Show Commands Associated with HDR Groups

This section provides ACLI show command output tables and descriptions. These show commands are associated with the HDR Groups described in the section, ACLI-Associated Groups and Group Statistics.


The show sipd agents command is associated with the session-agent HDR Group, and the show sipd realms command is associated with the session-realm HDR Group (in the section MIB-Associated Groups and Group Statistics). The show sipd realm command is also associated with the registration-realm HDR Group in the section, ACLI-Associated Groups and Group Statistics.

show sipd sessions

The show sipd sessions command displays information about SIP session transactions on the SBC. These statistics include session information over Period and Lifetime monitoring spans, as well as information on active sessions. For associated HDR Group and Group Statistics, see sip-sessions.

ORACLE> show sipd sessions
SIP Session Status         -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                 Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Sessions             10      10      10         65      10      55
  Initial            10      30      40         65      50       5
  Early              20      10      30         65      45      10
  Established        15      10      25         60      30      35
  Terminated          3       0       3          5      10      10
Dialogs              10       3      13         45      20      30
  Early               7       8      15         47      25      25
  Confirmed          15       0      15         60      40      10
  Terminated          4       0       4         45      25      20
Parameter Description
Sessions Number of sessions established by INVITE and SUBSCRIBE messages
Initial Number of sessions for which an INVITE or SUBSCRIBE is being forwarded.
Early Number of sessions for which the first provisional response (1xx other than 100) is received.
Established Number of sessions for which a success (2xx) response is received.
Terminated Number of sessions for which the session is ended by receiving or sending a BYE for an “Established” session or forwarding an error response for an “Initial” or “Early” session. The session remains in the Terminated state until all the resources for the session are freed.
Dialogs Number of end-to-end SIP signaling connections.
Early Number of dialogs created by a provisional response.
Confirmed Number of dialogs created by a success response. An “Early” dialog transitions to Confirmed when a success response is received.
Terminated Number of dialogs that ended by receiving/sending a BYE for an “Established” session or receiving/sending error response “Early” dialog. The dialog remains in the Terminated state until all the resources for the session are freed.

show sipd agents

The show sipd agents command displays statistics related to defined SIP session agents. SIP session agents can be softswitches, SIP proxies, application servers, SIP gateways, or SIP endpoints.

In addition to functioning as a single logical next hop for a signaling message (for example, where a SIP INVITE is forwarded), session agents can provide information about next or previous hops for packets in a SIP agent, including providing a list of equivalent next hops.

Entering this show command without arguments, list all SIP session agents. By adding the IP address or hostname of a session agent as well as a specified method at the end of the command, you can display statistics for that specific session agent and method. For associated HDR Group and Group Statistics, see session-agent.

When the FQDN-resolved Session Agent Statistics are enabled with the sa-routes-stats parameter set to enabled, the format session-agent-hostname#IP-address is used to indicate each IP address returned for a DNS query on a session agent configured as a hostname.

Show sipd agents Command

ORACLE> show sipd agents 
14:41:34-31 (recent)
                   ------ Inbound ------  ----- Outbound ------ -- Latency --   Max
Session Agent      Active    Rate  ConEx  Active    Rate  ConEx    Avg    Max Burst 
session-agent1    I     0     0.0      0       0     0.0      0  0.000  0.000     0
session-agent2    I     0     0.0      0       0     0.0      0  0.000  0.000     0
Parameter Description
Session Agent Host name of the session agent in Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP Address format (softswitch, SIP proxy, application server, SIP gateway or SIP endpoint).
Active Total number of current, active inbound sessions sent to the session agent.
Rate Average rate of inbound session invitations (per second) sent to the session agent.
ConEx Number of times that signaling & bandwidth constraints for inbound packets sent to the session agent were exceeded on the session agent. This helps determine resource availability.
Active Total number of current, active outbound sessions sent to the session agent.
Rate Average rate of outbound session invitations (per second) sent to the session agent.
ConEx Number of times that signaling & bandwidth constraints for outbound packets were exceeded on the session agent. This helps determine resource availability.
Avg Average amount of time between the moment the session-agent transmits a SIP packet and the moment it reaches its destination.
Max Maximum amount of time between the moment the session-agent transmits a SIP packet and the moment it reaches its destination.
Max Burst Maximum burst rate for each session agent as total number of session invitations sent to or received from the session agent within the amount of time configured for the burst-rate window.

