
apStirRealmStats.recent.vsSuccessResponses 1.7 Recent successful responses received from the named VS server
apStirRealmStats.recent.vsFailResponses 1.8 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server
apStirRealmStats.recent.vsSuccessVerification 1.9 Recent successful verifications received from the named VS server
apStirRealmStats.recent.vsFailVerification 1.10 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure
apStirRealmStats.recent.vsFailServiceException 1.11 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception
apStirRealmStats.recent.vsFailPolicyException 1.12 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception 2.1 Recent queries made to the named AS server 2.2 Total successful responses received from the named AS server 2.3 Total failed responses received from the named AS server 2.4 Total failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception 2.5 Total failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception 2.6 Total queries made to the named VS server 2.7 Total successful responses received from the named VS server 2.8 Total failed responses received from the named VS server 2.9 Total successful verifications received from the named VS server 2.10 Total failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure 2.11 Total failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception 2.12 Total failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception
apStirRealmStats.permax.asQueries 3.1 Permax queries made to the named AS server
apStirRealmStats.permax.asSuccessResponses 3.2 Permax successful responses received from the named AS server
apStirRealmStats.permax.asFailResponses 3.3 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server
apStirRealmStats.permax.asFailServiceException 3.4 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception
apStirRealmStats.permax.asFailPolicyException 3.5 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception
apStirRealmStats.permax.vsQueries 3.6 Permax queries made to the named VS server
apStirRealmStats.permax.vsSuccessResponses 3.7 Permax successful responses received from the named VS server
apStirRealmStats.permax.vsFailResponses 3.8 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server
apStirRealmStats.permax.vsSuccessVerification 3.9 Permax successful verifications received from the named VS server
apStirRealmStats.permax.vsFailVerification 3.10 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure
apStirRealmStats.permax.vsFailServiceException .3.11 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception
apStirRealmStats.permax.vsFailPolicyException 3.12 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception


The following table collects information on the systm's status. The apStirSystemStats reference is the name for all apAppsStirSystemStatsTable stats elements.

The apAppsStirSystemStatsTable uses two variables to specify its data, as follows:

  • The first index/dimension is an enumeration of the counter Types, including:
    • recent = 1
    • total = 2
    • permax = 3
  • The second index/dimension is the statsType. There are 12 values for the statsType, which correspond to the statistics names.
For example, the tabular object apStirSystemStats instance that has an OID of the form apStirSystemStats.y.12, where:
  • y is the ApCounterStatsType (recent (1), total (2), or permax (3)
  • 12 is the data category, (In this example "ServerUnreachable")
MIB Object Object ID + Description
apStirSystemStats.recent.asQueries 1.1 Recent queries made to the named AS server
apStirSystemStats.recent.asSuccessResponses 1.2 Recent successful responses received from the named AS server
apStirSystemStats.recent.asFailResponses 1.3 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server
apStirSystemStats.recent.asFailServiceException 1.4 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception
apStirSystemStats.recent.asFailPolicyException 1.5 Recent failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception
apStirSystemStats.recent.vsQueries 1.6 Recent queries made to the named VS server
apStirSystemStats.recent.vsSuccessResponses 1.7 Recent successful responses received from the named VS server
apStirSystemStats.recent.vsFailResponses 1.8 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server
apStirSystemStats.recent.vsSuccessVerification 1.9 Recent successful responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure
apStirSystemStats.recent.vsFailVerification 1.10 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure
apStirSystemStats.recent.vsFailServiceException 1.11 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception
apStirSystemStats.recent.vsFailPolicyException 1.12 Recent failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception 2.1 Recent queries made to the named AS server 2.2 Total successful responses received from the named AS server 2.3 Total failed responses received from the named AS server 2.4 Total failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception 2.5 Total failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception 2.6 Total queries made to the named VS server 2.7 Total successful responses received from the named VS server 2.8 Total failed responses received from the named VS server 2.9 Total successful responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure 2.10 Total failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure 2.11 Total failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception 2.12 Total failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception
apStirSystemStats.permax.asQueries 3.1 Permax queries made to the named AS server
apStirSystemStats.permax.asSuccessResponses 3.2 Permax successful responses received from the named AS server
apStirSystemStats.permax.asFailResponses 3.3 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server
apStirSystemStats.permax.asFailServiceException 3.4 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a service exception
apStirSystemStats.permax.asFailPolicyException 3.5 Permax failed responses received from the named AS server caused by a policy exception
apStirSystemStats.permax.vsQueries 3.6 Permax queries made to the named VS server
apStirSystemStats.permax.vsSuccessResponses 3.7 Permax successful responses received from the named VS server
apStirSystemStats.permax.vsFailResponses 3.8 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server
apStirSystemStats.permax.vsSuccessVerification 3.9 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure
apStirSystemStats.permax.vsFailVerification 3.10 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server indicating verification failure
apStirSystemStats.permax.vsFailServiceException .3.11 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a service exception
apStirSystemStats.permax.vsFailPolicyException 3.12 Permax failed responses received from the named VS server caused by a policy exception


