Alarm Severities

The system architecture includes five levels of alarm severity. These levels have been designated so that the system can take action that is appropriate to the situation triggering the alarm.

Alarm Severity Description
Emergency Requires immediate attention. If you do not attend to this condition immediately, there will be physical, permanent, and irreparable damage to your system.
Critical System is inoperable, causing a complete loss of service in a production environment. Requires attention as soon as it is noted.
Major Functionality has been seriously compromised. This situation might cause loss of functionality, hanging applications, and dropped packets. If you do not attend to this situation, your system will suffer no physical harm, but it will cease to function.
Minor Functionality has been impaired to a certain degree. As a result, you might experience compromised functionality. You should attend to this type of alarm as soon as possible in order to keep your system operating properly.
Warning Some irregularities in performance. This condition describes situations that are noteworthy, however, you should attend to this condition in order to keep your system operating properly. For example, this type of alarm might indicate the system is running low on bandwidth and you may need to contact your Oracle customer support representative to arrange for an upgrade.