Hardware and Environmental Faults

This section describes the hardware and environmental faults. It includes information about fan speed, voltage, temperature, and power supply for the system.


If you suspect you have a hardware fault, contact Oracle Support for assistance with running the diagnostics image loaded on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.

Hardware Temperature Alarm

The following table describes the hardware temperature alarm.

Alarm Name Alarm ID Alarm Severity Cause(s) Example Log Message Actions Health Score Impact
TEMPERATURE HIGH 65538 Fans are obstructed or stopped. The room is abnormally hot. Temperature: XX.XXC

(where XX.XX is the temperature in degrees)

apSyslogMessageGenerated trap generated



critical, major, minor dry contact


MAJOR: -50

MINOR: -25





Fans are obstructed or stopped. The room is abnormally hot. Temperature: XX.XXC

(where XX.XX is the temperature in degrees)

Temperature X is at Y degrees C over minor/major/critical threshold of Z (Where X is sensor name, Y is temperature and Z is threshold) N/A


If this alarm occurs, the system turns the fan speed up to the fastest possible speed.

Fan Speed Alarm

The following table describes the fan speed alarm.

Alarm Name Alarm ID Alarm Severity Cause(s) Example Log Message Actions Health Score Impact
FAN STOPPED 65537 CRITICAL: any fan speed is <50%. Or speed of two or more fans is >50% and <75%.

MAJOR: speed of two or more fans is > 75% and < 90%. Or speed of one fan is >50% and <75% and the other two fans are at normal speed.

MINOR: speed of one fan> 75% and <90%, the other two fans are at normal speed

Fan speed failure. Fan speed: XXXX XXXX XXXX

where xxxx xxxx xxxx is the Revolutions per Minute (RPM) of each fan on the fan module

apSyslogMessageGenerated trap generated



critical, major, minor dry contact


MAJOR: -50

MINOR: -25


If this alarm occurs, the system turns the fan speed up to the fastest possible speed.

If the fan speed drops directly from functional RPM to 0 RPM, the SBC will generate a MINOR alarm and will decrement the health score by 25.

If the fan speed drops gradually to 0 RPM with intermediate RPM's involved, that is from a functional RPM to some lower RPM and then to 0 RPM, the SBC will generate a CRITICAL alarm and will decrement the health score by 100.

Environmental Sensor Alarm

The following table describes the environmental sensor alarm.

Alarm Name Alarm ID Alarm Severity Cause(s) Example Log Message Actions Health Score Impact
ENVIRONMENTAL SENSOR FAILURE 65539 CRITICAL The environmental sensor component cannot detect fan speed and temperature. Hardware monitor failure! Unable to monitor fan speed and temperature! apSyslogMessageGenerated trap generated

critical, major, minor dry contact


power cycle the standby Oracle Communications Session Border Controller peer using the power supply on/off switches located on the rear panel of the chassis

force a manual switchover by executing the ACLI notify berpd force command

power cycle the active Oracle Communications Session Border Controller peer


Media Link Alarms

Media link alarms include the following:

  • Major

    If the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s media link goes from being up to being down, it is considered a major alarm. This alarms applies to both slots 1 and 2 on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. A message appears on the front panel of the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s chassis, similar to the following:

    Gig Port 1 DOWN
  • Minor

    If the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s media link goes from being down to being up, it is considered a minor alarm. This alarm applies to both slots 1 and 2 on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.

Power Supply Alarms

The following table describes the power supply alarms

Alarm Alarm ID Alarm Severity Cause(s) Log Message Actions


Power supply A has failed. Back Power Supply A has failed! apSyslogMessageGenerated trap generated

minor dry contact


PLD POWER A UP 65541 MINOR Power supply A is now present and functioning. Back Power Supply A is present! apSyslogMessageGenerated trap generated

minor dry contact




Power supply B has failed. Back Power Supply B has failed! apSyslogMessageGenerated trap generated

minor dry contact


PLD POWER B UP 65543 MINOR Power supply B is now present and functioning. Back Power Supply B is present! apSyslogMessageGenerated trap generated

minor dry contact



If the system boots up with one power supply, the health score will be 100, and no alarm will be generated. If another power supply is then added to that same system, this same alarm will be generated, but the health score will not be decremented.