The following group includes all configured DoS threshold counters.


This table lists and describes the apDosThresholdCountersGroup MIB objects. To form the OID, add to the value in the OID # column. The OID for Trusted Minor Counter, for example, is

MIB Object Object ID + Description
apDosTrustedMinorCounter .1 Counter incremented, when trusted bandwidth crossed the minor threshold percentage
apDosTrustedMajorCounter .2 Counter incremented, when trusted bandwidth crossed the major threshold percentage
apDosTrustedCriticalCounter .3 Counter incremented, when trusted bandwidth crossed the critical threshold percentage
apDosUntrustedMinorCounter .4 Counter incremented, when untrusted bandwidth crossed the minor threshold percentage
apDosUntrustedMajorCounter .5 Counter incremented, when untrusted bandwidth crossed the major threshold percentage
apDosUntrustedCriticalCounter .6 Counter incremented, when untrusted bandwidth crossed the critical threshold percentage
apDosArpMinorCounter .7 Counter incremented, when ARP bandwidth crossed the minor threshold percentage
apDosArpMajorCounter .8 Counter incremented, when ARP bandwidth crossed the major threshold percentage
apDosArpCriticalCounter .9 Counter incremented, when ARP bandwidth crossed the critical threshold percentage

MSRP MIB Objects

The following tables describe the SNMP MSRP Get query objects for the SIP MIB (ap-app.mib). There are two categories, including system-wide statistics and realm specific statistics:

  • MSRP System Objects—These OIDs append to apMSRPKPISystemStats (*). These OIDs are within ap-apps.mib under the package apAppsMSRPKPISystemStatsTable.
  • MSRP Realm Objects—These OIDs append to apMSRPKPIRealmStats (*). These OIDs are within ap-apps.mib under the package apAppsMSRPKPIRealmTable.

System Level Objects

The table below lists and describes the GET query names for MSRP Extended system KPI Objects when reporting on the system.

