Cloud-Based HA Report Data

The SBC logs all events related to VIP failover for each VIP including failure, number of attempts, nature of response received from the REST API, and the end result. You can observe the system's REST requests and resultant processing in the HA operation log.

The SBC logs all REST client events into the log.cloudha file. The SBC generates alarms for all REST API failures and clears all alarms as soon as the respective REST API failure clears.

SBC REST API alarms include:

  • Alarm code APP_ALARM_CLOUD_HA_USER_ERROR (#327732), includes the following CRITICAL alarms:
    • IAM role does not exists
    • Invalid credentials
    • User has insufficient permissions
    • Your account is currently blocked
  • Alarm code APP_ALARM_CLOUD_HA_CURL_ERROR (#327733), includes the following alarms. These alarms are of type CRITICAL, unless specified otherwise:
    • Cloud not resolve host
    • cURL timedout to invoke REST API (type - MAJOR)
    • cURL failed to invoke REST API
  • Alarm code APP_ALARM_CLOUD_HA_SERVER_ERROR (#327734), includes the following CRITICAL alarms:
    • The server is overloaded and can't handle the request
    • The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server
  • Alarm code APP_ALARM_CLOUD_HA_API_ERROR (#327735), includes the following alarms. These alarms are of the type CRITICAL, unless specified otherwise:
    • Invalid secondary private IP (type - MAJOR)
    • A parameter specified in a request is not valid, is unsupported, or cannot be used
    • Failed to switchover VIP
    • Invalid usage of the HA script