Show sipd agents <IP address or hostname> Command

AcmePacket> show sipd agents session-agent1
Session Agent session-agent1(public) [In Service]
                         ------ Period -----  ----- Lifetime -----
                         Active  High  Total   Total  PerMax  High
Inbound Sessions              0     0      0       0       0     0
Rate Exceeded                 -     -      0       0       0     -
Num Exceeded                  -     -      0       0       0     -
Burst Rate                    0     0      0       0       0     0
Reg Rate Exceeded             -     -      0       0       0     -
Outbound Sessions             0     1      11      11      11    1
Rate Exceeded                 -     0      0       0       0     -
Num Exceeded                  -     -      0       0       0     -
Burst Rate                    0     11     0       0       0     11
Reg Rate Exceeded             -     -      0       0       0     -
Out of Service                -     -      0       0       0     -
Trans Timeout                 0     0      0       0       0     0
Requests Sent                 -     -      0       0       0     -
Requests Complete             -     -      0       0       0     -
Seizure                       -     -      0       0       0     -
Answer                        -     -      0       0       0     -
ASR Exceeded                  -     -      0       0       0     -
Messages Received             -     -      30      30      30    -
Latency=0.000: max=0.000
Parameter Description
Inbound Sessions Number of inbound SIP sessions for this session agent.
Rate Exceeded Number of times session rate was exceeded for inbound SIP sessions on this session agent.
Num Exceeded Number of times that signaling & bandwidth constraints for inbound SIP sessions were exceeded on this session agent. This helps determine resource availability.
Burst Rate Number of times burst rate was exceeded for this session agent on inbound SIP sessions.
Reg Rate Exceeded Number of times the registration rate was exceeded for this session agent on inbound SIP sessions.
Outbound Sessions Number of outbound SIP sessions for this session agent.
Rate Exceeded Number of times session rate was exceeded for outbound SIP sessions.
Num Exceeded Number of times time constraints were exceeded for outbound SIP sessions.
Burst Rate Maximum burst rate of traffic (both inbound and outbound).
Reg Rate Exceeded Number of times the registration rate was exceeded for this session agent on outbound SIP sessions.
Out of Service Number of times this session agent went out of service.
Trans Timeout Number of SIP transactions that timed out for this session agent.
Requests Sent Number of SIP requests sent via this session agent.
Requests Complete Number of SIP requests completed for this session agent.
Seizure Number of seizures that occurred on this session agent.
Answer Number of answered SIP sessions on this session agent.
ASR Exceeded Number of times that Access Service Requests (ASRs) were exceeded on this session agent.
Messages Received Number of SIP messages received by this session agent.
Latency Average and maximum amount of time between the moment the session-agent transmits a SIP packet and the moment it reaches its destination.

show sipd acls

An access control list (ACL) allows/denies specific sources (IP or IP:port) to access the SBC.

The show sipd acls command displays information about SIP ACL activity on the SBC. These statistics include ACL information over Period and Lifetime monitoring spans, as well as information on active ACL status. For associated HDR Group and Group Statistics, see sip-acl-oper and sip-acl-status.

ORACLE> show sipd acls
SIP ACL Status             -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                 Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Total Entries         0       0       0          0       0       0
Trusted               0       0       0          0       0       0
Blocked               0       0       0          0       0       0
Blocked NATs          0       0       0          0       0       0

ACL Operations                  ---- Lifetime ----
                         Recent      Total  PerMax
ACL Requests                  0          0       0
Bad Messages                  0          0       0
Promotions                    0          0       0
Demotions                     0          0       0
Trust->Untrust                0          0       0
Untrust->Deny                 0          0       0
Parameter Description
SIP ACL Status  
Total Entries Total number of ACL entries, both trusted and blocked.
Trusted Number of trusted ACL entries
Blocked Number of blocked ACL entries
ACL Operations  
ACL Requests Number of ACL requests
Bad Messages Number of bad messages
Promotions Total number of ACL entry promotions. These are the ACL entries that have been promoted from untrusted to trusted status.
Demotions Number of ACL entry demotions.
Trust->Untrust Number of ACL entries demoted from trusted to untrusted
Untrust->Deny Number of ACL entries demoted from untrusted to deny

show sipd client

A SIP client can initiate and terminate SIP sessions. The show sipd client command displays statistics for SIP client events when the SBC is acting as a SIP client in its back-to-back User Agent (B2BUA) role. These statistics include SIP client information over Period and Lifetime monitoring spans, as well as information on active SIP client status. For associated HDR Group and Group Statistics, see sip-client.

ORACLE> show sipd client
SIP Client Trans           -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                 Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
All States            0       0       0          0       0       0
<Initial>             0       0       0          0       0       0
<Queued>              0       0       0          0       0       0
<Trying>              0       0       0          0       0       0
<Calling>             0       0       0          0       0       0
<Proceeding>          0       0       0          0       0       0
<Cancelled>           0       0       0          0       0       0
<EarlyMedia>          0       0       0          0       0       0
<Completed>           0       0       0          0       0       0
<SetMedia>            0       0       0          0       0       0
<Established>         0       0       0          0       0       0
<Terminated>          0       0       0          0       0       0
Parameter Description
All States Number of all client session transactions
Initial Number of times the Initial state was entered due to the receipt of a request
Queued Number of times the Queued state was entered due to the receipt of a request
Trying Number of times the Trying state was entered due to the receipt of a request
Calling Number of times the Calling state was entered due to the receipt of an INVITE request
Proceeding Number of times the “Proceeding” state was entered due to the receipt of a provisional response while in the Calling state
Cancelled Number of INVITE transactions that received a CANCEL
EarlyMedia Number of times the “Proceeding” state was entered due to the receipt of a provisional response that contained a Session Description Protocol (SDP) while in the Calling state
Completed Number of times that the “Completed” state was entered due to the receipt of a status code in the range of 300-699 when either in the “Calling” or Proceeding state
SetMedia Number of transactions in which the SBC was setting up NAT and steering ports
Established Number of times the client received a 2xx response to an INVITE, but could not forward it because the NAT and steering port information was missing
Terminated Number of times the Terminated state was entered after a 2xx message

show sipd server

A SIP server can receive and terminate SIP sessions. The show sipd server command displays statistics for SIP server events when the SBC is acting as a SIP server in its back-to-back User Agent (B2BUA) role. These statistics include SIP server information over Period and Lifetime monitoring spans, as well as information on active SIP server status. For associated HDR Group and Group Statistics, see sip-server.