GET Query Name Object IDs: type).+ Description
msrp-AvgSENDTransTx 1 The average number of MSRP SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgChatSENDTransTx 2 The average number of CHAT message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgIsTypingSENDTransTx 3 The average number of IsTyping message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgReceiptSENDTransTx 4 The average number of Receipt message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgSENDMsgBytesTx 5 The average number of bytes in SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgChatSENDMsgBytesTx 6 The average number of bytes in CHAT message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgIsTypingSENDMsgBytesTx 7 The average number of bytes in IsTyping message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgReceiptSENDMsgBytesTx 8 The average number of bytes in Receipt message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-SENDMsgBytesTx 9 The number of bytes in MSRP SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC
msrp-ChatSENDMsgBytesTx 10 The number of bytes in Chat message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC
msrp-IsTypingMsgBytesTx 11 The number of bytes in IsTyping message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC
msrp-ReceiptMsgBytesTx 12 The number of bytes in Receipt message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC
msrp-SuccessREPORTTransTx 13 The number of Success Reports transmitted by the SBC
msrp-FailureREPORTTransTx 14 The number of Failure Reports transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgSuccessREPORTMsgBytesTx 15 The average number of bytes in Success Reports transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytesTx 16 The average number of bytes in Failure Reports transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureRateTx 17 The average number of Success and Failure Reports that were Failure Reports transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTSuccessRateTx 18 The average number of Success and Failure Reports that were Success Reports transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp400Tx 19 The total number of Report responses that were 400 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp401Tx 20 The total number of Report responses that were 401 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp403Tx 21 The total number of Report responses that were 403 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp404Tx 22 The total number of Report responses that were 404 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp408Tx 23 The total number of Report responses that were 408 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp413Tx 24 The total number of Report responses that were 413 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp415Tx 25 The total number of Report responses that were 415 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp423Tx 26 The total number of Report responses that were 423 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp424Tx 27 The total number of Report responses that were 424 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp425Tx 28 The total number of Report responses that were 425 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp428Tx 29 The total number of Report responses that were 428 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp481Tx 30 The total number of Report responses that were 481 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp501Tx 31 The total number of Report responses that were 501 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp506Tx 32 The total number of Report responses that were 506 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes400Tx 33 The average number of bytes in 400 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes401Tx 34 The average number of bytes in 401 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes403Tx 35 The average number of bytes in 403 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes404Tx 36 The average number of bytes in 404 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes408Tx 37 The average number of bytes in 408 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes413Tx 38 The average number of bytes in 413 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes415Tx 39 The average number of bytes in 415 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes423Tx 40 The average number of bytes in 423 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes424Tx 41 The average number of bytes in 424 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes425Tx 42 The average number of bytes in 425 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes428Tx 43 The average number of bytes in 428 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes481Tx 44 The average number of bytes in 481 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes501Tx 45 The average number of bytes in 501 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes506Tx 46 The average number of bytes in 506 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResponsesTx 47 The total number of Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-SuccessTransResponsesTx 48 The total number of Success Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp400Tx 49 The total number of 400 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp401Tx 50 The total number of 401 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp403Tx 51 The total number of 403 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp404Tx 52 The total number of 404 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp408Tx 53 The total number of 408 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp413Tx 54 The total number of 413 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp415Tx 55 The total number of 415 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp423Tx 56 The total number of 423 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp424Tx 57 The total number of 424 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp425Tx 58 The total number of 425 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp428Tx 59 The total number of 428 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp481Tx 60 The total number of 481 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp501Tx 61 The total number of 501 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp506Tx 62 The total number of 506 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgSENDTransRx 63 The average number of MSRP SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgChatSENDTransRx 64 The average number of CHAT message SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgIsTypingSENDTransRx 65 The average number of IsTyping message SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgReceiptSENDTransRx 66 The average number of Receipt message SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgSENDMsgBytesRx 67 The average number of bytes in SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgChatSENDMsgBytesRx 68 The average number of bytes in Chat message SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgIsTypingSENDMsgBytesRx 69 The average number of bytes in IsTyping message SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgReceiptSENDMsgBytesRx 70 The average number of bytes in Receipt message SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-SENDMsgBytesRx 71 The number of bytes in MSRP SEND transactions received by the SBC
msrp-ChatSENDMsgBytesRx 72 The number of bytes in Chat message SEND transactions received by the SBC
msrp-IsTypingMsgBytesRx 73 The number of bytes in IsTyping message SEND transactions received by the SBC
msrp-ReceiptMsgBytesRx 74 The number of bytes in Receipt message SEND transactions received by the SBC
msrp-SuccessREPORTTransRx 75 The number of Success Reports received by the SBC
msrp-FailureREPORTTransRx 76 The number of Failure Reports received by the SBC
msrp-AvgSuccessREPORTMsgBytesRx 77 The average number of bytes in Success Reports received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytesRx 78 The average number of bytes in Success Reports received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureRateRx 79 The average number of Reports received by the SBC that were Failure Reports
msrp-AvgREPORTSuccessRateRx 80 The average number of Reports received by the SBC that were Success Reports
msrp-REPORTResp400Rx 81 The total number of Report responses conveying 400 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp401Rx 82 The total number of Report responses conveying 401 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp403Rx 83 The total number of Report responses conveying 403 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp404Rx 84 The total number of Report responses conveying 404 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp408Rx 85 The total number of Report responses conveying 408 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp413Rx 86 The total number of Report responses conveying 413 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp415Rx 87 The total number of Report responses conveying 415 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp423Rx 88 The total number of Report responses conveying 423 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp424Rx 89 The total number of Report responses conveying 424 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp425Rx 90 The total number of Report responses conveying 425 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp428Rx 91 The total number of Report responses conveying 428 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp481Rx 92 The total number of Report responses conveying 481 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp501Rx 93 The total number of Report responses conveying 501 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp506Rx 94 The total number of Report responses conveying 506 messages received by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes400Rx 95 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 400 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes401Rx 96 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 401 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes403Rx 97 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 403 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes404Rx 98 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 404 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes408Rx 99 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 408 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes413Rx 100 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 413 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes415Rx 101 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 415 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes423Rx 102 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 423 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes424Rx 103 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 424 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes425Rx 104 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 425 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes428Rx 105 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 428 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes481Rx 106 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 481 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes501Rx 107 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 501 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes506Rx 108 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 506 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-TransResponsesRx 109 The total number of Response transactions received by the SBC
msrp-SuccessTransResponsesRx 110 The total number of Success Response transactions received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp400Rx 111 The total number of Response transactions conveying 400 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp401Rx 112 The total number of Response transactions conveying 401 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp403Rx 113 The total number of Response transactions conveying 403 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp404Rx 114 The total number of Response transactions conveying 404 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp408Rx 115 The total number of Response transactions conveying 408 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp413Rx 116 The total number of Response transactions conveying 413 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp415Rx 117 The total number of Response transactions conveying 415 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp423Rx 118 The total number of Response transactions conveying 423 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp424Rx 119 The total number of Response transactions conveying 424 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp425Rx 120 The total number of Response transactions conveying 425 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp428Rx 121 The total number of Response transactions conveying 428 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp481Rx 122 The total number of Response transactions conveying 481 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp501Rx 123 The total number of Response transactions conveying 501 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp506Rx 124 The total number of Response transactions conveying 506 messages received by the SBC

