Session Agent and Session Agent Group Faults

This section explains how to view fault information about SIP and H.323 session agents and session agent groups.

SIP Agent Statistics

You can use the following commands to view SIP agent statistics:

  • show sipd agents
  • show sipd agents <agent ID>

Viewing SIP Session Agent Statistics

Display SIP session agent information by using the show sipd agents command. With this command, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller ascertains whether a session agent is in service. When the session agent stops responding to SIP requests, it transitions to the out-of-service state. You can configure the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to periodically ping the session agent if it has gone out-of-service, or if no requests have been sent to it.

The show sipd agents command shows information about the number of active sessions, the average rate of session invitations, and the number of times that the constraints established in the session-agent element have been exceeded for sessions inbound to and outbound from each session agent, as well as the average and maximum latency and the maximum burst rate related to each session agent.

For example:

ORACLE# show sipd agents
                ---- Inbound ---- --- Outbound ---  -Latency- --- Max ---
Session Agent   Active Rate ConEx Active Rate ConEx Avg   Max Burst In Out      0  0.0     0      0  0.0     0 0.0   0.0     0  0   0

Inbound statistics:

  • Active: number of active sessions sent from each session agent listed
  • Rate: average rate of session invitations (per second) sent to each session agent listed
  • ConEx: number of times the constraints have been exceeded

Outbound statistics:

  • Active: number of active sessions sent to each session agent
  • Rate: average rate of session invitations (per second) sent from each session agent listed
  • ConEx: number of times the constraints have been exceeded

Latency statistics:

  • Avg: average latency for packets traveling to and from each session agent listed
  • Max: maximum latency for packets traveling to and from each session agent listed
  • Max Burst: total number of session invitations sent to or received from the session agent within the amount of time configured for the burst rate window of the session agent

The second column, which is not labeled, of the show sipd agents output shows the service state of each session agent identified in the first column. In the service state column, an I indicates that the particular session agent is in service and an O indicates that the particular session agent is out of service. An S indicates that the session agent is transitioning from the out-of-service state to the in-service state; it remains in this transitional state for a period of time that is equal to its configured in-service period, or 100 milliseconds (whichever is greater). A D indicates that the session agent is disabled.

Resetting Session Agent Statistics

Reset a specific session agent’s statistics by using the reset session-agent <hostname> command.

For example:

ORACLE# reset session-agent agent2
Reset SA failover timer

Viewing SIP Session Agent Activity

Display a specific session agent’s activity by using the show sipd <agent ID> command.

For example:

acmepacket# show sipd agent
Session Agent [In Service]
                             -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                   Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Inbound Sessions        0       0       0     234666      92     168
  Rate Exceeded         -       -       0          0       0       -
  Num Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
  Reg Rate Exceeded     -       -       0          0       0       -
Outbound Sessions       0       0       0     239762     126     200
  Rate Exceeded         -       -       0          0       0       -
  Num Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
  Reg Rate Exceeded     -       -       0          0       0       -
Out of Service          -       -       0          0       0       -
Trans Timeout       40928   40928     400      40928     800   40928
Requests Sent           -       -     400     519695     780       -
Requests Complete       -       -       0     478367     574       -
Seizure                 -       -       0     239762     126       -
Answer                  -       -       0     234661      93       -
  ASR Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
Messages Received       -       -       0    1431343    1415       -
Latency=0.000; max=0.000

Inbound sessions:

  • Rate Exceeded: number of times session or burst rate was exceeded for inbound sessions
  • Num Exceeded: number of times time constraints were exceeded for inbound sessions

Outbound sessions:

  • Rate Exceeded: number of times session or burst rate was exceeded for outbound sessions
  • Num Exceeded: number of times time constraints were exceeded for inbound sessions
  • Burst: number of times burst rate was exceeded for this session agent
  • Out of Service: number of times this session agent went out of service
  • Trans Timeout: number of transactions timed out for this session agent
  • Requests Sent: number of requests sent via this session agent
  • Requests Complete: number of requests that have been completed for this session agent
  • Messages Received: number of messages received by this session agent

SIP Session Agent Group Statistics

You can use the following commands to display SIP agent group statistics:

  • show sipd groups
  • show sipd groups -v
  • show sipd groups <group name>

Viewing Session Agent Group Statistics

Display session information for the session agent groups on the system by using the show sipd groups command. This information is compiled by totaling the session agent statistics for all of the session agents that make up a particular session agent group.

The Active column of the session agent group statistics output displays the first character of the session agent group state. The session agent group statistics can be in one of the following states.

  • D—Disabled
  • O—Out Of Service
  • S—Standby
  • I—In Service
  • C—Constraints Exceeded
  • N—This status code is Obsolete
  • O—OOS Provisioned Response
  • R—Reduction In Call Load. The group's sampled R-factor value (VoIP quality) is less than the configured qos-constraints, major-rfactor value. The group remains in this state until the SA's time-to-resume value expires.

While the show sipd groups command accesses the subcommands that are described in this section, the main show sipd groups command (when executed with no arguments) displays a list of all session agent groups for the system.

For example:

ORACLE# show sipd groups
           ----- Inbound -----  ----- Outbound ------   - Latency -
SAG        Active  Rate  ConEx  Active  Rate    ConEx   Avg     Max
recursion       0   0.0      0       1   0.1  0 0.005   0.005     2

If you carry out this command, but you do not specify the name of an existing session agent group, the system will inform you that the group statistics are not available.

Viewing List of SIP Session Agents in a Group

List the session agents that make up the session agent group, along with statistics for each by using the show sipd groups -v command. The -v (verbose) option must be included with this command to provide this level of detail.