ORACLE> show sipd server
SIP Server Trans           -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                 Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
All States            0       0       0          0       0       0
<Initial>             0       0       0          0       0       0
<Queued>              0       0       0          0       0       0
<Trying>              0       0       0          0       0       0
<Proceeding>          0       0       0          0       0       0
<Cancelled>           0       0       0          0       0       0
<Established>         0       0       0          0       0       0
<Completed>           0       0       0          0       0       0
<Confirmed>           0       0       0          0       0       0
<Terminated>          0       0       0          0       0       0
Parameter Description
All States Number of all server session transactions
Initial Number of times the Initial state was entered due to the receipt of a request
Queued Number of times the Queued state was entered due to the receipt of a request
Trying Number of times the Trying state was entered due to the receipt of a request
Proceeding Number of times the “Proceeding” state was entered due to the receipt of a provisional response while in the Calling state
Cancelled Number of INVITE transactions that received a CANCEL
Established Number of times the server received a 2xx response to an INVITE, but could not forward it because the NAT and steering port information was missing
Completed Number of times that the “Completed” state was entered due to the receipt of a status code in the range of 300-699 when either in the “Calling” or Proceeding state
Confirmed Number of times that an ACK was received while the server was in “Completed” state, and then transitioned to the Confirmed state
Terminated Number of times the Terminated state was entered after a 2xx message, or never received an ACK in the “Completed” state, and then transitioned to the Terminated state.

show sipd policy

Multistage local policy routing enables the SBC to perform multiple stages of route lookups where the result from one stage is used as the lookup key for the next routing stage.

The show sipd policy command displays single and multistage local policy lookups. All counters are reported for the recent, lifetime total, and lifetime maximum periods. For associated HDR Group and Group Statistics, see sip-policy.

ORACLE> show sipd policy
SIP Policy/Routing            ---- Lifetime ----
                       Recent      Total  PerMax
Local Policy Lookups        0          0       0
Local Policy Hits           0          0       0
Local Policy Misses         0          0       0
Local Policy Drops          0          0       0
Agent Group Hits            0          0       0
Agent Group Misses          0          0       0
No Routes Found             0          0       0
Missing Dialog              0          0       0
Inb SA Constraints          0          0       0
Outb SA Constraints         0          0       0
Inb REG SA Constraint       0          0       0
Out REG SA Constraint       0          0       0
Requests Challenged         0          0       0
Challenge Found             0          0       0
Challenge Not Found         0          0       0
Challenge Dropped           0          0       0
Local Policy Inits          0          0       0
Local Policy Results        0          0       0
Local Policy Exceeded       0          0       0
Local Policy Loops          0          0       0
Parameter Description
Local Policy Lookups Number of local policy lookups
Local Policy Hits Number of successful local policy lookups
Local Policy Misses Number of local policy lookup failures
Local Policy Drops Number of local policy lookups where the next hop session agent group is H.323
Agent Group Hits Number of successful local policy lookups for session agent groups
Agent Group Misses Number of successful local policy lookups where no session agent was available for the session agent group
No Routes Found Number of successful local policy lookups, but temporarily unable to route (for example, session agent out of service)
Missing Dialog Number of local policy lookups where the dialog was not found for a request addressed to the SBC with a To tag or for a NOTIFY-SUBSCRIBE SIP request
Inb SA Constraints Number of successful local policy lookups where the inbound session agent (SA) exceeded constraints
Outb SA Constraints Number of successful local policy lookups where the outbound SA exceeded constraints
Inb REG SA Constraint Number of successful inbound local policy lookups where the registrar (REG) SA exceeded constraints
Outb REG SA Constraint Number of successful outbound local policy lookups where the registrar (REG) SA exceeded constraints
Request Challenged Number of requests that were challenged.
Challenge Found Number of challenges found.
Challenge Not Found Number of challenges not found.
Challenge Dropped Number of challenges dropped.
Local Policy Inits Number of times the SBC made an initial local policy lookup
Local Policy Results Number of times the SBC truncated the number of routes returned for a local policy lookup because the maximum number of routes per local policy lookup (max local policy lookups routes per lookup) threshold was reached.
Local Policy Exceeded Number of times the SBC truncated the number of routes returned for a local policy lookup because the maximum number of routes per message request (total local policy routes) threshold was reached.
Local Policy Loops Number of times the SBC detected a loop while performing a multistage local policy lookup

show sipd errors

The show sipd errors command displays statistics for SIP media event errors. These statistics are errors encountered by the SIP application in processing SIP media sessions, dialogs, and session descriptions (SDP). Error statistics display for the lifetime monitoring span only. For associated HDR Group and Group Statistics, see sip-errors.

ORACLE> show sipd errors
SIP Errors/Events             ---- Lifetime ----
                       Recent      Total  PerMax
SDP Offer Errors            0          0       0
SDP Answer Errors           0          0       0
Drop Media Errors           0          0       0
Transaction Errors          0          0       0
Application Errors          0          0       0
Media Exp Events            0          0       0
Early Media Exps            0          0       0
Exp Media Drops             0          0       0
Expired Sessions            0          0       0
Multiple OK Drops           0          0       0
Multiple OK Terms           0          0       0
Media Failure Drops         0          0       0
Non-ACK 2xx Drops           0          0       0
Invalid Requests            0          0       0
Invalid Responses           0          0       0
Invalid Messages            0          0       0
CAC Session Drop            0          0       0
Nsep User Exceeded          0          0       0
Nsep SA   Exceeded          0          0       0
Mps User Exceeded           0          0       0
Mps SA Exceeded             0          0       0
CAC BW Drop                 0          0       0
Calls Rejected              0          0       0
Dialog Replace Fails        0          0       0
errors due to SRTP          0          0       0
FPE Calls Rejected          0          0       0
Media State Errors          0          0       0
Ignore Notify Events        0          0       0
Flows in stopping           0          0       0
Not All Flows Dead          0          0       0
Parameter Description
SDP Offer Errors Number of errors encountered in setting up the media session for a session description in a SIP request or response which is a Session Description Protocol (SDP) Offer in the Offer/Answer model (RFC 3264)
SDP Answer Errors Number of errors encountered in setting up the media session for a session description in a SIP request or response which is a Session Description Protocol (SDP) Answer in the Offer/Answer model (RFC 3264)
Drop Media Errors Number of errors encountered in tearing down the media for a dialog or session that is being terminated due to:

a) non-successful response to an INVITE transaction, or

b) a BYE transaction received from one of the participants in a dialog/session, or

c) a BYE initiated by the SBC due to a timeout notification from the Middlebox Control Daemon (MBCD).

Transaction Errors Number of errors in continuing the processing of the SIP client transaction associated with setting up or tearing down of the media session.
Application Errors Number of miscellaneous errors in the SIP application that are otherwise uncategorized
Media Exp Events Number of flow timer expiration notifications received from the Middlebox Control Daemon (MBCD).
Early Media Exps Number of flow timer expiration notifications received for media sessions that were not completely set up due to an incomplete or pending INVITE transaction
Exp Media Drops Number of flow timer expiration notifications from the Middlebox Control Daemon (MBCD) that resulted in the termination of the dialog/session by the SIP application.
Expired Sessions Number of sessions terminated due to the session timer expiring
Multiple OK Drops Number of dialogs terminated upon reception of a 200 OK response from multiple User Agent Servers (UASs) for a given INVITE transaction that was forked by a downstream proxy
Multiple OK Terms Number of dialogs terminated upon reception of a 200 OK response that conflicts with an existing established dialog on the SBC
Media Failure Drops Number of dialogs terminated due to a failure in establishing the media session.
Non-Ack 2xx Drops Number of sessions terminated because an ACK was not received for a 2xx response
Invalid Requests Number of invalid requests (for example, an unsupported header was received).
Invalid Responses Number of invalid responses (for example, no Via header in response)
Invalid Messages Number of messages dropped due to parse failure
CAC Session Drop Number of call admission control (CAC) session setup failures
Nsep User Exceeded Number of Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS), user call sessions that exceeded the calls-per-second rate configured on the SBC for National Security and Emergency Preparedness (NSEP).
Nsep SA Exceeded Number of Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS), Session Agent (SA) call sessions that exceeded the calls-per-second rate configured on the SBC for National Security and Emergency Preparedness (NSEP).
Mps User Exceeded Number of messages that exceeded the messages-per-second rate configured on the SBC.
Mps SA Exceeded Number of session agent call sessions that exceeded the messages-per-second rate configured on the SBC.
CAC BW Drop Number of call admission control (CAC) session setup failures due to insufficient bandwidth (BW)
Calls Rejected Number of calls rejected.
Dialog Replace Fails Number of dialogs replacement actions that failed.
errors due to SRTP Errors due to SRTP.
FPE Calls Rejected Number of fraud protection calls rejected.
Media State Errors Error in the state of the media.
Ignore Notify Events The number of notify events that are ignored by the system.
Flows in stopping Number of call flows that have stopped.
Not All Flows Dead Number of flows that are not dead.

show sipd status

The show sipd status command displays information about Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) transactions. These statistics are given for the Period and Lifetime monitoring spans. This display also provides statistics related to SIP media events. These statistics include SIP status information over Period and Lifetime monitoring spans, as well as information on active SIP status. For associated HDR Group and Group Statistics, see sip-status.

ORACLE> show sipd status
SIP Status                 -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                 Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Sessions              0       0       0          0       0       0
Subscriptions         0       0       0          0       0       0
Reg Evt Subs          0       0       0          0       0       0
Dialogs               0       0       0          0       0       0
Preconditions         0       0       0          0       0       0
CallID Map            0       0       0          0       0       0
Rejections            -       -       0          0       0
ReINVITEs             -       -       0          0       0
ReINV Suppress        -       -       0          0       0
Refreshes Sent        -       -       0          0       0
Replaced Dialogs      -       -       0          0       0
Media Sessions        0       0       0          0       0       0
Media Pending         0       0       0          0       0       0
Client Trans          0       0       0          0       0       0
Server Trans          0       0       0          0       0       0
Resp Contexts         0       0       0          0       0       0
Saved Contexts        0       0       0          0       0       0
Session Locks         0       0       0          0       0       0
Sockets               2       2       2          2       2       2
Req Dropped           -       -       0          0       0
DNS Trans             0       0       0          0       0       0
DNS Sockets           0       0       0          0       0       0
DNS Results           0       0       0          0       0       0
Rejected Msgs         0       0       0          0       0       0
Standalone Messages   -       -       0          0       0
Local Call Drops      -       -       0          0       0
Normal Call Drops     -       -       0          0       0
Call Duration         -       -       0          0       0
Forward User PVNI     -       -       0          0       0
Forward Default PVNI  -       -       0          0       0
Encrypt Disabled      -       -       0          0       0
S8HR Emgy Reg 200     -       -       0          0       0
S8HR Emgy Reg 403     -       -       0          0       0
S8HR Emgy Inv         -       -       0          0       0
S8HR Emgy Inv 403     -       -       0          0       0

