
The translation-rules element creates unique sets of translation rules to apply to input headers. See the Session Translation chapter in the Configuration Guide.


Enter the identifier or name for this translation rule. This field is required.
A brief description of what this translation rule accomplishes.
Select the input header which this translation rule will modify.

The translation rule will check for the existence of this header, user part, or parameter. If a particular SIP message doesn't contain it, the rule won't modify that message.

Enter the regular expression that defines the modification of the input header.

If the regex pattern does not match, no modification happens. If the regex pattern does match, the whole output header will be set to the value of output-header-value. When entering regex patterns on the ACLI, wrap the pattern in double quotes if it includes spaces.

Select the header type which this translation rule will output to.

When the input-header-type and output-header-type are the same, the translation rule modifies a single header. When the input-header-type and output-header-type are different, the translation rule can capture values from the input header and insert them into the output header.

Enter the regular expression that defines the new value of the output header.

If your input-header-value includes regex capture groups, use the $<group number> syntax to identify the captured content.

When using capture groups that are followed by numbers, use the $0<group number> syntax for single-digit capture groups. For example, the SBC will read $1781 as capture group 17 followed by the literal digits 81. The SBC will read $01781 as capture group 1 followed by the literal digits 781. Capture groups that are followed by a letter, such as $3a, are not affected by this rule.


The translation-rules element is under the session-router path.
ORACLE# conf term
ORACLE(configure)# session-router 
ORACLE(session-router)# translation-rules 

This is a multiple instance configuration element.