
The ntp-sync element defines the ntp server for time synchronization.


Adds IP address or FQDN of the NTP server. IP entries must follow the IP Address Format. An IPv4 or IPv6 address is valid for this parameter.

This parameter accepts a single FQDN or one or more IP addresses. There cannot be more than one FQDN. The parameter does not allow an FQDN and any IP address(es).

Removes a previously entered NTP server. Entries must follow the IP Address Format or FQDN used to add the server. An IPv4 address, IPv6 address or FQDN is valid for this parameter.
When using an FQDN in the add-server parameter, this parameter becomes required and specifies the realm on which your target NTP server resides.
This parameter provides access to the auth-servers sub-element.


ntp-sync is a top-level element. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure terminal , and then ntp-sync.


In order for any changes to the NTP synchronization functionality to take effect, perform a save-config followed by a system reboot.