2 Configure HDR

To configure HDR:

  1. Set the sample and push intervals.
  2. Set the start and end times for collection.
  3. Set HA parameters, if applicable.
  4. Set group parameters.
  5. Set push receivers.
  6. Start the HDR process.


If you modify the HDR configuration parameters, the changed parameters DO NOT take effect until you reboot.

Set Global Collection Attributes

  1. Access the collect configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# system
    ORACLE(system)# system-config
    ORACLE(system-config)# collect
  2. sample-interval—Enter the time in minutes for how often you want the SBC to sample data records.
    • Default: 5
    • Values: Min: 1 / Max: 120
  3. push-interval—Enter the time in minutes for how often you want the SBC to send collected records to push receiver(s).
    • Default: 15
    • Values: Min: 1 / Max: 120
  4. boot-state—Set this parameter to enabled to start group collection or to disabled to prevent the SBC from collecting HDR statistics.

    This parameter does not go into effect until the system is rebooted. You can also use the ACLI request collect start command to start collection; using this command, you can start collection for all groups, or for one specified group.

    • Default: disabled
    • Values: enabled | disabled
  5. start-time—Enter the exact date and time (for your local timezone) when you want the SBC to start HDR collection.
    You can enter now to set the start-time to the current time or you can specify a time in the future. If you specify a datetime, it must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd-HH:MM:SS, where: yyyy is the year, mm is the month, dd is the day, HH in the hour, MM is the minutes, and SS is the second (24-hour clock).
    • Default: now
    • Values: now | <datetime>
  6. end-time—Enter the exact date and time (for your local timezone) when you want the SBC to finish HDR collection.
    You can enter never to set the time to never end or you can specify an end time in the future. If you specify a datetime, it must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd-HH:MM:SS, where: yyyy is the year, mm is the month, dd is the day, HH in the hour, MM is the minutes, and SS is the second (24-hour clock).
    • Default: never
    • Values: never | <datetime>
  7. push-success-trap-state—Set this parameter to enabled if you want the SBC to send a trap confirming successful data pushes to HDR servers.
    • Default: disabled
    • Values: enabled | disabled

Set HDR for an HA Node

If you are using the HDR feature on a High Availability (HA) node (or redundant pair of SBCs), several parameters in the collection configuration must be set for HDR to perform properly.

Oracle recommends strongly that you do not change these parameters from their defaults for a normal HA node configuration. Therefore, if you need to change them to support HDR, you should do so with caution.

To set HDR support across an HA node:

  1. Access the collect configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# system
    ORACLE(system)# system-config
    ORACLE(system-config)# collect
  2. red-collect-state—Enable replication of the HDR data files from the Active to the Standby.
    Replicating ensures no data loss in case the HDR files are not pushed off of the Active before a failover. The data that is pushed to the Standby is generated on the Active SBC and reflects the Active's operating state.
    • Default: disabled
    • Values: enabled | disabled


    Changing the red-collect-state setting does not take effect until SBC is rebooted. This parameter is not RTC supported.
  3. red-max-trans—Enter the maximum number of HA synchronized transactions to maintain on the active system in the HA node.
    • Default: 1000
    • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 999999999
  4. red-sync-start-time—Enter the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the active SBC checks to confirm that it is still the active system in the HA node.
    If the active system is still adequately healthy, this timer resets itself. If for any reason the active has become the standby, it starts to checkpoint with the newly active system when this timer expires.
    • Default: 5000
    • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 999999999
  5. red-sync-comp-time—Enter amount of time, in milliseconds, that determines how frequently after synchronization the standby SBC checkpoints with the active SBC.
    The first interval occurs after initial synchronizations of the systems; this is the timeout for subsequent synchronization requests.
    • Default: 1000
    • Values: Min: 0 / Max: 999999999

Set Multiple Collection Groups

You can configure the SBC to collect multiple groups of statistics. Collection group settings are accessible through the collection configuration. For specific group names, group statistics, and values, see HDR Groups and Group Statistics.

