Oracle Communications Operations Monitor (OCOM) Statistics

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller collects statistics on the operations of its communications monitor probe, which provides protocol traffic information to OCOM. The user displays information about the connections to OCOM servers using the show comm-monitor command. The user can set all comm-monitor statistics to zero using the command reset comm-monitor.

This Command shows three types of aggregate statistics for all clients, including:

  • Client State
  • Socket Statistics
  • Other Aggregate Statistics

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller's show comm-monitor command shows the Lifetime statistics. The command runs without or with arguments, including:

  • show comm-monitor—Shows client connection states and aggregate stats
  • show comm-monitor by-client <IP-Addr>—Shows client stats
  • show comm-monitor errors—Shows Errors captured by OCOM
  • show comm-monitor internal—Shows Oracle Communications Session Border Controller traffic-specific counters

Example command output without arguments is presented below:

ORACLE# show comm-monitor
Client                     State         PROTOCOL
=================================================      Out-of-Service	   TCP      Connecting	       TCP      In-Service           TCP
15:06:10-35 (recent)
CommMonitor Socket Statistics                     --- Lifetime ---
                                      Recent      Total     PerMax
Socket Message Dropped                  0          0          0
Socket Send Error                       0          0          0
Socket Not Ready                        0          0          0
Socket Timeouts                         0          0          0
Socket Disconnects                      0          0          0
Socket Reconnects                       0          0          0
Buffer Allocation Error                 0          0          0

CommMonitor Statistics                            --- Lifetime ---
                                      Recent      Total     PerMax
Handshake Msg Sent                      0          0          0
Handshake Msg ACK                       0          0          0
Handshake Msg NAK                       0          0          0
Keep Alive                              0          0          0
SIP UDP Recv Msg Sent                   0          0          0
SIP UDP Send Msg Sent                   0          0          0
SIP TCP Recv Msg Sent                   0          0          0
SIP TCP Send Msg Sent                   0          0          0
SIP SCTP Recv Msg Sent                  0          0          0
SIP SCTP Send Msg Sent                  0          0          0
ENUM Recv Msg Sent                      0          0          0
ENUM Send Msg Sent                      0          0          0