Realm Level Objects

The table below lists and describes the GET query names for MSRP Extended system KPI Objects when reporting on realms.

GET Query Name Object IDs: ID).(counter type).+ Description
msrp-AvgSENDTransTx 1 The average number of MSRP SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgChatSENDTransTx 2 The average number of CHAT message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgIsTypingSENDTransTx 3 The average number of IsTyping message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgReceiptSENDTransTx 4 The average number of Receipt message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgSENDMsgBytesTx 5 The average number of bytes in SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgChatSENDMsgBytesTx 6 The average number of bytes in CHAT message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgIsTypingSENDMsgBytesTx 7 The average number of bytes in IsTyping message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgReceiptSENDMsgBytesTx 8 The average number of bytes in Receipt message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-SENDMsgBytesTx 9 The number of bytes in MSRP SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC
msrp-ChatSENDMsgBytesTx 10 The number of bytes in Chat message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC
msrp-IsTypingMsgBytesTx 11 The number of bytes in IsTyping message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC
msrp-ReceiptMsgBytesTx 12 The number of bytes in Receipt message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC
msrp-SuccessREPORTTransTx 13 The number of Success Reports transmitted by the SBC
msrp-FailureREPORTTransTx 14 The number of Failure Reports transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgSuccessREPORTMsgBytesTx 15 The average number of bytes in Success Reports transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytesTx 16 The average number of bytes in Failure Reports transmitted by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureRateTx 17 The average number of Success and Failure Reports that were Failure Reports transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTSuccessRateTx 18 The average number of Success and Failure Reports that were Success Reports transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp400Tx 19 The total number of Report responses that were 400 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp401Tx 20 The total number of Report responses that were 401 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp403Tx 21 The total number of Report responses that were 403 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp404Tx 22 The total number of Report responses that were 404 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp408Tx 23 The total number of Report responses that were 408 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp413Tx 24 The total number of Report responses that were 413 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp415Tx 25 The total number of Report responses that were 415 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp423Tx 26 The total number of Report responses that were 423 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp424Tx 27 The total number of Report responses that were 424 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp425Tx 28 The total number of Report responses that were 425 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp428Tx 29 The total number of Report responses that were 428 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp481Tx 30 The total number of Report responses that were 481 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp501Tx 31 The total number of Report responses that were 501 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp506Tx 32 The total number of Report responses that were 506 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes400Tx 33 The average number of bytes in 400 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes401Tx 34 The average number of bytes in 401 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes403Tx 35 The average number of bytes in 403 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes404Tx 36 The average number of bytes in 404 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes408Tx 37 The average number of bytes in 408 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes413Tx 38 The average number of bytes in 413 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes415Tx 39 The average number of bytes in 415 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes423Tx 40 The average number of bytes in 423 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes424Tx 41 The average number of bytes in 424 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes425Tx 42 The average number of bytes in 425 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes428Tx 43 The average number of bytes in 428 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes481Tx 44 The average number of bytes in 481 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes501Tx 45 The average number of bytes in 501 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes506Tx 46 The average number of bytes in 506 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResponsesTx 47 The total number of Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-SuccessTransResponsesTx 48 The total number of Success Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp400Tx 49 The total number of 400 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp401Tx 50 The total number of 401 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp403Tx 51 The total number of 403 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp404Tx 52 The total number of 404 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp408Tx 53 The total number of 408 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp413Tx 54 The total number of 413 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp415Tx 55 The total number of 415 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp423Tx 56 The total number of 423 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp424Tx 57 The total number of 424 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp425Tx 58 The total number of 425 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp428Tx 59 The total number of 428 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp481Tx 60 The total number of 481 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp501Tx 61 The total number of 501 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp506Tx 62 The total number of 506 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgSENDTransRx 63 The average number of MSRP SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgChatSENDTransRx 64 The average number of CHAT message SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgIsTypingSENDTransRx 65 The average number of IsTyping message SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgReceiptSENDTransRx 66 The average number of Receipt message SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgSENDMsgBytesRx 67 The average number of bytes in SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgChatSENDMsgBytesRx 68 The average number of bytes in Chat message SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgIsTypingSENDMsgBytesRx 69 The average number of bytes in IsTyping message SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgReceiptSENDMsgBytesRx 70 The average number of bytes in Receipt message SEND transactions received by the SBC per session