Voltage Alarms

The following table describes the voltage alarms, which are only available for Oracle Communications Session Border Controller 2:

Alarm Alarm ID Alarm Severity Cause(s) Log Message Actions


N/A Voltage 2.5V CPU has minor alarm

Voltage 2.5V CPU has emergency alarm, the system should shutdown

apSyslogMessageGenerated trap generated

dry contact




N/A Voltage 3.3V has minor alarm

Voltage 3.3V has emergency alarm, the system should shutdown

apSyslogMessageGenerated trap generated

dry contact




N/A Voltage 5V has minor alarm

Voltage 5V has emergency alarm, the system should shutdown

apSyslogMessageGenerated trap generated

dry contact




N/A Voltage CPU has minor alarm

Voltage CPU has emergency alarm, the system should shutdown

apSyslogMessageGenerated trap generated

dry contact


Physical Interface Card Alarms

The following table describes the physical interface card alarms.

Alarm Alarm ID Alarm Severity Cause(s) Log Message Actions
PHY0 Removed 65550 MAJOR Physical interface card 0 was removed. PHY card 0 has been removed. N/A
PHY0 Inserted 65552 MAJOR Physical interface card 0 was inserted. None N/A
PHY1 Removed 65553 MAJOR Physical interface card 1 was removed. PHY card 1 has been removed. N/A
PHY1 Inserted 65554 MAJOR Physical interface card 1 was inserted. None N/A

Transcoding Alarms

The transcoding feature employs several hardware and software alarms to alert the user when the system is not functioning properly or overload conditions are reached.

Name/ID Severity/ Health Degredation Cause(s) Traps Generated
No DSPs Present with Transcoding Feature Card (DSP_NONE_PRESENT) Minor/0 A transcoding feature card is installed but no DSP modules are discovered. apSysMgmtHardwareErrorTrap
DSP Boot Failure (DSP_BOOT_FAILURE) Critical/0 A DSP device fails to boot properly at system initialization. This alarm is not health affecting for a single DSP boot failure. DSPs that fail to boot will remain uninitialized and will be avoided for transcoding. apSysMgmtHardwareErrorTrap
DSP Communications Timeout (DSP_COMMS_TIMEOUT) Critical/100 A DSP fails to respond after 2 seconds with 3 retry messages. This alarm is critical and is health affecting. apSysMgmtHardwareErrorTrap
DSP Alerts (DSP_CORE_HALT) Critical/100 A problem with the health of the DSP such as a halted DSP core. The software will attempt to reset the DSP and gather diagnostic information about the crash. This information will be saved in the /code directory to be retrieved by the user. apSysMgmtHardwareErrorTrap
DSP Temperature(DSP_TEMPERATURE_HIGH) Clear 85°C

Warning 86°C / 5

Minor 90°C / 25

Major 95°C/ 50

Critical 100°C/ 100

A DSP device exceeds the temperature threshold. If the temperature exceeds 90°C, a minor alarm will be set. If it exceeds 95°C, a major alarm will be set. If it exceeds 100°C, a critical alarm will be set. The alarm is cleared if the temperature falls below 85°C. The alarm is health affecting. apSysMgmtHardwareErrorTrap
Transcoding Capacity Threshold Alarm (XCODE_UTIL_OVER_THRESHOLD) / 131329 Clear 80%

Warning 95%

A warning alarm will be raised when the transcoding capacity exceeds a high threshold of 95%. The alarm will be cleared after the capacity falls below a low threshold of 80%. This alarm warns the user that transcoding resources are nearly depleted. This alarm is not health affecting. apSysMgmtGroupTrap
Licensed AMR Transcoding Capacity Threshold Alarm/131330 Clear 80%