Session Rate = 0.0
Load Rate = 0.5
Remaining Connections = 96000 (max 96000)
Parameter Description
Sessions Number of sessions established by INVITE and SUBSCRIBE messages
Subscriptions Number of sessions established by SUBSCRIPTION
Reg Evt Subs Number of sessions established by REGISTER messages
Dialogs Number of end-to-end SIP signaling connections
Preconditions The number of sessions with preconditions. See RFC 3312.
CallID Map Number of successful session header Call ID mappings
Rejections Number of rejected INVITEs
ReINV Suppress Number of ReINVITEs that were suppressed
Refreshes Sent The number of session refreshes sent
Replaced Dialogs The number of replaced dialogs
Media Sessions Number of successful media sessions
Media Pending Number of media sessions waiting to be established
Client Trans Number of client transactions
Server Trans Number of server transactions that have taken place on the SBC
Resp Contexts Number of response contexts
Saved Contexts Number of saved contexts
Session Locks Number of sessions locks
Sockets Number of SIP sockets
Req Dropped Number of dropped requests
DNS Trans Number of Domain Name System (DNS) transactions
DNS Sockets Number of Domain Name System (DNS) sockets
DNS Results Number of Domain Name System (DNS) results
Rejected Msgs Number of rejected messages
Standalone Messages The number of standalone messages
Local Call Drops The number of local calls dropped
Normal Call Drops The number of normal calls dropped
Call Duration The average call duration
Forward User PVNI Number of user PVNI headers that have been forwarded to a S-CSCF.
Forward Default PVNI Number of default PVNI headers that have been forwarded to a S-CSCF.
Encrypt Disabled Whether encryption is disabled
S8HR Emgy Reg 200 The number S8HR emergency registrations that received a 200 response.
S8HR Emgy Reg 403 The number S8HR emergency registrations that received a 403 response.
S8HR Emgy Inv The number S8HR emergency INVITEs.
S8HR Emgy Inv 403 The number S8HR emergency INVITEs that received a 403 response.
Session Rate The rate, per second, of SIP invites allowed to or from the SBC during the sliding window period. The rate is computed every 10 seconds .
Load Rate Average Central Processing Unit (CPU) utilization of the SBC during the current window. The average is computed every 10 seconds unless the load-limit is configured in the SIPConfig record, in which case it is 5 seconds.
Remaining Connections Number of SIP connections currently available

show sipd invite

The show sipd invite command displays information about Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) INVITE requests. These statistics are given for both Server and Client and display recent, per maximum, and total for each. For associated HDR Group and Group Statistics, see sip-invites.

ORACLE# show sipd invite
INVITE (18:23:28-113)
                      --------- Server --------   --------- Client --------
Message/Event         Recent      Total  PerMax   Recent      Total  PerMax
                      ------  ---------  ------   ------  ---------  ------
INVITE Requests            3         40      37        0          0       0
Retransmissions            0          0       0        0          0       0
100 Trying                 3         40      37        0          0       0
503 Service Unavail        3         40      37        0          0       0
Response Retrans           0          0       0        0          0       0
Transaction Timeouts       -          -       -        0          0       0
Locally Throttled          -          -       -        0          0       0

Avg Latency=0.000 for 0
Max Latency=0.000
Parameter Description
INVITE Requests Number of INVITE requests
Retransmissions Number of retransmissions of INVITEs
100 Trying The number of INVITE requests that generated a 100 Trying response.
503 Service Unavail The number of INVITE requests that generated a 503 Service Unavailable response.
Response Retrans Number of response retransmissions
Transaction Timeouts Number of INVITE request transaction timeouts
Locally Throttled Number of INVITE requests locally throttled
Avg Latency Average latency of traffic flow for inbound and outbound packets
Max Latency Maximum latency of traffic flow for inbound and outbound packets.

show sipd realms

Realms are a logical distinction representing routes (or groups of routes) reachable by the SBC and what kinds of resources and special functions apply to those routes. Realms are used as a basis for determining ingress and egress associations to network interfaces, which can reside in different VPNs. The ingress realm is determined by the signaling interface on which traffic arrives. The egress realm is determined by the following:

  • Routing policy - Where the egress realm is determined in the session agent configuration or external address of a SIP-NAT
  • Realm-bridging - As applied in the SIP-NAT configuration and H.323 stack configurations
  • Third-party routing/redirect (i.e., SIP redirect or H.323 LCF) 170

Realms can also be nested in order to form nested realm groups. Nested realms consist of separate realms that are arranged within a hierarchy to support network architectures that have separate backbone networks and VPNs for signaling and media.

The show sipd realms command displays information about sessions (both inbound and outbound), out of service sessions, early and successful sessions, and session registration information for realms. This information displays for Period and Lifetime monitoring spans, as well as for active sessions. For associated HDR Group and Group Statistics, see the session-realm, and registration-realm.


