
Use the system-config element to configure general system information and system parameters.


Enter the main hostname that identifies the SBC. Entries must follow either the Hostname (or FQDN) Format or the IP Address Format.
Describe the SBC. Entries must follow the Text Format
Enter the physical location of the SBC used for informational purposes. Entries must follow the Text Format.
Enter the contact information for this SBC for SNMP purposes. This field value is the value reported for MIB-II when an SNMP GET is issued by the NMS. Entries must follow the Text Format.
Enter the identification of the SBC for SNMP purposes. This value has no relation to the system-config > hostname field. By convention, this is the node’s FQDN. If this field remains empty, the SBC name that appears in SNMP communications will be the target name configured in the boot parameters and nothing else.
Enter the physical location of the SBC for SNMP purposes. This parameter has no direct relation to the location field identified above. Entries must follow the Text Format.
Enter the TLS profile name the system uses to encrypt ACP traffic, to and from the SEM management system.


This parameter is not RTC supported.
Enable or disable SNMP is enabled. If SNMP is enabled, then the system will initiate the SNMP agent. If SNMP is disabled, then the SNMP agent will not be initiated, and the trap-receiver and snmp-community elements will not be functional.
  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enable or disable the SNMP authentication traps
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enable or disable sending syslog notifications to an NMS via SNMP; determines whether SNMP traps are sent when a SBC generates a syslog message
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Determine whether traps are sent out in ap-smgmt.mib trap. (See MIB Reference Guide for more information)
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
This parameter is reserved for future use. Ensure it remains disabled.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Determine whether the environmental monitoring MIB is sent from the SBC. This trap will be sent any time there is a change in state in fan speed, temperature, voltage (SD 2 only), power supply (SD 1 for rev 1.32 or higher, SD 2 w/QoS for rev 1.32 or higher, SD II no QoS for rev 1.3 or higher), phy-card insertion, or I2C bus status. If this parameter is set to enabled, fan speed, temperature, and power supply notifications are not sent out in other traps.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enabled Mblk tracking.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
When this attribute is disabled, the L2 Miss Report is written to log.octData if the ETC debug level is set to NORMAL. By default, this attribute does not generate a log.
  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enter the maximum entries that the SNMP Syslog message table contains. The system will delete the oldest table entry and add the newest entry in the vacated space when the table reaches maximum capacity.
  • Default: 1
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 500
Set the log severity levels that send syslog notifications to an NMS via SNMP if snmp-syslog-notify is set to enabled. If the severity of the log being written is of equal or greater severity than the snmp-syslog-level value, the log will be written to the SNMP syslog history table. If the severity of the log being written is of equal or greater severity than the snmp-syslog-level field value and if enabled-snmp-syslog-notify field is set to enabled, the system will send the syslog message to an NMS via SNMP. If the severity of the log being written is of lesser severity than the snmp-syslog-level value, then the log will not be written to the SNMP syslog history table and it will be disregarded.
  • Default: warning
  • Values:
    • emergency
    • critical
    • major
    • minor
    • warning
    • notice
    • info
    • trace
    • debug
    • detail
Access the syslog-servers subelement
Set the system-wide log severity levels to write to the system log. When you set log levels through system-config, the settings take effect only after you Save and Activate and the settings will persist through a reboot.
  • Default: warning
  • Values:
    • emergency
    • critical
    • major
    • minor
    • warning
    • notice
    • info
    • trace
    • debug
    • detail
Set the default log level that processes running on the SBC start. When you set log levels through system-config, the settings take effect only after you Save and Activate and the settings will persist through a reboot.
  • Default: notice
  • Values:
    • emergency
    • critical
    • major
    • minor
    • warning
    • notice
    • info
    • trace
    • debug
    • detail
Enter the IP address of server where process log files are stored. Entries must follow the IP Address Format. The default value of causes log messages to be written to the local log file.
  • Default:
Enter the port number associated with server IP address where process log files are stored. The default value of 0 writes log messages to the local log file.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 0; 1025 / Max: 65535
Accesses the collect subelement.
Access the comm-monitor subelement.
Enable or disable protocol message tracing for sipmsg.log for SIP
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enable or disable internal ACP message tracing for all processes
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Set to logs or all to send the logs to the log server
  • Default: all
  • Values:
    • none
    • traces
    • traces-fork
    • logs
    • log-fork
    • all
    • all-fork
Enter the IP address of the gateway to use when IP traffic sent by the SBC is destined for a network other than one of the LANs on which the 10/100 Ethernet interfaces could be. Entries must follow the IP Address Format. A value of indicates there is no default gateway.
  • Default:
Enable or disable the SBC rebooting when a task is suspended. When set to enabled, this field causes the SBC to reboot automatically when it detects a suspended task. When this field is set to disabled and a task is suspended, the SBC does not reboot.
  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Select system tasks that have no impact on system health or cause the system to restart. This field contains the name(s) of the task(s) surrounded by quotation marks. If there are multiple entries, they should be listed within quotation marks, with each entry separated by a <Space>.
Enter the time in seconds the SBC waits when there is no Telnet activity before an administrative telnet session, or SSH connection, is terminated. A value of 0 disables this functionality, meaning no time-out is being enforced.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 65535
Enter the time in seconds the SBC waits when there is no activity on an ACLI administrative session before it terminates the session. The ACLI returns to the User Access Verification login sequence after it terminates a console session. A value of 0 disables this functionality.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 65535
Inactivity timeout in minutes for HTTP connections.
  • Default: 5
  • Values: 0 - 20
Sets the percentage value for the amount of NSEP sessions the system reserves from the pool of total session capacity for use by NSEP calls. The system monitors the remaining, general pool of sessions (total minus reserved NSEP) and serves NSEP calls from this reserved session pool if the number of sessions in the general pool becomes exhausted.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: 0 - 100
Enable or disable listening for remote ACP config and control messages before disconnecting
  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Access the alarm-threshold subelement.
Enable or disable the ACLI command audit trail. The cli-audit-trail outputs to cli.audit.log.
  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
This parameter / feature has been deprecated.
Enable this parameter to have the ACLI “more” paging feature working consistently across console or SSH sessions with the SBC. When this parameter is disabled, you must continue to set this feature on a per session basis.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Set the SBC terminal height when the more prompt option is enable
  • Default: 24
  • Values: Minimum: 5 / Maximum: 1000
Enter the time, in seconds, you want to the SBC to timeout log levels for system processes set to debug using the ACLI notify and debug commands. A value of 0 disables this parameter.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 65535
Set this parameter to the number of days you want to keep the information in the alarm synchronization table; 0 turns alarm synchronization off
  • Default: 0
  • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 7
Enter a syslog facility, as entered in the syslog-config configuration element, facility parameter to send IDS-type syslog messages to that syslog server. The default value of -1 disables selective message transfer.
  • Default: -1
Enable ECC packet checks.
  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled
Enter any customer-specific features and/or parameters for this global system configuration. This parameter is optional.
Set the IPv6 default gateway for this SBC. This is the IPv6 egress gateway for traffic without an explicit destination. The application of your SBC determines the configuration of this parameter.
An IPV6 address is valid for this parameter.
This sets the system-wide, default IPv6 MTU size.
  • Default: 1500
  • Values: 1280-4096
This sets the system-wide, default IPv4 MTU size.
  • Default: 1500
  • Values: 576-4096
Enter the local time the SBC begins inspecting directories to perform the clean up process.

