
The dpd-params configuration element enables creation of one or more sets of DPD Protocol parameters.


Enter a unique identifier for this instance of the dpd-params configuration element.
  • Default: None
  • Values: Valid configuration element name that is unique within the dpd-params namespace
Set the maximum number of endpoints examined every dpd-time-interval.
  • Default: 100
  • Values:


If CPU workload surpasses the threshold set by max-cpu-limit, the max-loop value is over-ridden by load-max-loop.
Set the maximum number of simultaneous DPD Protocol negotiations supported when the CPU is not under load (as specified by the max-cpu-limit property).
  • Default: 25
  • Values: An integer value, should be greater than load-max-endpoints


If CPU workload surpasses the threshold set by max-cpu-limit, the max-endpoints value is over-ridden by load-max-endpoints.
Set a threshold value (expressed as a percentage of CPU capacity) at which DPD protocol operations are minimized to conserve CPU resources.
  • Default: 60 percent
  • Values: An integer value, 0 (effectively disabling DPD) through 100
Set the maximum number of endpoints examined every dpdtime-interval when the CPU is under load, as specified by the max-cpu-limit parameter.
  • Default: 40
  • Values: an integer value, should be less than max-loop
Set the maximum number of simultaneous DPD Protocol negotiations supported when the CPU is under load, as specified by the max-cpulimit property.
  • Default: 5
  • Values: An integer value, should be less than max-endpoints
The maximum number of DPD attempts before an unresponsive peer is considered dead.
  • Default: 1
  • Range: 1 - 4
The maximum number of times to retransmit each DPD attempt.
  • Default: 3
  • Range: 1 - 4


dpd-params is a subelement under the ike element. The full-path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure-terminal, and then security, and then ike, and then dpd-params.


This is a multiple instance configuration element.