For example:

ORACLE# show sipd groups -v
SAG:              recursion
                 ----- Inbound -----  ----- Outbound ------  -- Latency --
Session Agent    Active  Rate  ConEx  Active  Rate  ConEx    Avg      Max        0   0.0      0       0   0.0  0 0.005  0.005      1
SAG:              recursion        0   0.0      0       1   0.0  0 0.000  0.000      1
recursion             0   0.0      0       1   0.8  0 0.005  0.005      2

Viewing Statistics for a SIP Session Agent

Display statistics for a specific session agent group by using the show sipd groups <group name> command.

For example:

ORACLE# show sipd groups recursion
           ----- Inbound -----  ----- Outbound ------ -- Latency --
SAG        Active  Rate  ConEx  Active  Rate    ConEx Avg       Max
recursion       0   0.0      0       0   0.0  0 0.005 0.005       2

Session Agent and Session Router Constraint Statistics

Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s support for session constraints is applicable not only to the system when configured for dialog-stateful or for session-stateful mode, but also when it operates in proxy (transaction or stateless) mode.

Notes on Statistics

When it runs in transaction mode, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller counts INVITE transactions for calculating session agent statistics that are used to apply session agent constraints. The following describes how the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller performs its count:

  • For calculating the max-burst-rate and the max-inbound-burst-rate, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller counts the server transaction created when it receives an INVITE request.
  • For calculating the max-outbound-burst-rate, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller counts the client transaction when it sends an INVITE request to a session agent.
  • The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller counts each INVITE transaction, except for in-dialog re-INVITE transactions. It detects in-dialog re-INVITE requests by checking the To tag.
  • The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller does not count retransmitted INVITE requests, which it can detect.

Example 1 Statistics from Transaction Mode

This section shows sample output from the ACLI show sipd agents command. The sections that do not apply to transaction mode appear in italics.

ORACLE# show sipd agents acme5
Session Agent acme5(private) [In Service]
                             -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                   Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Inbound Sessions       22      22      22         22      22      22
  Rate Exceeded         -       -       0          0       0       -
  Num Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
  Burst Rate            0      19       0          0       0      19
  Reg Rate Exceeded     -       -       0          0       0       -
Outbound Sessions       0       0       0          0       0       0
  Rate Exceeded         -       -       0          0       0       -
  Num Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
  Burst Rate            0       0       0          0       0       0
  Reg Rate Exceeded     -       -       0          0       0       -
Out of Service          -       -       0          0       0       -
Trans Timeout           0       0       0          0       0       0
Requests Sent           -       -       0          0       0       -
Requests Complete       -       -       0          0       0       -
Seizure                 -       -       0          0       0       -
Answer                  -       -       0          0       0       -
  ASR Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
Messages Received       -       -      65         65      65       -
Latency=0.000; max=0.000

Example 1 Statistics from Stateless Mode

This section shows sample output from the ACLI show sipd agents command. The sections that do not apply to stateless mode appear in italics.

acmesystem# show sipd agents uni
Session Agent uni(public) [In Service]
                             -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                   Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Inbound Sessions        0       0       0          0       0       0
  Rate Exceeded         -       -       0          0       0       -
  Num Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
  Burst Rate            0       0       0          0       0       0
  Reg Rate Exceeded     -       -       0          0       0       -
Outbound Sessions       0       1      11         11      11       1
  Rate Exceeded         -       -       0          0       0       -
  Num Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
  Burst Rate            0      11       0          0       0      11
  Reg Rate Exceeded     -       -       0          0       0       -
Out of Service          -       -       0          0       0       -
Trans Timeout           0       0       0          0       0       0
Requests Sent           -       -       0          0       0       -
Requests Complete       -       -       0          0       0       -
Seizure                 -       -       0          0       0       -
Answer                  -       -       0          0       0       -
  ASR Exceeded          -       -       0          0       0       -
Messages Received       -       -      30         30      30       -
Latency=0.000; max=0.000

Out of Service Alarm for Session Agents

You can configure the SBC to trigger an alarm when a session-agent goes out of service. This alarm is always categorized as a MAJOR alarm and is disabled by default. This feature does not apply to dynamic session agents.

The SBC issues this alarm when the session agent changes state from in-service to out-of-service (OOS). To have the SBC generate this alarm, you enable the feature and configure two related parameters within individual session-agent elements. Per-agent configuration provides flexibility, while the ping parameters maintain access to the agent.

  • trigger-oos-alarm—Enable to generate the alarm for this session agent
  • ping-interval—Set the parameter to any preferred non-zero value
  • ping-method—Set the parameter to OPTIONS


The SBC issues a session agent OOS trap using apSysMgmtSAStatusChangeTrap (OID, which is triggered by the same ping configurations this alarm uses. This trap is independent of your trigger-oos-alarm configuration.

When triggered, the alarm appears as follows:

ID        Task  Severity First Occurred        Last Occurred
327747    117   4        2022-02-22 05:36:17   2022-02-22 05:42:17
Count Description
3     One or more Session Agent's state changed from In-Service to OOS | SA
Hostname: SA172_1, IP:

You can find this alarm in the log.brokerd and acmelog files. If you have configured the session-agent as an FQDN, the system displays that FQDN instead of an IP address. You can manually clear this alarm with the clear-alarm command. This system does not clear this alarm itself.

Notice that the alarm includes a First and Last occurrence timestamp, as well as a count. When the system generates multiple session-agent OOS alarms, which have the same alarm ID, it manages the alarm as follows:

  1. If you cleared the previous alarm manually, the system completely removes the alarm, including all fields, and generates brand new alarms if the issue occurs again.
  2. If you do not clear the previous alarm manually, the system labels any ensuing alarms with an incremented count, updated timestamp and text that provides additional detail about the latest SA that went OOS.