ACLI-Associated Groups and Group Statistics

The Groups and Group Statistics in this section correspond to the data that displays as output from some of the current ACLI commands. For example, the output for the show sipd sessions command, when run from the ACLI, is shown in the figure below:

Example of Show Command Output

ORACLE> show sipd sessions
SIP Session Status         -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                 Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Sessions              0       0       0          0       0       0
  Initial             0       0       0          0       0       0
  Early               0       0       0          0       0       0
  Established         0       0       0          0       0       0
  Terminated          0       0       0          0       0       0
Dialogs               0       0       0          0       0       0
  Early               0       0       0          0       0       0
  Confirmed           0       0       0          0       0       0
  Terminated          0       0       0          0       0       0

For the sip-session group, the HDR Collector stores the same data that would display in the Lifetime/Total column if you ran the ACLI command at the same time the Collector sampled the statistics. In the ACLI output, the data is grouped by Sessions and Dialogs. When mapped into the HDR data for the sip-session group header, the ACLI names are further clarified, as shown in the table below:

ACLI Name Group Header Name
Sessions Sessions
Initial Sessions Initial
Early Sessions Early
Established Sessions Established
Terminated Sessions Terminated
Dialogs Dialogs
Early Dialogs Early
Confirmed Dialogs Confirmed
Terminated Dialogs Terminated

The following is an example of a CSV file containing the HDR statistics for the sip-session Group generated by the HDR Collector. The output format reflects that the file was opened using an application compatible with a CSV file.

Example of a CSV File for the sip-session Group

Timestamp     Sessions    Sessions Initial   Sessions Early ...
1301702288    45          45                 28             ...
1301702456    35          35                 35             ...


The records in a CSV file may display differently, depending on the record data included in the file, and the method used to open the file. For more information about the display of record data in a CSV file, see Appendix A, CSV File Data Formats.

This section provides a description of each Group and Group Statistic associated with the ACLI. Each Group table identifies the ACLI Show command for which it is associated, and provides a link to the applicable command in the "HDR Show Commands" chapter.


Consists of statistics pertaining to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) sessions. Use "show sipd sessions" to view statistics.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Sessions counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of sessions established by INVITE and SUBSCRIBE messages
2 Sessions Initial counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of sessions for which an INVITE or SUBSCRIBE is being forwarded
3 Sessions Early counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of sessions for which the first provisional response (1xx other than 100) is received.
4 Sessions Established counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of sessions for which a success (2xx) response is received.
5 Sessions Terminated counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of sessions that have ended by receiving or sending a BYE for an Established session or forwarding an error response for an Initial or Early session. The session remains in the terminated state until all the resources for the session are freed up.
6 Dialogs counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of end-to-end SIP signaling connections.
7 Dialogs Early counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of dialogs that were created by a provisional response.
8 Dialogs Confirmed counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of dialogs that were created by a success response. An Early dialog transitions to Confirmed when a success response is received.
9 Dialogs Terminated counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of dialogs that were ended by a receiving/sending of a BYE for an Established session, or a receiving/sending error response Early dialog. The dialog remains in the Terminated state until all the resources for the session are freed up.


Consists of statistics pertaining to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) access control list (ACL) operations. Use "show sipd acls" to view statistics.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 ACL Requests counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of ACL requests
2 Bad Messages counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of bad messages
3 Promotions counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of ACL entry promotions. These are the ACL entries that have been promoted from untrusted to trusted status.
4 Demotions counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of ACL entry demotions.
5 Demote Trust-Untrust counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of ACL entries demoted from trusted to untrusted.
6 Demote Untrust-Deny counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of ACL entries demoted from untrusted to deny.


Consists of statistics pertaining to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) access control list (ACL) state. Use "show sipd acls" to view statistics.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Total Entries counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of ACL entries, both trusted and blocked.
2 Trusted counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of trusted ACL entries
3 Blocked counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of blocked ACL entries


Consists of statistics pertaining to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) client state. Use "show sipd client" to view statistics.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 AllStates counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of all client session transactions
2 Initial counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times the Initial state was entered due to the receipt of a request.
3 Trying counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times the Trying state was entered due to the receipt of a request
4 Calling counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times the Calling state was entered due to the receipt of an INVITE request
5 Proceeding counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times the Proceeding state was entered due to the receipt of a provisional response while in the Calling state
6 Cancelled counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of INVITE transactions that received a CANCEL
7 EarlyMedia counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times the Proceeding state was entered due to the receipt of a provisional response that contained a Session Description Protocol (SDP) while in the Calling state
8 Completed counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times that the Completed state was entered due to the receipt of a status code in the range of 300-699 when either in the Calling or Proceeding state
9 Setmedia counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of transactions in which the SBC was setting up NAT and steering ports
10 Established counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times the client received a 2xx response to an INVITE, but could not forward it because the NAT and steering port information was missing
11 Terminated counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times the Terminated state was entered after a 2xx message


Consists of statistics pertaining to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server state. Use "show sipd server" to view statistics.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 AllStates counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of all server session transactions
2 Initial counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times the Initial state was entered due to the receipt of a request
3 Trying counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times the Trying state was entered due to the receipt of a request
4 Proceeding counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times the Proceeding state was entered due to the receipt of a provisional response while in the Calling state
5 Cancelled counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of INVITE transactions that received a CANCEL
6 Established counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times the server received a 2xx response to an INVITE, but could not forward it because the NAT and steering port information was missing
7 Completed counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times that the Completed state was entered due to the receipt of a status code in the range of 300-699 when either in the Calling or Proceeding state
8 Confirmed counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times that an ACK was received while the server was in the Completed state and then transitioned to Confirmed state
9 Terminated counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of times the Terminated state was entered after a 2xx message, or never received an ACK in the Completed state, and then transitioned to the Terminated state.


Consists of statistics pertaining to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) local policy / routing statistics. Use "show sipd policy" to view statistics.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Local Lookup counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of local policy lookups
2 Local Hits counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of successful local policy lookups
3 Local Misses counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of local policy lookup failures
4 Local Drops counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of local policy lookups where the next hop session agent group is H323
5 Agent Group Hits counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of successful local policy lookups for session agent groups
6 Agent Group Misses counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of successful local policy lookups where no session agent was available for the session agent group
7 No Routes Found counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of successful local policy lookups, but temporarily unable to route (for example, session agent out of service)
8 Missing Dialog counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of local policy lookups where the dialog was not found for a request addressed to the SBC with a To tag or for a NOTIFY-SUBSCRIBE SIP request
9 Inb SA Constraints counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of successful local policy lookups where the inbound session agent (SA) exceeded constraints
10 Outb SA Constraints counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of successful local policy lookups where the outbound SA exceeded constraints
11 Inb REG SA Constraints counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of successful inbound local policy lookups where the registrar (REG) SA exceeded constraints
12 Outb REG SA Constraints counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of successful outbound local policy lookups where the registrar (REG) SA exceeded constraints
13 Requests Challenged counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of requests that were challenged.
14 Challenges Found counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of challenges found.
15 Challenges Not Found counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of challenges not found.
16 Challenge Drops counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of challenges dropped.


Consists of statistics pertaining to errors that occur in SIP media events. Use "show sipd errors" to view statistics.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 SDP Offer Errors counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of errors encountered in setting up the media session for a session description in a SIP request or response which is a Session Description Protocol (SDP) Offer in the Offer/Answer model (RFC 3264)
2 SDP Answer Errors counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of errors encountered in setting up the media session for a session description in a SIP request or response which is a Session Description Protocol (SDP) Answer in the Offer/Answer model (RFC 3264)
3 Drop Media Errors counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of errors encountered in tearing down the media for a dialog or session that is being terminated due to:

a) non-successful response to an INVITE transaction, or

b) a BYE transaction received from one of the participants in a dialog/session, or

c) a BYE initiated by the SBC

due to a timeout notification from the Middlebox Control Daemon (MBCD).

4 Transaction Errors counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of errors in continuing the processing of the SIP client transaction associated with setting up or tearing down of the media session.
5 Application Errors counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of miscellaneous errors in the SIP application that are otherwise uncategorized
6 Media Exp Events counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of flow timer expiration notifications received from the Middlebox Control Daemon (MBCD).
7 Early Media Exps counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of flow timer expiration notifications received for media sessions that were not completely set up due to an incomplete or pending INVITE transaction
8 Exp Media Drops counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of flow timer expiration notifications from the Middlebox Control Daemon (MBCD) that resulted in the termination of the dialog/session by the SIP application.
9 Expired Sessions counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of sessions terminated due to the session timer expiring
10 Multiple OK Drops counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of dialogs terminated upon reception of a 200 OK response from multiple User Agent Servers (UASs) for a given INVITE transaction that was forked by a downstream proxy
11 Multiple OK Terms counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of dialogs terminated upon reception of a 200 OK response that conflicts with an existing established dialog on the SBC
12 Media Failure Drops counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of dialogs terminated due to a failure in establishing the media session.
13 Non-ACK 2xx Drops counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of sessions terminated because an ACK was not received for a 2xx response
14 Invalid Requests counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of invalid requests (for example, an unsupported header was received).
15 Invalid Responses counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of invalid responses (for example, no Via header in response)
16 Invalid Messages counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of messages dropped due to parse failure
17 CAC Session Drop counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of call admission control (CAC) session setup failures
18 NSEP User Exceeded counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of NSEP Users Exceeded
19 NSEP SA Exceeded counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of NSEP SAs Exceeded
20 Mps User Exceeded counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of Mps Users Exceeded
21 Mps SA Exceeded counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of Mps SAs Exceeded
22 CAC BW Drop counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of call admission control (CAC) session setup failures due to insufficient bandwidth (BW)
23 Call Rejects counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of calls rejected during the window.
24 Dialog Replace Fails counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of dialog replacement failures
25 errors due to SRTP counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of errors caused by SRTP
26 FPE Calls Rejected counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of FPE calls rejected
27 Media State Errors counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of media state errors
28 Ignore Notify Events counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of Notify events the system has ignored
29 Flows in stopping counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of flows in the stopping state
30 Not All Flows Dead counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of flow that are not stopping
31 Http/s calls Dropped counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of HTTP/S client calls dropped
32 SDP Stripped Responses counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of messages that have SDP stripped due to non-compliance with mandatory parameters.


Consists of statistics pertaining to Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) transactions. Use "show sipd status" to view statistics.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Sessions counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of sessions established by INVITE messages
2 Subscriptions counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of sessions established by SUBSCRIBE messages
3 Dialogs counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of end-to-end SIP signaling connections
4 CallID Maps counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of successful session header Call ID mappings
5 Rejections counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of rejected INVITEs
6 ReINVITEs counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of ReINVITEs
7 Media Sessions counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of successful media sessions
8 Media Pending counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of media sessions waiting to be established
9 Client Trans counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of client transactions
10 Server Trans counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of server transactions that have taken place on the SBC
11 Resp Contexts counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of response contexts
12 Saved Contexts counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of saved contexts
13 Sockets counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of SIP sockets
14 Req Drops counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of dropped requests
15 DNS Trans counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of Domain Name System (DNS) transactions
16 DNS Sockets counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of Domain Name System (DNS) sockets
17 DNS Results counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of Domain Name System (DNS) results
18 Session Rate fixed decimal 30 0 to 4294967295 The rate, per second, of SIP invites allowed to or from the SBC during the sliding window period. The rate is computed every 10 seconds .
19 Load Rate guage 30 0% to 100% Average Central Processing Unit (CPU) utilization of the SBC during the current window. The average is computed every 10 seconds unless the load-limit is configured in the SIPConfig record, in which case it is 5 seconds.
20 Active Subscriptions counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 specifies the current global count of active SIP subscriptions.
21 SubscriptionsPerMax counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 specifies the maximum global count of SIP subscriptions initiated during any 100 second period since the last SBC re-boot.
22 Subscriptions High counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 specifies the maximum global count of active SIP subscriptions since the last SBC re-boot.
23 Active Reg Evt Subscriptions counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Current domain count of active REG event SIP Subscriptions.
24 Reg Evt Subscriptions PerMax counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Maximum domain count of REG event SIP Subscriptions initiated during any 100 second period since the last SBC reboot.
25 Reg Evt Subscriptions High counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Maximum domain count of active SIP REG event SIP Subscriptions since the last SBC re-boot
26 Total Reg Evt Subscriptions N/A N/A N/A Count of lifetime total REG event SIP Subscriptions for the OCSBC.


