
The ext-policy-server is used for configuring PDP/RACF or CLF functionality on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.


Enter the name of this external policy server configuration
Enable or disable the operational state of this external policy server configuration
  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Select the function this external policy server performs
  • Default: disabled
  • Values:
    • disabled
    • admission-control—Oracle Communications Session Border Controllercommunicates with a CLF to obtain location string
    • bandwidth-mgmt— Oracle Communications Session Border Controller acts as a PEP in a PDP/RACF deployment
Select the external policy server communication protocol
  • Default: C-SOAP
  • Values:
    • COPS—Standard COPS implementation. COPS client type is 0x7929 for CLF, and 0x7926 for PDP/RACF usage as defined in the operation-type parameter.
    • A-COPS—Vendor specific protocol. COPS client type is 0x4AC0 for admission-control operation-type.
    • SOAP—Not used
    • C-SOAP—Not used
    • DIAMETER—Connects the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to the policy-server
Enter the IP address or FQDN of an external policy server, or enter the name of a policy-group preceded by the PSG: prefix. IP addresses can by IPv4 or IPv6.
Enter the port on the external policy server to which you must connect. For example, the standard port for COPS is 3288. The system ignores this parameter if the address parameter is set to a policy-group or an FQDN.
  • Default: 80
  • Values: Valid Range: 0-65535
Enter the realm where the external policy server exists. The system ignores this parameter if the address parameter is set to a policy-group, with the exception that it is used to populate all Origin-Realm and Origin-Host AVPs in diameter messages generated by traffic from the policy-group's policy-agents.
Enter the transport protocol used to connect to this external policy server.
  • Default: TCP
  • Values: TCP / SCTP
Applies to SCTP. Enter an IP address that is local to the SBC and can be used by this external policy server as an alternate connection point. This address must be the same type as the address parameter, either IPv4 or IPv6.
Applies to SCTP. Enter an IP addresses that can be used by this SBC as an alternate connection point. This address must be the same type as the address parameter, either IPv4 or IPv6.
Applies to SCTP. Specifies the SCTP delivery mode. The default value is ordered. Valid values are:
  • ordered (Default)
  • unordered
Enter the number of TCP connections to external policy server
  • Default: 1
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 65535
Enable or disable admission requests being made before all of the details of the call are known
  • Default: enabled
  • Values:
    • Enabled—Supports the usual behavior when the AAR is sent upon SDP offer as well as SDP answer. This mode ensures backwards compatibility with releases prior to Release S-C6.1.0.
    • Orig-realm-only—Allows calls originating from a realm with a policy server associated with it to send the AAR upon SDP offer; calls terminating at a realm with a policy server associated with it send the AAR post SDP exchange.
    • Disabled—Allows no bandwidth reservation for incomplete flows.
Enable or disable the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s ability to permit calls if there is no connection to the external policy server.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Change this parameter to enabled if you want the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to forward the session on at a “best-effort”. Leave this parameter set to disabled (Default), if you want the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to deny the session on attempts to revert to the previously-requested bandwidth
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Change this parameter to enabled if you want the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to forward the session on at a “best-effort”. Leave this parameter set to disabled (default), if you want the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to deny the session on attempts to revert to the previously-requested bandwidth.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Disable this parameter to prevent timeouts triggered by Gate-Set or Gate-Delete message sequences between the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller and a policy server from tearing down their connection. Retaining the default (enabled) allows all timeouts to tear down and re-establish the TCP connection.
  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enter the vendor product name.
Select the mode in which the policy server interface is operating.
  • Default: none
  • Values: Rq | Rx | Gq | e2 | pktmm3
Enter the application mode of this interface.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 999999999
Set the format of the Frame-IP-Address (AVP 8) value in Diameter messages.
  • Default: octet-string
  • Values: octet-string (i.e., 0xC0A80A01) | ascii-string (i.e.,
Set the format for the Destination-Realm AVP.
  • Default: user_with_realm
  • Values: user_with_realm | user_only | realm_only
Set this parameter to configure the child realm or its parent for the Address-Realm in the Globally-Unique-Address AVL in DIAMETER UDR messages that the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller sends to the policy server.
  • Default: realm-in
  • Values:
    • realm-in—This setting means that the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will use the same realm on which the REGISTRATION request arrived.
    • sip-interface—This setting means that the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will use the realm associated with the SIP interface on which the REGISTRATION request arrived.
    • diam-address-realm - For the e2 interface, this value enables configurable Address-Realm AVPs. This setting points the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to the associated realm from which it will learn Address-Realm AVP information.
Determines how the User-Name AVP is constructed. Used primarily with e2 based CLF functionality.
