request collection

The request collection command allows you to start and stop data collection manually in one or all collection groups.


request collection [start | stop | restart | status | purge] <collection object>
  • start— Start data collection. If a collection object is not specified, collection is performed on all groups.
  • stop— Stop data collection. If a collection object is not specified, collection stop is performed on all groups
  • restart— Restart data collection in general or for the collection object specified
  • purge— Delete all data files resident on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller for collection function
  • status— displays the current status of all record collections and push receivers
<collection-object> — The collection groups you can configure to collect data information from. This is an optional argument and when no group is specified, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller collects information from all groups. The following is a list of collection groups:
  • Values :
    • dnsalg-rate - DNS-ALG rate
    • dnsalg-rate-per-addr - DNS-ALG rate per addr
    • dnsalg-rate-per-realm - DNS-ALG rate per realm
    • enum-rate - ENUM rate
    • enum-rate-per-addr - ENUM rate per addr
    • enum-rate-per-name - Request action in the ENUM rate per name
    • enum-stats - ENUM stats
    • ext-rx-policy-server - external Rx Policy Server group
    • fan - fan group
    • h323-stats - H323 Statistics group
    • interface - interface group
    • msrp-stats: MSRP statistics
    • network-util - network utilization group
    • registration-realm - registration realm group
    • sa-imsaka - Request action on Security Associations for IMS-AKA group. Only Supported for Enterprise Products.
    • sa-srtp - Request action on Security Associations for SRTP group
    • session-agent - session agent group
    • session-realm - session realm group
    • sip-ACL-oper - SIP ACL Operations group
    • sip-ACL-status - SIP ACL Status group
    • sip-agent-method - SIP methods on the session agent
    • sip-client - SIP Client Transaction group
    • sip-codec-per-realm - SIP codecs per realm group
    • sip-errors - SIP Errors/Events group
    • sip-interface-method - SIP methods on the interface
    • sip-invites - SIP Invites
    • sip-method - SIP methods
    • sip-policy - SIP Policy/Routing group
    • sip-rate - SIP rate
    • sip-rate-per-agent - SIP rate per agent
    • sip-rate-per-inf - SIP rate per interface
    • sip-realm-method - SIP methods on the realm
    • sip-server - SIP Server Transaction group
    • sip-sessions - SIP Session Status group
    • sip-srvcc - SIP SRVCC group. Only Supported for Enterprise Products.
    • sip-status - SIP Status group
    • sobjects - sobjects group
    • space - space group
    • survivability-sip-errors - Survivability SIP Errors/Events group. Only Supported for Enterprise Products.
    • survivability-sip-invites - Survivability SIP Invites. Only Supported for Enterprise Products.
    • survivability-sip-registration - Survivability SIP Registrations. Only Supported for Enterprise Products.
    • survivability-sip-status - Survivability SIP Status group. Only Supported for Enterprise Products.
    • system - system group
    • temperature - temperature group
    • thread-event - thread event group
    • thread-usage - thread usage group
    • tscf-stats - tscf-stats group
    • voltage - voltage group
    • xcode-codec-util - Transcoding Codec Utilization group
    • xcode-session-gen-info - general info about transcoding sessions
    • xcode-tcm-util - Transcoding TCM Utilization group