Consists of statistics pertaining to Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) INVITEs. Use "show sipd invite" to view statistics.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 INVITE Requests counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of INVITE requests
2 Retrans counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of retransmissions of INVITEs
3 Response Retrans counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of response retransmissions
4 Transaction Timeouts counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 for client. Server values are always “—”; transaction timeout statistics are not valid for server operations. Total number of INVITE request transaction timeouts
5 Locally Throttled counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 for client. Server values are always “—”; locally throttled statistics are not valid for server operations. Total number of INVITE requests locally throttled


Statistics that display registration information (counters) for the total registrations received, number of successful registrations, and number of unsuccessful registrations for each of the following categories: initial registrations, refresh registrations, and de-registrations. Use "show sipd realms" to view statistics.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Realm Name config N/A N/A Name of the realm for which the group statistics are being calculated.
2 Total Initial Registrations counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of initial registrations. This counter is incremented once for each initial REGISTER message even when the REGISTER is challenged. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only.

Note: This counter is not incremented when registrations are challenged by the following response messages:

401 (Unauthorized - user authentication required)

407 (Proxy authentication required)

423 (Interval too brief - expiration time of the resource is too short)

3 Successful Initial Registrations counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Number of successful initial registrations. This counter is incremented once for each successful initial registration with a 200 OK response. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only.
4 Unsuccessful Initial Registrations counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Number of unsuccessful initial registrations. This counter is incremented once for each unsuccessful initial registration when the response to the initial REGISTER has a non-success status code. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only.

Note: This counter is not incremented when registrations are challenged by the following response messages:

401 (Unauthorized - user authentication required)

407 (Proxy authentication required)

423 (Interval too brief - expiration time of the resource is too short)

5 Total Refresh Registrations counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of registrations that were refreshed. This counter is incremented once for every refresh registration. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only.
6 Successful Refresh Registrations counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of registrations that were successfully refreshed. This counter is incremented once for each successful refresh registration. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only.
7 Unsuccessful Refresh Registrations counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of registrations that were unsuccessfully refreshed. This counter is incremented once for each unsuccessful refresh registration. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only.
8 Total De-Registrations counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of registrations that de-registered. This counter is incremented once for every de-registration. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only. In the event a de-registration message is received on a realm that is different than that of the initial registration message, the de-registration counter for the ingress realm of that de-registration message is incremented.
9 Successful De-Registrations counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of registrations that successfully de-registered. This counter is incremented once for each successful de-registration. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only. In the event a successful de-registration message is received on a realm that is different than that of the initial registration message, the de-registration counter for the ingress realm of that successful de-registration message is incremented.
10 Unsuccessful De-Registrations counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of registrations that unsuccessfully de-registered. This counter is incremented once for each unsuccessful de-registration. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only. In the event an unsuccessful de-registration message is received on a realm that is different than that of the initial registration message, the de-registration counter for the ingress realm of that unsuccessful de-registration message is incremented.


Consists of statistics pertaining to the Telephone Number Mapping (ENUM) Agent on the SBC. Use show enum to view statistics.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Enum Agent config N/A N/A Name of the ENUM Agent
2 Queries Total counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of ENUM queries
3 Successful Total counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of successful ENUM queries
4 Not found Total counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of ENUM queries returning a not found
5 Timeout Total counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of ENUM query timeouts


Not Supported.


Not Supported.


Not Supported.


Not Supported.


Not Supported.


Consists of statistics pertaining to H323 events on the SBC. Use show h323 to view statistics.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Incoming Calls counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of incoming H.323 calls
2 Outgoing Calls counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of outgoing H.323 calls
3 Connected Calls counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of connected H.323 calls
4 Incoming Channels counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of established incoming calls
5 Outgoing Channels counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of established outgoing calls
6 Contexts counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of established H.323 contexts (or call terminations)
7 Queued Messages counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of messages queued
8 TPKT Channels counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of ThroughPacket (TPKT) channels open(ed)
9 UDP Channels counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Total number of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) channels open(ed)


Consists of statistics pertaining to TSCF. Use "show tscf stats" to view statistics.

Statistic Data Type Description
Time Stamp counter Time Stamp
Active Tunnels gauge

(0 to 4294967295 )

Number of active tunnels
Established Tunnels counter Number of established tunnels
Finished Tunnels counter Number of finished tunnels
Released Tunnels counter Number of released tunnels
Max Active Tunnels counter Maximum number of active tunnels
Total number of tunnels timed out counter

Total number of timed out tunnels

Config requests received counter Number of config requests received
Nagle option requests counter

Number of config requests with nagle received

Config responses sent counter Number of config responses sent
Config release requests received counter

Number of config release requests received

Config release responses sent counter Number of config release responses sent
Client service requests received counter

Total number of client service requests received

Client service responses sent counter Number of client service responses sent
Enable DDT requests counter

Number of Dynamic Datagram Tunnel enable client service responses received

Disable DDT requests counter

Number of Dynamic Datagram Tunnel Disable client service responses received

Enable redundancy requests counter

Number of Dynamic Datagram Tunnel Enable client service responses received

Disable redundancy requests counter

Number of Dynamic Datagram Tunnel disable client service responses received

Failed Tunnels-Malformed Requests counter Number of failed tunnels due to malformed requests
Unknown Control messages counter Number of failed tunnels due to unknown control messages
Client assigned internal IP counter

Number of failed tunnels due to client assigned internal IP addresses

Cannot provision internal IP counter

Number of failed tunnels due to internal IP that cannot be provisioned

Internal IP already provisioned counter

Number of failed tunnels due to internal IP addresses that are already provisioned

Internal IP error counter

Number of failed tunnels due to general IP error

Client assigned internal IP mask counter

Number of failed tunnels due to internal IP masks assigned by client

Cannot provision internal IP mask counter

Number of failed tunnels due to IP masks that cannot be provisioned

Internal IP mask already provisioned counter

Number of failed tunnels due to internal IP masks already provisioned

Internal IP mask error counter Number of failed tunnels due to General IP mask error
Client assigned SIP server address counter

Number of failed tunnels due to client assigned SIP server addresses

Cannot provision SIP server address counter

Number of failed tunnels due to not being able to provision SIP server addresses

SIP server address already provisioned counter

Number of failed tunnels due to SIP server address already provisioned

SIP server address error counter

Number of failed tunnels due to SIP server general address errors

Client assigned Keep Alive value counter

Number of failed tunnels due to client assigned keep alive values

Cannot provision Keep Alive value counter

Number of failed tunnels not being able to provision keep alive values

Keep Alive value already provisioned counter

Number of failed tunnels due to keep alive value already provisioned

Keep alive value error counter

Number of failed tunnels due to keep alive value errors

Failed Tunnels - Non Existing Tunnel Id counter Number of failed tunnels due to non-existing tunnel IDs
Failed Tunnels - Out of Resources counter Number of failed tunnels due to a lack of resources
Failed Tunnels - Internal IP address exhausted counter Number of failed tunnels due to tunnel ID exhaustion
Failed Tunnels - Non null IP address counter

Number of failed tunnels due to non null IP address

Failed Tunnels - Non null IP mask counter

Number of failed tunnels due to non null IP mask

Failed Tunnels - Non Null SIP server counter Number of failed tunnels due to non null SIP server
Failed Tunnels - Non zero keep alive counter

Number of failed tunnels due to non zero keep alive

Failed Tunnels - No listening socket counter

Number of failed tunnels due to a missing (listening socket?) file description

Failed Tunnels - Server Failure counter

Number of failed tunnels due to server failure

Failed Tunnels - Redundancy not enabled counter Number of failed tunnels due to disabled redundancy feature
Failed Tunnels - Redundancy factor limit exceeded counter

Number of failed tunnels due to redundancy factor limit being exceeded on server

Failed Tunnels - Tunnel Id exhausted counter

Number of failed tunnels due to tunnel ID exhausted on server

Failed Tunnels - Timer failures counter

Number of failed tunnels due to timer failure on server

Failed Tunnels - DDT service not enabled counter

Number of failed tunnels due to Dynamic Datagram Tunnel not being enabled on serve

Failed Tunnels - DDT request on wrong transport counter

Number of failed tunnels due to Dynamic Datagram Tunnel request wrong transport on the server

Failed Tunnels - DDT service only fordatagram transport counter Number of failed tunnels due to Dynamic Datagram Tunnel service being available only on datagram transports
Failed Tunnels - Inconsistent transport for DDT counter

Number of failed tunnels due to inconsistent transport for Dynamic Datagram Tunnel on server

Failed Tunnels - Unknown service type requested counter

Number of failed tunnels due to unknown service type requested on server

Failed Tunnels - Incorrect CM for established tunnel counter

Number of failed tunnels due to incorrect control messages for established tunnels on server

Failed Tunnels - Address pool unavailable counter

Number of failed tunnels due to unavailable address pools on server

Failed Tunnels - No listening socket counter

Number of failed tunnels due to a unavailable (listening socket?) file descriptor on server

Failed Tunnels - Versions Not Supported counter

Number of failed tunnels due to version not being supported

Failed Tunnels - License Exceeded counter

Number of failed tunnels due to exceeding the TSCF license/entitlement limit

Packets sent to unused TSCF IP address counter

Number of packets dropped due to being sent to an unused TSCF IP address

Control messages with wrong sequence number counter Number of control messages with a wrong sequence number
Config requests dropped due to license limit counter Number of config requests dropped due to the TSCF license limit
Config requests dropped due to per interface limit counter Number of config requests dropped due to per interface limit
Stats memory allocations counter Number of stats memory allocations
Packets dropped due to inter-client c0mmunication counter Number of packets dropped due to inter-client c0mmunication
Stats memory frees counter Number of stats memory frees
Stats memory allocations failures counter Number of stats memory allocation failures
Switches to Active system counter Number of times existing tunnels were switched to Active system
Switched to Stand by system counter Number of times existing tunnels were switched to Stand-by system
Get DTLS Context Requests counter

Number of times a successful Get Datagram Transport Layer Security context request was sent

Get DTLS Context Request Success counter

Number of successful Datagram Transport Layer Security context request were sent

Get DTLS Context Request Failure counter Number of Get Datagram Transport Layer Security Context Request failed
Set DTLS Context Requests counter Number of Set Datagram Transport Layer Security Context Requests were sent
Set DTLS Context Requests Success counter Number of successful Set Datagram Transport Layer Security Context Requests were sent
Set DTLS Context Request Failure counter Number of Set Datagram Transport Layer Security Context Request failed
FD Table size


(0 to 4294967295 )

The current number of entries in the File Descriptor Table
Address Table Size


(0 to 4294967295 )

The current number of entries in the Address Table
Tunnel Table Size


(0 to 4294967295 )

The current number of entries in the Tunnel Table
Active Tunnel Table Size


(0 to 4294967295 )

The current number of entries in the Active Tunnel Table
Peer Tunnel Table Size


(0 to 4294967295 )

The current number of entries in the Peer Tunnel Table
Peer Table Size


(0 to 4294967295 )

The current number of entries in the Peer Table
Flow ID Table Size


(0 to 4294967295 )

The current number of entries in the Flow ID Table
License Tunnel Count


(0 to 4294967295 )

The current number of Licensed Tunnels ??????
Specific address count


(0 to 4294967295 )

Total number of specific address allocation requests
Total number tunneled packet drops counter Total number of specific address allocation requests
Total number untunneled packet drops counter Total number of un-tunneled packet drops


Records SIP processing level in terms of messages per method (i.e. both request and response) per second on system-wide basis.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Method Name string N/A N/A SIP method name for which the group statistics are being calculated
2 Messages Received Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for messages received for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
3 Messages Sent Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for messages sent for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
4 Requests Received Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for requests received for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
5 Requests Sent Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for requests sent for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
6 Responses Received Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for responses received for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
7 Responses sent Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for responses sent for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces


Records SIP message rates l in terms of messages per method (i.e. both request and response) per second per SIP interface.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Interface Name string N/A N/A SIP interface where these statistics are being calculated
2 Method Name string N/A N/A SIP method name for which the group statistics are being calculated
3 Messages Received Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for messages received for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
4 Messages Sent Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for messages sent for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
5 Requests Received Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for requests received for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
6 Requests Sent Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for requests sent for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
7 Responses Received Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for responses received for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
8 Responses sent Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for responses sent for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces


Records SIP message rates in terms of messages per method (i.e. both request and response) per second per SIP session agent.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Agent Name string N/A N/A SIP Agent where these statistics are being calculated
2 Method Name string N/A N/A SIP method name for which the group statistics are being calculated
3 Messages Received Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for messages received for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
4 Messages Sent Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for messages sent for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
5 Requests Received Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for requests received for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
6 Requests Sent Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for requests sent for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
7 Responses Received Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for responses received for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces
8 Responses sent Rate counter N/A 0.0 to 429496729.5 Messages per second for responses sent for a SIP method on all SIP interfaces


Records DNS Message rate (i.e. both request and response) per second on system-wide basis.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Messages Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for all DNS messages received by the system
2 Messages Sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for all DNS messages sent on the system
3 Requests Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for DNS requests received on the system.
4 Requests Sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for DNS requests sent by the system.
5 Responses Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for DNS responses received on the system.
6 Responses sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for DNS responses sent by the system.