The following example shows the statistics for the realm name of public.
ORACLE> show sipd realms public
Realm core() [In Service]
                             -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                   Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Inbound Sessions        0       0       0         58      58       1
  Rate Exceeded         -       -       0          0       0       -
  Num Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
  Burst Rate            0       0       0          0       0      10
  Reg Rate Exceeded     -       -       0          0       0       -
  Reg Burst Rate        0       0       0          0       0       0
  Call Duration         -       -       0          0       0       -
Outbound Sessions       0       0       0          0       0       0
  Rate Exceeded         -       -       0          0       0       -
  Num Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
  Burst Rate            0       0       0          0       0       0
  Reg Rate Exceeded     -       -       0          0       0       -
  Call Duration         -       -       0          0       0       -
Local Contacts          0       0       0          0       0       0
HNT Entries             0       0       0          0       0       0
Non-HNT Entries         0       0       0          0       0       0
Subscriptions           0       0       0          0       0       0
Trans Timeout           0       0       0          0       0       0
Requests Sent           -       -       0          0       0       -
Requests Complete       -       -       0          0       0       -
Seizure                 -       -       0          0       0       -
Answer                  -       -       0          0       0       -
  ASR Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
Requests Received       -       -       0        116     116       -
QoS Major Exceeded      -       -       0          0       0       -
QoS Critical Exceeded   -       -       0          0       0       -
Local Call Drops        -       -       0          0       0       -
Normal Call Drops       -       -       0          0       0       -
Latency=0.000; max=0.000
QoS R-Factor Avg=0.00; max=0.00
Early Sessions          -       -       0          0       0       -
Successful Sessions     -       -       0          0       0       -
Initial Registrations 
  Total                 -       -       0          0       0       -
  Successful            -       -       0          0       0       -
  Unsuccessful          -       -       0          0       0       -
Refresh Registrations 
  Total                 -       -       0          0       0       -
  Successful            -       -       0          0       0       -
  Unsuccessful          -       -       0          0       0       -
  Total                 -       -       0          0       0       -
  Successful            -       -       0          0       0       -
  Unsuccessful          -       -       0          0       0       -
Parameter Description
Inbound Sessions Total number of active inbound sessions during an Active and Lifetime period.
Rate Exceeded Number of times session rate was exceeded for inbound SIP sessions on this realm.
Num Exceeded Number of times time constraints were exceeded for inbound sessions.
Burst Rate Number of times burst rate was exceeded for this realm on inbound SIP sessions.
Reg Rate Exceeded Number of times the registration rate was exceeded for this realm on inbound SIP sessions.
Reg Burst Rate Number of times the registration burst rate was exceeded for this realm on inbound SIP sessions.
Call Duration The average call duration of inbound sessions.
Outbound Sessions Total number of active outbound sessions during an Active and Lifetime period.
Rate Exceeded Number of times session rate was exceeded for outbound SIP sessions on this realm.
Num Exceeded Number of times time constraints were exceeded for outbound sessions.
Burst Rate Number of times burst rate was exceeded for this realm on outbound SIP sessions.
Reg Rate Exceeded Number of times the registration rate was exceeded for this realm on outbound SIP sessions.
Call Duration The average call duration of outbound sessions
Local Contacts Number of contact entries in the registration cache.
HNT Entries Number of hosted NAT traversal (HNT) contact entries that are behind a NAT device.
Non-HNT Entries Number of contact entries that are not hosted NAT traversal that are behind a NAT device.
Subscriptions Specifies the following:

Active Subscriptions: The current global count of active SIP subscriptions during Survivability.

Subscriptions PreMax: The maximum global count of SIP subscriptions initiated during any 100 second period since the last SBC re-boot, and during Survivability.

Subscriptions High: The maximum global count of active SIP subscriptions since the last SBC re-boot, and during Survivability.

Out of Service Number of times this realm went out of service.
Trans Timeout Number of transactions timed out for this realm.
Requests Sent Number of requests sent via this realm.
Requests Complete Number of requests that have been completed for this realm.
Seizure Number of seizures that occurred on this realm.
Answer Number of answered SIP sessions on this session agent.
ASR Exceeded Number of times that Access Service Requests (ASRs) were exceeded on this realm.
Requests Received Number of requests received on this realm.
QoS Major Exceeded Number of times the major Rfactor threshold was exceeded during the sliding window period. The peg count provides counts of calls with different service classes that occur during intervals of frequency which reliability indicate the traffic load. R-factors are metrics in VoIP that use a formula to determine a numeric expression of voice quality.
QoS Critical Exceeded Number of times the critical Rfactor threshold was exceeded during the sliding window period. Provides counts of calls with different service classes that occur during intervals of frequency which reliability indicate the traffic load. R-factors are metrics in VoIP that use a formula to determine a numeric expression of voice quality.
Local Call Drops The number of local calls dropped.
Normal Call Drops The number of normal calls dropped.
  • Avg—Average amount of time between the moment the realm transmits a SIP packet and the moment it reaches its destination.
  • Max—Maximum amount of time between the moment the realm transmits a SIP packet and the moment it reaches its destination.
QoS R-Factor
  • Avg—Average Quality of Service (QoS) factor observed during the current window period. Quality of service shapes traffic to provide different priority and level of performance to different data flows. R-factors are metrics in VoIP, that use a formula to take into account both user perceptions and the cumulative effect of equipment impairments to arrive at a numeric expression of voice quality. This statistic defines the call or transmission quality expressed as an R factor.
  • Max—Maximum Quality of Service (QoS) factor observed during the sliding window period. Quality of service shapes traffic to provide different priority and level of performance to different data flows. R-factors are metrics in VoIP that use a formula to determine a numeric expression of voice quality. This statistic defines the call or transmission quality expressed as an R factor.
Early Sessions Indicates the number of early sessions for each realm. Each time the SBC receives an INVITE on the ingress realm or the egress realm sends an INVITE request, a counter increments if the session is established with a 200 OK response. This counter also increments in sessions when there are no 18x responses (Ringing (180), Call is Being Forwarded (181), Queued (182), Session in Progress (183)), but a 200 OK is established. This counter represents the number of sessions that have reached the early dialog state or later.
Successful Sessions Indicates the number of successful sessions for each realm. Successful sessions are when the SBC receives a successful 200 OK response from an initial INVITE request.