directory-cleanup—Enters the directory-cleanup subelement.

  • Default: 00:00
Access the directory-cleanup subelement.
Sets a unique suffix for the SNMPEngineID. This value is entered as a string.
Determines which version of SNMP is supported on this system.
  • Default: v3
  • Values: v1v2 | v3
Specifies the maximum number of SNMP packets per second the system accepts.
  • Default: 0 (no rate limiting)
  • Values: 0 - 9999
Specifies the number of CPUs to use for traffic forwarding.
  • Default: 1
  • Values: 1 - 128
Specifies the number of CPUs to use for DoS processing.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: 0 - 1
Specifies the number of CPUs to use to perform transcoding processes.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: 0 - 128
Enables or disables the use of hyperthreading on your hypervisor.
  • Default: Disabled
  • Values: Enabled | Disabled
The total number of TCP connections allowed by HTTP clients. Set to 0 to disable a limit.
  • Default: 500
  • Values: 0 - 2147483647
The maximum CPU percentage for HTTP clients.
  • Default: 70
  • Values: 30 - 90
Specifies the multiplier used to calculate the size of the HTTP client connection cache. The system calculates this cache size using the formula:

client connection cache = (number of pending transactions * httpclient-cache-size-multiplier)

  • Default: 16
  • Values: 4 - 50


system-config is an element under the system path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure terminal , and then system , and then system-config.


Under the system-config element, options are not RTC supported. This is a single instance configuration element.