  • Default: none
  • Values:
    • none—Oracle Communications Session Border Controller does not include the User-Name AVP in any UDRs
    • endpoint-ip—IP address of the registering endpoint is sent as the payload for the User-Name AVP
    • public-id—SIP-URI portion of the TO header from the register message is sent as the payload for the User-Name AVP
    • auth-user—Username attribute of the Authorization header from the register is sent as the payload for the User-Name AVP; if there is no authorization header, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will not consult the CLF and will forward the registration message.
Sets the suffix for Origin-Realm and Origin-Host AVPs that have a payload string constructed as a domain name. If your entry does not include the dot, the system prepends one.
  • Default: .com
With this parameter, you can configure the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to use a mask comprised entirely of zeros (0). The default value is 255. This parameter sets the value to use for the COPs pkt-mm-3 interface. This interface maintains a persistent TCP connection to the external policy server, even without repsonses to requests for bandwidth. This permits calls to traverse the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller even though the external policy server either fails to respond, or rejects the session.
  • Default: 255
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 255
Enable this parameter if you want to include the proxy bit in the header. The presense of the proxy bit allows the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to tell the external policy server whether it wants the main server to handle the Diameter message, or if it is okay to proxy it to another server on the network (disabled)
  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Set this parameter from enabled if you want to use transport protocol wildcarding for Rx/Rq Flow-Description AVP (507) generation. Enabled sends a flow description of “ip”. Set this parameter to disabled if you want to use the specific media stream transport protocol.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enter the number of seconds to define the interval for watchdog/keep-alive messages; this is the time in which the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller must receive a COPS-KA message from the policy server to ensure collection is still valid.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 65535
Change this parameter from disabled (default), to enabled so the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will include RTCP information in AARs.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enables the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to send AARs to PCRFs after registration that includes the grouped Media-Component-Description AVP as described in 3GPP TS 29.213 section B1b [1], and the procedures specified in TS 29.214 section 4.4.5a.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
max number of request timeouts before the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller sets this external policy server to inactive.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 200
Number of external policy servers to be monitored as a server cluster
  • Default: 1
Strategy used to select an external policy server from the cluster.
  • Default: Failover
Reduces the number of ARRs sent to the PCRF.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enable or disable the ability of the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to request EPC level identities within the context of an emergency call.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enable or disable the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s ability to insert an EPC-level MSISDN into the PAI of the egress INVITE. This parameter is relevant only when you have also enabled emergency-epc-level-identities.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Specifies the MNC value and, by means of the entry, the number of digits the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller uses to build the host part of the outgoing PAI derived during EPC level identity retrieved when emergency-epc-level-identities is enabled.
  • Default: 999999
  • Range: 10000 - 999999
Used to enable the Diameter Multi-tiered Policy Server Support feature.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Populates the Specific-Action AVP in an AAR message to indicate the subscription types it supports. When unconfigured, no Specific-Action AVP is sent.
  • Default: blank
  • Values:
    • loss-of-bearer
    • recovery-of-bearer
    • release-of-bearer


      Use this setting to support an Abort-Session-Request (ASR) via the PCRF to close a user session when they return to their home-network from a roaming network.
    • ip-can-change
    • out-of-credit
    • successful-resources-allocation
    • failed-resources-allocation
    • access-network-info-report
subscribes for signaling flow status change notifications
Configure this parameter with the name of a diameter-manipulation to be applied on traffic inbound to the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.
Configure this parameter with the name of a diameter-manipulation to be applied to outbound traffic from this Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.
Identifies whether to use the asynchronous mode of signaling on the external policy server interface rather than the default synchronous mode.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
For scenarios wherein the SBC releases media, enabling this parameter allows the policy server request to include flow descriptions that accurately represent the IP addresses of the two endpoints instead of that of the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enter any customer-specific features and/or parameters for this external policy server. This parameter is optional.


ext-policy-server is an element under the media-manager path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure terminal , and then media-manager , and then ext-policy-server.