View SNMP Address, Statistics and User Information

The user can view real-time information on agent traffic using the show snmp-info command.

show snmp-info address—View the traffic to and from the SNMPv3 addresses that you configured in Superuser mode. For example:

<device># show snmp-info address
        name              : acme82
        address           :
        mask              :
        total requests in : 3
        total replies out : 3
        total traps out   : 1
        name              : acmepc58
        address           :
        mask              :
        total requests in : 0
        total replies out : 0
        total traps out   : 1

show snmp-info statistics—View the SNMP agent mode and statistics for the SNMP engine in Superuser mode. For example:

<device># show snmp-info statistics
SNMP Agent Mode           : V3
SNMP Engine ID Base      	: 0x800023bc05ac1e50e8
SNMP Engine ID Suffix     : 
SNMP Engine ID            : 0x800023bc05ac1e50e8
SNMP Engine Boots         : 622
Total packets in          : 17
Total packets out         : 10
Total traps out           : 2
Unknown security models   : 0
Invalid Messsages         : 0
Unsupported SecLevels     : 0
Not In Time Windows       : 0
Unknown User Names        : 1
Unknown EngineIDs         : 3
Stats Wrong Digests       : 0
Decryption Errors         : 0

show snmp-info snmp-user—View information and traffic associated with SNMP users in Superuser mode. For example:

<device># show snmp-info snmp-user
        name              : snmpuser1
        auth-protocol     :
        auth-password     :
        priv-protocol     :
        priv-password     :
        address-list      : address1 address2
        total requests in : 0
        total get reqs in : 0
        total next reqs in: 0
        total replies out : 0
        total traps out   : 0