Specify an NMS for EMS Generated Traps

You must configure a northbound network management server (NMS) such as an SNMP management system as the receiver of element manager system (EMS) traps. An EMS, such as the Session Element Manager, generates the (EMS MIB) traps shown in the table below when it detects the following conditions:

  • There is a failure to discover or rediscover a SBC configuration.
  • There is a failure to save a SBC configuration.
  • There is a failure to activate a SBC configuration.
  • There are missing components when validating a SBC configuration.
  • The node status changes from reachable to unreachable.
Trap Name Description
apEMSDiscoveryFailure Generated when EMS fails to discover or rediscover a SBC configuration. The trap is generated from any discovery or rediscovery failure initiated by the SOAP XML API, EMS, or system processing. The trap contains the SBC’s node ID, the start and end time of the discovery or rediscovery operation, and the user who initiated the operation.
apEMSSaveFailure Generated when EMS fails to save a configuration. The trap is generated by a save failure whether initiated by the SOAP XML API or EMS GUI for save/activate, save or offline save operations. The trap contains the SBC node ID, the start and stop time of the save configuration attempt, and the user initiating the save operation.
apEMSActivateFailure Generated when EMS fails to activate a configuration, whether initiated from the SOAP XML API or EMS GUI for the save/activate or activate operations.
apEMSInvalidConfigDiscoveredNotification Generated when EMS validates a discovered SBC’s configuration (for example confirms each referenced realm is configured) and detects missing components. The trap contains the time and the SBC node ID.
apEMSNodeUnreachableNotification Generated when a node’s status changes from reachable to unreachable. The trap contains the SBC’s node ID and the time of the event.
apEMSNodeUnreachableClearNotification Generated when a node’s status changes from unreachable to reachable. The trap contains the SBC’s node ID and the time of the event.