Set the User and Administrative Passwords on the OCSBC

This procedure turns to the SBC and performs the password procedures, which are required before any further SBC operations. For HA deployments, perform these procedures on both SBCs.

  1. Under Azure services, click Virtual machines to locate the newly created SBC.
  2. Connect to the Cloud Shell.
  3. Use the az command to retrieve the vmId.
    az vm show --name <vm-name> --resource-group <resource-group-name>
  4. Note the public IP address.
  5. When the virtual machine has finished initializing, SSH to the public IP address. The username is "user" and the initial SSH password is "acme" + the vmId.
  6. Set the user password by logging in for the first time.
    $ ssh user@<IP address>'s password:
    user password has not been set. Please set password now.
    ** Only alphabetic (upper or lower case), numeric and punctuation
    ** characters are allowed in the password.
    ** Password must be 8 - 64 characters,
    ** and have 3 of the 4 following character classes :
    ** - lower case alpha
    ** - upper case alpha
    ** - numerals
    ** - punctuation
    Enter New Password:
    Confirm New Password:
  7. Set the administrative password by typing enable at the command prompt. The initial enable password is "packet" + the vmId.
    > enable
    admin password has not been set. Please set password now.
    ** Only alphabetic (upper or lower case), numeric and punctuation
    ** characters are allowed in the password.
    ** Password must be 8 - 64 characters,
    ** and have 3 of the 4 following character classes :
    ** - lower case alpha
    ** - upper case alpha
    ** - numerals
    ** - punctuation
    Enter New Password:
    Confirm New Password:
  8. Verify the network interfaces have MAC addresses.

    Use the show interfaces mapping command to verify the network interfaces have MAC addresses.

    # show interfaces mapping
    Interface Mapping Info
    Eth-IF  MAC-Addr                Label
    wancom0 06:DF:71:BA:D8:77       #generic
    wancom1 06:A6:08:58:92:C9       #generic
    s0p0    06:D4:E6:E8:B8:FB       #generic
    s1p0    06:EA:08:51:4D:DF       #generic
    wancom2 FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF       #dummy
    spare   FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF       #dummy
    s0p1    FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF       #dummy
    s1p1    FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF       #dummy
    s0p2    FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF       #dummy
    s1p2    FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF       #dummy
    s0p3    FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF       #dummy
    s1p3    FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF       #dummy

    The interface-mapping branch includes the swap command, which allows you to correct interface to MAC address mappings.

  9. Reboot the virtual machine.
    # reboot

Refer to the Oracle® Communications Session Border Controller Configuration Guide after you have completed this deployment for administrative and service configuration, including product setup, entitlement setup and HA configuration.