
The ssh-key command allows you to import, generate, display and delete public keys on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.


ssh-key <key type> <action> <other parameters>


Supported key types:

Manage the keys of SSH clients who connect using public key authentication.

Supported actions:

export <name>
Export an authorized key in RFC 4716 format.
import <name> <class>
Import an authorized key in RFC 4716 format. The <class> parameter may be either user or admin.
delete <name>
Delete an authorized key that was previously imported.
Manage the known hosts for when the SBC acts as an SSH client.

Supported actions:

import <name>
Import a key in RFC 4716 format into the known_hosts file.

The <name> parameter is the IP address or hostname of the SFTP server.

delete <name>
Delete a key from the known_hosts file.

The <name> parameter is the IP address or hostname of the SFTP server.

Manage the private key of the SBC

Supported actions:

generate [ rsa | dsa ] [<size>]
Regenerate the RSA or DSA public and private key of the SBC.

RSA key size may be 2048, 3072, or 4096. The default value of 2048 is used if no size is selected.

DSA key size is always set to 1024.

Manage the certificate authority keys.

Supported actions:

import <key-name> <class>
Import a CA key in RFC 4716 format. The <class> parameter may be either user or admin.
delete <key-name>
Delete a key from the known_hosts file.
Manage certificate authority user revocation. Users are added to the revocation list by importing their public key.

Supported actions:

import <key-name>
Import the public key of the user or users who are authorized with this ca-key. Or import the public key of a CA to revoke all keys signed by that CA.
delete <key-name>
Remove a key-name from the revocation list.




ORACLE# ssh-key authorized-key import jdoe