HDR Data

HDR data consists of a group and its associated statistics. HDR data comes from two sources:

  • MIB-associated groups and group statistics
  • ACLI-associated groups and group statistics

You can configure the SBC to collect statistics for all groups or a specific group. See the "Configure HDR" chapter.

When HDR is enabled, the SBC forwards statistical records in CSV format to SFTP servers. Before pushing a file, the collector creates a directory for each group (for example, fan, sip-client, system, etc.) if the directory does not exist from a previous push.

The collector can push multiple CSV files per directory. The syntax for file names is <Unix timestamp>.csv (for example, 1652086003.csv). The filename timestamp is the time that the CSV file was created.

Within the file, each record has an associated record timestamp. The record timestamp is the window of time that the HDR collector used to collect the data. For more information on windows of time, see Windows of Time.

The first record of each file is a header containing the attribute name. For example, in the space directory, a file named 1652086003.csv will contain the header attribute names of TimeStamp, Volume Name, Space Used, and Space Available.

The following example shows the output from a Space HDR collection.

$ cd space/
$ cat 1652086003.csv
TimeStamp,Volume Name,Space Used,Space Available