System Task Management

It is useful to directly control the tasks and processes that are running on your system. For example, you might need to terminate a hung task.

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller also offers several debugging features such as: viewing stack traces and task control blocks, and configuring task-specific logs.

Setting Task Log Levels

Logging tasks is essential for debugging problem configurations on your Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (SBC).

The log setting changes you can make by way of the log-level commands on the ACLI do not persist after a system reboot. Upon reboot, you must change the log settings in the system-config element for them to persist. See the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller ACLI Reference Guide for the default log levels associated with each configuration element.

You can set log levels globally for all tasks or on a task-by-task basis.

To set log levels globally:

  • In the ACLI, at the Superuser prompt, enter the log-level all command, followed by the logging severity level you want the system to use for all processes. Refer to the following table for an explanation of logging levels, which you can enter in either numerical or English format.
    ORACLE# log-level all 4

    To set log levels for a specified task:

  • In the ACLI, at the superuser prompt, enter the log-level command followed by a specific task name and then the logging severity level you want for the process. Refer to the following table for an explanation of logging levels. You can enter log levels in either numerical or English format.
    ORACLE# log-level mbcd minor

The following table defines the syslog levels by severity and number log enumeration. For more information regarding the syslog severities, refer to IETF RFC 3164, “The BSD syslog Protocol.“

syslog Level (numerical code) syslog Severity Level (number) From RFC 3164 Code Description
Emergency (1) Emergency (0) The EMERGENCY syslog level signifies the utmost severity. These situations require immediate attention. If you do not attend to these types of conditions immediately, there will be physical, permanent, and irreparable damage to your system.
Critical (2) Alert (1) The CRITICAL syslog level signifies a serious condition within the system. These situations require attention as soon as they are noted. If you do not attend to these conditions immediately, there may be physical, permanent, and irreparable damage to your system.
Major (3) Critical (2) The MAJOR syslog level signifies that functionality has been seriously compromised. As a result, these situations may cause loss of functionality, hanging applications, and dropped packets. If you do not attend to these situations, your system will suffer no physical harm, but it will cease to function.
Minor (4) Error (3) The MINOR syslog level signifies that functionality has been impaired to a certain degree. As a result, you may experience compromised functionality. There will be no physical harm to your system. However, you should attend to these types of conditions as soon as possible in order to keep your system operating properly.
Warning (5) Warning (4) The WARNING syslog level signifies those conditions that signal that the system has noted some irregularities in performance. This condition is used to describe situations that are noteworthy. However, you should attend to these conditions in order to keep your system operating properly.
Notice (6) Notice (5) These log levels are used for Oracle support purposes.
Info (7) Informational (6) These log levels are used for Oracle support purposes.
Trace (8)
Debug (9) Debug (7) These log levels are used for Oracle support purposes.

Stopping a Task

The stop-task command shuts down a specified task. You can obtain the identification number of the task you wish to end by using the tcb command. Follow the procedure below to stop a task.

To stop a task:

  1. In the ACLI at the superuser prompt, enter the stop-task command followed by the name or ID of the task you wish to terminate.
    ORACLE# stop-task tRadd

Notifying Tasks

The notify command sends a notification to a specific task. Notify commands have different applications and are used as a general method of telling tasks to perform a given action. Several notify applications are presented below. The generalized syntax for using the notify command is:

notify <task_name> <action> [<arguments>...]

Tracing Sockets

The notify command is used for runtime protocol tracing for UDP/TCP sockets. This use of the command provides for all protocol messages for ServiceSocket sockets to be written in a log file or sent out of the system to a UDP port. This mechanism allows for tracing to be enabled for any socket, provided that the class has a logical method for displaying and formatting the protocol message. All ACP classes and SIP supports this. Tracing can be enabled for all processes, specific sockets, all sockets, or specific processes. Tracing for specific sockets is specified by the local IPv4 address and port on which the socket is connected.

notify all|<process-name> trace all|<socket-address><file-name> [<outudp-port>]
notify all|<process-name> notrace all|<socket-address>

The <socket-address> is the IPv4 or IPv6 address and the port on which the socket is connected. The <out-udp-port> is the UDP IPv4 or IPv6 address and port to which the log messages are sent. If the <out-udp-port> is not specified, the logs are written to the <filename>.

Notify Subcommands

The tables below list and define the subcommands and additional capabilities that are included in the notify command.

notify Subcommand Description
notify berpd force This command is used to perform a manual switchover between systems in HA architectures, regardless of the system on which the command is executed (active or standby). This command forces the active system into the Standby state and forces the standby system into the Active state.

This table lists and defines the MBCD notify subcommands.

notify Subcommand Description
notify mbcd nolog This command disables MIBOCO logging.
notify mbcd log This command enables MIBOCO logging in the miboco.log.
notify mbcd debug This command sets the log level for MBCD for debugging purposes. Unless a specific log type is specified, this command will use its defaults: FLOW and MEDIA.
notify mbcd nodebug This command disables setting the log level for MBCD. This command is used for debugging purposes.

The following table lists and defines the RADD notify subcommands.

notify Subcommand Description
notify radd reload This command changes the configurations for RADIUS dynamically by reloading the configuration data in the account-config.

The following table lists and defines the SIPD notify subcommands.

notify Subcommand Description
notify sipd reload This command allows you to reload SIPd and thereby update its running state with the latest configuration changes. This command cannot tear down any in-progress sessions, and it cannot tear down any listening sockets.

For example, if the previously configured SIP port is 5060 and you edit the configuration and change the port to 5061, both 5060 and 5061 will be listening ports. This command only adds the new listening port to the SIP functionality and does not overwrite the previous one. Calls in progress remain up.

notify sipd nosiplog This command disables logging SIP and MIBOCO messages, including SIP messages as seen from the system SIP proxy’s perspective (i.e., all messages are seen coming from and going to home realm addresses) and MIBOCO messages exchanged with the MBCD to manage flows.
notify sipd siplog This command enables the logging of SIP and MIBOCO messages in the sipmsg.log.
notify sipd report This command writes all SIP process statistics to the log file.
notify sipd dump limit This command writes CPU limit information to the log file.
notify sipd debug This command sets the log level for the SIP protocol for some SIP activity. This command is used for debugging purposes. Unless a specific log type is specified, this command uses its defaults: SIP, SESSION, TRANS, SIPNAT, and MEDIA.
notify sipd nodebug This command disables setting the log level for the SIP protocol for some SIP activity. This command is used for debugging purposes.

Viewing Power Supply and RAMdrive Status

The show power command allows you to view Oracle Communications Session Border Controller power supply information including the state of the power supply and the installation position.

ORACLE# show power
Power Supply A (right): Present \ On
Power Supply B (left): Present \ Off or Fail

Displays RAMdrive usage, including the log cleaner threshold values and the size of the most recently saved configuration.

ORACLE# show ramdrv
---------------  ---------  -------------  ---------  -------
/opt Directory      #Files          Bytes     Blocks  Percent
---------------  ---------  -------------  ---------  -------
collect                 35           1400         35        0
H323CfgFile              1            394          1        0
spl                      0              0          0        0
logs                    64       46646727      11430        8
crash                    0              0          0        0
./                       2           2036          2        0
---------------  ---------  -------------  ---------  -------
Total                  108       46652937      11474        8
Free                            490078208          -       91