Warning 95%

A warning alarm is triggered if the AMR transcoding capacity exceeds a high threshold of 95% of licensed session in use. The alarm clears after the capacity falls below a low threshold of 80%. This alarm is not health affecting. apSysMgmtGroupTrap
Licensed AMR-WB Transcoding Capacity Threshold Alarm/131331 Clear 80%

Warning 95%

A warning alarm is triggered if the AMR-WB transcoding capacity exceeds a high threshold of 95% of licensed session in use. The alarm clears after the capacity falls below a low threshold of 80%. This alarm is not health affecting. apSysMgmtGroupTrap
Licensed EVRC Transcoding Capacity Threshold Alarm/131332 Clear 80%

Warning 95%

A warning alarm is triggered if the EVRC transcoding capacity exceeds a high threshold of 95% of licensed session in use. The alarm clears after the capacity falls below a low threshold of 80%. This alarm is not health affecting. apSysMgmtGroupTrap
Licensed EVRCB Transcoding Capacity Threshold Alarm/131333 Clear 80%

Warning 95%

A warning alarm is triggered if the EVRCB transcoding capacity exceeds a high threshold of 95% of licensed session in use. The alarm clears after the capacity falls below a low threshold of 80%. This alarm is not health affecting. apSysMgmtGroupTrap
Licensed Opus Transcoding Capacity Threshold Alarm/131159 Clear 80%

Warning 95%

A warning alarm is triggered if the Opus transcoding capacity exceeds a high threshold of 95% of licensed session in use. The alarm clears after the capacity falls below a low threshold of 80%. This alarm is not health affecting. apSysMgmtGroupTrap
Licensed SILK Transcoding Capacity Threshold Alarm/131159 Clear 80%

Warning 95%

A warning alarm is triggered if the SILK transcoding capacity exceeds a high threshold of 95% of licensed session in use. The alarm clears after the capacity falls below a low threshold of 80%. This alarm is not health affecting. apSysMgmtGroupTrap

Viewing PROM Information

Display PROM statistics for the following Oracle Communications Session Border Controller components by using the show prom-info command.

For example:

ORACLE# show prom-info mainboard
Contents of Main Board IDPROM
        Assy, NetNet4600
        Part Number:                   002-0610-50
        Serial Number:                 091132009670
        FunctionalRev:                 5.06
        BoardRev:                      05.00
        PCB Family Type:               Main Board
        ID:                            NetNet 4600 Main Board
        Options:                       0
        Manufacturer:                  Benchmark Electronics
        Week/Year:                     32/2017
        Sequence Number:               009670
        Number of MAC Addresses:       16
        Starting MAC Address:          00 08 25 a2 56 20

The following example shows the host CPU PROM contents.

ORACLE# show prom-info cpu
Contents of CPU IDPROM
        Part Number:                   MOD-0026-62
        Manufacturer:                  RadiSys

Graphic Window Display

The Environment display lets you scroll through information about the operational status of the hardware displayed in the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller chassis’s graphic window. For example, you can view hardware- and link-related alarm information, highest monitored temperature reading, and fan speed.

The graphic display window presents the following Environment information in the order listed:

Alarm state
fan speed
  • alarm state: HW ALARM: X (where X is the number of hardware alarms, excluding ENVIRONMENTAL SENSOR FAILURE) and LINK ALARM: X (where X is the number of link down alarms)
  • temperature: format is XX.XX C, where XX.XX is the temperature in degrees
  • fan speed: XXXX, where XXXX is the RPM of the failing fan on the fan module

For example:


From this display, pressing Enter for the Return selection refreshes the information and returns you to the main Environment menu heading.


Environmental sensor failure alarms are not displayed in the graphic display window on the front panel.

Fan Stopped Alarm

The fan stopped alarm presents the following in the graphic display window:

X HW ALARM(S) (where X indicates the number of HW alarms that exist on the system)

Temperature High Alarm

The temperature high alarm presents the following in the graphic display window:

X HW ALARM(S) (where X indicates the number of HW alarms that exist on the system)