Displaying Files from Boot and Images directory

You can view the list of image files (.bz files) from /boot and /code/images directories using the l (small letter L) option from the boot menu prompt. This allows you to select an alternate image file when the boot file gets corrupted. This option is available only when FIPS mode is disabled. You can view the files in a page view when there are more than 15 files in the directories. When SBC boots over network using ftp/sftp with the selected image file, this option does not update the boot param. This option displays image files from both /boot and /code/images directories irrespective of R226 license.

To use this option from the boot menu:

[Acme Boot]: p
Boot File        : /boot/bzImage
IP Address       :
VLAN             :
Netmask          :
Gateway          :
IPv6 Address     : 3fff:ac4:6001:0:208:25ff:fe05:f470/64
IPv6 Gateway     : 3fff:ac4:6001::ac4:6001
Host IP          :
FTP username     :
FTP password     :
Flags            : 0x00000040
Target Name      : ORACLE
Console Device   : COM1
Console Baudrate : 115200
Other            :

[Acme Boot]: ?
 ?                     - print this list
 @                     - boot (load and go)
 p                     - print boot params
 c                     - change boot params
 o                     - Oracle Rescue Access sub-menu
 v                     - print boot logo with version
 r                     - reboot
 d                     - list diagnostic images
 s                     - show license information
 l                     - show boot images

Boot flags:
   0x02   - enable kernel debug
   0x04   - disable crashdumps and enable minidump
   0x10   - enable debug login
   0x40   - use DHCP for wancom0
   0x80   - use TFTP instead of FTP

[Acme Boot]:  l
1:	/boot/nnSCZ900p2.bz
2:	/boot/nnSCZ900p1.bz
3:	/boot/nnSCZ840p2.bz
4:	/boot/a.bz
5:	/boot/b.bz
6:	/boot/c.bz
7:	/boot/d.bz
8:	/boot/e.bz
9:	/boot/f.bz
10:     /code/images/nnSCZ900p2.bz
11:     /code/images/nnSCZ900p1.bz
12:     /code/images/nnSCZ840p2.bz
13:     /code/images/a.bz
14:     /code/images/b.bz
15:     /code/images/c.bz
Few more entries press c to continue or select from list to boot or any other key to quit listing... :c

[Acme Boot]:[Boot Image]: 3
  • This option is unsupported on OVM platform.