The sample-interval, start-time, and end-time parameters that you set for multiple collection groups override the same parameters set for global collection.


For multiple collection groups, the sample-interval value must always be smaller than the global collection parameter value for push-interval.

To set multiple collection groups:

  1. Access the group-settings configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# system
    ORACLE(system)# system-config
    ORACLE(system-config)# collect
    ORACLE(collect)# group-settings
  2. group-name—Enter the group name corresponding to the records that you want to collect; there are 25 possible groups for which the SBC can collect data. The system group name is the default for this parameter. For additional group names, see HDR Groups and Group Statistics.
  3. sample-interval—Enter the time in minutes for how often you want the SBC to sample data records for the specified group.
    • Default: 5
    • Values: Min: 1 / Max: 120
  4. boot-state—Set this parameter to enabled to start group collection, or to disabled to prevent the SBC from collecting HDR statistics for this group.
    A reboot is required to take effect. You can also use the request collect start command to start collection for all groups or for one specified group.
    • Default: disabled
    • Values: enabled | disabled
  5. start-time—Enter the exact date and time (for your local timezone) when you want the SBC to start collecting records for this group.
    You can enter now to set the start-time to the current time, or you can specify a time in the future. If you specify a time, it must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd-HH:MM:SS, where: yyyy is the year, mm is the month, dd is the day, HH is the hour, MM is the minutes, and SS is the second (24-hour clock).
    • Default: now
    • Values: now | <datetime>
  6. end-time—Enter the exact date and time (for your local timezone) when you want the SBC to stop collecting records for this group.
    You can enter never to set the time to never end or you can specify a time in the future. If you specify a time, it must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd-HH:MM:SS, where: yyyy is the year, mm is the month, dd is the day, HH is the hour, MM is the minutes, and SS is the second (24-hour clock).
    • Default: never
    • Values: never | <datetime>
  7. Type done to save your configuration.

Set Push Receivers

Each push receiver represents an SFTP server to which the SBC pushes records.

If you configure multiple push-receivers, the SBC sends data to all of the servers. If one server fails, the SBC generates an SNMP trap. The SBC makes 3 attempts to send data to the failed server. If the server cannot receive the data, the SBC clears the data for that server. For example, if there are four servers configured, and the SBC successfully pushes data to three of them, the SBC generates a trap indicating the fourth server is down and after 3 attempts to send the data, the data is cleared.

To set servers as push receivers:

  1. Access the push-receiver configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# system
    ORACLE(system)# system-config 
    ORACLE(system-config)# select
    ORACLE(system-config)# collect 
    ORACLE(collect)# select
    ORACLE(collect)# push-receiver 
  2. address—Enter the IP address of the push receiver to which you want records sent.
    • Default:
  3. username—Enter the username that the SBC uses when it sends records to this server.
  4. password—Enter the password that the SBC uses when it sends records to this server.
    ORACLE(push-receiver)# password 
    Enter password: 
    Retype password: 
    Password updated
  5. data-store—Enter the absolute path on the remote server where you want the collected data placed.
  6. protocol—Enter the protocol to use when sending HDR collection records.


    For SFTP to work, you must import the public key of the SFTP server into the SBC. See the "Manage SSH Keys" in the ACLI Configuration Guide.

Manage the HDR Process

Use the request command to manage the HDR process.

Start the HDR Process

To start the HDR process for all records:

ORACLE# request collect start all

To start the HDR process for a specific collection group:

ORACLE# request collect start voltage

Stop the HDR Process

To stop the HDR process for all records:

ORACLE# request collect stop all

To stop the HDR process for a specific collection group:

ORACLE# request collect stop voltage

Restart the HDR Process

To restart the HDR process:

ORACLE# request collect restart

Check the Status of the HDR Process

To check the status of the HDR process:

ORACLE# request collect status

Purge HDR Data

To purge all records:

ORACLE# request collect purge