Create and Deploy on Hyper-V®

Follow the steps below to deploy the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (SBC) on Hyper-V on Windows 2012 R2 (Generation 1). This procedure assumes you understand deployment with Hyper-V hypervisor and that the majority of deployment tasks, from hardware installation and startup to Virtual Machine (VM) resource and management setup, are complete.

For information on Hyper-V, refer to the following link.

Before You Begin:

  • Refer to your SBC version's Release Notes for minimum required memory and CPUs.
  • Confirm that the Hyper-V hypervisor is installed on an appropriate network server.
  • Confirm that the server has 40GB of space for this installation.
  • Confirm the number of network interfaces needed for your deployment. (Wancom0, wancom1 and wancom2 should be Legacy Network Adapters; all others should be Network Adapters (PV).
  • Confirm the amount of memory needed for your deployment.
  • Confirm the number of processors to use for your deployment.
  • Confirm your .vhd (Virtual Hard Drive) file is available to Hyper-V in a permanent location. Keeping this Oracle distribution on the same physical server as the Hyper-V manager ensures the best access to it during SBC operation.

The following procedure describes an example that provides basic deployment guidelines. Steps for deploying your system may differ. You may, for example, decide not to use the wizard. In addition, the Hyper-V Manager provides access to its controls and wizards from multiple entry points.

Instances of Hyper-V Manager may display the Actions dialog in the upper-right pane of the manager's main window, but you may find your Actions controls elsewhere in your manager. Regardless of access, you use this dialog to start and run the New, Virtual Machine wizards used in this procedure.

  1. Start the Hyper-V Manager.
  2. Start the Virtual Switch Manager from the Actions dialog.
    Hyper-V displays the Virtual Switch Manager dialog.
  3. Click the Create Virtual Switch button.
    Hyper-V modifies the Virtual Switch Manager dialog, presenting fields within which you specify your new switch.
  4. Add virtual networks for each management and media interface. Set the following on the Create Virtual Switch dialog for each switch you create:
    • Virtual switch Name
    • Uncheck Allow management operating system to share this network adapter
    • The switch for wancom1, wancom2 can be internal or external. High availability via external (eg, separate hypervisor platforms) is preferred.
    • All other switches must be external.
    During installation, the SBC enumerates and binds network interfaces in the order presented by the hypervisor to the SBC. This "presented" order is the same order in which you create networks. If the manager presents 3 or less interfaces, the bind order is wancom0, s0p0, s1p0. If it presents more than 3 interfaces, the bind order is:
    1. wancom0
    2. wancom1
    3. wancom2
    4. spare
    5. s0p0
    6. s1p0
    7. s0p1
    8. s1p1
  5. Click New, Virtual Machine
    Hyper-V displays the introductory page of the New Virtual Machine Wizard.
  6. Click Next.
    Hyper-V advances through the New Virtual Machine Wizard pages each time you click Next. The wizard allows you to go back to the Previous page, Cancel the wizard, or Finish the wizard with the respective buttons. Your procedure through the wizard may vary, depending on your infrastructure and intent.
  7. Enter or select at least the following as you progress through the wizard.
    1. Type a name for your VM in the Name field.
    2. Select Generation 1 as your machine type.
    3. Assign the desired memory.
    4. Click Next, skipping the Configure Networking dialog. You add networks later in the process.
    5. Connect to the Virtual Hard Disk you downloaded by selecting the Use an existing virtual hard disk radio button and browsing to your .vhd file.
    6. Finish
    The Hyper-V Manager returns to the main dialog, displaying your new machine in the Virtual Machine list.
  8. Right click the VM.
    The Hyper-V Manager displays a pop-up menu.
  9. Click Settings ....
    The Hyper-V Manager displays the Settings dialog for your Virtual Machine displaying the Add Hardware controls in the right-hand pane.
  10. Select Legacy Network Adapter and click the Add button.
    The Hyper-V Manager displays the Legacy Network Adapter dialog.
  11. Select wancom0 you configured for your Virtual Machine from the drop-down listbox and click the Apply, then the OK buttons. Repeat this step for wancom1 and wancom2 if you are using these interfaces.
    The Hyper-V Manager returns to the initial Settings dialog and adds this adapter to your machine's component list in the left-side pane. Only configure wancom0, wancom1 and wancom2 as Legacy Network Adapters.
  12. Select Network Adapter and click the Add button.
    The Hyper-V Manager displays the Network Adapter dialog.
  13. Select the first adapter after wancom0 that you configured for your Virtual Machine from the drop-down listbox and click the Apply, then the OK buttons.
  14. Repeat the previous step for the rest of your adapters, referring to the order described above.
  15. Re-Open the Settings ... dialog.
  16. For each Network Adapter, click the + sign beneath it to display the Hardware Acceleration Advancedlinks.
  17. For each Network Adapter's, Hardware Acceleration settings, uncheck the Enable virtual machine queue checkbox. Apply and OK these changes.
  18. For each media interface's Network Adapter, Advanced settings, check the Enable MAC address spoofing checkbox. Apply and OK these changes.

    Figure 7-1 VM Settings on Hyper-V

    This screenshot displays a Virtual Machine's setting on Hyper-V with a media network adapter's advanced feature set to enabled MAC address spoofing.

  19. Select Processor from the left-side pane, increase the number of processors for your deployment and click Apply, then OK to close the VM Settings dialog.
  20. Right click your SBC VM and Click connect.
    The Hyper-V Manager displays a VM connection dialog.
  21. Click the Power Button icon to turn on your SBC VM.
  22. Observe the machine boot process via the connection window until the boot finishes.


    If your hypervisor randomly allocates addresses for network interfaces, the interface order at the hypervisor may not match that at the SBC. If necessary, you can use the interface-mapping show command to determine the MAC address-to-interface order and adjust it using the interface-mapping swap command.
  23. Proceed with SBC configuration.