Records DNS message rate (i.e. both request and response) per second per realm.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 DNS ALG Realm Name string N/A N/A Name of the DNS ALG realm.
2 Messages Received counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for all DNS messages received.
3 Messages Sent counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for all DNS messages sent.
4 Requests Received counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for DNS requests received.
5 Requests Sent counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for DNS requests sent by the system.
6 Responses Received counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for DNS responses received on the system.
7 Responses sent counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for DNS responses sent by the system.


Records DNS Message rate (i.e. both request and response) per second on system-wide basis.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Server IP Address string N/A N/A DNS Server Address for which the group statistics are being calculated
2 Messages Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for all DNS messages received by the system
3 Messages Sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for all DNS messages sent on the system
4 Requests Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for DNS requests received on the system.
5 Requests Sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for DNS requests sent by the system.
6 Responses Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for DNS responses received on the system.
7 Responses sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for DNS responses sent by the system.


Records ENUM Message rate (i.e. both request and response) per second on system-wide basis.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Messages Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for all ENUM messages received by the system
2 Messages Sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for all ENUM messages sent on the system
3 Requests Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for ENUM requests received on the system.
4 Requests Sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for ENUM requests sent by the system.
5 Responses Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for ENUM responses received on the system.
6 Responses sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for ENUM responses sent by the system.


Records ENUM Message rate (i.e. both request and response) per second on per-interface (i.e. the network interface on which the ENUM config's realm exists) basis.

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 ENUM Config Name string N/A N/A Enum config name for which the group statistics are being calculated
2 Messages Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for all ENUM messages received by this configuration object.
3 Messages Sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for all ENUM messages by this configuration object.
4 Requests Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for ENUM requests received by this configuration object.
5 Requests Sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for ENUM requests sent by this configuration object.
6 Responses Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for ENUM responses received by this configuration object.
7 Responses sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for ENUM responses sent by this configuration object.


Records ENUM Message rate (i.e. both request and response) per second on system-wide basis. Records ENUM Message rate (i.e. both request and response) per second on a per-address basis (i.e. ENUM server provisioned in the ENUM Config).

Position Statistic Type Timer Value Range Description
1 Server IP Address string N/A N/A ENUM Server Address for which the group statistics are being calculated
2 Messages Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for all ENUM messages received by this server.
3 Messages Sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for all ENUM messages sent by this server.
4 Requests Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for ENUM requests received by this server.
5 Requests Sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for ENUM requests sent by this server.
6 Responses Received Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for ENUM responses received by this server.
7 Responses sent Rate counter N/A 0 to 4294967295 Messages per second for ENUM responses sent by this server.


Records memory use reported by the ACLI's show memory sobjects command's data. Records appear in the format <time stamp>,<class name>,<count> where class-name is the name of each sobject, and count is the number of objects currently being used by the application. These records always includes all applicable objects, which number in the hundreds, even when their current count is zero.


This HDR group identifies global counts for listed responses to SIP Methods across the system. sip-method is this HDR group's configured name. These counters are otherwise retrieved at the ACLI with the show sipd <method> command. Although this HDR group delivers the same information in the apSipMethodStatsTable ( in ap-sip.mib, the HDR is a contiguous output whereas the MIB table is delivered tabularly.

CSV position HDR Column Name Description
1 TimeStamp Timestamp of this HDR record
2 Message/Event Name of the SIP Method
3 Request Server Total Total number of server requests.
4 Request Client Total Total number of client requests.
5 Retransmissions Server Total Total number of server retransmission requests.
6 Retransmissions Client Total Total number of client retransmission requests.
7 100 Trying Server Total Total number of 100 Trying server response
8 100 Trying Client Total Total number of 100 Trying client response
9 180 Ringing Server Total Total number of 180 Ringing server response.
10 180 Ringing Client Total Total number of 180 Ringing client response.
11 181 Forward Server Total Total number of 181 Forward server response.
12 181 Forward Client Total Total number of 181 Forward client response.
13 182 Queued Server Total Total number of Invite 182 Queued Server response
14 182 Queued Client Total Total number of 182 Queued client response.
15 183 Progress Server Total Total Invite 182 Queued Server response
16 183 Progress Client Total Total number of 183 Progress client response.
17 1xx Server Total Total number of 1xx server response
18 1xx Client Total Total number of 1xx client response
19 200OK Server Total Total number of 200OK server response
20 200OK Client Total Total number of 200OK client response
21 202 Accepted Server Total Total number of 202Accepted server response
22 202 Accepted Client Total Total number of 202 Accepted client response
23 2xx Success Server Total Total number of 2xx Success server response
24 2xx Client Total Total number of 2xx Success client response
25 30x Moved Server Total Total number of 30x Moved server response
26 30x Moved Client Total Total number of 30x Moved client response
27 305 Use ProxyServer Total Total number of 305 Use Proxy server response
28 305 Use ProxyClient Total Total number of 305 Use Proxy client response
29 380 Alternative Server Total Total number of 380 Alternative server response
30 380 Alternative Client Total Total number of 380 Alternative client response
31 3xx Redirect Server Total Total number of 3xx Redirect server response.
32 3xx Redirect Client Total Total number of 3xx Redirect client response.
33 400 Bad Request Server Total Total number of 400 Bad Request server response.
34 400 Bad Request Client Total Total number of 400 Bad Request client response.
35 401 Unauthorized Server Total Total number of 401 Unauthorized server response.
36 401 Unauthorized Client Total Total number of 401 Unauthorized client response.
37 403 Forbidden Server Total Total number of 403 Forbidden server response.
38 403 Forbidden Client Total Total number of 403 Forbidden client response.
39 404 Not Found Server Total Total number of 404 Not Found server response.
40 404 Not Found Client Total Total number of 404 Not Found client response.
41 405 Not Allowed Server Total Total number of 405 Not Allowed server response.
42 405 Not Allowed Client Total Total number of 405 Not Allowed client response.
43 406 Not Acceptable Server Total Total number of 406 Not Acceptable server response.
44 406 Not Acceptable Client Total Total number of 406 Not Acceptable client response.
45 407 Proxy Auth Req Server Total Total number of 407 Proxy Auth Req server response.
46 407 Proxy Auth Req Client Total Total number of 407 Proxy Auth Req client response.
47 408 Request Timeout Server Total Total number of 408 Request Timeout server response.
48 408 Request Timeout Client Total Total number of 408 Request Timeout client response.
49 415 Bad Media Type Server Total Total number of 415 Bad Media Type server response.
50 415 Bad Media Type Client Total Total number of 415 Bad Media Type client response.
51 420 Bad Extension Server Total Total number of 420 Bad Extension server response.
52 420 Bad Extension Client Total Total number of 420 Bad Extension client response.
53 421 Extension Reqd Server Total Total number of 421 Extension Reqd server response.
54 421 Extension Reqd Client Total Total number of 421 Extension Reqd client response.
55 422 Too Short Server Total Total number of 422 Too Short server response.
56 422 Too Short Client Total Total number of 422 Too Short client response.
57 423 Too Brief Server Total Total number of 423 Too Brief server response.
58 423 Too Brief Client Total Total number of 423 Too Brief client response.
59 480 Unavailable Server Total Total number of 480 Unavailable server response.
60 480 Unavailable Client Total Total number of 480 Unavailable client response.
61 481 Does Not Exist Server Total Total number of 481 Does Not Exist server response.
62 481 Does Not Exist Client Total Total number of 481 Does Not Exist client response.
63 482 Loop Detected Server Total Total number of 482 Loop Detected server response.
64 482 Loop Detected Client Total Total number of 482 Loop Detected client response.
65 483 Too Many Hops Server Total Total number of 483 Too Many Hops server response.
66 483 Too Many Hops Client Total Total number of 483 Too Many Hops client response.
67 484 Address Incompl Server Total Total number of 484 Address Incompl server response.
68 484 Address Incompl Client Total Total number of 484 Address Incompl client response.
69 485 Ambiguous Server Total Total number of 485 Ambiguous server response.
70 485 Ambiguous Client Total Total number of 485 Ambiguous client response.
71 486 Busy Here Server Total Total number of 486 Busy Here server response.
72 486 Busy Here Client Total Total number of 486 Busy Here client response.
73 486 Busy Here Server Total Total number of 486 Busy Here server response.
74 486 Busy Here Client Total Total number of 486 Busy Here client response.
75 487 Terminated Server Total Total number of 487 Terminated server response.
76 487 Terminated Client Total Total number of 487 Terminated client response.
77 488 Not Acceptable Server Total Total number of 488 Not Acceptable server response.
78 488 Not Acceptable Client Total Total number of 488 Not Acceptable client response.
79 489 Bad Event Server Total Total number of 489 Bad Event server response.
80 489 Bad Event Client Total Total number of 489 Bad Event client response.
81 491 Req Pending Server Total Total number of 491 Req Pending server response.
82 491 Req Pending Client Total Total number of 491 Req Pending client response.
83 4xx Server Total Total number of 4xx error server response.
84 4xx Client Total Total number of 4xx error client response.
85 500 Internal Error Server Total Total number of 500 Internal Error server response.
86 500 Internal Error Client Total Total number of 500 Internal Error client response.
87 501 Not Implemented Server Total Total number of 501 Not Implemented error server response.
88 501 Not Implemented Client Total Total number of 501 Not Implemented error client response.
89 502 Bad Gateway Server Total Total number of 502 Bad Gateway error server response.
90 502 Bad Gateway Client Total Total number of 502 Bad Gateway error client response.
91 503 Service Unavail Server Total Total number of 503 Service Unavail error server response.
92 503 Service Unavail Client Total Total number of 503 Service Unavail error client response.
93 504 Gateway Timeout Server Total Total number of 504 Gateway Timeout error server response.
94 504 Gateway Timeout Client Total Total number of 504 Gateway Timeout error client response.
95 513 Msg Too Large Server Total Total number of 513 Msg Too Large error server response.
96 513 Msg Too Large Client Total Total number of 513 Msg Too Large error client response.
97 580 Precon Failure Server Total Total number of 580 Precon Failure error server response.
98 580 Precon Failure Client Total Total number of 580 Precon Failure error client response.
99 5xx Server Total Total number of 5xx error server response.
100 5xx Client Total Total number of 5xx error client response.
101 600 Busy Everywhere Server Total Total number of 600 Busy Everywhere error server response.
102 600 Busy Everywhere Client Total Total number of 600 Busy Everywhere error client response.
103 603 Decline Server Total Total number of 603 Decline error server response.
104 603 Decline Client Total Total number of 603 Decline error client response.
105 604 Not Found Server Total Total number of 604 Not Found error server response.
106 604 Not Found Client Total Total number of 604 Not Found error client response.
107 606 Not Acceptable Server Total Total number of 606 Not Acceptable error server response.
108 606 Not Acceptable Client Total Total number of 606 Not Acceptable error client response.
109 6xx Server Total Total number of 6xx error server response.
110 6xx Client Total Total number of 6xx error client response.
111 Response Retrans Server Total Total number of server Response retransmission requests
112 Response Retrans Client Total Total number of client Response retransmission requests
113 Transaction Timeouts Server Total Total number of server transaction timeouts.
114 Transaction Timeouts Client Total Total number of client transaction timeouts.