Note: This counter is NOT incremented for re-INVITES.

Initial Registrations  
Total Total number of initial registrations. This counter is incremented once for each initial REGISTER message even when the REGISTER is challenged. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only.

Note: This counter is not incremented when registrations are challenged by the following response messages:

401 (Unauthorized - user authentication required)

407 (Proxy authentication required)

423 (Interval too brief - expiration time of the resource is too short)

Successful Number of successful initial registrations. This counter is incremented once for each successful initial registration with a 200 OK response. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only.
Unsuccessful Number of unsuccessful initial registrations. This counter is incremented once for each unsuccessful initial registration when the response to the initial REGISTER has a non-success status code. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only.

Note: This counter is not incremented when registrations are challenged by the following response messages:

401 (Unauthorized - user authentication required)

407 (Proxy authentication required)

423 (Interval too brief - expiration time of the resource is too short)

Refresh Registrations  
Total Total number of registrations that were refreshed. This counter is incremented once for every refresh registration. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only.
Successful Total number of registrations that were successfully refreshed. This counter is incremented once for each successful refresh registration. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only.
Unsuccessful Total number of registrations that were unsuccessfully refreshed. This counter is incremented once for each unsuccessful refresh registration. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only.
Total Total number of registrations that de-registered. This counter is incremented once for every de-registration. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only. In the event a de-registration message is received on a realm that is different than that of the initial registration message, the de-registration counter for the ingress realm of that de-registration message is incremented.
Successful Total number of registrations that successfully de-registered. This counter is incremented once for each successful de-registration. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only. In the event a successful de-registration message is received on a realm that is different than that of the initial registration message, the de-registration counter for the ingress realm of that successful de-registration message is incremented.
Unsuccessful Total number of registrations that unsuccessfully de-registered. This counter is incremented once for each unsuccessful de-registration. This counter is based on ingress (received) messages only. In the event an unsuccessful de-registration message is received on a realm that is different than that of the initial registration message, the de-registration counter for the ingress realm of that unsuccessful de-registration message is incremented.

show enum

Telephone Number Mapping (ENUM) is an IETF standard (RFC 2916) for mapping the public telephone number address space into the Domain Name System (DNS). It links a phone number to an Internet address that is published in the DNS system. This allows a number to be reachable anywhere via the best and cheapest route.

The show enum command displays information about the ENUM Agent. These statistics provide current information only. For associated HDR Group and Group Statistics, see enum-stats.

ORACLE> show enum

            ---Queries--- --Successful-- --NotFound--- --Timed Out--
ENUM Agent  Current Total Current  Total Current Total Current Total
Parameter Description
Enum Agent Name of the ENUM Agent on the SBC.
Queries Total Number of ENUM queries
Successful Total Number of successful ENUM queries
Not Found Total Number of ENUM queries returning a not found
Times Out Total Number of ENUM query timeouts

show mgcp

Not Supported.

show mgcp errors

Not Supported.

show mgcp acls

Not Supported.

show h323

H.323 is a recommendation from the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) that defines the protocols to provide audio-visual communication sessions on any packet network. H.323 addresses call signaling and control, multimedia transport and control, and bandwidth control for point-to-point and multi-point calls. The SBC responds to and forwards H.323 signaling messages and sets up H.323 sessions based on the system configuration.

The show h323 command displays information about H323 operations. These statistics include H323 information over Period and Lifetime monitoring spans, as well as information on active H323 status. For associated HDR Group and Group Statistics, see h323-stats.


H323D Status displays recent Lifetime monitoring information ONLY.
ORACLE> show h323
Session Stats        -- Period --    -------- Lifetime -------
                     Active  High    Total    Total PerMax High
Incoming Calls            0     0        0        0      0    0
Outgoing calls            0     0        0        0      0    0
Connected Calls           0     0        0        0      0    0
Incoming Channels         0     0        0        0      0    0
Outgoing Channels         0     0        0        0      0    0
Contexts                  0     0        0        0      0    0

H323D Status         Current   Lifetime
Queued Messages            0          0
TPKT Channels              0          0
UDP Channels               0          0

Load Rate = 0.2
Parameter Description
Session Stats  
Incoming Calls Number of incoming H.323 calls
Outgoing Calls Number of outgoing H.323 calls
Connected Calls Number of connected calls
Incoming Channels Number of established incoming calls
Outgoing Channels Number of established outgoing channels
Contexts Number of established H.323 contexts (or call terminations)
H323D Status  
Queued Messages Number of messages queued
TPKT Channels Number of ThroughPacket (TPKT) channels open(ed)
UDP Channels Number of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) channels open(ed)
Load Rate Total H323 current load rate, in seconds, on the SBC

show sipd rate

The show sipd rate command displays request and response rates for messages (per method) on a system-wide basis. The rates are calculated based on the time in the current monitoring window (100+current period elapsed). The Message Received and the Messages Sent columns are the sum of the corresponding requests or responses. For example:

ORACLE# show sipd rate
Method Name  Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
                 Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate
INVITE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
ACK               0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
BYE               0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
REGISTER          0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
CANCEL            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
PRACK             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
OPTIONS           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
INFO              0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
SUBSCRIBE         0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
NOTIFY            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
REFER             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
UPDATE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
MESSAGE           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
PUBLISH           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
OTHER             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
ALL               0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0

show sipd rate agent

The show sipd rate agent command displays request and response rates for messages (per method) for all session agents. By adding a session agent name in the form show sipd rate agent <session-agent-name>, you can view statistics for the identified agent only. The rates are calculated based on the time in the current monitoring window (30+current period elapsed). The Message Received and the Messages sent columns are the sum of the corresponding Requests or responses. For example:

ORACLE# show sipd rate agent
Session Agent
Method Name  Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
                 Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate
INVITE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
ACK               0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
BYE               0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
REGISTER          0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
CANCEL            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
PRACK             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
OPTIONS           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
INFO              0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
SUBSCRIBE         0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
NOTIFY            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
REFER             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
UPDATE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
MESSAGE           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
PUBLISH           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
OTHER             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0

show sipd rate interface

The show sipd rate interface command displays request and response rates for messages (per method) for all configured sip-interfaces. The rates are calculated based on the time in the current monitoring window (30+current period elapsed). The Message Received and the Messages sent columns are the sum of the corresponding Requests or responses. For example:

ORACLE# show sipd rate interface
Sip Interface core
Method Name  Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
                 Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate
INVITE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
ACK               0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
BYE               0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
REGISTER          0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
CANCEL            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
PRACK             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
OPTIONS           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
INFO              0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
SUBSCRIBE         0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
NOTIFY            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
REFER             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
UPDATE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
MESSAGE           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
PUBLISH           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
OTHER             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
Sip Interface peer
Method Name  Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
                 Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate
INVITE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
ACK               0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
BYE               0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
REGISTER          0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
CANCEL            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
PRACK             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
OPTIONS           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
INFO              0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
SUBSCRIBE         0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
NOTIFY            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
REFER             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
UPDATE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
MESSAGE           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
PUBLISH           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
OTHER             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0

By entering a configured interface, the ACLI displays aggregate statistics for that interface and then displays all Session Agents’ counts configured on that SIP interface. Displays have been truncated below. For example:

ORACLE# show sipd rate interface peer
Sip Interface peer
Method Name  Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
                 Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate
INVITE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
OTHER             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
Session Agent
Method Name  Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
                 Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate
INVITE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
ACK               0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
BYE               0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
REGISTER          0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
CANCEL            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
PRACK             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
OPTIONS           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
INFO              0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
SUBSCRIBE         0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
NOTIFY            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
REFER             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
UPDATE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
MESSAGE           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
PUBLISH           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
OTHER             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
Session Agent
Method Name  Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
                 Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate
INVITE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
OTHER             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0

show dnsalg rate

The show dnsalg rate command displays request and response rates for DNS messages on a system-wide basis. The rates are calculated based on the time in the current monitoring window (100+current period elapsed). The Message Received and the Messages sent columns are the sum of the corresponding Requests or responses. For example:

ORACLE# show dnsalg rate
Realm-id  Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
              Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate
ALL            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0

show dnsalg rate realm-id

The show dnsalg rate realm-id command displays request and response rates for DNS messages on a per-realm basis. If you add a realm-name to the query, that specific realm’s data will be returned. Entered without a realm name, all configured realms will be displayed. The rates are calculated based on the time in the current monitoring window (30+current period elapsed). The Message Received and the Messages sent columns are the sum of the corresponding Requests or responses. For example:

ORACLE# show dnsalg rate realm-id peer
Realm-id  Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
              Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate
peer           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0

show dnsalg rate server-ip-addr

The show dnsalg rate server-ip-addr command displays request and response rates for DNS messages on a per-DNS server basis. If you add a DNS Server IP address to the query, that specific server’s data will be returned. Entered without a server IP address, all configured servers will be displayed. The rates are calculated based on the time in the current monitoring window (30+current period elapsed). The Message Received and the Messages sent columns are the sum of the corresponding Requests or responses. For example:

ORACLE# show dnsalg rate server-ip-addr
DNS ALG Realm peer
Ip Address             Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
                           Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate                 0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0

show enum rate

The show enum rate command displays request and response rates for ENUM messages on a system-wide basis. The rates are calculated based on the time in the current monitoring window (100+current period elapsed). The Message Received and the Messages sent columns are the sum of the corresponding Requests or responses. For example:

ORACLE# # show enum rate
Config Name  Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
                 Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate
ALL               0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0

show enum rate config-name

The show enum rate config-name command displays request and response rates for ENUM messages per ENUM configuration. If you add a an enum-config-name to the query, that specific configuration’s data will be returned. Entered without a name, all configured enum-configs will be displayed. The rates are calculated based on the time in the current monitoring window (30+current period elapsed). The Message Received and the Messages sent columns are the sum of the corresponding Requests or responses. For example:

ORACLE# show enum rate config-name test1
Config Name  Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
                 Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate
test1             0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0

show enum rate server-ip-addr

The enum rate server-ip-addr command displays request and response rates for individual enum-servers. If you add an IP address to the query, that specific server’s data will be returned. Entered without a server IP address, all configured servers will be displayed. If an IP address is present in more than one ENUM configuration then the message processing level is displayed separately for each configuration object. The rates are calculated based on the time in the current monitoring window (30+current period elapsed). The Message Received and the Messages sent columns are the sum of the corresponding Requests or responses. For example:

ORACLE# show enum rate server-ip-addr
ENUM Config Name enum
Ip Address       Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
                     Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate         0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0
ENUM Config Name test1
Ip Address       Msg Recv  Msg Sent  Req Recv  Req Sent  Resp Recv  Resp Sent
                     Rate      Rate      Rate      Rate       Rate       Rate         0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0