sip-response-map > entries

The entries subelement establishes the status code(s) for both received and transmitted messages and the reason phrase(s) of a SIP response map.


Enter the original SIP response code received
  • Values: Min: 100 / Max: 699
  • Default: 0
Enter the setting of translated SIP response code transmitted
  • Values: Min: 100 / Max: 699
  • Default: 0
Enter the setting of translated response comment or reason phrase to send denoted by an entry in quotation marks
Enter the SIP method name you want to use for this SIP response map entry
Enter the time you want to use for the expires time when mapping the SIP method you identified in the method parameter. By default, the expires time is the Retry-After time (if there is one in the response) of the expires value in the Register request (if there is no Retry-After expires time). Any value you configure in this parameter (when not using the defaults) should never exceed the Register request’s expires time.
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 999999999


entries is a subelement of the sip-response-map element. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure terminal , and then session-router , and then sip-response-map , and then entries


This is a multiple instance configuration element.