This HDR group identifies global counts for listed responses to SIP Methods across a chosen realm. sip-realm-method is this HDR group's configured name.

CSV position HDR Column Name Description
1 TimeStamp Timestamp of this HDR record.
2 Realm Name of this realm.
3 Message/Event Name of the SIP Method.
4 Request Server Total Total number of server requests.
5 Request Client Total Total number of client requests.
6 Retransmissions Server Total Total number of server retransmission requests.
7 Retransmissions Client Total Total number of client retransmission requests.
8 100 Trying Server Total Total number of 100 Trying server response
9 100 Trying Client Total Total number of 100 Trying client response
10 180 Ringing Server Total Total number of 180 Ringing server response.
11 180 Ringing Client Total Total number of 180 Ringing client response.
12 181 Forward Server Total Total number of 181 Forward server response.
13 181 Forward Client Total Total number of 181 Forward client response.
14 182 Queued Server Total Total number of Invite 182 Queued Server response
15 182 Queued Client Total Total number of 182 Queued client response.
16 183 Progress Server Total Total Invite 182 Queued Server response
17 183 Progress Client Total Total number of 183 Progress client response.
18 1xx Server Total Total number of 1xx server response
19 1xx Client Total Total number of 1xx client response
20 200OK Server Total Total number of 200OK server response
21 200OK Client Total Total number of 200OK client response
22 202 Accepted Server Total Total number of 202Accepted server response
23 202 Accepted Client Total Total number of 202 Accepted client response
24 2xx Success Server Total Total number of 2xx Success server response
25 2xx Client Total Total number of 2xx Success client response
26 30x Moved Server Total Total number of 30x Moved server response
27 30x Moved Client Total Total number of 30x Moved client response
28 305 Use ProxyServer Total Total number of 305 Use Proxy server response
29 305 Use ProxyClient Total Total number of 305 Use Proxy client response
30 380 Alternative Server Total Total number of 380 Alternative server response
31 380 Alternative Client Total Total number of 380 Alternative client response
32 3xx Redirect Server Total Total number of 3xx Redirect server response.
33 3xx Redirect Client Total Total number of 3xx Redirect client response.
34 400 Bad Request Server Total Total number of 400 Bad Request server response.
35 400 Bad Request Client Total Total number of 400 Bad Request client response.
36 401 Unauthorized Server Total Total number of 401 Unauthorized server response.
37 401 Unauthorized Client Total Total number of 401 Unauthorized client response.
38 403 Forbidden Server Total Total number of 403 Forbidden server response.
39 403 Forbidden Client Total Total number of 403 Forbidden client response.
40 404 Not Found Server Total Total number of 404 Not Found server response.
41 404 Not Found Client Total Total number of 404 Not Found client response.
42 405 Not Allowed Server Total Total number of 405 Not Allowed server response.
43 405 Not Allowed Client Total Total number of 405 Not Allowed client response.
44 406 Not Acceptable Server Total Total number of 406 Not Acceptable server response.
45 406 Not Acceptable Client Total Total number of 406 Not Acceptable client response.
46 407 Proxy Auth Req Server Total Total number of 407 Proxy Auth Req server response.
47 407 Proxy Auth Req Client Total Total number of 407 Proxy Auth Req client response.
48 408 Request Timeout Server Total Total number of 408 Request Timeout server response.
49 408 Request Timeout Client Total Total number of 408 Request Timeout client response.
50 415 Bad Media Type Server Total Total number of 415 Bad Media Type server response.
51 415 Bad Media Type Client Total Total number of 415 Bad Media Type client response.
52 420 Bad Extension Server Total Total number of 420 Bad Extension server response.
53 420 Bad Extension Client Total Total number of 420 Bad Extension client response.
54 421 Extension Reqd Server Total Total number of 421 Extension Reqd server response.
55 421 Extension Reqd Client Total Total number of 421 Extension Reqd client response.
56 422 Too Short Server Total Total number of 422 Too Short server response.
57 422 Too Short Client Total Total number of 422 Too Short client response.
58 423 Too Brief Server Total Total number of 423 Too Brief server response.
59 423 Too Brief Client Total Total number of 423 Too Brief client response.
60 480 Unavailable Server Total Total number of 480 Unavailable server response.
61 480 Unavailable Client Total Total number of 480 Unavailable client response.
62 481 Does Not Exist Server Total Total number of 481 Does Not Exist server response.
63 481 Does Not Exist Client Total Total number of 481 Does Not Exist client response.
64 482 Loop Detected Server Total Total number of 482 Loop Detected server response.
65 482 Loop Detected Client Total Total number of 482 Loop Detected client response.
66 483 Too Many Hops Server Total Total number of 483 Too Many Hops server response.
67 483 Too Many Hops Client Total Total number of 483 Too Many Hops client response.
68 484 Address Incompl Server Total Total number of 484 Address Incompl server response.
69 484 Address Incompl Client Total Total number of 484 Address Incompl client response.
70 485 Ambiguous Server Total Total number of 485 Ambiguous server response.
71 485 Ambiguous Client Total Total number of 485 Ambiguous client response.
72 486 Busy Here Server Total Total number of 486 Busy Here server response.
73 486 Busy Here Client Total Total number of 486 Busy Here client response.
74 486 Busy Here Server Total Total number of 486 Busy Here server response.
75 486 Busy Here Client Total Total number of 486 Busy Here client response.
76 487 Terminated Server Total Total number of 487 Terminated server response.
77 487 Terminated Client Total Total number of 487 Terminated client response.
78 488 Not Acceptable Server Total Total number of 488 Not Acceptable server response.
79 488 Not Acceptable Client Total Total number of 488 Not Acceptable client response.
80 489 Bad Event Server Total Total number of 489 Bad Event server response.
81 489 Bad Event Client Total Total number of 489 Bad Event client response.
82 491 Req Pending Server Total Total number of 491 Req Pending server response.
83 491 Req Pending Client Total Total number of 491 Req Pending client response.
84 4xx Server Total Total number of 4xx error server response.
85 4xx Client Total Total number of 4xx error client response.
86 500 Internal Error Server Total Total number of 500 Internal Error server response.
87 500 Internal Error Client Total Total number of 500 Internal Error client response.
88 501 Not Implemented Server Total Total number of 501 Not Implemented error server response.
89 501 Not Implemented Client Total Total number of 501 Not Implemented error client response.
90 502 Bad Gateway Server Total Total number of 502 Bad Gateway error server response.
91 502 Bad Gateway Client Total Total number of 502 Bad Gateway error client response.
92 503 Service Unavail Server Total Total number of 503 Service Unavail error server response.
93 503 Service Unavail Client Total Total number of 503 Service Unavail error client response.
94 504 Gateway Timeout Server Total Total number of 504 Gateway Timeout error server response.
95 504 Gateway Timeout Client Total Total number of 504 Gateway Timeout error client response.
97 513 Msg Too Large Client Total Total number of 513 Msg Too Large error client response.
98 580 Precon Failure Server Total Total number of 580 Precon Failure error server response.
99 580 Precon Failure Client Total Total number of 580 Precon Failure error client response.
100 5xx Server Total Total number of 5xx error server response.
101 5xx Client Total Total number of 5xx error client response.
102 600 Busy Everywhere Server Total Total number of 600 Busy Everywhere error server response.
103 600 Busy Everywhere Client Total Total number of 600 Busy Everywhere error client response.
104 603 Decline Server Total Total number of 603 Decline error server response.
105 603 Decline Client Total Total number of 603 Decline error client response.
106 604 Not Found Server Total Total number of 604 Not Found error server response.
107 604 Not Found Client Total Total number of 604 Not Found error client response.
108 606 Not Acceptable Server Total Total number of 606 Not Acceptable error server response.
109 606 Not Acceptable Client Total Total number of 606 Not Acceptable error client response.
110 6xx Server Total Total number of 6xx error server response.
111 6xx Client Total Total number of 6xx error client response.
112 Response Retrans Server Total Total number of server Response retransmission requests
113 Response Retrans Client Total Total number of client Response retransmission requests
114 Transaction Timeouts Server Total Total number of server transaction timeouts.
115 Transaction Timeouts Client Total Total number of client transaction timeouts.


This HDR group identifies global counts for listed responses to SIP Methods across a unique SIP Interface. sip-interface-method is this HDR group's configured name.