msrp-SENDMsgBytesRx 71 The number of bytes in MSRP SEND transactions received by the SBC
msrp-ChatSENDMsgBytesRx 72 The number of bytes in Chat message SEND transactions received by the SBC
msrp-IsTypingMsgBytesRx 73 The number of bytes in IsTyping message SEND transactions received by the SBC
msrp-ReceiptMsgBytesRx 74 The number of bytes in Receipt message SEND transactions received by the SBC
msrp-SuccessREPORTTransRx 75 The number of Success Reports received by the SBC
msrp-FailureREPORTTransRx 76 The number of Failure Reports received by the SBC
msrp-AvgSuccessREPORTMsgBytesRx 77 The average number of bytes in Success Reports received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytesRx 78 The average number of bytes in Success Reports received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureRateRx 79 The average number of Reports received by the SBC that were Failure Reports
msrp-AvgREPORTSuccessRateRx 80 The average number of Reports received by the SBC that were Success Reports
msrp-REPORTResp400Rx 81 The total number of Report responses conveying 400 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp401Rx 82 The total number of Report responses conveying 401 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp403Rx 83 The total number of Report responses conveying 403 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp404Rx 84 The total number of Report responses conveying 404 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp408Rx 85 The total number of Report responses conveying 408 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp413Rx 86 The total number of Report responses conveying 413 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp415Rx 87 The total number of Report responses conveying 415 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp423Rx 88 The total number of Report responses conveying 423 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp424Rx 89 The total number of Report responses conveying 424 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp425Rx 90 The total number of Report responses conveying 425 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp428Rx 91 The total number of Report responses conveying 428 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp481Rx 92 The total number of Report responses conveying 481 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp501Rx 93 The total number of Report responses conveying 501 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp506Rx 94 The total number of Report responses conveying 506 messages received by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes400Rx 95 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 400 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes401Rx 96 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 401 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes403Rx 97 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 403 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes404Rx 98 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 404 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes408Rx 99 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 408 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes413Rx 100 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 413 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes415Rx 101 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 415 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes423Rx 102 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 423 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes424Rx 103 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 424 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes425Rx 104 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 425 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes428Rx 105 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 428 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes481Rx 106 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 481 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes501Rx 107 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 501 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes506Rx 108 The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 506 messages received by the SBC per session
msrp-TransResponsesRx 109 The total number of Response transactions received by the SBC
msrp-SuccessTransResponsesRx 110 The total number of Success Response transactions received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp400Rx 111 The total number of Response transactions conveying 400 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp401Rx 112 The total number of Response transactions conveying 401 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp403Rx 113 The total number of Response transactions conveying 403 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp404Rx 114 The total number of Response transactions conveying 404 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp408Rx 115 The total number of Response transactions conveying 408 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp413Rx 116 The total number of Response transactions conveying 413 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp415Rx 117 The total number of Response transactions conveying 415 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp423Rx 118 The total number of Response transactions conveying 423 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp424Rx 119 The total number of Response transactions conveying 424 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp425Rx 120 The total number of Response transactions conveying 425 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp428Rx 121 The total number of Response transactions conveying 428 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp481Rx 122 The total number of Response transactions conveying 481 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp501Rx 123 The total number of Response transactions conveying 501 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp506Rx 124 The total number of Response transactions conveying 506 messages received by the SBC


The system establishes realm level stats OIDs for the first (or single) realm by adding the system-assigned realm identifier and the type and category as the suffix (.first realm identifier.*.*) to the base OID. Should there be multiple realms, the OID is similarly numbered using the suffix (.second realm identifier.*.*) for the second realm, and (.third realm identifier.*.*) for the third realm and so forth.