sip-manipulation > header-rules

The header-rules subelement is used to define one action to perform on a given SIP header.


Enter the name of the header to which this rule applies. This name must match a header name.
Select the action you want applied to the header specified in the name parameter.
  • Default: none
  • Values:
    • none—No action taken
    • add —Add a new element, if it does not already exist
    • store — Store the element
    • sip-manip — Specify the sip-manipulation for element
    • replace — Replace the elements
    • find-replace-all - Find and replace all elements with a a new value
    • delete-element — Delete the specified element, if it exists
    • delete-header — Delete the specified header, if it exists
    • log — Log the action if element criteria are met
    • reject — Reject the element if element criteria matches with match-val-type parameter.
Enter the exact value to be matched. The action you specify is only performed if the header value matches.
Select the message type to which this header rule applies
  • Default: any
  • Values:
    • any—Both Requests and Reply messages
    • request—Request messages only
    • reply— Reply messages only
    • out-of-dialog - Initial request only (dialog creating request)
Enter a list of SIP methods that this header rule applies to. An empty value applies this header rule to all SIP method messages.
  • Default: none
Access the element rules sub-subelement
Enter the header name for which the rules need to be applied
Select the comparison type that the match-value uses
  • Default: case-sensitive
  • Values:
    • case-sensitive
    • case-insensitive
    • pattern-rule
    • refer-case-sensitive
    • refer-case-insensitive
    • boolean
The new value to be used in add or manipulate actions. To clear the new-value enter an empty string.


header-rules is a subelement under the sip-manipulation configuration element, under the session-router path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure terminal , and then session-router , and then sip-manipulation , and then header-rules.