CSV position HDR Column Name Description
1 TimeStamp Timestamp of this HDR record.
2 Interface Name of this SIP Interface.
3 Message/Event Name of the SIP Method.
4 Request Server Total Total number of server requests.
5 Request Client Total Total number of client requests.
6 Retransmissions Server Total Total number of server retransmission requests.
7 Retransmissions Client Total Total number of client retransmission requests.
8 100 Trying Server Total Total number of 100 Trying server response
9 100 Trying Client Total Total number of 100 Trying client response
10 180 Ringing Server Total Total number of 180 Ringing server response.
11 180 Ringing Client Total Total number of 180 Ringing client response.
12 181 Forward Server Total Total number of 181 Forward server response.
13 181 Forward Client Total Total number of 181 Forward client response.
14 182 Queued Server Total Total number of Invite 182 Queued Server response
15 182 Queued Client Total Total number of 182 Queued client response.
16 183 Progress Server Total Total Invite 182 Queued Server response
17 183 Progress Client Total Total number of 183 Progress client response.
18 1xx Server Total Total number of 1xx server response
19 1xx Client Total Total number of 1xx client response
20 200OK Server Total Total number of 200OK server response
21 200OK Client Total Total number of 200OK client response
22 202 Accepted Server Total Total number of 202Accepted server response
23 202 Accepted Client Total Total number of 202 Accepted client response
24 2xx Success Server Total Total number of 2xx Success server response
25 2xx Client Total Total number of 2xx Success client response
26 30x Moved Server Total Total number of 30x Moved server response
27 30x Moved Client Total Total number of 30x Moved client response
28 305 Use ProxyServer Total Total number of 305 Use Proxy server response
29 305 Use ProxyClient Total Total number of 305 Use Proxy client response
30 380 Alternative Server Total Total number of 380 Alternative server response
31 380 Alternative Client Total Total number of 380 Alternative client response
32 3xx Redirect Server Total Total number of 3xx Redirect server response.
33 3xx Redirect Client Total Total number of 3xx Redirect client response.
34 400 Bad Request Server Total Total number of 400 Bad Request server response.
35 400 Bad Request Client Total Total number of 400 Bad Request client response.
36 401 Unauthorized Server Total Total number of 401 Unauthorized server response.
37 401 Unauthorized Client Total Total number of 401 Unauthorized client response.
38 403 Forbidden Server Total Total number of 403 Forbidden server response.
39 403 Forbidden Client Total Total number of 403 Forbidden client response.
40 404 Not Found Server Total Total number of 404 Not Found server response.
41 404 Not Found Client Total Total number of 404 Not Found client response.
42 405 Not Allowed Server Total Total number of 405 Not Allowed server response.
43 405 Not Allowed Client Total Total number of 405 Not Allowed client response.
44 406 Not Acceptable Server Total Total number of 406 Not Acceptable server response.
45 406 Not Acceptable Client Total Total number of 406 Not Acceptable client response.
46 407 Proxy Auth Req Server Total Total number of 407 Proxy Auth Req server response.
47 407 Proxy Auth Req Client Total Total number of 407 Proxy Auth Req client response.
48 408 Request Timeout Server Total Total number of 408 Request Timeout server response.
49 408 Request Timeout Client Total Total number of 408 Request Timeout client response.
50 415 Bad Media Type Server Total Total number of 415 Bad Media Type server response.
51 415 Bad Media Type Client Total Total number of 415 Bad Media Type client response.
52 420 Bad Extension Server Total Total number of 420 Bad Extension server response.
53 420 Bad Extension Client Total Total number of 420 Bad Extension client response.
54 421 Extension Reqd Server Total Total number of 421 Extension Reqd server response.
55 421 Extension Reqd Client Total Total number of 421 Extension Reqd client response.
56 422 Too Short Server Total Total number of 422 Too Short server response.
57 422 Too Short Client Total Total number of 422 Too Short client response.
58 423 Too Brief Server Total Total number of 423 Too Brief server response.
59 423 Too Brief Client Total Total number of 423 Too Brief client response.
60 480 Unavailable Server Total Total number of 480 Unavailable server response.
61 480 Unavailable Client Total Total number of 480 Unavailable client response.
62 481 Does Not Exist Server Total Total number of 481 Does Not Exist server response.
63 481 Does Not Exist Client Total Total number of 481 Does Not Exist client response.
64 482 Loop Detected Server Total Total number of 482 Loop Detected server response.
65 482 Loop Detected Client Total Total number of 482 Loop Detected client response.
66 483 Too Many Hops Server Total Total number of 483 Too Many Hops server response.
67 483 Too Many Hops Client Total Total number of 483 Too Many Hops client response.
68 484 Address Incompl Server Total Total number of 484 Address Incompl server response.
69 484 Address Incompl Client Total Total number of 484 Address Incompl client response.
70 485 Ambiguous Server Total Total number of 485 Ambiguous server response.
71 485 Ambiguous Client Total Total number of 485 Ambiguous client response.
72 486 Busy Here Server Total Total number of 486 Busy Here server response.
73 486 Busy Here Client Total Total number of 486 Busy Here client response.
74 486 Busy Here Server Total Total number of 486 Busy Here server response.
75 486 Busy Here Client Total Total number of 486 Busy Here client response.
76 487 Terminated Server Total Total number of 487 Terminated server response.
77 487 Terminated Client Total Total number of 487 Terminated client response.
78 488 Not Acceptable Server Total Total number of 488 Not Acceptable server response.
79 488 Not Acceptable Client Total Total number of 488 Not Acceptable client response.
80 489 Bad Event Server Total Total number of 489 Bad Event server response.
81 489 Bad Event Client Total Total number of 489 Bad Event client response.
82 491 Req Pending Server Total Total number of 491 Req Pending server response.
83 491 Req Pending Client Total Total number of 491 Req Pending client response.
84 4xx Server Total Total number of 4xx error server response.
85 4xx Client Total Total number of 4xx error client response.
86 500 Internal Error Server Total Total number of 500 Internal Error server response.
87 500 Internal Error Client Total Total number of 500 Internal Error client response.
88 501 Not Implemented Server Total Total number of 501 Not Implemented error server response.
89 501 Not Implemented Client Total Total number of 501 Not Implemented error client response.
90 502 Bad Gateway Server Total Total number of 502 Bad Gateway error server response.
91 502 Bad Gateway Client Total Total number of 502 Bad Gateway error client response.
92 503 Service Unavail Server Total Total number of 503 Service Unavail error server response.
93 503 Service Unavail Client Total Total number of 503 Service Unavail error client response.
94 504 Gateway Timeout Server Total Total number of 504 Gateway Timeout error server response.
95 504 Gateway Timeout Client Total Total number of 504 Gateway Timeout error client response.
97 513 Msg Too Large Client Total Total number of 513 Msg Too Large error client response.
98 580 Precon Failure Server Total Total number of 580 Precon Failure error server response.
99 580 Precon Failure Client Total Total number of 580 Precon Failure error client response.
100 5xx Server Total Total number of 5xx error server response.
101 5xx Client Total Total number of 5xx error client response.
102 600 Busy Everywhere Server Total Total number of 600 Busy Everywhere error server response.
103 600 Busy Everywhere Client Total Total number of 600 Busy Everywhere error client response.
104 603 Decline Server Total Total number of 603 Decline error server response.
105 603 Decline Client Total Total number of 603 Decline error client response.
106 604 Not Found Server Total Total number of 604 Not Found error server response.
107 604 Not Found Client Total Total number of 604 Not Found error client response.
108 606 Not Acceptable Server Total Total number of 606 Not Acceptable error server response.
109 606 Not Acceptable Client Total Total number of 606 Not Acceptable error client response.
110 6xx Server Total Total number of 6xx error server response.
111 6xx Client Total Total number of 6xx error client response.
112 Response Retrans Server Total Total number of server Response retransmission requests
113 Response Retrans Client Total Total number of client Response retransmission requests
114 Transaction Timeouts Server Total Total number of server transaction timeouts.
115 Transaction Timeouts Client Total Total number of client transaction timeouts.


This HDR group identifies global counts for listed responses to SIP Methods across a unique session agent. sip-agent-method is this HDR group's configured name.

CSV position HDR Column Name Description
1 TimeStamp Timestamp of this HDR record.
2 Agent Name of this session agent.
3 Message/Event Name of the SIP Method.
4 Request Server Total Total number of server requests.
5 Request Client Total Total number of client requests.
6 Retransmissions Server Total Total number of server retransmission requests.
7 Retransmissions Client Total Total number of client retransmission requests.
8 100 Trying Server Total Total number of 100 Trying server response
9 100 Trying Client Total Total number of 100 Trying client response
10 180 Ringing Server Total Total number of 180 Ringing server response.
11 180 Ringing Client Total Total number of 180 Ringing client response.
12 181 Forward Server Total Total number of 181 Forward server response.
13 181 Forward Client Total Total number of 181 Forward client response.
14 182 Queued Server Total Total number of Invite 182 Queued Server response
15 182 Queued Client Total Total number of 182 Queued client response.
16 183 Progress Server Total Total Invite 182 Queued Server response
17 183 Progress Client Total Total number of 183 Progress client response.
18 1xx Server Total Total number of 1xx server response
19 1xx Client Total Total number of 1xx client response
20 200OK Server Total Total number of 200OK server response
21 200OK Client Total Total number of 200OK client response
22 202 Accepted Server Total Total number of 202Accepted server response
23 202 Accepted Client Total Total number of 202 Accepted client response
24 2xx Success Server Total Total number of 2xx Success server response
25 2xx Client Total Total number of 2xx Success client response
26 30x Moved Server Total Total number of 30x Moved server response
27 30x Moved Client Total Total number of 30x Moved client response
28 305 Use ProxyServer Total Total number of 305 Use Proxy server response
29 305 Use ProxyClient Total Total number of 305 Use Proxy client response
30 380 Alternative Server Total Total number of 380 Alternative server response
31 380 Alternative Client Total Total number of 380 Alternative client response
32 3xx Redirect Server Total Total number of 3xx Redirect server response.
33 3xx Redirect Client Total Total number of 3xx Redirect client response.
34 400 Bad Request Server Total Total number of 400 Bad Request server response.
35 400 Bad Request Client Total Total number of 400 Bad Request client response.
36 401 Unauthorized Server Total Total number of 401 Unauthorized server response.
37 401 Unauthorized Client Total Total number of 401 Unauthorized client response.
38 403 Forbidden Server Total Total number of 403 Forbidden server response.
39 403 Forbidden Client Total Total number of 403 Forbidden client response.
40 404 Not Found Server Total Total number of 404 Not Found server response.
41 404 Not Found Client Total Total number of 404 Not Found client response.
42 405 Not Allowed Server Total Total number of 405 Not Allowed server response.
43 405 Not Allowed Client Total Total number of 405 Not Allowed client response.
44 406 Not Acceptable Server Total Total number of 406 Not Acceptable server response.
45 406 Not Acceptable Client Total Total number of 406 Not Acceptable client response.
46 407 Proxy Auth Req Server Total Total number of 407 Proxy Auth Req server response.
47 407 Proxy Auth Req Client Total Total number of 407 Proxy Auth Req client response.
48 408 Request Timeout Server Total Total number of 408 Request Timeout server response.
49 408 Request Timeout Client Total Total number of 408 Request Timeout client response.
50 415 Bad Media Type Server Total Total number of 415 Bad Media Type server response.
51 415 Bad Media Type Client Total Total number of 415 Bad Media Type client response.
52 420 Bad Extension Server Total Total number of 420 Bad Extension server response.
53 420 Bad Extension Client Total Total number of 420 Bad Extension client response.
54 421 Extension Reqd Server Total Total number of 421 Extension Reqd server response.
55 421 Extension Reqd Client Total Total number of 421 Extension Reqd client response.
56 422 Too Short Server Total Total number of 422 Too Short server response.
57 422 Too Short Client Total Total number of 422 Too Short client response.
58 423 Too Brief Server Total Total number of 423 Too Brief server response.
59 423 Too Brief Client Total Total number of 423 Too Brief client response.
60 480 Unavailable Server Total Total number of 480 Unavailable server response.
61 480 Unavailable Client Total Total number of 480 Unavailable client response.
62 481 Does Not Exist Server Total Total number of 481 Does Not Exist server response.
63 481 Does Not Exist Client Total Total number of 481 Does Not Exist client response.
64 482 Loop Detected Server Total Total number of 482 Loop Detected server response.
65 482 Loop Detected Client Total Total number of 482 Loop Detected client response.
66 483 Too Many Hops Server Total Total number of 483 Too Many Hops server response.
67 483 Too Many Hops Client Total Total number of 483 Too Many Hops client response.
68 484 Address Incompl Server Total Total number of 484 Address Incompl server response.
69 484 Address Incompl Client Total Total number of 484 Address Incompl client response.
70 485 Ambiguous Server Total Total number of 485 Ambiguous server response.
71 485 Ambiguous Client Total Total number of 485 Ambiguous client response.
72 486 Busy Here Server Total Total number of 486 Busy Here server response.
73 486 Busy Here Client Total Total number of 486 Busy Here client response.
74 486 Busy Here Server Total Total number of 486 Busy Here server response.
75 486 Busy Here Client Total Total number of 486 Busy Here client response.
76 487 Terminated Server Total Total number of 487 Terminated server response.
77 487 Terminated Client Total Total number of 487 Terminated client response.
78 488 Not Acceptable Server Total Total number of 488 Not Acceptable server response.
79 488 Not Acceptable Client Total Total number of 488 Not Acceptable client response.
80 489 Bad Event Server Total Total number of 489 Bad Event server response.
81 489 Bad Event Client Total Total number of 489 Bad Event client response.
82 491 Req Pending Server Total Total number of 491 Req Pending server response.
83 491 Req Pending Client Total Total number of 491 Req Pending client response.
84 4xx Server Total Total number of 4xx error server response.
85 4xx Client Total Total number of 4xx error client response.
86 500 Internal Error Server Total Total number of 500 Internal Error server response.
87 500 Internal Error Client Total Total number of 500 Internal Error client response.
88 501 Not Implemented Server Total Total number of 501 Not Implemented error server response.
89 501 Not Implemented Client Total Total number of 501 Not Implemented error client response.
90 502 Bad Gateway Server Total Total number of 502 Bad Gateway error server response.
91 502 Bad Gateway Client Total Total number of 502 Bad Gateway error client response.
92 503 Service Unavail Server Total Total number of 503 Service Unavail error server response.
93 503 Service Unavail Client Total Total number of 503 Service Unavail error client response.
94 504 Gateway Timeout Server Total Total number of 504 Gateway Timeout error server response.
95 504 Gateway Timeout Client Total Total number of 504 Gateway Timeout error client response.
97 513 Msg Too Large Client Total Total number of 513 Msg Too Large error client response.
98 580 Precon Failure Server Total Total number of 580 Precon Failure error server response.
99 580 Precon Failure Client Total Total number of 580 Precon Failure error client response.
100 5xx Server Total Total number of 5xx error server response.
101 5xx Client Total Total number of 5xx error client response.
102 600 Busy Everywhere Server Total Total number of 600 Busy Everywhere error server response.
103 600 Busy Everywhere Client Total Total number of 600 Busy Everywhere error client response.
104 603 Decline Server Total Total number of 603 Decline error server response.
105 603 Decline Client Total Total number of 603 Decline error client response.
106 604 Not Found Server Total Total number of 604 Not Found error server response.
107 604 Not Found Client Total Total number of 604 Not Found error client response.
108 606 Not Acceptable Server Total Total number of 606 Not Acceptable error server response.
109 606 Not Acceptable Client Total Total number of 606 Not Acceptable error client response.
110 6xx Server Total Total number of 6xx error server response.
111 6xx Client Total Total number of 6xx error client response.
112 Response Retrans Server Total Total number of server Response retransmission requests
113 Response Retrans Client Total Total number of client Response retransmission requests
114 Transaction Timeouts Server Total Total number of server transaction timeouts.
115 Transaction Timeouts Client Total Total number of client transaction timeouts.


Displays SIP/SRVCC statistics regarding counters of the states of calls handovers. This HDR group corresponds to the show sipd srvcc command and the apSipSRVCCStatsGroup found in ap-sip.mib.

Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 Timestamp Integer The window of time the HDR collector used to collect the data. The value is in seconds.
2 Total Calls Counter 0-2147483647 Total calls subjected to SRVCC
3 Total Success Counter 0-2147483647 Total successful SRVCC HO
4 Total Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total failed SRVCC HO
5 Total Cancelled Counter 0-2147483647 Total cancelled SRVCC HO
6 Calls After Answer Counter 0-2147483647 Total calls subjected to SRVCC after answer
7 After Answer Success Counter 0-2147483647 Total successful SRVCC HO after answer
8 After Answer Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total failed SRVCC HO after answer
9 Calls During Alerting Counter 0-2147483647 Total calls subjected to SRVCC during alerting.
10 During Alerting Success Counter 0-2147483647 Total successful SRVCC HO during alerting.
11 During Alerting Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total failed SRVCC HO during alerting.
12 ATCF Cancellation Counter 0-2147483647 Total ATCF cancellations
13 Total Emergency Calls Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRVCC HO for Emergency calls
14 Emergency Success Counter 0-2147483647 Total successful SRVCC HO for Emergency calls
15 Emergency Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total failed SRVCC HO for Emergency calls
16 EATF Cancellation Counter 0-2147483647 Total EATF Cancellations
17 Calls During Pre-Alerting Counter 0-2147483647

Total calls subjected to SRVCC during pre-alerting

18 During Pre-Alerting Success Counter 0-2147483647

Total successful SRVCC HO during pre-alerting

19 During Per-Alerting Failed Counter 0-2147483647

Total failed SRVCC HO during pre-alerting


Displays external policy server statistics per configured policy server. This HDR group corresponds to the show policy-server <name> command and the apDiamRxPolicyServerStatsTable found in ap-diameter.mib.

Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 Timestamp Integer The window of time the HDR collector used to collect the data. The value is in seconds.
2 Policy Server Name String Name of the Rx policy Server
3 Sockets Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of sockets created for Rx Policy Server
4 Connections Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of transport connections created for Rx Policy Server
5 Client Transactions (CT) Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of client transactions for Rx Policy Server
6 CT Reserve Requests Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of client transactions reserve requests sent for Rx Policy Server
7 CT Update Requests Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of client transactions Update requests sent for Rx Policy Server
8 CT Remove Requests Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of client transactions Remove requests sent for Rx Policy Server
9 CT Requests Re-Trans Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of re-transmitted request for client transactions for Rx Policy Server
10 CT Install Resp Received Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of client transactions Install response received for Rx Policy Server
11 CT Reject Resp Received Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of client transactions Reject response received for Rx Policy Server
12 CT Remove Resp Received Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of client transactions Remove response received for Rx Policy Server
13 CT Errors Received Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of client transactions Errors received for Rx Policy Server
14 CT Transaction Timeouts Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of client transaction timeouts for Rx Policy Server
15 CT Errors Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of client transaction errors for Rx Policy Server
16 Server Transactions (ST) Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of server transaction for Rx Policy Server
17 ST Requests Received Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of request received on server transaction for Rx Policy Server
18 ST Dup Req Received Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of duplicate request received on server transaction for Rx Policy Server
19 ST Success Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of success responses sent by server transactions for Rx Policy Server
20 ST Error Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of error responses sent by server transactions for Rx Policy Server
21 ST Requests Dropped Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of requests dropped by server transactions for Rx Policy Server
22 CER Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of CER messages sent by this Rx Policy Server.
23 CEA Success Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of CEA success messages for this Rx Policy Server.
24 CEA Errors Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of CEA error messages for this Rx Policy Server.
25 AAR Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of AAR messages sent by this Rx Policy Server.
26 AAA Success Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of AAA success messages for this Rx Policy Server.
27 AAA Errors Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of AAA error messages for this Rx Policy Server.
28 STR Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of STR messages sent by this Rx Policy Server.
29 STA Success Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of STA success messages for this Rx Policy Server.
30 STA Errors Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of STA error messages for this Rx Policy Server.
31 RAR Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of RAR messages sent by this Rx Policy Server.
32 RAA Rcvd Success Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of RAA success messages for this Rx Policy Server.
33 RAA Rcvd Errors Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of RAA error messages for this Rx Policy Server.
34 DWR Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of DWR messages sent by this Rx Policy Server.
35 DWA Success Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of DWA success messages for this Rx Policy Server.
36 DWA Errors Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of DWA error messages for this Rx Policy Server.
37 DWR Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of DWR messages received by this Rx Policy Server.
38 DWA Rcvd Success Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of DWA success messages sent by this Rx Policy Server.
39 DWA Rcvd Errors Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of DWA error messages sent by this Rx Policy Server.
40 ASR Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of ASR messages sent by this Rx Policy Server.
41 ASA Rcvd Success Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of ASA success messages for this Rx Policy Server.
42 ASA Rcvd Errors Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of ASA error messages for this Rx Policy Server.


Displays IKE Session Agent counters. This HDR group corresponds to the show sa stats ike command and the apSecuritySAIKEStats found in ap-security.mib.

Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 Timestamp Integer The window of time the HDR collector used to collect the data. The value is in seconds.
2 ADD-SA Req Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total IKE ADD-SA Requests received
3 ADD-SA Success Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IKE ADD-SA success response sent
4 ADD-SA Fail Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IKE ADD-SA fail response sent
5 DEL-SA Req Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total IKE DEL-SA Requests received.
6 DEL-SA Success Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IKE DEL-SA Success response sent
7 DEL-SA Fail Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IKE DEL-SA Fail response sent.
8 ACQUIRE-SA Req Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IKE ACQUIRE-SA Requests sent.
9 ACQUIRE-SA Success Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total IKE ACQUIRE -SA Success response received.
10 ACQUIRE-SA Fail Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total IKE ACQUIRE -SA Fail response received.
11 ACQUIRE-SA Trans Timeouts Counter 0-2147483647 Total IKE ACQUIRE -SA Transaction timeouts.
12 SA Added Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Added.
13 SA Add Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Add Failed
14 SA Deleted Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Deleted.
15 SA Delete Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Delete failed.


Displays IMS-AKA Session Agent counters. This HDR group corresponds to the show sa stats ims-aka all command and the apSipSRVCCStatsobjects found in ap-sip.mib.

Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 TimeStamp Integer The window of time the HDR collector used to collect the data. The value is in seconds.
2 ADD-SA Req Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA ADD-SA Requests sent
3 ADD-SA Req Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA ADD-SA Requests received
4 ADD-SA Success Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA ADD-SA success response sent
5 ADD-SA Success Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA ADD-SA success response received
6 ADD-SA Fail Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA ADD-SA fail response sent
7 ADD-SA Fail Invalid Param Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA ADD-SA Fail Message sent due to invalid parameter.
8 ADD-SA Fail Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA ADD-SA fail response received
9 ADD-SA Fail Addr Mask Mismatch Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA ADD-SA Fail Message sent due to Address Mask Mismatch.
10 ADD-SA Fail Inv Proto Params Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA ADD-SA Fail Message sent due to invalid Protocol parameters.
11 ADD-SA Fail Inv Proto Data Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA ADD-SA Fail Message sent due to invalid Protocol data.
12 ADD-SA Trans Timeouts Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA ADD-SA Transaction timeouts.
13 DEL-SA Req Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA DEL-SA Requests sent
14 DEL-SA Req Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA DEL-SA Requests received.
15 DEL-SA Success Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA DEL-SA Success response sent
16 DEL-SA Success Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA DEL-SA Success response received.
17 DEL-SA Fail Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA DEL-SA Fail Response sent.
18 DEL-SA Fail Invalid Param Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA DEL-SA Fail Message sent due to invalid parameter
19 DEL-SA Fail Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA DEL-SA Fail responses received.
20 DEL-SA Trans Timeouts Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA DEL-SA Messages resulting from Transaction timeouts
21 DEL-SA Due to Timeout Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA DEL-SA Messages resulting from timeouts.
22 MOD-SA Req Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA MOD-SA Requests sent
23 MOD-SA Req Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA MOD-SA Requests received.
24 MOD-SA Success Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA MOD-SA Success response sent
25 MOD-SA Success Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA MOD-SA Success response received.
26 MOD-SA Fail Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA MOD-SA Fail Response sent.
27 MOD-SA Fail Invalid Param Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA MOD-SA Fail Message sent due to invalid parameter
28 MOD-SA Fail Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA MOD-SA Fail responses received.
29 MOD-SA Trans Timeouts Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA MOD-SA Messages resulting from Transaction timeouts
30 SA Added Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Added.
31 SA Added Inbound Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA SA added in inbound.
32 SA Added Outbound Counter 0-2147483647 Total IMS-AKA SA added in outbound.
33 SA Add Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total SA addition failed.
34 SA Add Inbound PPM Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total SA Add Inbound PPM Failed
35 SA Add Outbound PPM Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total SA Add Outbound PPM Failed
36 SA Deleted Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA deleted.
37 SA Deleted Inbound Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA deleted in the inbound.
38 SA Deleted Outbound Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA deleted in the outbound.
39 SA Delete Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA delete failed.
40 SA Delete Inbound PPM Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Delete Inbound PPM Failed
41 SA Delete Outbound PPM Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Delete Outbound PPM Failed
42 SA Del Fail Addr Mask Mismatch Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Delete Failed due to Addr Mask Mismatch
43 SA Del Fail Inv Proto Params Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Delete Failed due to Invalid Protocol Parameters.
44 SA Del Fail Inv Proto Data Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Delete Failed due to invalid Protocol Data.
45 SA Collision Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA collisions.
46 SA CollisionRecoveryFail Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA collision recovery failed
47 SA CollisionRecoverySucc Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA collision recovery successful
48 SA CollisionRecoveryLkupFail Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA collisions recovery lookup failed.
49 SA Key Not Found Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Key not Found event.
50 SA Key Not Found Timeout Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Key not Found timeout event.
51 SA Key Exists Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Key exists event.
52 SA Recovery Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA recovery event.
53 SA Recovery Fail Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA recovery fail event.
54 SA Trans Queue Counter 0-2147483647 Total count of SA Trans Queue.
55 SA Red Queue Counter 0-2147483647 Total count of SA Redundancy Queue.
56 SA inbound record(SATable) Counter 0-2147483647 Total count of SA inbound record (SA Table)
57 SA outbound record(SATable) Counter 0-2147483647 Total count of SA outbound record (SA Table)
58 SA invalid timer Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of times SA Invalid timer event occurred.
59 SA add fail in table Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of times SA Add fail in table.
60 SA send ADD to Red Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of times SA sent ADD event to redundant peer.
61 SA send MOD to Red Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of times SA sent modify event to redundant peer.
62 SA Rcvd ADD from Active Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of times SA received ADD event from Active
63 SA Rcvd MOD from Active Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of times SA received MODIFY event from Active
64 SA Add Red Queue Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of SA Add to Redundancy Queue failed event.
65 Invalid Red Action Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of Invalid Redundant action
66 Send Timed Del To Red Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of times Timed Del sent to redundant pair.
67 Rcvd Timed Del Frm Act Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of times Timed Del from Active received.
68 SA request transaction queue size integer SA request transaction queue size of the security association agent
69 Allow transaction quota integer Allowed transaction quota of the security association agent
70 Delay delete count integer Delay delete count of the security association agent
71 max trans queue size integer Maximum transaction queue size of the security association agent
72 Total Regmsg Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of registration messages received.
73 Unprotect Msg Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of unprotected registration messages received.
74 Unprotect Msg Before Expiry Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of unprotected registration messages received before expiry.
75 Inbound Prior Disconnects Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of prior disconnects on the inbound.
76 Outbound Prior Disconnects Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of prior disconnects on the outbound.
77 Answer Before Challenge Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of registration answer messages received before challenge.
78 Protect Msg Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of protected registration messages received.
79 Initial Reg Rej too busy Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of initial registration messages rejected with busy error code.
80 Initial Reg Rej no resource Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of initial registration messages rejected because of resource unavailability.
81 Initial Reg Fail alloc mem Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of initial registration messages rejected because of memory allocation failure.
82 Initial Reg Ims entry exist Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of initial registration messages for which IMS entry already exists.
83 Initial Reg Bad sec hdr Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of initial registration messages received with bad security header.
84 Initial Reg Passed quota Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of initial registration messages that passed the quota.
85 Re-Reg Rej too busy Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of re-registration messages rejected with busy error code.
86 Re-Reg Rej no resource Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of re-registration messages rejected because of resource unavailability.
87 Re-Reg Bad sec hdr Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of re-registration messages received with bad security header.
88 Re-Reg No ims entry Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of re-registration messages for which no IMS entry exists.
89 Re-Reg Passed quota Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of re-registration messages that passed the quota.
90 Re-Reg Fwd unpro Reg Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of unprotected re-registration messages that were forwarded.
91 Re-Reg Reuse spi false Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of re-registration messages for which re-use SPI is false.
92 Re-Reg Reuse spi true Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of re-registration messages for which re-use SPI is true.
93 Re-Reg Incomplete reg Counter 0-2147483647 Total number of re-registration messages resulting in incomplete registration.


Displays SRTP Session Agent counters. This HDR group corresponds to the show sa stats srtp command and the apSecuritySASRTPStats found in ap-security.mib.

Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 Timestamp Integer The window of time the HDR collector used to collect the data. The value is in seconds.
2 ADD-SA Req Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP ADD-SA Requests sent
3 ADD-SA Req Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP ADD-SA Requests received
4 ADD-SA Success Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP ADD-SA success response sent
5 ADD-SA Success Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP ADD-SA success response received
6 ADD-SA Fail Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP ADD-SA fail response sent
7 ADD-SA Fail Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP ADD-SA Fail response received.
8 ADD-SA Trans Timeouts Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP ADD-SA Transaction timeouts.
9 DEL-SA Req Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP DEL-SA Requests sent
10 DEL-SA Req Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP DEL-SA Requests received.
11 DEL-SA Success Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP DEL-SA Success response sent
12 DEL-SA Success Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP DEL-SA Success response received.
13 DEL-SA Fail Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP DEL-SA Fail Response sent.
14 DEL-SA Fail Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP DEL-SA Fail response received.
15 DEL-SA Trans Timeouts Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP DEL-SA Transaction timeouts.
16 MOD-SA Req Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP MOD-SA Requests sent
17 MOD-SA Req Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP MOD-SA Requests received.
18 MOD-SA Success Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP MOD-SA Success response sent
19 MOD-SA Success Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP MOD-SA Success response received.
20 MOD-SA Fail Resp Sent Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP MOD-SA Fail Response sent.
21 MOD-SA Fail Resp Rcvd Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP MOD-SA Fail response received.
22 MOD-SA Trans Timeouts Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP MOD-SA transaction timeouts.
23 SA Added Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP SA Added
24 SA Add Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP SA Add failed.
25 SA Deleted Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP SA deleted.
26 SA Delete Failed Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP SA delete failed.
27 SA Collision Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP SA collision
28 SA Key Not Found Counter 0-2147483647 Total SRTP SA Key not found event.


Captures codec usage on a per-realm basis. This HDR group corresponds to the show sipd codecs <realm_id> command and the apCodecRealmStatsTable found in ap-codec.mib.

Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 TimeStamp Integer The window of time the HDR collector used to collect the data. The value is in seconds.
2 Realm Name String Name of the Realm
3 Transcoded Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all sessions for which transcoding between two or more codecs was applied.
4 Transrated Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all sessions for which the packetization interval among dialogs in the session was changed.
5 Transparent Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all sessions for which no transcoding was applied.
6 PCMU Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to PCMU codec.
7 PCMA Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to PCMA codec.
8 G722 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to G722 codec.
9 G723 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to G723 codec.
10 G726-16 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to G726-16 codec.
11 G726-24 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to G726-24 codec.
12 G726-32 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to G726-32 codec.
13 G726-40 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to G726-40 codec.
14 G728 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to G728 codec.
15 G729 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to G729 codec.
16 GSM Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to GSM codec.
17 iLBC Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to iLBC codec.
18 H261 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to H261 codec.
19 H263 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to H263 codec.
20 T38 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to T38 codec.
21 AMR Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to AMR codec.
22 AMR-WB Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to AMR-WB codec.
23 EVRC Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to EVRC codec.
24 EVRC0 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to EVRC0 codec.
25 EVRC1 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to EVRC1 codec.
26 EVRCB Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to EVRCB codec.
27 EVRCB0 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to EVRCB0 codec.
28 EVRCB1 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to EVRCB1 codec.
29 opus Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to opus codec.
30 SILK Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to SILK codec.
31 T140 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to T140 codec.
32 BAUDOT Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to BAUDOT codec.
33 H264 Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to H264 codec.
34 EVS Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to EVS codec.
35 Other Count Counter 0-2147483647 Lifetime total of all SDP media streams received in the realm which negotiated to Other (Unknown) codec.


Displays licensed codecs, the total provisioned capacity, and the current number of sessions in use. This HDR group corresponds to the show xcode load command and apLicenseEntry found in ap-license.mib and apCodecTranscodingResourceUtilMIBObjects found in ap-codec.mib.

Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 TimeStamp Integer The window of time the HDR collector used to collect the data. The value is in seconds.
2 Licensed Codec Name String Name of the licensed Codec
3 Sessions Gauge 0-2147483647 Total number of active transcoded session for this codec.
4 Capacity Integer Total licensed capacity of the codec. If the licensed capacity is uncapped, a zero is displayed.


Displays general counters about transcoding sessions. This HDR group corresponds to the show xcode load command and the apCodecTranscodingTCULoadStatsTable found in ap-codec.mib.

Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 TimeStamp Integer The window of time the HDR collector used to collect the data. The value is in seconds.
2 Total Transcoded Sessions Gauge 64-bit int Total number of active transcoded sessions in the system.
3 DSP MIPS Protection String Indication whether DSP MIPS Protection is active or not.


Displays transcoding resources load statistics. This HDR group corresponds to the show xcode load command and the apCodecTranscodingTCULoadStatsTable found in ap-codec.mib.

Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 TimeStamp Integer The window of time the HDR collector used to collect the data. The value is in seconds.
2 TCU Num Integer Transcoding Unit Number
3 TCM Num Integer Transcoding Module for the particular TCU
4 DSP Num Integer DSP Number for the particular TCM
5 Session Count Gauge 0 - 2147483647 The number of active sessions for a DSP
6 Current Load Gauge 0.00% to 100.00% The current load (in percentage) for a DSP. The precision of the value will be maintained up to two places of decimal as in acli.
7 Peak Load Counter 0.00% to 100.00% The peak lifetime load (in percentage) for a DSP. The precision of the value will be maintained up to two places of decimal as in acli.
8 DSP Overloaded String Indication whether the DSP is overloaded or not


This HDR group collects a wide range of STIR/SHAKEN statistics through show stir. This HDR group's configured name is stir-stats.

The following table lists STIR statistics in this HDR group.

CSV Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 TimeStamp Integer N/A Time that this data was written to this file.
2 STI-Server String N/A Server name as configured on the SBC.
3 AS Queries Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server queries made to the named server.
4 AS Success Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total successful AS server responses received from the named server.
5 AS Fail Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total failed AS server responses received from the named server.
6 AS Fail Service Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server responses received from the named server indicating failure caused by a service exception.
7 AS Fail Policy Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server responses received from the named server indicating failure caused by a policy exception.
8 AS Shaken Passport A Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation A added to the INVITE messages by SBC
9 AS Shaken Passport B Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation B added to the INVITE messages by SBC
10 AS Shaken Passport C Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation C added to the INVITE messages by SBC
11 AS DIV Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total DIV passports added to the INVITE messages by SBC
12 VS Queries Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server queries made to the named server.
13 VS Success Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total successful VS server responses received from the named server.
14 VS Fail Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total failed VS server responses received from the named server.
15 VS Success Verification Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received from the named server indicating verification success.
16 VS Fail Verification Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received from the named server indicating verification failure.
17 VS Fail Service Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received from the named server indicating failure caused by a service exception.
18 VS Fail Policy Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received from the named server indicating failure caused by a policy exception.
19 VS No Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received without any passport by the SBC
20 VS Shaken Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received with shaken passport by the SBC
21 VS Div Passport VS Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received with DIV passport by the SBC
22 TN-Validation-Passed Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to TN-Validation-Passed by the SBC
23 VS TN-Validation-Failed Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to TN-Validation-Failed by the SBC
24 VS No-TN-Validation Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to No-TN-Validation by the SBC
25 STI Server Unreachable Counter 0-2^64-1 The number of times the server has tripped the STI server's 'circuit breaker'
26 STI AS Service Unreachable Counter 0-2^64-1 Total number of times the AS service was unreachable by the SBC
27 STI VS Service Unreachable Counter 0-2^64-1 Total number of times the VS service was unreachable by the SBC


This HDR group collects a wide range of STIR/SHAKEN statistics through show stir. This HDR group's configured name is stir-stats-session-agent.

This table lists STIR session-agent statistics in this HDR group.

Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 TimeStamp Integer N/A Time that this data was written to this file.
2 Session-Agent String N/A Session agent name as configured on the SBC.
3 AS Queries Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server queries made via the named session agent.
4 AS Success Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total successful AS server responses received via the named session agent.
5 AS Fail Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total failed AS server responses received via the named session agent.
6 AS Fail Service Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server responses received via the named session agent indicating failure caused by a service exception.
7 AS Fail Policy Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server responses received via the named session agent indicating failure caused by a policy exception.
8 AS Shaken Passport A Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation A added to the INVITE messages by SBC
9 AS Shaken Passport B Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation B added to the INVITE messages by SBC
10 AS Shaken Passport C Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation C added to the INVITE messages by SBC
11 AS DIV Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total DIV passports added to the INVITE messages by SBC
12 VS Queries Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server queries made via the named session agent.
13 VS Success Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total successful VS server responses received via the named session agent.
14 VS Fail Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total failed VS server responses received via the named session agent.
15 VS Success Verification Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received via the named session agent indicating verification success.
16 VS Fail Verification Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received via the named session agent indicating verification failure.
17 VS Fail Service Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received via the named session agent indicating failure caused by a service exception.
18 VS Fail Policy Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received via the named session agent indicating failure caused by a policy exception.
19 VS No Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received without any passport by the SBC
20 VS Shaken Passport VS Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received with shaken passport by the SBC
21 Div Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received with shaken passport by the SBC
22 VS TN-Validation-Passed Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to TN-Validation-Passed by the SBC
23 VS TN-Validation-Failed Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to TN-Validation-Failed by the SBC
24 VS No-TN-Validation Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to No-TN-Validation by the SBC


This HDR group collects a wide range of STIR/SHAKEN statistics through show stir. This HDR group's configured name is stir-stats-sip-interface.

This table lists STIR statistics in this HDR group.

Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 TimeStamp Integer N/A Time that this data was written to this file.
2 SIP Interface String N/A SIP interface name as configured on the SBC.
3 AS Queries Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server queries made via the named SIP interface.
4 AS Success Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total successful AS server responses received via the named SIP interface.
5 AS Fail Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total failed AS server responses received via the named SIP interface.
6 AS Fail Service Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server responses received via the named SIP interface indicating failure caused by a service exception.
7 AS Fail Policy Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server responses received via the named SIP interface indicating failure caused by a policy exception.
8 AS Shaken Passport A Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation A added to the INVITE messages by SBC
9 AS Shaken Passport B Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation B added to the INVITE messages by SBC
10 AS Shaken Passport C Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation C added to the INVITE messages by SBC
11 AS DIV Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total DIV passports added to the INVITE messages by SBC
12 VS Queries Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server queries made via the named SIP interface.
13 VS Success Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total successful VS server responses received via the named SIP interface.
14 VS Fail Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total failed VS server responses received via the named SIP interface.
15 VS Success Verification Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received via the named SIP interface indicating verification success.
16 VS Fail Verification Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received via the named SIP interface indicating verification failure.
17 VS Fail Service Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received via the named SIP interface indicating failure caused by a service exception.
18 VS Fail Policy Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received via the named SIP interface indicating failure caused by a policy exception.
19 VS No Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received without any passport by the SBC
20 VS Shaken Passport VS Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received with shaken passport by the SBC
21 Div Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received with shaken passport by the SBC
22 VS TN-Validation-Passed Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to TN-Validation-Passed by the SBC
23 VS TN-Validation-Failed Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to TN-Validation-Failed by the SBC
24 VS No-TN-Validation Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to No-TN-Validation by the SBC


This HDR group collects a wide range of STIR/SHAKEN statistics through show stir. This HDR group's configured name is stir-stats-realm.

This table lists STIR statistics in this HDR group.

Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 TimeStamp Integer NA Time that this data was written to this file.
2 Realm String N/A Realm name as configured on the SBC.
3 AS Queries Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server queries made via the named realm.
4 AS Success Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total successful AS server responses received via the named realm.
5 AS Fail Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total failed AS server responses received via the named realm.
6 AS Fail Service Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server responses received via the named realm indicating failure caused by a service exception.
7 AS Fail Policy Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server responses received via the named realm indicating failure caused by a policy exception.
8 AS Shaken Passport A Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation A added to the INVITE messages by SBC
9 AS Shaken Passport B Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation B added to the INVITE messages by SBC
10 AS Shaken Passport C Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation C added to the INVITE messages by SBC
11 AS DIV Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total DIV passports added to the INVITE messages by SBC
12 VS Queries Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server queries made via the named realm.
13 VS Success Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total successful VS server responses received via the named realm.
14 VS Fail Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total failed VS server responses received via the named realm.
15 VS Success Verification Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received via the named realm indicating verification success.
16 VS Fail Verification Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received via the named realm indicating verification failure.
17 VS Fail Service Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received via the named realm indicating failure caused by a service exception.
18 VS Fail Policy Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received via the named realm indicating failure caused by a policy exception.
19 VS No Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received without any passport by the SBC
20 VS Shaken Passport VS Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received with shaken passport by the SBC
21 Div Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received with shaken passport by the SBC
22 VS TN-Validation-Passed Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to TN-Validation-Passed by the SBC
23 VS TN-Validation-Failed Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to TN-Validation-Failed by the SBC
24 VS No-TN-Validation Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to No-TN-Validation by the SBC


This HDR group collects a wide range of STIR/SHAKEN statistics through show stir. This HDR group's configured name is stir-stats-system.

This table lists STIR statistics in this HDR group.

Position HDR Column Name Data Type Range Description
1 TimeStamp N/A N/A Time that this data was written to this file.
2 AS Queries Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server queries made across the system.
3 AS Success Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total successful AS server responses received across the system.
4 AS Fail Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total failed AS server responses received across the system.
5 AS Fail Service Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server responses received across the system realm indicating failure caused by a service exception.
6 AS Fail Policy Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total AS server responses received across the system indicating failure caused by a policy exception.
7 AS Shaken Passport A Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation A added to the INVITE messages by SBC
8 AS Shaken Passport B Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation B added to the INVITE messages by SBC
9 AS Shaken Passport C Counter 0-2^64-1 Total shaken passports with Attestation C added to the INVITE messages by SBC
10 AS DIV Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total DIV passports added to the INVITE messages by SBC
11 VS Queries Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server queries made across the system.
12 VS Success Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total successful VS server responses received across the system.
13 VS Fail Responses Counter 0-2^64-1 Total failed VS server responses received across the system.
14 VS Success Verification Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received across the system indicating verification success.
15 VS Fail Verification Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received across the system indicating verification failure.
16 VS Fail Service Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received across the system indicating failure caused by a service exception.
17 VS Fail Policy Exception Counter 0-2^64-1 Total VS server responses received across the system indicating failure caused by a policy exception.
18 VS No Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received without any passport by the SBC
19 VS Shaken Passport VS Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received with shaken passport by the SBC
20 Div Passport Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages received with shaken passport by the SBC
21 VS TN-Validation-Passed Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to TN-Validation-Passed by the SBC
22 VS TN-Validation-Failed Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to TN-Validation-Failed by the SBC
23 VS No-TN-Validation Counter 0-2^64-1 Total INVITE messages sent with verstat parameter set to No-TN-Validation by the SBC


This HDR group collects a wide range of MSRP stats through show msrp statistics. msrp-stats is this HDR group's configured name.

The following table lists MSRP stats in this HDR group. In the Data Type column, Unit is equal to 0 to 4,294,967,295 and Ulong is equal to 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.

CSV Position HDR Column Name Data Type Description
1 Timestamp Integer The window of time the HDR collector used to collect the data. The value is in seconds.
2 FD Table Size Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer The number of entries in the MSRP File Descriptor Table
3 Session-ID Table Size Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer The number of entries in the MSRP Session-Id table
4 Total Active Sessions Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer The number of total Active MSRP Sessions
5 Maximum Active Sessions Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer The number of max active MSRP sessions
6 Total Established Sessions Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of MSRP Established Sessions
7 Total Provisioned Sessions Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of MSRP Provisioned Sessions
8 Total Finished Sessions Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of MSRP Finished Sessions
9 Total Accepted Connections Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Accepted Connections in MSRP sessions
10 Total Connected Connections Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Connected Connections in MSRP sessions
11 Total Released Connections Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Released Connections in MSRP sessions
12 Total Requests Received Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Stream Requests Received in MSRP sessions
13 Total Requests Sent Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of stream Requests Sent in MSRP sessions
14 Total Responses Received Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Stream Responses Received in MSRP sessions
15 Total Responses Sent Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Stream Responses Sent in MSRP sessions
16 Total Global Buffer Data Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Current Global Buffer Data size for MSRP sessions
17 Total MSRP Nat Flows Added Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of MSRP Nat Flows Added
18 Total MSRP Nat Flows Deleted Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of MSRP Nat Flows Deleted
19 Total No Session Route Failures Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Failed MSRP Sessions due to No Session Route Failure
20 Total Failed Session Connects Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Failed MSRP Sessions that can not connect
21 Total Fingerprint Mismatches Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Failed MSRP Sessions due to Fingerprint Mismatches
22 Total Message Send Failures Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Message Send Failures in MSRP sessions
23 Total Malformed Messages Received Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Malformed Messages Received in MSRP sessions
24 TCP Send-Q Full Events Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of TCP Send-Q Full Events in MSRP sessions
25 TCP Send-Q Congested Events Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of TCP Send-Q Congested Events in MSRP sessions
26 TCP Send-Q Relieved Events Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of TCP Send-Q Relieved Events in MSRP sessions
27 Total No Trans-Id Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of No Trans-Id Stream Errors in MSRP sessions
28 Total No Msg Type Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of No Message Type Stream Errors in MSRP Sessions
29 Total No Byte Length Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of No Byte Length stream Errors in MSRP Sessions
30 Total Buffer Limit Exceeded Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Buffer Limit Exceeded Errors in MSRP Sessions
31 Total Failed Connection Attempts Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Connection Attempts Failed in MSRP Sessions
32 Total Session Reprovision Mismatches Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Session Reprovision Mismatches
33 Total TCP Listen Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of TCP Listen Errors in MSRP Sessions
34 Total TCP Connect Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of TCP Connect Errors in MSRP Sessions
35 Total TCP Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of TCP Errors in MSRP Sessions
36 Total FROM HDRS without a session-id Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of FROM Header without a session-id in MSRP Sessions
37 Total Message without FROM HDRS Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Messages without FROM Header in MSRP Sessions
38 Total FROM HDR Parse errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of FROM Header Parse errors in MSRP Sessions
39 Total FROM HDRS with no Address Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of FROM Header with no Address in MSRP Sessions
40 Total FROM HDRS with no port Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of FROM Header with no port in MSRP Sessions
41 Total From HDRS with no Authority Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of From Header with no Authority in MSRP Sessions
42 Total FROM HDR service type mismatches Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of FROM Header service type mismatches in MSRP Sessions
43 Total Send failures due to No Destination FD found Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of send failures due to No Destination File Descriptor found in MSRP Sessions
44 Total Send failures due to No Destination Session found Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of send failures due to No Destination Session found in MSRP Sessions
45 Total TO HDRS without a session-id Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of TO Headers without a session-id in MSRP Sessions
46 Total Message without TO HDRS Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Messages without TO Header in MSRP Sessions
47 Total TO HDR Parse errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of TO Headers Parse errors in MSRP Sessions
48 Total TO HDRS with no Address Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of TO Headers with no Address in MSRP Sessions
49 Total TO HDRS with no port Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of TO Headers with no port in MSRP Sessions
50 Total TO HDRS with no Authority Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of TO Headers with no Authority in MSRP Sessions
51 Total TO HDR service type mismatches Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of TO Header service type mismatches in MSRP Sessions
52 Total No Dest FD Entry Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of No Destination File Descriptor Entry Errors in MSRP Sessions
53 Total TCP Send Failures Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of TCP Send Failures in MSRP Sessions
54 Total FD Table Insert Collisions Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Insert Collisions errors in File Descriptor Table
55 Total FD Table No Data Insert Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of No Data Insert Errors in File Descriptor Table
56 Total FD Table Memory Insert Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Memory Insert Errors in File Descriptor Table
57 Total FD Table Max Hops Insert Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Max Hops Insert Errors in File Descriptor Table
58 Total FD Table Bad Insert Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Bad Insert Errors in File Descriptor Table
59 Total Session Table Insert Collisions Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Insert Collisions Errors in Session Table
60 Total Session Table No Data Insert Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of No Data Insert Errors in Session Table
61 Total Session Table Memory Insert Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Memory Insert Errors in Session Table
62 Total Session Table Max Hops Insert Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Max Hops Insert Errors in Session Table
63 Total Session Table Bad Insert Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Bad Insert Errors in Session Table
64 Total Flow-To-Session Table Insert Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Insert Errors in Flow-To-Session Table
65 Total PreProvisioned Sessions Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of PreProvisioned Sessions in MSRP Sessions
66 Total PreProvision RX Messages Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of PreProvision RX Messages in MSRP Sessions
67 Sockets in Initial State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sockets in Initial State in MSRP Sessions
68 Sockets in Listening State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sockets in Listening State in MSRP Sessions
69 Sockets in Pending State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sockets in Pending State in MSRP Sessions
70 Sockets in Connecting State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sockets in Connecting State in MSRP Sessions
71 Sockets in Connected State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sockets in Connected State in MSRP Sessions
72 Sockets in Established State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sockets in Established State in MSRP Sessions
73 Sockets in Finished State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sockets in Finished State in MSRP Sessions
74 Sockets in Released State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sockets in Released State in MSRP Sessions
75 Sockets in Unqualified Status Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sockets in Unqualified Status in MSRP Sessions
76 Sessions in Initial State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sessions in Initial State
77 Sessions in Listening State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sessions in Listening State
78 Sessions in Pre-Provisioned State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sessions in Pre-Provisioned State
79 Sessions in Provisioned State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sessions in Provisioned State
80 Sessions in Established State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sessions in Established State
81 Sessions in Finished State Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Sessions in Finished State
82 Closed FD Table Size Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Closed FD Table Size
83 Total Closed FD Table Insert Errors Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Insert Errors in Closed File Descriptor Table
84 Total FD Forced Releases Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Forced Release File Descriptor in MSRP Sessions
85 Total Listen FD Not Found in Forced Releases Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Forced Release Listen File Descriptor Not Found in MSRP Sessions
86 Total Forked FD Not Found in Forced Releases Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Forced Release Forked File Descriptor Not Found in MSRP Sessions
87 Total Listen FD Forced Releases Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Forced Release Listen File Descriptor in MSRP Sessions
88 Total Request Bytes Received Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Request Bytes Received in MSRP Sessions
89 Total Request Bytes Sent Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Request Bytes Sent in MSRP Sessions
90 Total Response Bytes Received Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Response Bytes Received in MSRP Sessions
91 Total Response Bytes Sent Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Response Bytes Sent in MSRP Sessions
92 Total Unqualified Closes Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Unqualified Closes in MSRP Sessions
93 Total Unconnected Closes Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of File Descriptor did not get any connection in MSRP Sessions
94 Total Accept Error Closes Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Accept Error Closes in MSRP Sessions
95 Total Pre-provision Closes Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Pre-provision Closes in MSRP Sessions
96 Total Read Error Closes Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Read Error Closes in MSRP Sessions
97 Total Stream Error Closes Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Stream Error Closes in MSRP Sessions
98 Total Buffer Error Closes Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Buffer Error Closes in MSRP Sessions
99 Total Release Notifications Send Failures Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Release Notification send failures
100 Total Unsent Release Notifications - No ID Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Unsent Release Notifications due to No session ID
101 Total Unsent Release Notifications - No FD Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Unsent Release Notifications due to invalid File Descriptor
102 Total Unsent Release Notifications - No Listen FD Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Unsent Release Notifications due to No Listen File Descriptor
103 CEMA Accepted Connections Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of CEMA Accepted Connections
104 CEMA Connected Connections Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of CEMA Connected Connections
105 Total Active CEMA Sessions Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Active CEMA Sessions
106 Total Established Sessmatch Sessions Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Established Sessmatch Sessions
107 Total Provisioned Sessmatch Sessions Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Provisioned Sessmatch Sessions
108 Total Active Sessmatch Sessions Uint/Unsigned 32-bit integer Total number of Active Sessmatch Sessions
109 Messages Received from Host Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Messages Received from Host in MSRP Sessions
110 Messages Sent to Host Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Messages Sent to Host in MSRP Sessions
111 Messages Sent to Host Fail Ulong/Unsigned 62-bit integer Total number of Messages Sent to Host Failed in MSRP sessions